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Admins Shutting Servers Down When They Get Killed

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There is nothing excellent about ad hominem logical fallacy. There's a reason we aren't in the dark ages anymore. 



However people have made suggestions on how you can avoid such things. You're not the only one to complain about and has been reported.

I don't understand what you are saying.


if we really want to implement a scientific method

Again dude, I really don't want to implement any sort of scientific method. Straight from the developer's mouth admins have the power to shut down a server, which most of the time initiates a hive rollback.


Yes it is stated to be a known problem but it does not work 100% of the time. 

It is not stated to be a known "problem." Developers do not see this as a problem. They gave admins the power to shut servers down, and initiate a hive rollback to undo damage caused by hackers. Using it for any other reason is admin abuse. 


Even if the server is shut down right after the death you would be moving on to a different server anyway. So all that loot you thought you were getting you can get from a different server.

Sure, I could move on and forget about it. I have long ago. But it doesn't change the fact that admins are abusing their power to bring themselves back to life. It is against the rules for admins to do this


Thank you for being civil. 


Note: Copying your response directly from the quote messed up the colors. I'm just leaving it as is. 


One way I could see to combat this is to still allow the admins to shut the server down but not bring it back up until some sort of investigation is done. However I do not know if there would be anyway to check previous events that happened in the game. If they can confirm something happened from a hacker then allow the hive to be rolled back. 


Sadly I know that after typing this out and thinking about the resources would not be available for something like to go into effect. Its one of those things that is hard to combat when the community has control of servers. Now if it was BI hosting servers I could see something along those lines working.

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As soon as one admits to server hopping on his forum, anything he would have to say about anything, right, or wrong, is discredited. That's ad hominem logical fallacy, and I've gotten pretty tired of it. It happens every time. Ad hominem fallacy is rampant on these boards. I'm only anticipating peoples discrediting bullshit posts. 


As for the purpose of this thread, I am not proposing a solution, but that doesn't mean I don't think the problem should be addressed. Why do you assume just because I don't have a suggestion to offer about how to fix it, that I don't think the problem should be fixed? Even if I had a suggestion it would just be discredited because I am a server hopper.



To be honest, most of the threads I have seen where people admit to server hopping usually they are complaining about something thats actually is relevant to server hopping like the log out timer etc which is why they get so much flak from other posters.


I do admit that you being a server hopper is completely irrelevant to your topic and  shouldnt be considered when responding to you.


Saying that, I think the guy who suggested a 5 minute warning timer when shutting down the servers would definately be the best bet and solve the issue nicely.

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I didn't bother to read every single post in this drivel of thread.


As a server admin, I have a question....


How do you know that it is the server admin you killed?  Or, are you making yet another unfounded assumption.  I wish I had a way of knowing who I was encountering in the server. It would solve sooo many problems...for everyone.  Sorry, but your whole story just reeks of troll. There's just a little too much 'coincidence" happening.


Tips from a long time server admin, do your due diligence. Write down the name of the server. Report it. And NEVER play there again. No one likes to pay close to $90 a month for a server that no-one plays on.


 I can't WAIT for private hives......

Edited by FloydP

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The only thing I don't understand is that even if you know the name of the person you encountered you still would not know whether or not they were and admin for said server unless the names are similar. I know my screen name is no where close to my server name.

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I didn't bother to read every single post in this drivel of thread.

As a server admin, I have a question....

How do you know that it is the server admin you killed? Or, are you making yet another unfounded assumption. I wish I had a way of knowing who I was encountering in the server. It would solve sooo many problems...for everyone. Sorry, but your whole story just reeks of troll. There's just a little too much 'coincidence" happening.

Tips from a long time server admin, do your due diligence. Write down the name of the server. Report it. And NEVER play there again. No one likes to pay close to $90 a month for a server that no-one plays on.

I can't WAIT for private hives......

I also have a question. What other "unfounded assumptions" have I made? I say right in my original post that the resets could be coincidental. There is no way to be absolutely certain you killed an admin. But if a server resets after you kill the only other person in the server, and it isnt time for the scheduled server cycle reset, it is likely that it was the admin shutting down the server. If you just humiliated a group of geared players, and the server resets out of cycle, it is likely that the admin was in that group and he shut down the server. It is also a well known fact that admins are capable of doing this and that there are admins who do. The only one making unfounded assumptions is you about me, and I dont appreciate it one bit. Read what you are responding to before you submit your post. Otherwise run the risk of making a fool of yourself. Not like it matters. You'll be among the majority around here. Your post exemplifies the typical Day Z general forum attitude. "I don't agree with this person for reasons I don't completely understand, and I haven't taken the time to fully consider what he's saying, but I'm going to lash out at him, because that's what I default to." I've done nothing to provoke your disdainful comment, although it doesn't surprise me in the least. 

Edited by Solopopo

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Some servers have hourly resets, 2hr resets, 4 hour resets. It could be purely coincidental. Could also be admin abuse. Could also be the host having problems.

My server resets at some the oddest times. I've had it reset on the desired time then reset 40mins later.

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Every time this comes up in a thread it completely distracts from the topic at hand, as if it is relevant in any way. As if what I do personally has anything to do with the fact of admin abuse. It is because of my server hopping that I was able to see for myself this abuse. I've made threads against server hopping, and now I've made a thread against admin abuse. There is a timer now. Server hopping is no longer exploiting. Exploiting would be somehow shortening the timer. Everyone can server hop. The playing field is even. Only an admin can resurrect his dead body. You can't report server hopping. It is not a punishable offense; admin abuse is. Even Rocket server hops; watch him stream sometime. Smart people don't force inconvenience on themselves. Why should anyone personally care about server hopping. Benefit from it or don't, it's your choice. It's not going to stop other people from doing it, so it's just silly not to. Really silly. Like, retarded silly.   


 This guy.

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I also have a question. What other "unfounded assumptions" have I made? I say right in my original post that the resets could be coincidental. There is no way to be absolutely certain you killed an admin. But if a server resets after you kill the only other person in the server, and it isnt time for the scheduled server cycle reset, it is likely that it was the admin shutting down the server. If you just humiliated a group of geared players, and the server resets out of cycle, it is likely that the admin was in that group and he shut down the server. It is also a well known fact that admins are capable of doing this and that there are admins who do. The only one making unfounded assumptions is you about me, and I dont appreciate it one bit. Read what you are responding to before you submit your post. Otherwise run the risk of making a fool of yourself. Not like it matters. You'll be among the majority around here. Your post exemplifies the typical Day Z general forum attitude. "I don't agree with this person for reasons I don't completely understand, and I haven't taken the time to fully consider what he's saying, but I'm going to lash out at him, because that's what I default to." I've done nothing to provoke your disdainful comment, although it doesn't surprise me in the least. 

I'll answer you with you and then bow out. I don't know where the disdain in my comment was perceived. Anyway. Have a nice life.



Edit, edit edit: This happens to me frequently, because I am always going after the biggest fish. I'm always searching for the biggest, baddest, group and trying to kill them. I like to prevail through disadvantage. It's how I prefer to play. Sometimes I'm successful, sometimes I'm not,(1) but I've taken out the admin enough times to experience server resets frequently. (2) The admin is usually accompanying the biggest group in a server. (3)Players would be surprised how often admins are rolling back their deaths, even on high populated servers, especially if their death was embarrassing, i.e., him and his geared group just got axe murdered. It goes right under many player's noses, because it only negatively impacts the person that actually killed the admin; everyone else just gets a free roll back. 

Three assumptions state as fact right there. 

Edited by FloydP

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Some servers have hourly resets, 2hr resets, 4 hour resets. It could be purely coincidental. Could also be admin abuse. Could also be the host having problems.

My server resets at some the oddest times. I've had it reset on the desired time then reset 40mins later.

Now that BEC is implemented by some hosts you can set any time (hour+min) for a restart -SNIP-

Now I can have the server start point at 'odd' times I don't see the same traffic pattern.

Edited to prevent giving up my anti-hopper strategy ;)

Edited by Bubbled Luff

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Bubble who do you host through? I have yet to see the option for that with gameservers.

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Only naive fools would not believe a player has ran into the only other player on several occasions.. its happen to me between 10+ times in my whole dayz career 

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Bubble who do you host through? I have yet to see the option for that with gameservers.


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Only naive fools would not believe a player has ran into the only other player on several occasions.. its happen to me between 10+ times in my whole dayz career 

Thank you. Someone gets it.

Edited by Solopopo
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I ran into something this week that makes me wonder how much Power do server admins have.

A group of friends and I have won some good fire fights this weekend..
I've managed to brag of my victory over the corpse of my enemy over voice chat.  My friends said nothing.

When we left the server 3 times i've gotten reset.  My friends did not.

I wonder if by landing the killing blow or talking in Voice Chat gave the Server Admin a target & somehow sent a command to the hive to have me wiped out.

I've reported the issue to the Bugs website.. although i really don't have much proof.. As it only happened 3 out of like 9 times this weekend.  Then again i don't normally get super hyped up like I did in those 3 particular fights.

I've also managed to run into the only 1-2 people on the entire server of a low pop server.  Elektro is a sad sad place..

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I ran into something this week that makes me wonder how much Power do server admins have.

A group of friends and I have won some good fire fights this weekend..

I've managed to brag of my victory over the corpse of my enemy over voice chat.  My friends said nothing.

When we left the server 3 times i've gotten reset.  My friends did not.

I wonder if by landing the killing blow or talking in Voice Chat gave the Server Admin a target & somehow sent a command to the hive to have me wiped out.

I've reported the issue to the Bugs website.. although i really don't have much proof.. As it only happened 3 out of like 9 times this weekend.  Then again i don't normally get super hyped up like I did in those 3 particular fights.


I've also managed to run into the only 1-2 people on the entire server of a low pop server.  Elektro is a sad sad place..

It's possible that he did something that would influence your public hive database information. Admins have the power to kick individual players. This can result in a death if the admin, or his friends, are nearby to shoot you before you vanish from the server. It could be a coincidence, but at the same time it could not be.

Edited by Solopopo

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It's possible that he did something that would influence the your public hive database information. Admins have the power to kick individual players. It could be a coincidence, but at the same time it could not be.

To the best of my knowledge there is nothing beyond a 'kick' available to admins right now.

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To the best of my knowledge there is nothing beyond a 'kick' available to admins right now.

Same here, but whenever I notice server admin abuse it almost always seems to happen in a situation where I just killed a player, or group of players, in a really infuriating way. Where admins feel humiliated they will abuse their power if they can. Since I intentionally seek out opportunities to disgrace/humiliate players, I experience these types of admin shenanigans quite a bit, although I can never really be absolutely certain what is going on. I can only acknowledge the statistics, and for me, the statistics seem to say that pissed of admins abuse their power. I am however ignorant to the extent their power stretches, but it seems logical that admin exploits would be less well known than public exploits, because not all of us are admins. When you consider that the devs seem to favor admins, it seems even more likely that admin exploitation would go on unnoticed.

Edited by Solopopo

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We should find a way to get all the server admins into one server, and burn them alive until they die.. Then they can respawn or whatever.

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Same here, but whenever I notice server admin abuse, it almost always seems to happen in a situation where I just killed a player, or group of players, in a really infuriating way. Where admins feel humiliated they will abuse their power if they can.

My post was meant more as an answer to Dunxel's concerns that said Admin had powers to wipe his character somehow, which I don't think is possible. Unless there are 'Admin hax' available too now.

In your case it is very likely 'Admin abuse'. It is certainly possible for an Admin to restart their server before entering a high value loot area, and low users attracts sever hoppers who will also be in a high value loot area. Paths may well cross.

Simply put, if there are just the two of you there and server restarts after one dies, it was probably the Admin restarting the server.

BUT servers do sometimes misbehave randomly and require restarting.

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We should find a way to get all the server admins into one server, and burn them alive until they die.. Then they can respawn or whatever.

Don't tar us all with the same brush, thanks.

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My post was meant more as an answer to Dunxel's concerns that said Admin had powers to wipe his character somehow, which I don't think is possible. Unless there are 'Admin hax' available too now.

In your case it is very likely 'Admin abuse'. It is certainly possible for an Admin to restart their server before entering a high value loot area, and low users attracts sever hoppers who will also be in a high value loot area. Paths may well cross.

Simply put, if there are just the two of you there and server restarts after one dies, it was probably the Admin restarting the server.

BUT servers do sometimes misbehave randomly and require restarting.

Yes, exactly.


I knew your post was directed at him. I kind of digressed a bit. Sorry about that  :P

Edited by Solopopo

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Ah, well then again, that's what I get for reading half-assed. I've been playing and using the forums at the same time. If by "special situation" you are talking about the particular instance the server was reset on me, it isn't really that special. It happens quite a bit. But I can live with it if it's an acknowledged occurance. I shall kill again. Best of luck to you as well. 


Im glad we got through that.. :) I say special situation because it is a special circumstance to kill the only other player in a server and then get kicked.


BTW, the extent of their power, is to kick players. That is all they can do. 

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60 seconds ..reset 3pp servers within 60 seconds and you roll back you character. In 1pp your character stays dead when it dies... this is a perfect measure against idiots glitching through walls and op makes me smile because you kind of confirm the rage i have imaguned you server looters fell when denide your loot ..lol...

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