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How not to love DayZ? :D

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I don't expect anything like that happen in any other game:D Well I wasn't even expecting this in DayZ tbh... fml :D
DayZ is amazing :D What is the best thing to do when something like that happen?:P

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Looks like you twisted your ankle on that rock there.


That sucks dude, but to be fair, you should have been paying attention to where you were running. Granted I had no idea you could twist your ankle on a rock and I would've been confused and upset, but now that I know...I'm watching my step from now on.

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Never ever run on rocks. :(

especially ones on a 90 degree angle. XD

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Running full sprint into a rock as tall as your knees can do some pretty nasty damage to you. Seems legit.

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So, to recap, Do not, for any reason whatsoever:


  • Run on rocks
  • Run on uneven terrain
  • Run on unpaved or maybe even paved roads
  • Run faster than walking speed
  • Walk quicker than walk speed (wait, what?)
  • Climb up or down ladders
  • Not climb up or down while on ladder
  • Climb ladder without using ladder (fast way down)
  • Shoot legs
  • Get shot in legs
  • Shoot at or get shot by someone with legs
  • Wave at someone while having legs
  • Exist in this game with legs

DayZ is a tough world for legs.  Like ZZTop said "We got legs, we don't know how to use them."

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Yep, no info about broken leg at all, it was kinda obvious tho:) 

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