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Maybe I do. And I agree this is a horror game that should be horror and allow people to act and feel like being part of a horror movie. But even horror movies cut or skip scenes like those you want to have as common part of the game. And I think you have to decide whether you want to have a popular "Dawn of the dead" or a "cannibal holocaust" in the end. Also I think you underestimate how easy it is for little children to be part of this horror experience. My little cousin was 12 when he played the mod for the first time (without permission) and I don't see an age rating anywhere.


I don't want to play killjoy though. If you think my objection is nonsense or exaggerated I have to accept that.

Edited by jayleann

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If you eat players, zombies should be more attracted to you because of the smell of the blood etc. Easy food but it makes you easy prey

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Are you sure? I know there were some debates about that topic and as far as I remember they refused to put it into the game because it would make it too bestial. DayZ is a real game now, not just a mod. A game with cannibalism in it would cause sensation, and not in a positive way...


Your thinking about the adding children to the game discussions.

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They have already had cannibalism in the mod in the separate 2017 mod. I wouldn't resort to it but obviously some people would in game and in real life. I think the only real side effects are when the brain or spinal material are eaten. Maybe if a player was prone to cannibalism they would start to eat the brain and get a brain disease similar to mad cow.

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If you are able to kill another player, you have equipment and wont starve i think. I got more messages of being stuffed than starving atm. Depends where you are and how full the server is.

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Yeah but that's just the current build, they can balance out the amount of food there is as well as how much you need to survive. Right know you can find food anywhere later on it may become more difficult.

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What if eating another survivor would give you a massive amount of food on the first few times (making it a viable option for starving players to quickly regain food), but upon eating too many people (like say 3, not a huge amount but still gives you a chance to turn things around) you would have all other food sources give you essentially nothing to your food total, making it basically a requirement to eat flesh to regain food. It would basically make your character addicted to flesh without actually making you have an infection or true addiction. Add in crazy fast hunger depletion for canibals and boom, if you become one it forces you eat people in order to not die in like a day.

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I think everytime you eat a human flesh there should be dice roll - you have 2% change to become crazy. And when you are crazy you make weird sounds from time to time (not always but lets say once in few minutes - you growl, howl or sth else. So players can see that you are cannibal and take an action.

I think it would be super scary - talk to this nice guy with an axe and then suddenly realize that he is considering eating you for lunch ;)

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I think that option to eat another human should be only automatically added as an option when you are dying of starvation and extremely hungry, not when you're full. 


If you watched movie Alive when airplane crashed on high mountains they ate humans other only when they had no other choice. 

Edited by Otis.Driftwood
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I think that option to eat another human should be only automatically added as an option when you are dying of starvation and extremely hungry, not when you're full. 


If you watched movie Alive when airplane crashed on high mountains they ate each other only when they had no other choice. 

This is not a bad suggestion, and one i find myselfe agreeing with. But then i guess you have sick individuals who WANT to eat people. But maybe theyre first time have to be while starving? Or do you mean once you have eaten a person. You wont be a cannibal untill the next time you are faced with starvation?

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As a game feature it must be a dead end road. Once you engage it first time there's no way back, no way to control it. Eventually you'll lose your avatar, just because he "lost it" completely.


Not against nor pro. Seems a good idea if it is refined to be a last resort ( or a leisure act...omg... ).


Cannibalism =  dead end road. Like being heavily sick and eventually *bam* black screen.

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Maybe I do. And I agree this is a horror game that should be horror and allow people to act and feel like being part of a horror movie. But even horror movies cut or skip scenes like those you want to have as common part of the game. And I think you have to decide whether you want to have a popular "Dawn of the dead" or a "cannibal holocaust" in the end. Also I think you underestimate how easy it is for little children to be part of this horror experience. My little cousin was 12 when he played the mod for the first time (without permission) and I don't see an age rating anywhere.


I don't want to play killjoy though. If you think my objection is nonsense or exaggerated I have to accept that.


Most movies skip those parts in fear of being banned, or had something in place and had to scrap it because of that. Those same movies would probably push the envelope even further if they were allowed. In my opinion, if you're going to go realistic/horror, you should go all out; seeing as anything can happen in the real world.


I do underestimate how easy it is for children to be part of it. But that's an entirely different subject involving parents who probably buy something for their child without researching what they're buying, or parents who let their child have a friend over without knowing what the friend is permitted to play in the first place (when I was younger and had one of my friends over, he wasn't allowed to play Grand Theft Auto, so I respected his parents' decision and we wouldn't play it). I don't think your objection is nonsense.. I just don't agree with it.


As for the rating: it requires you to enter a birth date of (I believe) at least 18 years old. I would agree that the store page should also have the rating, but I'm guessing the only reason it doesn't is because DayZ is still in alpha.

Edited by Moltisanti
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I have also seen plenty of movies where cannibalism was shown such as the wrong turn series I think and Doomsday and some survival movies. I think I saw a movie with a yeti where plane crash survivors had to eat the dead passengers(Lost would have been more interesting)

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That's what I was talking about in the earlier page, the brain and spinal column can cause a brain disease if ingested similar to mad cow disease.

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See 'Kuru'




Eating humans isn't completely safe, you know?


It can be unsafe. Kuru is caused by a prion found in humans. And if you read further, you have a higher risk of kuru if you don't eat the "choice cuts" of a human, and probably less risk if you actually cook the meat as well. Not to mention, "Prions are responsible for the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in a variety of mammals, including bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, also known as "mad cow disease") in cattle. In humans, prions cause Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker syndromeFatal Familial Insomnia and kuru."


So, like people have said, it's similar to Mad Cow disease. You should be a bit more safe if you eat a choice cut, cook it, and the person doesn't have some sort of sickness/infection upon death.


Edited by Moltisanti

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That's what I was talking about in the earlier page, the brain and spinal column can cause a brain disease if ingested similar to mad cow disease.


That's the one.

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there would go even the last reasons to let anyone live.


i would open a restaurant to the coast. Blasty McMosin's famous and delicious bambi-stew!

Edited by komadose

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i would open a restaurant to the coast. Blasty McMosin's famous and delicious bambi-stew!


You got any weekend specials to offer ?

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You got any weekend specials to offer ?

ofcourse! two legs for just one pack of mosin rounds!

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the pictures a bit much, but otherwise id like cannibalism, like imagine picking up a noob, and getting close to him, and not telling him your feeding him his friend who you "accidently" killed and "looted" (more like tearing a hunk of meat)

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I would like canible-ism added in and when you are close to someone who has eaten alot of hooman meat you get messages like "so and so twiches"


Something to let you know what they have been doing.

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