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Holy Ground

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Hi all. A have a suggestion to improve DayZ.


I want a "holy grounds" - areas or buildings where the usage of weapons automaticaly punished by heavy penalty, maybe death. It can be an airfield guarded by the miltary force or a church. Here the players can socialize, commune, trade and find some help. Here they can build up a team for acomplish a group PvE content if it will be implemented.

Edited by beshere

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Edited by Guest

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I want a "holy grounds"

Firstly it wouldn't work, people would camp its perimeter waiting for people to leave the safe zone. I understand what your getting at, but its the apocalypse, everyone is just a rag tag survivor. The military couldn't defend their heavily fortified bases so would definitely not be capable of protecting a church purely for a trading post. Humanity is collapsing, authorities gone, everyone's out for themselves to survive not to police bean distribution.

And secondly a suggestion doesn't usually start with "I Want" that's more or a demand, a suggestion is more "I have this idea which I feel would be beneficial to the game what do you think?"

A suggestion openly requests feedback on your idea where as an I Want post encourages flaming and heated opinions / trolling answers.

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Eventually, when base building and more persistent things are added to this game, players will create their own safe zones, with people guarding for bandits etc. 

Let's not have any magical ones yeah?

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Eventually, when base building and more persistent things are added to this game, players will create their own safe zones, with people guarding for bandits etc. 

Let's not have any magical ones yeah?


If I want a magic, you want utopia.

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Firstly it wouldn't work, people would camp its perimeter waiting for people to leave the safe zone. I understand what your getting at, but its the apocalypse, everyone is just a rag tag survivor. The military couldn't defend their heavily fortified bases so would definitely not be capable of protecting a church purely for a trading post. Humanity is collapsing, authorities gone, everyone's out for themselves to survive not to police bean distribution.

And secondly a suggestion doesn't usually start with "I Want" that's more or a demand, a suggestion is more "I have this idea which I feel would be beneficial to the game what do you think?"

A suggestion openly requests feedback on your idea where as an I Want post encourages flaming and heated opinions / trolling answers.


I'm not a native english-speaker. Sorry for my mistakes and lack of nuance understanding.


Campers is a problem... What if "holy ground" will be on an island? Campers can't shoot from the water, and "good guys" can sweam towards the main land in any point.

Edited by beshere

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I'm not a native english-speaker. Sorry for my mistakes and lack of nuance understanding.


Campers is a problem... What if "holy ground" will be on an island? Campers can't shoot from the water, and "good guys" can sweam towards the main land in any point.

Absolutely not, DayZ isn't about safety, holding hands and picking flowers together with no threat what-so-ever. Part of the magic is creeping around with the constant fear someone is grinning as they watch you through a LRS. What you're asking is to hinder the game's PVP by making a safety zone, and if that ever happened this game wouldn't be nearly the emotional roller coaster it is now and would be a step towards watering it down to "just another mmo"

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It will never happen.  There won't be any artificial safe zones where guns will magically not work, knives won't cut, bats won't hit, and bullets will just stop at an imaginary line.  Even your island.  KOS'ers will just wait on the shore with a scoped rifle and pick off people swimming.

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Edited by Guest

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Just wait for barricades mang and you can do this with your friends ... Church of electro = fortified heavy doors , combine that with some 4x4s and you got a safe zone ... Til someone busts the door down haha . But I think that would be fun, definitely not npcs though , and no PVE only zones , but I do want environmental disasters =)

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Guys, stop dreaming about camps and other stuff - the ARMA engine not suitable for this.

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Make your own safe zone, holy ground.

Ask your buddies to provide cover.

Kill on sight anyone non involved that moves into the area.

Successful trade.
How hard is that ? Ain't no Rocket science ;)
And guess what ? Is already in game. All up to you to USE IT.
Edited by Hethwill_Khan

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Guys, stop dreaming about camps and other stuff - the ARMA engine not suitable for this.


really?? we had tents wire fences and tank traps in the mod....could knock up a pretty convincing looking camp with those tools....oh and sandbags ;)


But I gotta say no to safe zones, they would actually be death zones lol. You could run in and then that's it...you aint getting out past the 20 bandits in the hills just waiting for you to cross the "holy ground" border line :)


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