djporternz 644 Posted February 22, 2014 (edited) Thanks for letting me rant. This game has so much potential. Every time I hear Rocket talk on a stream my enthusiasm for this title dies a little. Quite a good rant as rants go. 6/10. Spelling was very good, punctuation nearly flawless, and grammar was acceptable. There were however several sentence fragments that let you down. The lack of expletives was, however, a refreshing change! Zombies are indeed the elephant in the room, if you'll pardon the ill-treated metaphor. They are still listed as being inline for a major reworking, and I would have hoped that they would have seen progress by now. But they haven't and the players have noticed that they pose no threat whatsoever and have resorted to the tried and true 'let's just kill every player we can because we can'. Yes, I too die a little when I hear Rockets voice. This is a game about the Zombie Apocolypse. We need someone with at least a heavy Czech accent that is barely recognisable as english, or if we can't have that, at least one of those overly pompous English english ones. But that nasally high pitched NZ accent just kills me. And I'm a fellow NZer! Ah.. That's not what you meant, was it... My bad! On a more serious note, the framework neccessary for the PvP elements are already there. It is easier to add a new gun and ammo as all you need to do ATM is add the models, animations and configs and you're pretty much good to go. Adding tents requires the framework to be expanded to include them. Same with much of the crafting that is slated for inclusion. But I think that the PvP horses have already been let out of the stable and no matter what the Devs decide to do there is a large proportion of the player base that will only recognise this part of the possibilities that the full DayZ game will allow. We may need to wait until private hives/dbases before we can really gauge the full potential that the sandbox can deliver. Edited February 22, 2014 by DJPorterNZ 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pliskinki 52 Posted February 22, 2014 You know what? It would be nice to see bikes and binoculars in-game, running around the entire world sucks, why not show us in the Bike the idea you guys from DayZ SA want to bring to the game vehicles. I heard that you guys wanted to make something like shooting from inside the vehicles in movement, why not let us drive the bike and shoot with pistols? :DI think it would be great to test/early-improve and have these features in-game on it's current phase. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
basinox 300 Posted February 22, 2014 You know what? It would be nice to see bikes and binoculars in-game, running around the entire world sucks, why not show us in the Bike the idea you guys from DayZ SA want to bring to the game vehicles. I heard that you guys wanted to make something like shooting from inside the vehicles in movement, why not let us drive the bike and shoot with pistols? :DI think it would be great to test/early-improve and have these features in-game on it's current phase.Rocket already said that binoculairs are almost ready so expect them soon. And he said that vehicles come after hunting/cooking/crafting (lets call them the big 3.) with bikes probably being the first ones to get tested.All of these will come in 6 months or less so just sit back and enjoy the ride. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whothehellishe 81 Posted February 22, 2014 I have not yet died from a Zed :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted February 22, 2014 Cant wait for chainsaws! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hombrecz 832 Posted February 22, 2014 If Devs start releasing patches every 3-4 weeks, I hope those patches will be significant.Do you lads agree? It's kinda cool to have smaller patch every 1-2 weeks, rather then wait whole month, to get some candy.I'm kinda waiting how such change will pan out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlindOldMan 10 Posted February 22, 2014 Good work guys! Keep on running! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
belphegor_goatzombie 100 Posted February 22, 2014 @skomsSince the 26 dec. I love this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlfalphaCat 66 Posted February 22, 2014 No NO NO NO! What is wrong with some of you people? AND THE DEVS for that matter. Every day this becomes more and more a Survival PvP shooter and less a ZOMBIE horror survival. Zombies are the number one thing Devs NEVER talk about improving. And the community is not far behind in letting the devs know they care. AI, Animations, scaryness, threat. I am beggining to think I am the only one who wants to see the Z in DayZ. I think Rocket just wanted to make his survival game and knew that if he didn't at least mention zombies in their weakest, crappiest form, it would have NEVER SOLD. How the hell is moving a little icon in the inventory from one item to the next (crafting) fun??? You are moving your mouse from one place to the next. Who cares? Items? Wow, I found it. So fun. And then there are the "THIS GAME IS SO BOREING UNTIL TENTS!!" Tents?? Really? WTF is this? Squirrel Simulator 2014? You know what will make this game more fun? Fun zombies, lots of them that are challenging to kill with ragdoll and a variety of ways to kill them. Traps, fire, explosives. Randomness that ragdoll brings is key. I know they are adding it but dont hold your breath. Just look at ragdoll in ARMA ......oh boy. Add that with the player element and THEN you have a perfect game. Thanks for letting me rant. This game has so much potential. Every time I hear Rocket talk on a stream my enthusiasm for this title dies a little. Amen. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PitstopHead (DayZ) 40 Posted February 22, 2014 If Devs start releasing patches every 3-4 weeks, I hope those patches will be significant.Do you lads agree? It's kinda cool to have smaller patch every 1-2 weeks, rather then wait whole month, to get some candy.I'm kinda waiting how such change will pan out. I think what keeps this game alive is a new patch list very week or so. Hardcore players live for new content. We are following the development of this game not just because it's great but also because we all feel that it is something special despite all the moaning from some quarters who seem to come back for more. It's the realistic buzz you get when you know another player is near you when he cracks open the can and the pressure of looking after your well crafted character. But it would seem that the experimental servers are not as populated as they used to be. Maybe these would help liven up the game play? A new weapon every week. This could include some very rare spawns such as a Chainsaw (I know it's coming), Samurai sword (collectors edition also seen in The Walking Dead), Crossbow, Modern Sling shot, Bow, Fisher Man's Hook, Grenade, smoke bomb, riot shield, Pick Axe, Nail Gun, Rolling pin, Garden Scythe, Improvised torch, Garden Fork, Chain, Improvised club, Nail enchantments, Broken Bottle, Cleaver, Throwing Axe (Throwing still needs to be added), Very rare nun-chucks, Knuckle dusters, TNT + Timers, plus a whole range of hand guns that use the .45, and surely some easily adaptable rifles. We could also do with a sewer system in the cities and how about a sports arena that could be a center for hand to hand combat. I know that also sounds a bit needless but how about money? If the item is introduced then maybe a player on player trading system could be made with no interference from the developers? We also need a more customizable character appearance system. And lastly while I'm going on how about a tattoo gun, ink supplies and the tattoo designs in game that you have to collect and then you can apply them to other characters? SO there it is. Any feedback? Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kapnobatai 42 Posted February 22, 2014 did someone experienced a heart attack until now? we had an encounter with a fresh spawn who fell down strangely after one of my mates shot another player from the close vicinity but I can t tell... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Subscriber 10 Posted February 22, 2014 please add some new food like chocolates or chips,i am bore of eating beans, fish and rice... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tmbt 34 Posted February 22, 2014 No NO NO NO! What is wrong with some of you people? AND THE DEVS for that matter. Every day this becomes more and more a Survival PvP shooter and less a ZOMBIE horror survival. Zombies are the number one thing Devs NEVER talk about improving. And the community is not far behind in letting the devs know they care. AI, Animations, scaryness, threat. I am beggining to think I am the only one who wants to see the Z in DayZ. I think Rocket just wanted to make his survival game and knew that if he didn't at least mention zombies in their weakest, crappiest form, it would have NEVER SOLD. How the hell is moving a little icon in the inventory from one item to the next (crafting) fun??? You are moving your mouse from one place to the next. Who cares? Items? Wow, I found it. So fun. And then there are the "THIS GAME IS SO BOREING UNTIL TENTS!!" Tents?? Really? WTF is this? Squirrel Simulator 2014? You know what will make this game more fun? Fun zombies, lots of them that are challenging to kill with ragdoll and a variety of ways to kill them. Traps, fire, explosives. Randomness that ragdoll brings is key. I know they are adding it but dont hold your breath. Just look at ragdoll in ARMA 3......oh boy. Add that with the player element and THEN you have a perfect game. Thanks for letting me rant. This game has so much potential. Every time I hear Rocket talk on a stream my enthusiasm for this title dies a little. Agree 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoGaN74M 0 Posted February 22, 2014 Esta semana hay parche experimental estable ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
T-Dawg 6 Posted February 22, 2014 Esta semana hay parche experimental estable ? På onsdag morgon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gugolas 228 Posted February 22, 2014 Thanks for letting me rant. This game has so much potential. Every time I hear Rocket talk on a stream my enthusiasm for this title dies a little.^this.Sadly, if I watch a stream I lose trust in him. If I read his tweets and summarize them, I get disappointed.But you know, as every real fan I justify everything and keep on hoping. And I remember that there is a whole competent team behind this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THE PAIN 1 Posted February 22, 2014 (edited) Hello,rocket meant from version v0.36 our profiles be stored in the steam cloud. What are the benefits to us? The hive overwrites the data in the steam cloud again and again, although steam cloud itself is updated only after the end of a game. So if I die ingame, I could pull the plug out of my pc and my profile will not overridden in the steam cloud, right?Any explanation?^^ Edited February 22, 2014 by THE PAIN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpudGun (DayZ) 13 Posted February 22, 2014 (edited) Hello,rocket meant from version v0.36 our profiles be stored in the steam cloud. What are the benefits to us? The hive overwrites the data in the steam cloud again and again, although steam cloud itself is updated only after the end of a game. So if I die ingame, I could pull the plug out of my pc and my profile will not overridden in the steam cloud, right?Any explanation?^^If you mean you could somehow cheat death by not letting steam cloud update; then no that won't work as the player state will be saved server side. P.S Pulling the plug on an operational PC isn't good for it.I think the main benefit would be to save keybinds perhaps, although I recently re-formatted and re-installed Steam/Dayz and nothing was saved (yes cloud is enabled). Edited February 22, 2014 by SpudGun 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THE PAIN 1 Posted February 22, 2014 (edited) If you mean you could somehow cheat death by not letting steam cloud update; then no that won't work as the player state will be saved server side. P.S Pulling the plug on an operational PC isn't good for it. This is what i mean, the steam cloud makes no sense for this game^^ All profiles will be stored on BI servers. So i wanted a answer to my question, how the steam cloud makes any sense for us? [EDIT] OK, you answered in your edit, thanks :) Edited February 22, 2014 by THE PAIN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sencha 100 Posted February 22, 2014 Does this update fix the exploding pants bug? Yesterday when I fell off of the ship, my pants broke, as well as everything inside of them, but nothing else got damaged.In addition, not 10 minutes ago I got shot at and my pants exploded, damaging some of my ammo. Not shot, mind you. They didn't hit. I got shot AT, and I got suppressed, and that was apparently too much for my cargo pants to handle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Private Evans 1303 Posted February 22, 2014 I have not yet died from a Zed :D I did...but they were invisible :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gregar700 (DayZ) 14 Posted February 22, 2014 and again!! nothing new!!! better lets add berries and lets wait one year, mby then we will fix most important things! but berries!! we need berries!! lets add berries! srsly! dayz fucking scamersYOU bought this game while it was in Alpha even with te warnings that it was not complete and it would have bugs. The devs dont focus on one thing at a time, they have different people working on different things, and as they finish each thing they add it in as the rest work on bugs and such.So while one person is doing berries, another is trying to fix major bugs. Then when the berries finish they add it in while the other keeps working on the bug. Now you may be too stupid to realize that as you seem to he around 14 in age (based off your comment) but thats how its done. Now kindly WAIT TILL ITS DONE IF YOU DONT WANT BUGS 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Private Evans 1303 Posted February 22, 2014 Talking about the zombies.... I am not testing the experimental branch but as far as I know they are testing servers with up to 80 -100 players, which is a good sign as far as it goes for server performance. BUT in this case I've heard nothing about adding more zombies...There is absolutely no sense in increasing the number of players as long there are only 3 zombies per village. This will only result in an even greater PvP feast as it is right now on most servers. I am really afraid that we will get an awesome survival sandbox game including cool PvP elements only but never will see a proper zombie population and I slowly start to think the devs know that they will never be able to provide that feature as planned. If they increase player numbers per server, add animals and finish the new areas in the north and Utes how will they ever be able to fill this with the needed number of zombies ?? Right now the number of zeds is a joke allthough it is, because of the missing map improvments and additions, just about 75% of the final map. Just for the current map it would take at least 3 times more zeds atm to create something like a real threat in the cities and villages and to create a real zombie apocalypse feeling, without talking about wandering hoards or zeds in the wildsSo why not using the spawn system from the mod at least for the bigger locations ( cities, towns and airfields). Small villages and farms could still use the current system....hoards and zeds in the woods could spawn randomely... just my thoughts 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 8 Posted February 22, 2014 At the top of the steam store page WARNING: THIS GAME IS EARLY ACCESS ALPHA. PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO ACTIVELY SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF THE GAME AND ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE WITH SERIOUS ISSUES AND POSSIBLE INTERRUPTIONS OF GAME FUNCTIONING Directly next to the purchase button again another warning.. What the developers say:“DayZ Early Access is your chance to experience DayZ as it evolves throughout its development process. Be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It is a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs. We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early Access means and are interested in participating in the ongoing development cycle.” Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Young Trotsky 69 Posted February 22, 2014 (edited) Talking about the zombies....From what I understand it isn't easy for them to just copy things from the mod into this standalone. The devs have said lots of times that they are working on big changes for zombies, including respawning without server restart. People ask for this on a daily basis but it will presumably take months of work to have a whole new system for the zombies and it would be a waste of time and energy to make small changes now if the whole zombie AI is being overhauled.As for the larger servers, I assume it is less costly to the server to have some extra players than to dramatically increase the number of zombies, which use lots of processing power to control, so at least you are more likely to encounter some more PvP situations while you're waiting for the new zombie system to be introduced. This game was only released ~3 months ago and has improved A LOT since then. Saying that you suspect the devs will 'never be able to provide that feature as planned' is very premature at this stage. You have to be patient, it may be several years before this game is finished, what you play today is a stage in development that would normally only be seen by a few hundred people, not 1,500,000! Edited February 22, 2014 by Young Trotsky 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites