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Hicks_206 (DayZ)

Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

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Is there an ETA on stable?


Seems they will release all of the Experimental next WED. to Stable!



Hallo Wie kann ich bitte schön diese Version runterladen???


Ich nehme an du redest von der Experimental.

Geh mal unter Steam unter Einstellungen, da findest du das ;)

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Is there an ETA on stable?

No, if you don't see it in the first page. Might be next wednesday, or the week after, or who knows.

Maybe they will also add other things.

Download Link??

....for what?

Hallo Wie kann ich bitte schön diese Version runterladen???

Du sollst am English schreiben.

Steam > DayZ > properties > Beta programme.

Ed gibt keine key :)

Edited by Gugolas

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Seems they will release all of the Experimental next WED. to Stable!


Now that the changelogg is out...

[–]rocket2guns 11 Punkte

20 Stundenzuvor

Stable is still a couple of weeks away. We want to avoid the issues that we have been introducing by not adequately testing the experimental builds. Much of what is currently in Experimental is very experimental, we're legitimately testing out some big changes to some core systems to see how they go.


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It seems that most zombies don't fall on the ground after been hit to the head with fists anymore. This makes zombies a lot harder to kill.

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Is there an ETA on stable?


From Rocket yesterday:  


  • Stable is still a couple of weeks away. We want to avoid the issues that we have been introducing by not adequately testing the experimental builds. Much of what is currently in Experimental is very experimental, we're legitimately testing out some big changes to some core systems to see how they go.



Edited by iBane
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Is there an ETA on stable?


Stable is still a couple of weeks away. We want to avoid the issues that we have been introducing by not adequately testing the experimental builds. Much of what is currently in Experimental is *very* experimental, we're legitimately testing out some big changes to some core systems to see how they go.

View full context on Reddit 




As far as the eat all goes, you guys do know that you can already eat all of something in the same timeframe it takes to eat it once? Right click eat on the food, immediately close inventory, scroll mousewheel up and "F" until the text at the bottom of the screen says there is nothing left. If you do it fast enough (typically only 4 times if in 25% increments) you will eat the rest all at once in the time it takes to eat one "bite". I'm sure most of you may or may not know that...but doesn't seem necessary to add an eat all option if you can do that already.


We are preparing a second, longer, animation for eating all that will iterate through more loops.

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Wondering about the Rocket-post where he said "this patch is very experimental so it wont go stable for some weaks"....

Actually i noticed not that much new (beside the wet and dry status).


Might they have implemented "cold" while not "unlocked" it?


Otherwise I cant recognize what shall be the big changes compared to earlier patches

Edited by Tabinator
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It's astounding how many players (undoubtedly 17 year old boys) are absolutely certain they know more than Rocket and the team regarding the development of a game. They've so far released nearly a patch a week, adding interesting content and fixing the bugs they feel need fixing along the way. Combat logging was complained about unanimously, so they fixed it as best they could, when people started crying like the CoDbabies they are about "not enough guns" they add more.

Surprisingly, and this may come as a shock to all you ultracrepidarian jackasses out there who think you know it all, the devs for this game know damn well what they're doing, are working hard, and your incredible insightful 'advice' about "hEy y don't u to the ZoMbIes runninG thru walls b4 adding the Hart AttAcks u IDIOTS" is not going to help anyone.

We haven't seen a changelog or huge patch for a week, oh no, lets all cry about it and start to doubt the credibility of a small group of developers who have made an alpha game that is already extremely enjoyable in its current state. Quit bitching about things you don't understand, maybe realise game developers know a little more than you bout developing games, and if you don't like it, consider not playing it.

We're seeing the start of a weather implementation system relative to player health, this is huge, it's increasing the PVE challenge that the game could use to make it feel a little less like the worlds biggest deathmatch. But no, God forbid you can't gear up in ten minutes at the military tents and hunt those fresh spawns like the true survivor you are!

Hey...im 18 and i'm nothing like that..i'm more of a "Died from a bug that the devs already know about, no reason to complain about it" kinda guy :P

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Wondering about the Rocket-post where he said "this patch is very experimental so it wont go stable for some weaks"....

Actually i noticed not that much new (beside the wet and dry status).


Might they have implemented "cold" while not "unlocked" it?


Otherwise I cant recognize what shall be the big changes compared to earlier patches

They made a lot of changes to the map, especially around Svetlo, they also added the medical centres and police stations, fracture indicator, fixed several bugs with structures (you can't get inside the top part of the school building any more), FPS seems much better. I think that indicates there is even more new stuff under the hood.

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If you break your leg, you will not be able to move like in this video. Very incorrect animation.
But in DayZ SA you can! ;)

* my pants were worn, it's very truly and correctly.

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I think adding new things to the map shouldnt be any problem. That are just new models they might have been put in. Also new Items arent that hard to implement IMHO. The functionally of them is the thing which is the hardest part to get in line. But there arent many new functiones in.


They obviously have a good plan (at least I hope so) but I really watining impatiently for some bigger content updates  ;)

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I agree, The animation for crawling with a broken leg is some the animation team should look in too.


Would also have a gameplay value as you now know whatever someone is crawling or broke his leg.

Edited by basinox
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quick eurogamer stream recap (special thanks to Bzerker01)

I will try and list some of the news coming out here:

  • Female models now have female voice acting.
  • Bikes confirmed as first type of vehicle?
  • Backpacks as first persistent storage (Said something about being a test and being worked on right now by one of the team)
  • Refrigerators and other static scenery items in game will have storage values and gear spawning in them in the future.
  • Ragdolls are being worked on with other physics.
  • Hunting, Cooking and Crafting up next for major implementation.
  • Dead linger inspired boarding 'short to medium term'
  • Binoculars done but not in game yet
  • Blood on hands after looting a dead player is being considered.
  • No custom faces due to TTP and performance hit.
  • Axes to have spawn chance in stumps near woodpiles.
  • Animals: Predator (Wolves and Bears [Dean: Beers]), Prey (Food), Companion (Dog)
  • Amputations are tabled till performance testing can be done with physics.
  • DMR/Other weapons are implemented when they get around to them, no real road map for when certain weapons are introduced. (AK is being worked on now)
  • Beards may not get in due to being to gender specific and too much work.
  • Indian faces being worked on. (Thanks /u/SoAndSoap)
  • Chainsaw almost done.
  • Stats will be available on site
  • Degradable items (food, medical supplies) over time being worked on with refrigeration devices
  • Paint Fire-axes
  • Stamina to be improved (balanced?) and weight system being looked into for inventory.
  • Physics based doors, locking doors and a complete overhaul of doors in the future.
  • Dean proceeds to brutally axe murder someone (who sucks at shooting) who had been shooting at him with an SKS for a good 30 minutes and damaged his axe in the process, (having items hitting each other damage them.) He then uses an exploit to fix ammo that has been ruined (/u/rocket2guns[1] [+1] is a dirty exploiter confirmed :-P)
  • Fishing Confirmed
  • Nudity has been discussed.
  • /u/juiceef -The "i will kill you" gesture will be added soon. (slicing troath with finger-gesture) example
  • Ballistics=WIP, wind being considered.
  • Careful about adding (easter eggs/shout outs?) to the game because of the reaction to the Payday 2 masks.
  • Barricading is most desired by Dean
  • Friend ID system not being worked on, left to modders when modding becomes available.
  • "You don't have to be smart to win, just be aggressive. Deception is the heart of every military strategy" -Dean "Rocket Tzu" Hall
  • Content with Melee ATM
  • Particle system may be getting overhaul in the future
  • /u/rocket2guns ends the stream by going on an axe wielding murder spree.

EDIT: Link to the stream on their Youtube here


edit: updated!

Edited by joe_mcentire
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yayay, the germans xD

Who would know better? 

Edited by zor_prime1

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Excuse me, am i the only one who sees this?


Jesus, i think these new berries are OP




Hey man, how do you craft that bag? 

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They made a lot of changes to the map, especially around Svetlo, they also added the medical centres and police stations, fracture indicator, fixed several bugs with structures (you can't get inside the top part of the school building any more), FPS seems much better. I think that indicates there is even more new stuff under the hood.


I hope they remember to fix the lootspawn up there, too, since that was what made it well-known in the first place. Heck, they really could just disable it. That building doesn't need another weapon and ammo spawnpoint.

Edited by McGarnagle

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It's rope and burlap sack then add sticks to it.


the burlap sack! oh ok. thank you. How many slots does it have? 

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the burlap sack! oh ok. thank you. How many slots does it have? 

w/o sticks: 12 slots

w/ sticks: 20 slots

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My hope - I haven't played it yet, is that "Eat All" simply avoids having to manually press a button each time... the animation should take the same amount of time as spamming the eat button (if you could).  If it takes 10 servings to finish a bag of rice and only 4 servings to finish a can of beans, that's how much time it should take under "Eat All."  You shouldn't be able to finish a bigger meal in the same amount of time as a smaller one.


*noted the Reddit comments from Rocket.  Still hope the length of the animation is based on how much food is being eaten.

Edited by entspeak

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rope + burlap sack + wood sticks


w/o sticks: 12 slots

w/ sticks: 20 slots

Thank you guys, will try this once back from work. Want to feel the realism a bit.

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Excuse me, am i the only one who sees this?


Jesus, i think these new berries are OP




Sure you ate the berries? Not the mushrooms?

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It seems that most zombies don't fall on the ground after been hit to the head with fists anymore. This makes zombies a lot harder to kill.

This wold be very bad. If zombies don't fall on the ground anymore, it is even harder to avoid being hit by them. In my opinion this is very bad. Until you get a weapon you get already to the minimul levels of blood and healty. It will take about 100 minutes to get the healty status again.

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