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Persistent storage containers; do you like the idea or not?

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Rocket has mentioned that 'persistent storage containers' will soon be tested in Dayz.  Most seem to be assuming they will be similar to tents from the mod.


Personally i have mixed feelings about this.  And i'm curious how others think.  I think it is important to stress we don't know what form these will take yet.  What size they are, if they will be hive or server based, will they be wiped when you die, etc etc.


What i don't want them to be like is tents in the mod.  Where you could stash loads of loot so whenever you die you simply run back to your tents and are instantly fully kitted gain. I know many will see this as the whole point of them, but if this is the case i'd prefer they were not included.  It has two big problems:  It removes the requirement to gear up again, which is key to Dayz.

It also means players horde gear as they can really never have too much of the prime gear.  As it stands now there is no point picking up a 2nd scope or similar unless it is for a friend.  With tents, people pick up everything and stash it in their camps.  This hoarding does not enhance the game for others imo, but does the opposite.


On the positive side, they give a nice addition as something to do.  However i feel this is only appealing now as the game is lacking content, so anything to increase content and things to do will be seen positively.


Personally I think they should be in game but be heavily restricted,  maybe only allow 'yellow storage boxes' as these are too small to allow the storing of weapons. They should be persistent via server based persistence.


What do you think and do you think they should be restricted and if so how? 

Edited by MadTommy
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Anything persistent, I'd imagine, would be a clusterfuck to have hive based. It will be individual servers that store persistent containers, I can almost 100% assure you

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Once private hives come to exist I am all for persistent storage containers.


With a public Hive I would not be bothered with such things what is stopping some one from merely server hopping onto your containers location.

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I am all for it.


Balance wise I would limit it to 1 stash per player.


Else I will make sure to spend 1 full week leaving a 100 backpacks everywhere in the map so I will never ever have to scavenge again for anything but guns. And yeah, pretty easy to drop there anywhere and they will never be found.


I'd bet a middle finger that it will be server side, not entire hive, but we will have to wait.


In all scenarios the possibility to hide stashes will defeat the purpose of timeout hopping.

Edited by Hethwill_Khan
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I understand your argument, but I still disagree, the main part of the mod too was the possibility to save a lot of gear anywhere you wanted. I don't see how it removes the requirement to gear up again, because to have your stuff in your container, you need to gear up many time, go and back, go and back etc..


Yeah it would be easier for them to gear after that, but you can still find their spot and steal eveyr thing..


And also this give an other goal to achieve in game! Such as saved some food, drink, spare tools or weapons part ! if we can put a backpack somewhere that could be awesome too.


And its only server side of course

Edited by SuperMarco

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I am for that idea - would prefer to see it Hive based but I understand how difficult this would be to manage... But for the idea, yeah it make sense. A survivor would definitely have some sort of "base" at some point where resources can be kept. 


Ideally I would like to see either of these 3 scenarios:


- Camo tents which you first have to find then you can deploy anywhere in the map and store things in.

- Claim of a house: you can claim certain type of houses to be your base - this house becomes impenetrable top others unless axe to the door for a while

- Burying of yellow case / ammo box, would work with the use of a more permanent map, give the player the possibility of burying the yellow case or ammo box with items in it for retrieval at later time. The advantage of such an idea would be that other than the location of the dig nothing is required on the server.

Edited by zeroy99

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Rocket has mentioned that 'persistent storage containers' will soon be tested in Dayz.  Most seem to be assuming they will be similar to tents from the mod.


Personally i have mixed feelings about this.  And i'm curious how others think.  I think it is important to stress we don't know what form these will take yet.  What size they are, if they will be hive or server based, will they be wiped when you die, etc etc.


What i don't want them to be like tents in the mod.  Where you could stash loads of loot so whenever you die you simply run back to your tents and are instantly fully kitted gain. I know many will see this as the whole point of them, but if this is the case i'd prefer they were not included.  It has two big problems:  It removes the requirement to gear up again, which is key to Dayz.

It also means players horde gear as they can really never have too much of the prime gear.  As it stands now there is no point picking up a 2nd scope or similar unless it is for a friend.  With tents, people pick up everything and stash it in their camps.  This hoarding does not enhance the game for others imo, but does the opposite.


On the positive side, they give a nice addition as something to do.  However i feel this is only appealing now as the game is lacking content, so anything to increase content and things to do will be seen positively.


Personally I think they should be in game but be heavily restricted,  maybe only allow 'yellow storage boxes' as these are too small to allow the storing of weapons. They should be persistent via server based persistence.


What do you think and do you think they should be restricted and if so how

Most terrible Idea imagineable. Not being able to make a home base is bad. If you want to restrict them restrict the size or amount a single player can drop. 

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hmm i always thought the same in the mod the whole your dead but you can go back to your tent and gear up... Im kinda evil this way as it is ment to be perma death ( new person new blood type) i wouldnt delete the tent container what ever it is i would have it randomly moved SO YOU CANT GET WHAT BELONGS TO A DEAD GUY.


this keeps items still in the dayz economy as by reading his ideas things will respawn by the drop of there amount across the server eat a food another will spawn somewhere across the map....


So if your tent moves and you been hoarding all the guns you will now have less guns across the place to find as there in your tent that you can no longer find... But they are there for anyone else or yourself to discover...


This leads you to trying to stay alive and maybe less likely to throw yourself into battles for KOS it is a survival game after all..


Wont be a popular idea hey i said i was evil...

Edited by SoulFirez
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The problem, OP, is that if we include permanent building, and that looks very likely to be included at some point in time, how can we not have the ability to have permanent storage with that?


Personally I quite like the idea of buried caches, which don't show any obvious signs on the ground. You would then record the co-ords of the buried item or use a metal detector to find them. It would be low maintenance on the server, it wouldn't require any extra rendering (technically you could have hundreds of caches within an area with no FPS drops, yet you couldn't have that with tents for example). It would provide another use for the spade too, and give a whole new gametype of "cache hunting" for loot. Obviously only certain things could be buried, perhaps not large weapons, but certainly nothing bigger.

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I like the idea of persistent loot storage.


We need something like this so we can store the mass loots we always end up with.



Also I would love to store all the crap ive had on my guy since the first wipe somewhere and start fresh.

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hmm i always thought the same in the mod the whole your dead but you can go back to your tent and gear up... Im kinda evil this way as it is ment to be perma death ( new person new blood type) i wouldnt delete the tent container what ever it is i would have it randomly moved SO YOU CANT GET WHAT BELONGS TO A DEAD GUY.


this keeps items still in the dayz economy as by reading his ideas things will respawn by the drop of there amount across the server eat a food another will spawn somewhere across the map....


So if your tent moves and you been hoarding all the guns you will now have less guns across the place to find as there in your tent that you can no longer find... But they are there for anyone else or yourself to discover...


This leads you to trying to stay alive and maybe less likely to throw yourself into battles for KOS it is a survival game after all..


Wont be a popular idea hey i said i was evil...


Deleting stored gear on death is one possible approach.  But it does make 99% of the storage principle useless. But sticks to the permanent death principle. I agree storage should not allow you to just return to your 'camp' and get fully geared up again.


Small storage containers with gear spoiling over time could be a good approach.

Edited by MadTommy
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It would be nice to have stashes. Thats all we need, I think.



- need shovel(like in mod)

- can be hidden best(under a tree etc)

- make it lock-able(needs some metal-crap..)

- make traps(near you stash, to get some invaders... - bear traps/ springe... etc.. invaders are getting broken legs)

>modified stashes:

- as used as underground base(you can enter your underground)

- needs more material, like stones, wood etc for stabilisation



It makes no sense to make the standalone like epoch and build houses etc... - this should not be "SIM CTIY 2014"

Edited by TiMEDANCE

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i like the idea of permadeath and the value of the characters life. in the mod tents removed the permadeath feature of dayz by giving ppl a rather cheap task.

devs should come up with something better than hoarding.

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Hope they introduce decaying over time of stuff, especially if open to elements like rain, cold, etc.


But all in all I am not against it and pretty much I am anxious for it to happen.

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It makes no sense to make the standalone like epoch and build houses etc... - this is should not be "SIM CTIY 2014"


Oh, now, I disagree. Especially considering weather will start affecting your health, you should be able to create some form of shelter. 

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Im fine with storage as long as it relocates to an unknown position when the character dies. Upon death, the character will produce a lootable map with an x marking the new location. His friends, enemies or himself if he can manage to loot his own body, can use this map to dig up his stuff.

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I'm not entirely sure. Well I know I like the idea, however it's hard to base an opinion about the practical stuff when you don't know how it will turn out. So it raises quite a lot of questions for me personally.

For instance, I do want to see something larger than a yellow protector case. However, these containers - are they going to be containers whose sole purpose is ground storage or should we be able to bring them along like for instance if I die and the containers used are backpacks then I could just go there and grab a new backpack packed whatever I put in it which to me just sounds more like a "I just died and respawned kit". Or should it be something that, if you want to move it, would have to be carried inside a backpack (for instance a larger protector case)? Personally I would just like something that would allow me to not have to lug around with pots and pans and gas containers and stoves and firewood and such all the time. Something that I could see as a 'base of operations' or just the type of thing you would drop at your camp when you're hiking or hunting since you don't walk around with all of your gear and firewood all the time. Personally right now I don't care whether or not it is there after death. If it was I would probably store some extra cans and can opener. The only thing I wouldn't want is the storing of primary firearms, mods sure. But no full SKS/Mosins/M4s/B95s/etc.


There are obviously many different approaches to this with pros and cons to all of them.

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As long as people can insta-kick public players from their own servers, storage containers would the turn these servers into full fledged loot factories. I'm looking forward to learning about the design of the concept, but personally I primarily hope you'll be able to cut off other players's heads and then leave a surprise for other people in these storage boxes.

Edited by Dallas
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Oh, now, I disagree. Especially considering weather will start affecting your health, you should be able to create some form of shelter. 



I have edited my post... :))

> modified stashes...  ;)

go under earth to keep warm




- need shovel(like in mod)

- can be hidden best(under a tree etc)

- make it lock-able(needs some metal-crap..)

- make traps(near you stash, to get some invaders... - bear traps/ springe... etc.. invaders are getting broken legs)

>modified stashes:

- as used as underground base(you can enter your underground, its save from rain, cold etc.

- needs more material, like stones, wood etc for stabilisation

- you can store more items in than in normal stash

- make a cooking place, under earth - cook inside...(but attention, others can see the smoke from the underground)

Edited by TiMEDANCE

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Deleting stored gear on death is one possible approach.  But it does make 99% of the storage principle useless. But sticks to the permanent death principle. I agree storage should not allow you to just return to your 'camp' and get fully geared up again.


Small storage containers with gear spoiling over time could be a good approach.

I like that idea, if I bury a bag or rice or beans etc it'll spoil over time, my other thought was having a specific container and only that type can be used as storage, either crafted or found like the yellow protector cases

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I think perma-death is one of the main concepts and thus I don't think it should go the way tents did in the mod. There has to be some system that prevents you from retrieving stuff from a dead guys storage magically knowing its location...

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As it stands now there is no point picking up a 2nd scope or similar unless it is for a friend.


I currently pickup all ammo, guns, attachments and magazines I find/can carry and then just toss them into the woods so that none else can find them when they come looting around because why should I leave it behind for someone else to pickup?

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I currently pickup all ammo, guns, attachments and magazines I find/can carry and then just toss them into the woods so that none else can find them when they come looting around because why should I leave it behind for someone else to pickup?




I bet you were a joy to be around as a child as you have grown up to be such a nice person.

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I currently pickup all ammo, guns, attachments and magazines I find/can carry and then just toss them into the woods so that none else can find them when they come looting around because why should I leave it behind for someone else to pickup?

Denying the enemy, leave nothing for the bandits. :)

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Unlocked storage + esp = no no.

All it takes is just one cheater on the server to easily loot all your hiden boxes and tents. And there are and always will be hacks.

So we need lockable storage.

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