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New Hack Alert

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I was playing on the BFN Server 2 a few mins ago, it might be a UK server if i remember correctly, and seen a hack 100%; but im not sure if its been reported before. A hack where a player (12yr old) is able to teleport several dozen yards at a time every half second or so, enabling them to cover several hundred yards over a few short seconds. Im positive the hacker in question has a UI addon that highlights the position of other players on his screen. the funny part was; when he teleported multiple times in front of my eyes before stopping 2-3 yards directly in front of me; he raised his weapon and shot at me as i was prone on the ground but missed for about 5 seconds; showing only his inadequacy before he final aimed properly. I havn't done a check on youtube to see if this is something new or old, but felt frustrated enough to come here and report it. I know its nothing new from the mod point of view.


I don't understand why the server and client architecture wasn't truely rebuilt from the ground up to prevent this. It doesn't help we have no way of identifying players that dont use direct chat either; as no hacker would. Nor does it help that we are complaining about the exact same problems; word for word; that we we're frustrated with a year and a half ago with the mod. I know you guys will retort the obvious, its alpha as your single and only defence, but i don't feel it excuse's a problem that they knew was heavy in the mod; and knew to expect in the standalone without a new revision of server/client code; and the method each communes with one another.


Am i right in feeling hacking is something they will never lick? Some developers can; and some refuse to cover old work perhaps. 

Edited by Chiefo69
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a player (12yr old)


<_< How do you know now?




Am i right in feeling hacking is something they will never lick? Some developers can; and some refuse to cover old work perhaps. 



Noone can. There's effectively no way to stop it and there will always be ways around it. And in a Game like DayZ, where it's all about survival, people will try as hardas they can to get an advantage over others, which is why exploitations of the engine are so rampant and almost everybody does it.


If you expect a game to be hackfree you will be severely disappointed. It's not possible and whilst you don't feel it in other games so much, it's always there and always will be.

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Hacks are real man. The reason the Mod was made into a Stand alone was Strictly for the fact of Server based servers. as apposed to Client bases servers. Which makes hacking all too easy. 


I don't personal "Hack" I feel its not fun.. i want to be surprised and enjoy the game the way it was made to be played but.. some people feel differently.. I am hoping this MOD to Standalone is actually worth the wait.  It seems like we get less support now then we did for the mod lol

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Down side: every single game is hack-able in some way or other. 

Up side: its done by a very low percentage of players 1% or even less just because its not simple.


What can you do? get a record of it and report it (including a solid proof).


At the end you will need to learn live with this fact and not let it ruin the game for you.

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I know you will hate me for saying this, but i know there is one development company out there that would put a stop to this problem; and I mean no disrespect to the standalone developers or Mr Hall; but if this was a Blizzard game, hacking would be squashed out. Bot's i can understand, but flat out hacking that should be easily detectable and through some very hard work, trial and error and revision of how the server communes with the player client and vise versa; preventable.


I guess I find it hard to believe hacking will never be a major problem with this game; when the development team still has problems with sound localization. You hear the sound of ammo being split in someone's inventory all day, when you know no one is around (or has so much ammo they seem to be splitting some indefinitely).

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I know you will hate me for saying this, but i know there is one development company out there that would put a stop to this problem; and I mean no disrespect to the standalone developers or Mr Hall; but if this was a Blizzard game, hacking would be squashed out. Bot's i can understand, but flat out hacking that should be easily detectable and through some very hard work, trial and error and revision of how the server communes with the player client and vise versa; preventable.


I guess I find it hard to believe hacking will never be a major problem with this game; when the development team still has problems with sound localization. You hear the sound of ammo being split in someone's inventory all day, when you know no one is around (or has so much ammo they seem to be splitting some indefinitely).




All Blizzard games are hacked and even Blizzard can do nothing about it.


StarCraft 2? Maphacked.


World of Warcraft, fly hacked, speedhacked and many more.


All you can really do is the damage control.

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I know you will hate me for saying this, but i know there is one development company out there that would put a stop to this problem; and I mean no disrespect to the standalone developers or Mr Hall; but if this was a Blizzard game, hacking would be squashed out. Bot's i can understand, but flat out hacking that should be easily detectable and through some very hard work, trial and error and revision of how the server communes with the player client and vise versa; preventable.


This is not a Blizzard game, nor do they have the money or the manpower to achieve that. It's easy to wish, but the reality works differently.

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Trust me guys, Im experienced enough to know what i saw. Even with desync the player continues to travel at a speed similar to normal. When I say speed, I also take into account how much ground the person covered, as well as the direction that person was traveling, and try to get an idea of that players mentality, asking myself why they act and react to things in the manner in which they do. As much as you may not like what i have to say at times; please don't hold that against me with this. I bore witness to other suspect group activity on that server for over an hour before this incident, I know without a doubt it was a hack; my ownly regret is not having a PC good enough to record it ingame and share it with this community. It looked like a maneuver only a UFO could pull tbh.

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Hello there


There's a whole raft of things that can be done to combat hacks. Also remember that its early days enginewise and there's stuff aplenty to come that will assist with the issue.


BE and VAC do their part also.


I love BE ban waves.


Lastly, when servers admins have full control and things are finalised serverside there's alot that decent server admins can do.


Im not worried about hacking.


Itll always be there, but it will always be there in any online PC game. What we can do is make it as irritating as possible for them to hack.





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This is not a Blizzard game, nor do they have the money or the manpower to achieve that. It's easy to wish, but the reality works differently.


Your right; Im sorry, my frustration gets the better of me during gaming.

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I know you will hate me for saying this, but i know there is one development company out there that would put a stop to this problem; and I mean no disrespect to the standalone developers or Mr Hall; but if this was a Blizzard game, hacking would be squashed out. Bot's i can understand, but flat out hacking that should be easily detectable and through some very hard work, trial and error and revision of how the server communes with the player client and vise versa; preventable.


I guess I find it hard to believe hacking will never be a major problem with this game; when the development team still has problems with sound localization. You hear the sound of ammo being split in someone's inventory all day, when you know no one is around (or has so much ammo they seem to be splitting some indefinitely).

lol Ive seen every hack imaginable in blizzard games.

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lol Ive seen every hack imaginable in blizzard games.


At least they had a system in place for the player to identify the hacker and report it in game.

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You're wrong.




It's certainly not just desync.




You sir are right. At 8.16 in that video, is exactly what i saw, but an even less skilled player. It was impossible to cover the distances he did, as well as the change in directions even with major desync. Thank you for this. The time 9.22 in the video is a perfect example as well.

Edited by Chiefo69

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Just gonna say as long as the game is popular there will be hacks/scripts for it. name me a online game and I bet theres scripts out there for it.

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Skipping around then failing to hit you from point blank?




IDK man, I have played a ton of DayZ (mod incl) and I have seen something similar to the "hopping around". Spawned on Otmel, literally 5 feet behind another new spawn. He proceeded to "teleport" to elektro. I use teleport lightly because he was only able to jump forward maybe 40-50 yards. I know its close to Elektro, but it takes longer that 45 seconds to get to the center of Elektro from the little island. I can confirm it was that fast as I had friends in Elektro that confirmed seeing him jump around town. Also, there is a video from DevilDogGamer in which there is a guy on Balota hill trolling him and tele'ing 20 yards away or so from his location, appears that they can only go a limited distance and in a straight line. Maybe OP's issue was desync, but I am positive the one I witnessed was not.

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I know you guys will retort the obvious, its alpha as your single and only defence, but i don't feel it excuse's a problem that they knew was heavy in the mod..


Guess what? It's alpha.


Report it in the bug tracker - whining about it here helps no one.

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I would say this is desync - not a hack.

i would say defantly a hack. aa now has teleporting -_- . the main difference in my opinion in this game hacking vs the mod hacking is, you cant buy 2 dollar cd keys anymore or steal them yourself to keep playing, you have to pay another 30 bucks which is great.

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Guess what? It's alpha.


Report it in the bug tracker - whining about it here helps no one.



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