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Door sounds

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Hi all, 


I have searched and couldn't find a thread on this so I thought I would start one.

I think doors need to make noise, it would make searching houses on your own much safer because you could close the doors as you enter and hopefully you would hear if anybody else entered the building.

It would also add that little bit of tension that opening a door might alert a nearby zombie or player.


What do you think?

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Fully agree. I'm fanatic stalker :-) and silent doors are real problem to me. And they can add some oil for using the doors to make it silent. That will be nice for using by stealthy players and ignored like lot of stealthy ideas by tank-style players.

I really hope, that after adding weight system, they will add different sounds for player footsteps: heavy and loud for overweighted, combat boots etc. and more silent for some not serious footwear, that will die after couple rainy in game days.

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Audio files won't be handled until later in the development but I agree, doors should make a sound and have the option to open it slow and quietly.

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I agree completely, what I would actually like to see is the player actually grab the door knob and open it with an animation! (Along with the sound of opening it.) 

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my beanz, u have

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The door sounds should be random and not all doors will make the sound.. we also need some kind of sneak key.. i dont think we would be clugging around in boots making loud footsteps in side a house when infected lurk the streets

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The door system in Amnesia was actually really good... how you opened it in real time and could door it slowly or fast inch by inch... but thats not going to happen

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Please vote guys. This is a drastically needed feature. One that I worry more and more everyday will never come. Bohemia is soooo lazy with sound. 


I can't hear someone sprinting at breakneck speeds through the woods. And that is BAD. Go try and sprint through a wooded area. Tell me how much noise you'd make. Twigs snapping and echoing through the trees. Annoys me so much sounds is so unrealistic. 

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