louist 163 Posted February 15, 2014 then people would demand destruction physics like the Frostbite engine and on and on and on it goes.Tactical Nuke anyone?Arma 2 has destroy able buildings. There's no reason to assume that part of the game written out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Element47 2481 Posted February 15, 2014 we arent talking fullscale warfare in context of an outbreak. the infected dont use any vehicles, so there wouldnt be heavy weaponry deployed, only anti-personnel weapons as the ifnected are soft targets, and possibly riot control. so while such weapons may exist in a storage, they havent been fielded. so no, there wouldnt be really much reason to find RPGs in small villages. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blaaaaaaag 75 Posted February 15, 2014 then people would demand destruction physics like the Frostbite engine and on and on and on it goes.Tactical Nuke anyone? Aren't all the buildings in Chernarus destructable already? They were in Arma 2. Anyway, I think heavy weapons like these would be just fine. Sniper rifles are probably more damaging to the 'emergent gameplay' thing than any of these would be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted February 15, 2014 we arent talking fullscale warfare in context of an outbreak. the infected dont use any vehicles, so there wouldnt be heavy weaponry deployed, only anti-personnel weapons as the ifnected are soft targets, and possibly riot control. so while such weapons may exist in a storage, they havent been fielded. so no, there wouldnt be really much reason to find RPGs in small villages. So heavy weapons are not stored in military bases ? so military weapons and vehicles are not manufacturered unless you go to war with a formal army that has vehicles ? No armies store these things and have them just in case. Seeing how there is over half a dozen military bases in the map its not far fetched to think somewhere in those bases some of these weapons would exist. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulfirez 901 Posted February 15, 2014 Gibonz i know you played the mod did you not try out some of the versions with all the toys of arma 2 in ??? when does the survival game suddenly become an over the top version of wasteland... Im not sure what made the cheese suddenly slip of your cracker but wow im glad your not a dev.... i get all the uber and heavy weapons i need in arma games, at best in dayz i might expect to see a civilian vehicle with home made armour welded on it and lmg mounted kinda mad max styles but this how does the common civilian know how to use and modify all this not to mention some balance in a SURVIVAL game its not a war game.... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IkaikaKekai 1957 Posted February 15, 2014 Thing is, the FSA is fighting against an actual Army using tanks and (I think Gov Forces still have a couple jets) helicopters using what they can scavenge together. In a survival situation I'm not going to disconnect the rocket pods from a downed Apache to mount them onto my Truck to kill zombies, or even random bandits, I'm going to sit up on Mauna Lahilahi like the bandits of the Classical Era with food, water, a couple of different rifles, and some camo netting and shoot anything menacing in the heart or head, because Hell, I might need whatever the hell they were driving or holding onto to not be blown into 100 tiny pieces. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Element47 2481 Posted February 15, 2014 Lets be honest here, if its realism your on about ........ there's no such thing as zombies ! i dont think you understand what realism means in this context.featuring a fictional premise like the outbreak in a fictional country does not exclude a realistic setting like modelling the country and time after real places. otherwise you could argue in favor of including spaceships, magic wands and unicorns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted February 15, 2014 Gibonz i know you played the mod did you not try out some of the versions with all the toys of arma 2 in ??? when does the survival game suddenly become an over the top version of wasteland... Im not sure what made the cheese suddenly slip of your cracker but wow im glad your not a dev.... i get all the uber and heavy weapons i need in arma games, at best in dayz i might expect to see a civilian vehicle with home made armour welded on it and lmg mounted kinda mad max styles but this how does the common civilian know how to use and modify all this not to mention some balance in a SURVIVAL game its not a war game.... Think of it this way. Would a dedicated bandit group or survivor group who had a base not slowly fortify their vehicles with scavenged weapons and armor ? Welding these weapons to the backs of vechiles or emplacing them in bases for defense is not far fetched. These would not be practical for a lone survivor but groups especially large ones would thrive and put them to good use. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oregonized 673 Posted February 15, 2014 Most of the suggestions I saw in this thread = HELL NO! We don't need any military grade rockets, grenades, or huge machine guns. I personally hope there is no explosives besides a few improvised explosive devices such as molotov cocktails and pipe bombs. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlexLM 31 Posted February 15, 2014 I somewhat agree with this. I think it should be possible to strip PK/DShK guns out of stored tanks and BMP's and weld them onto cars or pickups via scrap metal and whatever (as well as being able to weld or bolt metal and rubber onto your vehicles to uparmour them. Things like mortars and recoilless rifles would probably be a bit much though - remember the only targets are either squishy humans or soft armoured light vehicles, so a DShK size weapon would be sufficient. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judopunch 523 Posted February 15, 2014 Could it be in? Sure. Should it? I dont think so. The game is supposed to be about player interaction during a zombie apocalypse scenario. There comes a point where the weaponry would hurt that and make it also a military sim. Now the question is "Is DayZ a military sim too?". And I dont think it is. Sure there are going to be a couple heavy weapons here and there. But if your going to start with these weapons, why not add ac130's, tanks, jets? You could come up with all sorts of justifications for doing it, but it would change how the game is played, and the spirit of the game. The spirit of the game involves player interaction, not leveling an entire block with your anti tank weapon. Let another game be the holocost military simulator. I could defiantly see something like that working in the shadow of nuke war. But it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth for DayZ. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chawktah 43 Posted February 15, 2014 (edited) They would have had tanks and attack choppers also would this make for an interesting game in dayz hmmm let me think about oh they tried that in a mod of the dayz mod it sucked and basicly gave organized bandit groups control of the map.. Go back to smoking the weed dude and let the level headed guys play a gritty game of survival you want these sort of toys Arma is your best bet... Okay, so first ur saying that having the military vehicles sucked..Your opinion, however I know many others who rather enjoyed them. Organized bandit groups in any survival situation would have an advantage, in any situation really, so no reason to bitch about a well organized group controlling a map. Idealy an attack helicopter would take quite a lot of mechanical work and the weapon systems would need to be scavenged, and with the way they intend to have the M4 spawn, it would be rare/extremely rare and also require intensive maintanence. Allowing players to have RPGs and heavy machine guns would help equalize the playing field. Then you call me out for the marijuana leaf, lol. Grow up dude, i bet you drink alcohol, so really what im doing is much safer and "level headed". Go drive off a cliff asshole Edited February 15, 2014 by Max Planck Unnecessary. Mellow out, please. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judopunch 523 Posted February 15, 2014 Then you call me out for the marijuana leaf, lol. Grow up dude, i bet you drink alcohol, so really what im doing is much safer and "level headed". Go drive off a cliff asshole You should refrain from personal insults. It greatly weakens your point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fiese_moep 14 Posted February 15, 2014 I think that some heavy weapons should be in game. Anything explosive like Molotove, improvised bomb or a granade is needed.I mean is someone in a room without windows with a m4 you cant kill him right now. RPG, 40mm Granades fit in game to kill player in building and attack building. But should be rar military stuff. Light maschineguns are also ok, cause they are not more deadly than a sniper. Selfmade Flamethrower would be nice. Traps, Mines Trip wirebombs.... would just be annoying. Campers would become more and more powerfull. What i wouldnt like to see in dayz are mortars, granade maschineguns like ags30 or mk19 and recoilless rifles.I used am in wasteland mod and i think they would not fit in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valadain 270 Posted February 15, 2014 As stated above these weapons do not increase the potential of pvp anymore than a mosin does. These weapons would be like trophies for organized bandit and survivor groups and they would allow them to either take on or defend their bases. Above all they would add much needed variety to the game and add even more depth to dayz. I gave you beans. Who cares if it increases PvP? It is an integral part of this game. Do people not realize that the whole thing that distinguishes DayZ from something like Left 4 Dead is the player element? There are plenty of zombie PvE games out there, I own quite a few. They are fun. I picked up DayZ because it adds a whole new element of having to be strategic against thinking enemies. Players. Not AI shambling, wall-walking-through zombies. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kobeandodom 23 Posted February 15, 2014 You want a realistic survival game, but no heavy weapons? You are living in a dream world. You obviously have no idea of the kind of area "cherno" would be. What do you think the military would have? who says the military would leave that there? There is no need for a RPG to take out zombies lol, crazy idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted February 15, 2014 who says the military would leave that there? There is no need for a RPG to take out zombies lol, crazy idea. Who suggested these would be used to take out zombies ? The rpgs and heavy weapons would always be there the zombie out break would catch them off guard and these weapons would then be looted by survivors. Rpg is such a common weapon that the mere thought of it not being in dayz is crazy. It will become important once base building is introduced. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fiese_moep 14 Posted February 15, 2014 who says the military would leave that there? There is no need for a RPG to take out zombies lol, crazy idea.No, but there will be cars... and a rpg is also good vs buildings. There are many diverent warheads to blow any kind of shit up. Anti personal also. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulfirez 901 Posted February 15, 2014 Okay, so first ur saying that having the military vehicles sucked..Your opinion, however I know many others who rather enjoyed them. Organized bandit groups in any survival situation would have an advantage, in any situation really, so no reason to bitch about a well organized group controlling a map. Idealy an attack helicopter would take quite a lot of mechanical work and the weapon systems would need to be scavenged, and with the way they intend to have the M4 spawn, it would be rare/extremely rare and also require intensive maintanence. Allowing players to have RPGs and heavy machine guns would help equalize the playing field. Then you call me out for the marijuana leaf, lol. Grow up dude, i bet you drink alcohol, so really what im doing is much safer and "level headed". Go drive off a cliff asshole yeah your right it is merely only my opinion but its one that is shared by many people the mods that did these kinds of weapons did not go well i am not even sure they are around still people flocked to them thinking it would be a good idea it turned out it wasnt... Hey i dont know what Rocket will or wont add but seeing he wanted to make a gritty survival game and basicly when he started the SA he pretty much said no modding after everything that was thrown in to the mods of his mod. ( he has reversed his idea on that now thankfully and has added mod support to it. But ask yourself this if doing that sort of thing to what was his mod sparked that sort of response from him , and now its his game do you really think he is going to add all the things he hated???? I dont but your free to think so good luck waiting for it mate. PS no i dont drink actually have been straight edge for 15 years now so i fear it is far more likely you might in your ultered state suffer a car crash ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Max Planck 7174 Posted February 15, 2014 Go drive off a cliff asshole "let's talk about heavy weapons" without that kind of thing please. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted February 15, 2014 Those that are against the heavy weapons and crew served weapons need to look at them and have these weapons be applied in the future not now. Of course these would not make sense to add right now when not even vehicles are added. However think far into the future a future where there are bases , heavily defended and built bandit and survivor bases reinforced with everything imaginable. In this future something like an SPG 9 would come in handy or an rpg7 or a small mortar to soften their defenses. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chawktah 43 Posted February 15, 2014 I don't use a car >.< I ride a bike. Really, idk why im arguing with an australian about weapons, as I remember they banned most firearms and now have issues with people making their own. Now, you keep bringing up gritty survival game. Don't you feel that the game is missing an entirely mechanical aspect? What could be grittier than working on an engine for your armor plated go cart and welding a pkm to the top roll rail? Come on nowww. Sure, there is a more primal grit, like cave man style. There will be more throwing items and bows and what not, why not improvised explosives for anti vehicle. Already there are destroyed armor models all over the military zones, why wouldnt there be tank shells or mortar rounds that could be used in a craftable reciepy for a timed explosive, or impact detonated device. That would be pretty damn gritty. Also, when you say straight edge for 15 years, are you saying that you are 15 years old? lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chawktah 43 Posted February 15, 2014 "let's talk about heavy weapons" without that kind of thing please. My apologies, I felt it inappropriate as soon as i had posted it. Just get riled up when people insult marijuana Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Etherimp 1323 Posted February 15, 2014 Short answer: No. Long answer: As others have stated, it's not with the spirit of the game. The more explosives and heavy weapons you add to the game, the worse it will make it. Some people will counter with, "Oh only the most dedicated will have them! They'll be really rare!" Yeah... Here's the thing, in the Mod, helicopters were really rare and difficult to get functioning.. I played on one of the most popular/populated Vanilla servers and my team and I managed to procure all 4 helicopters, and 8+ vehicles.. Every off-road vehicles was ours. Nobody could touch our base because nobody had the mobility to find it, except us. What happened? We had all 4 helicopters for FOUR MONTHS.. FOUR MONTHS.. We looted every helicopter crash before anyone else could get to it.. We cleared airfields and cities unchecked. FOR FOUR MONTHS. Know how Satchel Charges were super-rare? Most players in DayZ Mod have never even seen a Satchel Charge, let alone successfully used one. At one point, we had 3 Satchel Charges stashed. The only thing that stopped our reign was someone from within our group getting bored and blowing everything up. So what does this have to do with Heavy Weapons?Heavy Weapons will be used by groups to decimate less geared players. Simple as that.. And rarity won't make a shit bit of difference because all resources in DayZ are effectively infinite. While spawn chances of Satchel Charges were extremely low, all you had to do was loot, leave, return, loot, leave, return, loot, leave, return, loot, etc.. Eventually one will spawn and now you have the most powerful weapon in the game. Keep doing this and you stock up on them. I play in the middle of the night due to my work schedule, so it's not especially difficult to loot an airfield. Currently, in DayZ, even a Fresh Spawn with a pistol can kill a fully geared player with a little sneakiness and a few well placed shots. Why? Because MOST guns do a LOT of damage and kill people very fast.. Even pistols. So as soon as someone has ANY kind of firearm, they are capable of defending themselves no matter how geared their opponent(s) are. If you introduce heavy weapons, the balance of power shifts further away from neutral, and you start getting players/groups who can't be touched because they have weapons which outclass anything else. Then it turns into a game of "whoever has the most big guns wins.".. or "whoever has the big gun wins." There's a difference between a sniper rifle or a LMG, or even a grenade, or EVEN a satchel charge, and a HMG or a Mortar. Think snipers are bad? Imagine a mortar team sitting on sniper hill launching mortars into the supermarket or school every time they see a fresh spawn run in there. This WILL happen if you introduce mortars. Basically, what the OP is posting is "gun porn".. He's clearly really into guns, and that's great for him..But as others have said: If you want heavy weapons go play another game. There are plenty of them out there that have what you're looking for. This isn't fucking Battlefield 4. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted February 15, 2014 Short answer: No. Long answer: As others have stated, it's not with the spirit of the game. The more explosives and heavy weapons you add to the game, the worse it will make it. Some people will counter with, "Oh only the most dedicated will have them! They'll be really rare!" Yeah... Here's the thing, in the Mod, helicopters were really rare and difficult to get functioning.. I played on one of the most popular/populated Vanilla servers and my team and I managed to procure all 4 helicopters, and 8+ vehicles.. Every off-road vehicles was ours. Nobody could touch our base because nobody had the mobility to find it, except us. What happened? We had all 4 helicopters for FOUR MONTHS.. FOUR MONTHS.. We looted every helicopter crash before anyone else could get to it.. We cleared airfields and cities unchecked. FOR FOUR MONTHS. Know how Satchel Charges were super-rare? Most players in DayZ Mod have never even seen a Satchel Charge, let alone successfully used one. At one point, we had 3 Satchel Charges stashed. The only thing that stopped our reign was someone from within our group getting bored and blowing everything up. So what does this have to do with Heavy Weapons?Heavy Weapons will be used by groups to decimate less geared players. Simple as that.. And rarity won't make a shit bit of difference because all resources in DayZ are effectively infinite. While spawn chances of Satchel Charges were extremely low, all you had to do was loot, leave, return, loot, leave, return, loot, leave, return, loot, etc.. Eventually one will spawn and now you have the most powerful weapon in the game. Keep doing this and you stock up on them. I play in the middle of the night due to my work schedule, so it's not especially difficult to loot an airfield. Currently, in DayZ, even a Fresh Spawn with a pistol can kill a fully geared player with a little sneakiness and a few well placed shots. Why? Because MOST guns do a LOT of damage and kill people very fast.. Even pistols. So as soon as someone has ANY kind of firearm, they are capable of defending themselves no matter how geared their opponent(s) are. If you introduce heavy weapons, the balance of power shifts further away from neutral, and you start getting players/groups who can't be touched because they have weapons which outclass anything else. Then it turns into a game of "whoever has the most big guns wins.".. or "whoever has the big gun wins." There's a difference between a sniper rifle or a LMG, or even a grenade, or EVEN a satchel charge, and a HMG or a Mortar. Think snipers are bad? Imagine a mortar team sitting on sniper hill launching mortars into the supermarket or school every time they see a fresh spawn run in there. This WILL happen if you introduce mortars. Basically, what the OP is posting is "gun porn".. He's clearly really into guns, and that's great for him..But as others have said: If you want heavy weapons go play another game. There are plenty of them out there that have what you're looking for. This isn't fucking Battlefield 4. That would be one very dead mortar crew. Also the mortar would be completely balanced with something like this in place. As for groups of people in the server become overpowered isnt that the point of teaming up ? Why should there be a balance of power, just like real life those that team up and have the big guns will have the power. Most of the weapons mentioned are also static, crew served weapons they would not be used to kill targets of opportunity they would be used to defend, or attack fortifications. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites