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Voice of reason

No firearms.

No firearms  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. More or less firearms

    • We get more firearms and easier accessible
    • More and better melee capabilities and lesss or no firearms

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You misunderstood what I said. I'm not talking about the power of any weapon being to high in the game. I'm saying that having sniper rifles in this kind of game is not neccesary hence "overkill".


Again, look at what my VERY first post was.  

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That poll is way too black and white


I added color with my first post  :rolleyes:

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The options on your poll are not very good. Personally I feel lots of firearm options(mostly poor condition), even more melee/innovative choices but very low on ammo/mags.

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Low end weaponry such as shot guns, nuggets ect are all fine as long as they are uncommon.

Military grade weapons should almost always be spawned in damaged or completely fucked.(And in my opinion a whole weapon maintaining mechanic besides just using a cleaning kit)

Melee should be improved, and the baseline. Getting a good gun should be a prize, and makes you stand above the rest of the plebeian fresh spawns with their improvised spears and firefighters axes.


In regards to military bases. Weapons should have a low chance of spawning in the barracks, along with corresponding ammo and magazines but mostly soldier clothing and misc soldier items but moderate chance for low end attachments.. The brigs (Jail) should have a moderate chance for a weapon with some ammo and low end attachments but mostly clothing and misc items. Control tower should have moderate chance to spawn weapons, but no ammo. 

There should be a new building spawn point that is an armoury, that is locked every restart. It should require different tools to break into it, but very dangerous to do so.

But make it so it ONLY spawns weapons and ammo along with attachments. 

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Yeah im pretty happy the present "finding" of firearms (and initial melee weaps) . First time i played the game i couldnt find a melee weapon to save myself, ended up dead quite a few times till i learned how to punch out zombies :) but you can only do that probably once if you have some lvl or health. I don't recommend it to noobies. last 2 "deaths " have been from falling off things first time was immediate death.. rather than a break. the second was a break with no sticks around to make a splint.. i had to find a zombie to beat me to death ;) . the latest respawn i found the new SKS, and about 30 rounds of ammo.. not enough ammo to use it exclusively on Zeek's but enough to take a few distance pot shots.. I like it, it also makes sense that this is the kind of weapon you would find, an old ex military rifle. Its what you would find in the homes of licenced gun holders in the country i Live in, but it would be a 303 enfield or an 8 mm mauser... in unlicenced holders? pistols, saw off shotguns, full auto cut down rifles..

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Didn't vote.


Once improvised weapons are introduced, military equipment and guns in general will be "extremely rare" according to Dean.


Thank god.


My antics as the loincloth clad spear wielding forest-man can be fully realized.


P.S Add loincloths. 

Edited by Daemonkid
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Yo, What!?!?! I think that firearms are very important to the game, and if you dont have one then you gotta #1) Go get one, and #2) Be STEALTHY and try to sneak by anybody you see that has one...

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Yo, What!?!?! I think that firearms are very important to the game, and if you dont have one then you gotta #1) Go get one, and #2) Be STEALTHY and try to sneak by anybody you see that has one...



But that's the thing.. getting one being the priority in the back of your head. 

But it's the interm between obtaining one that needs significant work. The melee system and crafting of weapons.

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I think...that in any post apocalyptic situation...the first thing I would do is find a gun.


I'm not sure I follow your logic. It would make sense to have no firearms if the setting was medieval Russia...but the setting of the game being when and where it is, I just don't see that happening.


Perhaps I misunderstood your point?

In reality a gun makes you a threat, if you are seen with one you might be shot by others with guns.

I have guns already so in such a scenario I would more likely try to keep my guns as hidden as possible, lasting source of food and water would be my first priorities.

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I liked the fact that DayZ mod had a metric f--k ton of guns.


the interesting thing about having the game absolutely bloated with possibly 90 types of weapons would be trying to find magazines for your gun, and the appropriate ammo.


I think it would be crazy to have all kinds of weapons, all varieties, makes, models and so on, but only ever having a handfull of bullets (unless you somehow got REALLY lucky and stumbled upon mag after mag / bullet after bullet)


Again, this would require lots of different ammo types, from 9mm to .40 cal to 45 to 50 AE to 44 mag, .357 and that's only a small sample of handgun rounds.

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Didn't vote.


Once improvised weapons are introduced, military equipment and guns in general will be "extremely rare" according to Dean.


I'm very torn by this. I mean, I like them adding in other weapons so that the game doesn't become "Server hop 50 times until you get an M4", but still..... I guess my real concern is that the guns that we have still use a clunky ARMA system, and so unless the overhaul the entire system, I feel that any more weapons that aren't guns are going to be incredibly difficult to use and only result in people with military weapons absolutely crushing servers.

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I thought I will be the only one voting for more melee and it is nearly equal to my surprise. It may be weird when I say it but I personally think that there should be a lot of guns in the game but for the moment the game has way to many guns and noone pays attention to melle any more. I was just hoping to put more attention to that. Personally i dont like to have a gun because there is always someone trying to kill me over it but I deffinitely want them in the game. Just more balance please.

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Uhh, no.

First of all, Sniper rifles are not "Overkill". There aren't even a y in game. And there should be. In the mod, Snipers added a huge aspect to the game. 


Ammo should be rarer. It gets used fast. NATO ammo should be rarer, but Warsaw pact shit should be slightly more common.

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I disagree with removing guns from DayZ - they're part and parcel of the game, and have been since its conception, given the game it was based on.

Creating a medieval-style mod variant of the game, however... That would be incredibly interesting. And something I would likely spend more time on than the original.

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You misunderstood what I said. I'm not talking about the power of any weapon being to high in the game. I'm saying that having sniper rifles in this kind of game is not neccesary hence "overkill".


.....So when the military reacted to the virus and sent personal to extinguish it there were no snipers?  And when hunters hunted in the forests of Chernarus they never once brought a scoped hunting rifle into the area they went?






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.....So when the military reacted to the virus and sent personal to extinguish it there were no snipers?  And when hunters hunted in the forests of Chernarus they never once brought a scoped hunting rifle into the area they went?













Your comments are childish and silly no matter how funny you think you are. I have a suggestion then. How about you go outside and try to find a gun in your neighbourhood and then come to me and tell me how easy it was to find.
To those who think I have a problem with KOS - I don't and you can be sure that when I see you I will shoot you without a word out of a distance.
In this post I was trying to say there is not enough options and it gets to easy with all the guns people opt so much for.
There is an idea. maybe in face of disaster countries send countless amounts of guns to the shore with plenty of ammo and when I spawn on the beach I just pick up one and look for some people to kill. It makes perfect sense in my opinion.
Edited by Voice of reason

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Maybe add some selfmade weapons like bows and spears.


Go play Rust.

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