omgwtfbbq (DayZ) 1069 Posted February 13, 2014 What is that even supposed to mean? "alpha bullshit" Apparently pointing out that the game is in alpha all of the sudden means you should punch yourself in the face. That makes so much sense thanks I now understand the universe and the secrets of life. It is saying "hurr durr alpherr" when someone suggests something, or simply speaks of something in the game. The OP wasn't even complaining; you just felt like filling your quota for saying that for the day. Even if the OP was complaining, how would "alpha" cover what he was talking about? 100 player servers have not been around since the release, nor are they the norm. There's absolutely no reason to use "alpha" in this thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hutch (DayZ) 116 Posted February 13, 2014 (edited) IMHO, Complaining about problems in the game is valid, alpha or not.Complaints about problems with the game is the POINT of having an alpha.If nobody complained about anything "because it's alpha", the devs wouldn't get much feedback. As long as they are constructive, Complaints here help other players avoid problems and lets others know they aren't the only ones having the problem. That being said, it's useless to complain about things that aren't broken. Game "features" won't be changed and player behavior can't be fixed. Edited February 13, 2014 by Hutch 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benri 33 Posted February 13, 2014 where did you guys find these servers? i saw only about 10 testing servers with 10 - 15 people in them (max 80 players).how to find these servers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mehsiah 2 Posted February 13, 2014 I didn't get to electro, I was in Berezino and small towns just to the south with a brief trip inland. There were people everywhere. Everyone looked like a fresh spawn. Nobody had any weapons or food.Flashlights and pants litter the ground everywhere. Dead bodies all over. I found a couple of food cans in various buildings but didn't have anything to open them with.I was searching the tower apartments in north Berezino and found a bag of rice. Just when I finished eating it, a pair of players saw me from outside and one of them who was geared with a mosin and a fire axe came in looking for me. I gambled he didn't have any ammo and I waited for him with my pipe wrench. I got the jump on him but unfortunately, I didn't get the head shot I needed and his fire axe won. In a side note, what is it with people running around without pants? When I see someone without pants I punch them in the face. I was on the 100 pop server for a good chunk of the day. I think the server was fully reset once (the 100 pop). I went threw Cherno at that time and found a bunch of stuff etc. I don't think alot of people went down the Coast far from what I saw. Did die at Balota tho. (First time use of SKS) Yeah, food was a big issue but we weren't there to test food, it was to server test. At one time we had around 30 people in Elecktro dancing with no pants and killing anyone who didnt take them off and follow our "religion" haha. It was an overall fun experience. I hope everything works out, having a high pop like that will make a big difference if loot is fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jack Dant 158 Posted February 13, 2014 I have never had trouble finding food......NEVER! Go up north & your luck should be better. Try harder bro.Have you ever played on experimental on patch day? There's only 20 servers or so for the entire world, thousands of players who want to try the new patch, and they don't always restart often. Even if there's only 40 (100 tonight) people on the server at one point, there's been several hundred unique players since the server came up. Experimental players are also a bit more experienced, and less inclined to stay on the coast. Anywhere you can think of, someone has thought of before. Anything within starving range of the spawns is gone in the first hour or two. It's incredibly intense, but somewhat frustrating. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faramon 66 Posted February 13, 2014 Once they add loot respawn it shouldn't be too bad .. I for one look forward to the 100 player deathmatchs ... wait .. xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkwaveDomina 1099 Posted February 13, 2014 100 players wouldn't be so bad if half the buildings in the game actually spawned loot, or if loot re-spawned as others have said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JiJi (DayZ) 223 Posted February 13, 2014 100 Slot server. Will it somehow tend to reduce price/slot in the futur (Vilayer, etc)?If not it's gonna be quite expensive... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judopunch 523 Posted February 13, 2014 It's crazy. There's so few resources I have to kill (or try to) anyone I run across just to see if they have any food. Unfortunately, nobody does. People everywhere you go. Little two house village in the middle of nowhere? Yep, already looted and three other people there looking.Creates a sense of desperation, starving to death, doesnt it :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoldenKade 73 Posted February 13, 2014 It is saying "hurr durr alpherr" when someone suggests something, or simply speaks of something in the game. The OP wasn't even complaining; you just felt like filling your quota for saying that for the day. Even if the OP was complaining, how would "alpha" cover what he was talking about? 100 player servers have not been around since the release, nor are they the norm. There's absolutely no reason to use "alpha" in this thread.Here's an example: Proper loot hasn't been implemented yet - especially for 100 player servers. OP couldn't find a single building unlooted and most likely starved to death; I don't know about you but I think it's just annoying when I starve to death in DayZ. Oh and btw, I'm fully aware of those who mindlessly scream alpha and my post wasn't one that screamed alpha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulfirez 901 Posted February 13, 2014 100 Slot server. Will it somehow tend to reduce price/slot in the futur (Vilayer, etc)?If not it's gonna be quite will still be able to get 40 slot servers i would imagine for that reason just as now its not just 40 slot for stable you get 30 slot ones aswell. No written proof but id imagine common sense would prevail ( wish it did around here more to though lol) its just you will have the option to get 100 slot servers ( i look forward to 100 slot private servers) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeChat 131 Posted February 13, 2014 I think this will balance out though, with respawning loot, potentially more lootable places up north, when people have gathered that which they need and add hunting on top of that.But yeah a 100 pop server will be cleaned out fairly early without respawning loot, specially if all those people join within the first hour of each other. It's really only new spawns that need a lot of food. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted February 13, 2014 Hello there No face punching, please.. Or I'll give you all a dry slap with a wet fish. No need to micro analyse everyone's posts, we all make mistakes. As to high pop servers, whilst from an economic standpoint I can understand having them, I actually would prefer encounters with people to be rarer, not because I want kool lewt, rather when meeting a person I want it to be an "occasion". Same with zeds. Id rather they be far more deadly when aroused (?!) but also for them to be uncommon. Perhaps one or two per village and something to really be avoided. A "here be monsters" scenario. It wont happen, but its what Id like. Rgds LoK 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judopunch 523 Posted February 13, 2014 Hello there No face punching, please.. Or I'll give you all a dry slap with a wet fish. No need to micro analyse everyone's posts, we all make mistakes. As to high pop servers, whilst from an economic standpoint I can understand having them, I actually would prefer encounters with people to be rarer, not because I want kool lewt, rather when meeting a person I want it to be an "occasion". Same with zeds. Id rather they be far more deadly when aroused (?!) but also for them to be uncommon. Perhaps one or two per village and something to really be avoided. A "here be monsters" scenario. It wont happen, but its what Id like. Rgds LoK I think there is room for a bit of bot. Its going to be interesting where things go. I can see some unfortunate new player fire a gun at someone, only to get mugged by 15 zombies that were alerted to the sound! It will change the ways players interact. About 100 people on the map would be about right, thats a population density of less than .5 people per sq km. And there is A LOT of back country in this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BadAsh (DayZ) 1513 Posted February 13, 2014 100 players seem a bit excessive. I would prefer 64-80 player servers, making encounters more frequent than they currently are, but still rare enough to be a relatively big deal. It is fine if there will be some 100+ player alternatives for those that enjoy that, I guess I would even like that once in a while, but I really hope the average server will have a lower playermax. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judopunch 523 Posted February 13, 2014 100 players seem a bit excessive. I would prefer 64-80 player servers, making encounters more frequent than they currently are, but still rare enough to be a relatively big deal. It is fine if there will be some 100+ player alternatives for those that enjoy that, I guess I would even like that once in a while, but I really hope the average server will have a lower playermax.Im sure it will be customizable, I can see both camps on this one. However, If you ever go off the beaten trail, this game is realllllllly big.... Got lost yesterday, the time of year changed and the sun wasnt where I thought it was. I had no clue where I was going for two hours. It was kinda fun. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 28 Posted February 13, 2014 Not sure if its a good idea to increase players slots before hunting and item respawning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TD808 71 Posted February 13, 2014 Oh and btw, I'm fully aware of those who mindlessly scream alpha and my post wasn't one that screamed alpha. Don't worry it's because this forum is in alpha, they are working on the users AI in the experimental build. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hells high 676 Posted February 13, 2014 (edited) But you can be the judge of it - seems like you're doing it already. What does that even mean? Are you so far up your own ass that me thinking he was just presenting his experiences is "judging" whilst your opinion of him being whiny is just the way it is, a gold standard of sorts? Good god, that stick you sit atop must have some mean thorns. Edited February 13, 2014 by Hells High Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoldenKade 73 Posted February 13, 2014 What does that even mean? Are you so far up your own ass that me thinking he was just presenting his experiences is "judging" whilst your opinion of him being whiny is just the way it is, a gold standard of sorts? Good god, that stick you sit atop must have some mean thorns.Really simple concept: I said that you can feel free to judge OP's post and that you seem to do a lot of judging anyway (basing this assumption off of the fact that you assumed that I mindlessly scream alpha at any complaint). Of course, you wouldn't understand such a difficult idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites