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General Zod

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How is this input helpful? You're publicly criticising a development process of which you have no knowledge or understanding, making baseless assumptions about the allocation of the the dev team's resources, and slinging insults at the rest of the community.

You two really, really should have waited for beta.

And here we go

Wait for that that and that bullshit.


No I shouldn't 

I'm just asking why are devs adding more of a broken stuff to the game ? It's a legitimate question, and it's not something small, zeds are big part of this game and therefore a problem with zeds is a big problem. 

I don't expect them to allocate designers to do programmers job, but I do expect some problem being fixed before we have hundreds of broken zombies everywhere. 

Once zeds are fixed they can add thousands of them, they can be military, civilian, whatever, but not when they are so broken. 

That simple, 

Edited by General Zod
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Yes. You're right. Excuse us for having opinions. I guess if this forum was actually looking for community feedback they would have posted all of their code, notes, development schedule, personal diaries and ATM PIN numbers. Because until we have that information it totally makes no sense to suggest anything or post an opinion. It's an open ALPHA so that the players can just drink the cool-aid and shut up.

Slinging insults? Have you read any posts on this fucking forum? Any time someone gives an opinion an asshole like you comes along and tells them what a child or retard (real nice Ann Coulture) they are.

An enjoyable, if rather unhinged rant, thanks for sharing :)

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I dont like they're adding more zeds too, but maybe it's just for testing porposes, see if the server can handle more quantity, we all know the zeds are broken, we all know that there is a lot of problems, I don't mind threads with good opnions, and not offensive content, but I think a lot of us, lost their patient because 80% of the threads is to insult the game or the development team, with simple threads like "hur dur this game iz garbage", we all have to see the difference between a thread of someone whinning and someone who is asking a descent question.

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And here we go

Wait for that that and that bullshit.


No I shouldn't 

I'm just asking why are devs adding more of a broken stuff to the game ? It's a legitimate question, and it's not something small, zeds are big part of this game and therefore a problem with zeds is a big problem. 

I don't expect them to allocate designers to do programmers job, but I do expect some problem being fixed before we have hundreds of broken zombies everywhere. 

Once zeds are fixed they can add thousands of them, they can be military, civilian, whatever, but not when they are so broken. 

That simple, 


To be fair dude, you had to expect that everyone is going to jump on you as soon as you submitted this topic...

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 I don't mind threads with good opnions, and not offensive content, but I think a lot of us, lost their patient because 80% of the threads is to insult the game or the development team, with simple threads like "hur dur this game iz garbage", we all have to see the difference between a thread of someone whinning and someone who is asking a descent question.

This is one like that, no offence, no insults towards dev team, and yet the thread looks the way it does


To be fair dude, you had to expect that everyone is going to jump on you as soon as you submitted this topic...

I would If I have complained, whined, ranted or raged, all I did was enquiring in dev team though process, and why do they add more of what's clearly broken. 

It's a perfectly reasonable question. 

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Nubs coming in creating threads stating how they think this game should be made, please tell me more about how what you think matters =)

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So I just saw this :



And I'm not okay with that, zombies still see and walk trough walls, and yet devs add more, also add stronger military zeds. 

Why are more zeds being added when they are clearly broken ? I just don't get it. 


Zombies are a pretty big project when you think about it getting them into the game at an ideal state requires:

*Server stability and performance (Seeing improvement.)

*Software optimization (They are working on it.)

*Pathing AI (Seeing a little improvement)

*Possibly huge Chernarus-wide navmeshes




*Sound Effects

*Balancing based on feedback

There are also different teams working on different types of content, as I understand. But as you see, the complexity of such a multilayer project is far from insignificant and assuredly has different groups of individuals with a variety of skill sets working on it. Nevermind the steady trickle of new toys to play with in the upcoming patches nor the bugs and game-breaking problems that will be introduced. It's all temporary. Everything being phased in a little at a time is a good way for us to find problems associated with each individual piece, that is if we remain constructive.

Let's critisize as the changes come, rather than criticizes based on assumption! The feedback will more practical and useful that way.


Edited by Rudette
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I want to see more Zombies, I have already seen the AI pathing improve on some buildings. I don't give a toss if they teleport or can walk through walls. My character is made to die as this is part of the development process so who am I to judge what the creators of Dayz should or shouldn't do.

I am just happy I have a decent and different game to play rather than this recycled turds the masses play because they are all brain dead F-witts.


Bring on more Zombies, Break the game more if necessary because I know they are gonna learn from it and fix it and make it better.

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I wish zombies carried some loot... whatever loot, could be mostly garbage all the time... or at least the bodies dont dissapear right away so you can see a town full of dead zombies. and know its been recently cleared, so watch outt!

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I don't know if I want loot from a zombie, you really want to stick something in your pocket ---or in your hand for that matter--that a diseased corpse has been carrying around with it?

Although, that could give you a reason to carry around the disinfectant to spray that ill gotten loot, lest you get infected >.>

Well...Other than force feeding it to fresh spawns that is.

Edited by Rudette

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I wish zombies carried some loot... whatever loot, could be mostly garbage all the time... or at least the bodies dont dissapear right away so you can see a town full of dead zombies. and know its been recently cleared, so watch outt!

It was like this in the mod and I loved it that way. I hope it'll be that way again when it can be.

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I like that they seem to make progress regarding the server performance!

And more Zämbies, yeah!


But on the other hand, I would have liked it more if they started with respawning loot instead of zombies. If they implement new items we should test, it is not a good idea to make it even harder to obtain such items.


Well, we will see how this works out when they implement more Zeds and them respawning. I don't think it will make it in the upcoming patch tomorrow.





I see your point with the zombie-loot. But two things:


- As far as I understood, the "Zombies" in DayZ aren't zombies in the sense of dead and revived bodys, but more of the infected humans in 28 Days and Weeks later. So, only the missing personal hygiene could be a problem... but that is a problem regarding the survivors, too. :)


- If the zombies / infected have some canned tuna or beans or something alike on them from time to time, why not eat it? As long as the lids are still closed of course.

Edited by DaMaakus

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There's lots of things that should be halted until zombie pathing is fixed but you don't say that out loud here because this forum is a Dean Hall support group. If he did it then it's gospel. Shut your damn mouth unless you're opening it to eat the Rocket Beanz.

I could not give a flying crap about dean hall, in fact i detest his kind of character however, I am patient and i am not stupid enough to know that if dean ever releases this game he can not release it with zombies clipping through walls and all the other issues identified so far. That means that at some point all these issues are going to be resolved.


So the ONLY thing i have to do is be patient and i am fine with that but others feel the need to post the most obvious problems on the forum as if no one even noticed it. If only there was some way to release this game in a kind of testing phase so that the players could test and report all the issues they find in a certain place, maybe we could call it alpha, i think i am on to something here.

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when i started a topic on this, it got locked for some reason…  >:(

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I would If I have complained, whined, ranted or raged, all I did was enquiring in dev team though process, and why do they add more of what's clearly broken. 

It's a perfectly reasonable question. 


Well that's as may be. But this is the DayZ forum, say anything negative and it starts a flame war, you don't have to be here that long to realise that.


Also your post did come across as a bit enraged and ranty.


I mean if you'd have said: "I'm just curious as to why the dev team have increased the number of zombies before fixing the fact that they can walk through walls?" that would be hard to construe as angry or ranting (it probably would have started a flame war anyway though), what you actually said seemed like an angry rant. 

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I find it hilarious how many people bitch about these kind of things.

If you played the mod from the beginning you had to deal with so many worse things. LOTS of shitty AI zombies, random death glitches, all those shenanigans. 

Complaining about it just makes you look like a bitch, over a video game. 

It's a video game, that's in a TESTING phase. Things need to be BROKEN to get FIXED. Stop your god damned whining and play.

You entitled little shits. 

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I see it now, no point in posting in this thread any more. 

People on this forum can't tell a difference between an enquiry and less than positive opinion and bitching and whining. 

What we have here are two groups

1. Those who preach everything devs do and anyone who does not agree is a bitchy whiny cunt who should fuck off.

2. Those who hate every thing devs do and any one who agrees with what devs do is a brown noser.


Shame neutral people with their own opinion are getting caught in a cross fire. 


Some decision devs made are good some are not. 

And this you twats is what open alpha is for

So that people can provide feedback, good or bad for that matter. 



Edited by orlok
no need for that.

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You're not providing feedback though. You're complaining about something that hasn't even been introduced yet.

How; pray tell do we even test how the servers will do with more zombies, even with their bugginess (If you ever played the mod, these buggy zombies ARE FUCKING NOTHING)or the respawning mechanic if we don't bring it out to the general populace to consume and test. 


Bitch when there are more zombies when issues can be brought to light. Don't pre-emptively bitch. It does no good.

Edited by Daemonkid
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You're not providing feedback though. You're complaining about something that hasn't even been introduced yet.

How; pray tell do we even test how the servers will do with more zombies, even with their bugginess (If you ever played the mod, these buggy zombies ARE FUCKING NOTHING)or the respawning mechanic if we don't bring it out to the general populace to consume and test. 


Bitch when there are more zombies when issues can be brought to light. Don't pre-emptively bitch. It does no good.

Ok readnig with understanding is hard, I shouldn't expect you be to have that ability

Let me quote my first post

Why are more zeds being added when they are clearly broken ? I just don't get it.

Do you see that bold symbol

It is called a question mark, it is being used when an individual is asking a question, a question is a form of enquiry, asking for explanation regarding someone else's actions.

It's not a whining mark, it's not a bitching mark, it's a question mark.

Now if someone would actually replied to said question with a reasonable answer this thread would not have derailed into this insult fest it is now.

Peace, I'm out.

Edited by General Zod

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I see it now, no point in posting in this thread any more. 

People on this forum can't tell a difference between an enquiry and less than positive opinion and bitching and whining. 

What we have here are two groups

1. Those who preach everything devs do and anyone who does not agree is a bitchy whiny cunt who should fuck off.

2. Those who hate every thing devs do and any one who agrees with what devs do is a brown noser.


So.... Exactly which of those categories did my response fall into? I provided a reasonable explanation, and I didn't attack you.



Edited by Rudette
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Ok readnig with understanding is hard, I shouldn't expect you be to have that ability

Let me quote my first post

Do you see that bold symbol

It is called a question mark, it is being used when an individual is asking a question, a question is a form of enquiry, asking for explanation regarding someone else's actions.

It's not a whining mark, it's not a bitching mark, it's a question mark.

Now if someone would actually replied to said question with a reasonable answer this thread would not have derailed into this insult fest it is now.

Peace, I'm out.

What part of "TESTING" do you not understand?

We can't test more zombies if they don't add more zombies.

Even when they add more zombies they're still such an insignificant threat as is it won't make a difference.

But since they're "broken" to you, we shouldn't test the respawn, or how the server will handle the extra load of more zombies?


You're just bitching about something that doesn't even matter.  

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So.... Exactly which of those categories did my response fall into? I provided a reasonable explanation, and I didn't attack you.




Shame neutral people with their own opinion are getting caught in a cross fire.

I'd say this one.

What part of "TESTING" do you not understand?

We can't test more zombies if they don't add more zombies.

If only we had test servers... Edited by General Zod

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If only we had test servers...

And they'll be on the test servers first.

But regardless it's going live to test on the general populace to stress test it even further. 

Whether you like it or not. "Broken" or not, this respawning/more zombies isn't even a thing you should be complaining about. 

It's a good thing. As I said, right now, you have zero idea how it's going to play out. You're pre-emptively complaining. When it goes live and all manner of issues arise from it, you can complain about it then. Right now, it just isn't proper.

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