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It's not the size of the gun....its how you use it..?

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I've had one little thing that's been bugging me since i purchased DayZ, and i haven't seen any other posts on the subject.


What's with the size of the pistol, both the .45 and the revolver? It looks WAY too small in your hands. The size of the rifles and shotgun are perfect.


But if this hasn't come to your attention before, log in to DayZ, pull out your pistol and let me know what you think. IMO, it needs to be twice the size it is now. 


Curious to hear what you guys think about it.

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Errr... Do you have small hands IRL?



.... wow that didnt sound quite right.



Actually, no I have quite large hands irl, and i own a .45 and a .357 magnum. And the size of the in game models just seem off to me. 


But, maybe its just me O_O

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They are small in real life. its fine. 

Edited by Mopa

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Actually, no I have quite large hands irl, and i own a .45 and a .357 magnum. And the size of the in game models just seem off to me. 


But, maybe its just me O_O

Humm. First thing I can think of is maybe your field of view is off. Or your resolution is incorrect. Or your hands arnt as big as you think they are :)

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you have a colt python in real life?? thats the gun the .357 magnum is i also own 1 it seems fairly close to me size wise but i do have big hands (6'4 135 kg) so maybe i am looking at it slightlyy size biased... there are other variations of this that are larger barreled etc


Edit you dont own the ten pointer version do you as this is um a much larger variation i almost got one but they were pretty rare so i went a standard..

Edited by SoulFirez

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It's about right as it is, assuming the in-game .357 is similarly sized to the .357 I have used. The only thing that might be off, and it's hard to tell with the camera positions, is the width. It looks a little small, but it could very well be perspective. Length and height seem right though. I can't comment on the FNX though as I don't have access to our .45 atm.


Maybe they should model in a J-Frame or my .38 and make the current guns feel....big. :P


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LOL thats why i asked if he had the ten pointer version it is seriously big i mean if you ran out of bullets you could probably kill a guy by throwing it at him.....

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we need a long barreled python that takes a LRS, and the ability to saw it off and make a regular python into a snub nose.

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we need a long barreled python that takes a LRS, and the ability to saw it off and make a regular python into a snub nose.


And you could not hit anything anymore because you destroyed the barrel by sawing it.

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They do seem a little on the small side, yes.

The python especially but its all relative

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Wow, your phallic approach to this is rather funny! Just exchange the weapon names for genitals, and there you have it! ROFL


(sorry, back to topic)


FOV plays a big role i think. At the moment, guns are too small with my FOV cranked up for not getting seasick.

Edited by JackinatorLP

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They are small in real life. its fine. 

Have you ever even held a .357 or a .45? They're actually large.


On a side note, has anyone even seen the machete in your hands? It's a god damn butter knife.

Edited by Flakwaffe
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FOV plays a big role i think. At the moment, guns are too small with my FOV cranked up for not getting seasick.


you still have head bob on?

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you still have head bob on?

You mean to tell me you dont? 95 FOV is the way to play.

The gun does look small to the real life version. But it looks like a different model.

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On a side note, has anyone even seen the machete in your hands? It's a god damn butter knife.

this is so true

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Answer to your OP question=Yes..


The #1 murder caliber in the USA is a .22 caliber.


For the ill informed that's the same round the new Ruger 10/22 will be shooting.




Now insert 8 pages of information fully based on games with no legitimate knowledge of the subject matter...




As for guns being smaller in your hand's in game vs RL that does make me lulz too..

Edited by RyBo

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On a side note, has anyone even seen the machete in your hands? It's a god damn butter knife.


Damn straight. That thing is a joke.


On topic. Seems alright to me, but i have small ass hands.

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It's the perspective. It should be 11-1/2" overall.

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