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Why aren't there 'fat' characters in DayZ?

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Because being obese and and a daily routine of running nonstop and surviving on small amounts of food don't go hand-in-hand.

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Actually you'd lose muscle mass before you lost fat, fat takes months to lose (believe me I've tried).

Muscle mass is first lost after approximately 24 hours of starvation. That is with no food.

Meeting certain nutritional requirements while still being below daily Kcalorie requirements will help negate or stop muscle loss while still losing fat. Also activity is required to prevent muscle loss for a fit and healthy person.

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Because they don't use a skeleton where you hit single bodyparts. Just think of the design it would take to adjust for every single bodysize, because it does check whether your arm's been hit or not ,whereas normal MMORPG's don't have that.


The hitboxes of the skeleton can be made shorter or longer and slimmer or thicker as needed.


But I do agree with you that MMORPGs do nothing like Arma in the department of hit registration. As far as I know though there's only the main distinction of body parts like lower leg, upper leg, head, torso etc unless they have extended those for DayZ SA. I've always wanted a game that simulated the full body as far as vulnerabilities go so that when you hit vital organs, someone's in deep trouble.

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All countries have fat people, Chernarus should be no exception.

It could be available for survivors and zeds(but no boomer plz), seeing everyone in the game with a top physique is kind of against reality. After all, they are just a cross-section of today's Russians.


Oh well, may be some octogenarian zeds too.

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Should be a random chance that you spawn fat, and have a really hard time outrunning zeds. Maybe you have to find inhalers and insulin to survive.

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I bet I know what's coming...


No, wait. Doughnuts. It's doughnuts, isn't it?

EDIT: But yes, spawning as a random fatty would be funny. Not sure how that would work with kit/clothing fitting 'n' whatnot, but it would be funny.

Edited by Monkfish

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LOL i was thinking about this as well a few days back. So far the game only have 2 fit character male and female. How I wish the dev can put in more customize character in the game than it will be awesome.

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It seems to me that in the scenario that DayZ presents... you would be at an extreme disadvantage in almost every category needed to survive, and therefore wouldn't.

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I believe it was said that they can't just 'make' fat people (zombies or otherwise), they would look awkward as hell, they'ed need to create and mocap (which I have volunteered for with no response) a new skeleton for fat people.

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Rule number .... Cardio.

It's rule number 1 according to Zombieland. Another good rule for this game is No. 2, Double tap.

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There should be physical varieties of people but I'm not 2 sure about actual fat peeps. How about some chubby girls or something that are easier to pick up in a dark ally in Berezino..

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Because then you need to redo all of the clothing items for not only men and women but also for fat men and women, but then oh we can't leave out the beefcakes, or what about the people that are just stocky? Oh and while we are trying to please everyone we'd need to do them for the super thin people, the six foot ones and the five foot nines.

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We can choose our skin colour, our outfits and our gear, yet we can't choose to make characters that are different body types?


As a big guy (see avatar) I really feel like I've been left out in the cold here, especially in a game that trumpets hyper realism in so many other ways.


Perhaps fat characters could move slower but have a higher resistance to starvation and cold?


PS. Being fat is beautiful, don't let anyone bring you down my brothers. 


The question you should have been asking: Why aren't there any fat zombies?;)

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Are you stupid?

A fat person wouldn't survive. 

Unhealthy obese lazy fuckers that can't run 5 miles will all die.

They'd be ate first.

Yes i am surprised there aren't any fat zombies but that's about it.

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Also fed up of all this pro fat bullshit it's upsetting a load of skinny girls i know.

All this meme shit that's like "REAL WOMAN HAVE CURVES" "MEN GO FOR WOMAN WITH CURVES"

It's all bullshit men go for what they want..


If your disgustingly and unhealthily fat then you have a problem, If you're a sack of bones then you have a problem.

Anywhere in between is good in my eyes

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