tailgaterz69 6 Posted February 8, 2014 How do you avoid dieing from bandits? I'm just in Berinzino (spelling) and always get shot by someone. Before it was Cherno so I moved to the North East... Someone always yells, "BUNS" and I think it's friendly, so I call back, but then I hear gun shots and die!!! I came back multiple times and here "BUNS" or "BUNNY" and then get shot. I think this is a joke. I cannot gear up so I may move to another town :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steak and Potatoes 13480 Posted February 8, 2014 Its in the title, avoid them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CS14 133 Posted February 8, 2014 One option that is greatly frowned upon in the DayZ community, although it happens anyways, would be to shoot anyone you don't know before they get the chance to do the same to you. In all reality all you need to do is just be observant of your surroundings and don't run around in the open like an idiot. Move from cover to cover, constantly observe the area you are in, avoid people, etc. Whatever fits your play style, just do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Torinx 36 Posted February 8, 2014 I'd say if you are getting shot by people shouting the same stuff at you each time, you are probably making an instant error in the direction you are choosing to run after spawning. Heading back to the same guy isn't a great idea, especially if he's trigger happy and likes shouting about bunnies. It's a harsh place, lots to learn, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frostbyte452 4 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) Honestly, there is an alternative. You can enter any city with a stealth technique, and if you're careful, you can come out with some decent starting gear. Let's say you get an Elecktro spawn, and you hear gunshots in the distance. You could do a few things in that situation, but a good idea would be to do some passive recon. If you can see your enemy, you can avoid them. They probably don't need loot from inside buildings, so loot and stay on high ground. You run into a player, and then what? You hide, with a backup plan in mind. If things don't decide to go swimmingly, just book it outta there. A skilled "hider" can get all the gear he needs from residential spawns that don't lay right near the main road, as those are the hot spots. Once you obtain anything to help you carry food items, or anything else, feel free to leave the city, or move onto the hopospots and loot there. Some of the general rules I usually follow( that lead to a successful loot run) are: -Know what you're looking for, you can get tripped up by other loot stuffs.-avoid people in general.-stay off low ground, keep to high ground.-Be afraid to lose your few possessions.It could help you erase the thought of contact with others, and plus it'll help you make decisions that benefit you( and possibly your squad) -If all else fails, just run. Those are some GENERAL rules to follow if you actually wanna get geared up successfully. Oh, and don't worry about bandits actually coming directly for you, I'm sure they'll be distracted on all of the YOLOers running though town. Edited February 8, 2014 by Brute452 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hogscraper 328 Posted February 8, 2014 I like the run around like an idiot, bobbing and weaving then kill anyone dumb enough to not kill me with one or two shots. Haven't died in two weeks and have around 15 or so kills. Most people I run into can't head shot you unless you are standing still for a few seconds so don't stop moving until you have cover. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
excitable1 157 Posted February 8, 2014 sigh. run away from coast. once you think your far enough run further. avoid large towns when more then 6 people are on a server....even then no guarantee. people whine all the time that they get killed all the time..only to tell you they were near the coast or the nwaf. want to live? stay in the tree's. watch a town for 5 mins before entering.....no zed's people are there or have been. get in and out.....grab what you need and head for the tree's. stay in the forest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Etherious 907 Posted February 8, 2014 Here is a quick tip....don't go to big cities...like ever. There is enough loot on the map where there are HARDLY any people around. But of course always be cautious! Also, if you see a unarmed person just make sure to watch them....closely. :P And a armed person I would hold them up. :D 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hrki 94 Posted February 8, 2014 first rule of survive is dont beulive anyonesecond dont run like chicken in towns muve side by side check every cornerand in dayz golden rule is move from the coast check my personal ingame exp http://prntscr.com/2qjorx and what i thing of some towns + roads (this keep me alive about 2mounth and i am still alive)and for sceptics i dont avoid people i have allready planty of kills in that towns (and every one was full geared)also some of them specialy on airfields i did KoS (to risky to nagotiate with them (90% bandits and hoppers)) but in some towns i manage to talk eaven with a group of people and it was great... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baklavah 12 Posted February 8, 2014 See... I would normally agree with everyone who's saying "stay away from the coast", but aren't you forgetting that these assholes are also camping all of the military areas? There's no way for us to get gear without getting sniped at. Some of us have lives (granted I'm on and it's 4am but it's SATURDAY MORNING! The hell do I care about the time right now?) and cannot be on at RIDICULOUS hours during the week to camp and overstock on ammo at the military garrisons/airfields. And of course no one listens to the giant CAPS on servers that scream "LOOT ONLY NO KoS!" and it's not even enforced, so there's no way to counter these scumbags. What would you have us do? I mean, yeah I got myself a shotgun last night, but it doesn't mean SHIT against a Mosin or an SKS, let alone an M4. If it was a Pump-Action or a Combat Shotgun with slugs (which I have yet to see since the introduction of the SKS and the breaking of tent loot spawns) then MAYBE there's some fraction of a chance. But no, we got stuck with a double-barrel PoS that couldn't hit the broad side of Godzilla's mother for any amount of money. Explicky the awesome wisdoms pl0x. I wish to know how to counter douchebaggery, short of renting my own damn server and instantly making all KoS assholes die upon shooting someone. ~Bak Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwarfwgaHead 45 Posted February 8, 2014 First thing is definitely to get the hell off the coast. Your safest option is to get geared up enough to defend yourself and avoid people until then. Once you get used to the map and getting geared up, how you deal with people is all up to you! I've had maybe 6 interactions in the past week, and not been killed once. No players I'd consider particularly friendly, but people who just want to go about their business. I've found that as long as you keep calm and look like you have the means to defend yourself, interactions are less likely to go badly, because people dont want to take the risk of losing their own gear if things go bad for them. That said, I play FPP only, so most encounters tend to be very close and very surprising. Being shot by bandits from 400m away, I can't think of anything to avoid that other than don't hang around on the coast or go near cities/airfields. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tailgaterz69 6 Posted February 8, 2014 Thank you, everyone.. I've spent some time thinking and reading about this and will grab a weapon, loot only places I know and want, and I won't trust ANYONE. I am NOT trigger happy, in fact I rarely use a gun so far (mostly firefighter axe), and I'm looking away from the coast.It's just so sad that I'm so afraid of firing by bandits than zeds... I hope this will be more of a zombie game instead of call of duty... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwarfwgaHead 45 Posted February 8, 2014 the zombies are pretty much a placeholder currently, the dev team are working on the AI and increasing their numbers (greatly, if all our dreams come true), so the incredibly PvP nature of the game is definitely going to change by the time the full release comes around. Hell a lot of it will hopefully be smoothed out by Beta (not to be overly optimistic!). Expect zombies and general survival to become much larger obstacles in the future. Just gotta be patient! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hrki 94 Posted February 8, 2014 See... I would normally agree with everyone who's saying "stay away from the coast", but aren't you forgetting that these assholes are also camping all of the military areas? There's no way for us to get gear without getting sniped at. Some of us have lives (granted I'm on and it's 4am but it's SATURDAY MORNING! The hell do I care about the time right now?) and cannot be on at RIDICULOUS hours during the week to camp and overstock on ammo at the military garrisons/airfields. And of course no one listens to the giant CAPS on servers that scream "LOOT ONLY NO KoS!" and it's not even enforced, so there's no way to counter these scumbags. What would you have us do? I mean, yeah I got myself a shotgun last night, but it doesn't mean SHIT against a Mosin or an SKS, let alone an M4. If it was a Pump-Action or a Combat Shotgun with slugs (which I have yet to see since the introduction of the SKS and the breaking of tent loot spawns) then MAYBE there's some fraction of a chance. But no, we got stuck with a double-barrel PoS that couldn't hit the broad side of Godzilla's mother for any amount of money. Explicky the awesome wisdoms pl0x. I wish to know how to counter douchebaggery, short of renting my own damn server and instantly making all KoS assholes die upon shooting someone. ~Bak Read basic rules this servers with caps "Loot only" its just name you cant prohibit camping, bandits or KoS its integral part of the game, also u can join server with less population Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
excitable1 157 Posted February 8, 2014 first rule of survive is dont beulive anyonesecond dont run like chicken in towns muve side by side check every cornerand in dayz golden rule is move from the coast check my personal ingame exp http://prntscr.com/2qjorx and what i thing of some towns + roads (this keep me alive about 2mounth and i am still alive)and for sceptics i dont avoid people i have allready planty of kills in that towns (and every one was full geared)also some of them specialy on airfields i did KoS (to risky to nagotiate with them (90% bandits and hoppers)) but in some towns i manage to talk eaven with a group of people and it was great...on your travels please read a few books and learn English. 8 spelling mistakes ..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
excitable1 157 Posted February 8, 2014 See... I would normally agree with everyone who's saying "stay away from the coast", but aren't you forgetting that these assholes are also camping all of the military areas? There's no way for us to get gear without getting sniped at. Some of us have lives (granted I'm on and it's 4am but it's SATURDAY MORNING! The hell do I care about the time right now?) and cannot be on at RIDICULOUS hours during the week to camp and overstock on ammo at the military garrisons/airfields. And of course no one listens to the giant CAPS on servers that scream "LOOT ONLY NO KoS!" and it's not even enforced, so there's no way to counter these scumbags. What would you have us do? I mean, yeah I got myself a shotgun last night, but it doesn't mean SHIT against a Mosin or an SKS, let alone an M4. If it was a Pump-Action or a Combat Shotgun with slugs (which I have yet to see since the introduction of the SKS and the breaking of tent loot spawns) then MAYBE there's some fraction of a chance. But no, we got stuck with a double-barrel PoS that couldn't hit the broad side of Godzilla's mother for any amount of money. Explicky the awesome wisdoms pl0x. I wish to know how to counter douchebaggery, short of renting my own damn server and instantly making all KoS assholes die upon shooting someone. ~Bakdo you really think military spots are the only place to get gear? ALL servers are pvp regardless of what they type in the server name. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwarfwgaHead 45 Posted February 8, 2014 on your travels please read a few books and learn English. 8 spelling mistakes .....english isn't everyones first language, no need to get all uppity about spelling and grammar on a pretty international forum. it's not like anything he said was hard to understand. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FishGuts4Lunch 66 Posted February 8, 2014 on your travels please read a few books and learn English. 8 spelling mistakes .....Stop being such a prick. Many people on this server speak english as a second or even third language. They make a few mistakes but so what as long as they get their message across. I speak 4 myself, 2 of them as a native. How good is your German, Russian, French or Greek? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johnny Depth 167 Posted February 8, 2014 When we're you in Berezino? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terminal_boy 860 Posted February 8, 2014 Brute452 nailed it. Watch, wait and plan every step you take. Have a plan. Have a bug out plan for when you find a bunch of geared players heading your way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johnny Depth 167 Posted February 8, 2014 I hate the term "bug out" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thaurus 38 Posted February 8, 2014 Simple.1-avoid big towns and airfields.2-stay away from the coast.3-do not call friendly, just run.4-eliminate any threat to your survival5-move trough forests etc. And take your time to observe.(always works for me and only time i go away from the coast is for NWAF and NEAF.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metalunatic 25 Posted February 8, 2014 Avoid players. Don't play in high pop. Scan your surroundings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baklavah 12 Posted February 11, 2014 I expect that eventually playing on High Pop servers will eventually be the norm. It's not fun if there's literally zero player interaction. Once there are ways to lessen (if not stop altogether) the stupidity of the KoS CoD Kiddies, it will be much more entertaining. I expect hold-ups, some deaths due to failed hold-ups, and some fire-fights over territory. However, those interactions sound more likely to be up close and personal, rather than the "I just got sniped from I have no idea where" situations everyone's running into because the KoS CoD Kiddies are "bored". This is a survival game. There is no objective list for you to follow, there never will be. If you want objectives/quests/whatever, go play WoW or some other obscure MMO to satisfy your "boredom". Your kind is not wanted in these types of games. You only cause servers to empty and you piss everyone off. FYI you KCKs (I'm shortening it because I'm getting sick of typing it out right now...) are considered to be scum, the same as hackers. You're probably thinking "trollolol sum1s mad cuz ded frum sniped!" Though there is truth in my frustrations with you idiots, I have one clear thing to say: "Once being a douchebag becomes difficult for you and the ease of killing fresh spawns has diminished, you'll move on to other games because you can't do things your way. Your kind is predictable, so enjoy your jollies while you can. I'll be laughing away once your stupidity has been dampened." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites