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Death By Crowbar

How do you kill rabbits?

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I actually found one, a rabbit! I tried chopping it, punching it, etc and I couldn't kill it. Then I turned my back for 1/2 sec to see if anyone was around and when I turned back around it was gone! Like a ghost!


I got a screenshot of it here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=225416300

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You gotta catch it with a canvas bag, then you can eat it.










Just kidding. Though it'd be funny to see someone trying. So far no form of hunting is in the game and as far as I know rabbits are invincible.

Edited by solodude23

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Im not Kos guys but if I see anybody trying to kill bunnies, I will attack cause bunnies are my only true friends.

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You must first sacrifice three bambies in the name of the rabbit god Fiver. Then, cleanse the rabbit you want to kill in the blood of the bambies to purge it of its sins. Finally, you may now engage in a screwdriver fight with the rabbit, which, if you win, the rabbit will allow itself to be killed.

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you don't kill bunnies...they KILL YOU! (ever noticed the groaning noises they make in the standalone? Clearly, Mr.Hall must hate rabbitses. Poor rabbitses!)

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Emptied my M4 into one that was sat up on its hind-legs right in front of me.

Damn thing didn't even flinch.

Then it made a noise like a zombie and went about it's day.

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..but never to five.



Five is right out!



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That brought me to tears all over again and I feel very ashamed for my erroneous miss quote.

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I refuse to go near those things. They make the most terrifying noises ever. 


Will. not. Fuck. with

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My first thought on seeing the title of this thread was to post a picture of the infamous Holy Hand Grenade, but someone beat me to it. Gotta love Monty Python.

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I'd say that you have to use the pistol flashlight to make them vulnerable first, if someone hadn't RUINED THE FUN ON THE FIRST PAGE!


Jesus, it's like no one's ever sent a sucker to find a box of grid squares or fetch the electric broom.

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