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Grimey Rick

The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

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The wow logout timer still works in favor of combat loggers.

Run to cover, position to see around cover and hit exit.

If they take their time to move to your position, congratulations, you combat logged.

If they throw caution to the wind and charge you, you can now react and kill them.

The current system is better because now combat loggers have to take a serious gamble.


Ha sounds like a problem for you 3pp kids :D


and the logout timer would be fine for me if it meant you couldnt stop it. I would be a fan of that because then you can see yourself die a horrible death if something should happen to you.


For example, I find a safe spot, or so i think, and i begin my logout process. OH SHAYOOT! A ZOMBIE! HE'S BEATING ME! DANGIT DANGIT DANGIT 




That would be awesome because at least then I know what happened to my character rather than logging in later to simply see that i died somehow. The logout timer is a solid plan if it is uninterruptable. 

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played wow since early 05. our dayz logout system is fine. what most of these metzen fanboys seem to forget to mention, is that in wow, you also have instant logouts in designated areas. not only that, your able to log in and out at will without penality, unless your in combat. stop comparing it to dayz.


our system here prevents ghosting and combat logging to a degree.


also, the blue genie watery thing is a water elemental, just ignore it, and save your cooldowns :P

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played wow since early 05. our dayz logout system is fine. what most of these metzen fanboys seem to forget to mention, is that in wow, you also have instant logouts in designated areas. not only that, your able to log in and out at will without penality, unless your in combat. stop comparing it to dayz.


our system here prevents ghosting and combat logging to a degree.


also, the blue genie watery thing is a water elemental, just ignore it, and save your cooldowns :P





I am not a fan of World of Warcraft; I barely play it. My kid plays my old account. I've been done with it for a while. Their logout system is solid. I wasn't implying we use every fucking aspect of the system; obviously the instant logout in cities would be completely stupid to implement. If they can't get the current system to fucking work, then yup, they're going to be given alternatives. The one I suggested is an alternative to the current clusterfuck, whether or not there's a "fix" on the way.


And no, this system doesn't prevent ghosting at all. It might slow it down, but it doesn't stop it. You can still ghost someone within two minutes.

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Wahahaha, and they will throw in a good "Hurr Dur it's Alpha" for good measure, to make sure you learn from your mistake!


nice on dude, laughed hard at that ;)


I feels you OP but the " I wanna be Rockets left hand" brigade will descend shortly and teach you the error of your ways.


POS fo lyfe....



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I admire the balls to post a WoW screenshot in the DayZ forum. I have restrained myself a thousand times in the discussion about the logout-timer from saying "yeah like WoW amirite"?


With that being said, I just repeat what Dean said one more time:

A logout timer that gives you the chance to interrupt it, would not help against combat loggers.


And now to the real topic of the thread:

Apart from that: Yeah its NOT good that you weren't in the same position where you logged out. File a bug report please, if it isn't already done, in that case vote it up.


And the 30-second -logout timer does NOT prevent ghosting. The server hop timer does. (If you quit a server within 30 minute sof joining it, you have to wait up to 5 minutes before you can join another server.)

That means it will take a minimum of 30 sec (logout) + 0 (ideal case, the ghoster was for more than 30 mins on the original server) + 30 sec (logout timer second server) + 5 min (login timer) 6 minutes.

Not in this calculation is the time for searching the other sever, joining it, change the position, search original server.

So we can say it will take a minimum of 7 minutes eff. to ghost somebody.

And if you haven't moved for 7 minutes you are either camping somewhere to kill someone, afk or asleep.


Edit: Disclaimer: I haven't gotten the server-hopping-timer by now, so I don't know if its really 5 minutes as it was said.

Edited by LaughingJack

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I admire the balls to post a WoW screenshot in the DayZ forum. I have restrained myself a thousand times in the discussion about the logout-timer from saying "yeah like WoW amirite"?


With that being said, I just repeat what Dean said one more time:

A logout timer that gives you the chance to interrupt it, would not help against combat loggers.


And now to the real topic of the thread:

Apart from that: Yeah its NOT good that you weren't in the same position where you logged out. File a bug report please, if it isn't already done, in that case vote it up.


And the 30-second -logout timer does NOT prevent ghosting. The server hop timer does. (If you quit a server within 30 minute sof joining it, you have to wait up to 5 minutes before you can join another server.)

That means it will take a minimum of 30 sec (logout) + 0 (ideal case, the ghoster was for more than 30 mins on the original server) + 30 sec (logout timer second server) + 5 min (login timer) 6 minutes.

Not in this calculation is the time for searching the other sever, joining it, change the position, search original server.

So we can say it will take a minimum of 7 minutes eff. to ghost somebody.

And if you haven't moved for 7 minutes you are either camping somewhere to kill someone, afk or asleep.


Edit: Disclaimer: I haven't gotten the server-hopping-timer by now, so I don't know if its really 5 minutes as it was said.


The server timer is definitely not working as intended. I was trying to see how high I could get my timer while half paying attention on the phone today, and it didn't even kick in until my third hop, at which point it was 270 seconds or something. But that was after two hops, going for my third.


I dunno, I don't really care what they do; I'm just trying to provide some suggestions to get this ball rollin'.

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Was just playing with the wife and a friend. We decided to quit for dinner after making our way from Berezino to the north-eastern airstrip. We ran to some pine trees in the field just south of the airstrip, waited for about a minute in-game, then logged out.


Upon logging in an hour or so later, my character appeared just in front of the prison on the hill in plain view of basically everywhere. The first sounds I hear? The FNX popping off, followed by, "You are dead". Yeah. Fucking awesome.

I'm going to stop you right there. This is a known bug. It hasn't been fixed as yet so I'd assume that the problem is a little complex. Oh, and this is an Alpha. You might want to refresh your memory and read that big notice you have to click through each time you launch the game.

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OP how about you just accept the fact that "you are dead" and it is just a matter of time when your character is going to get KoSed or server takes a dump. Just realise that you are going to start over at some point and all the time you have put into gearing up is time wasted. Once you have done it you will learn to "deal with it" and stop posting QQ about something that is not coming back.

Edited by Miquinei

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Im in favour of a system where we can watch the timer and interrupt it. But if we DC or alt F4 then our guy serves the remaining time sat in game. Now i know people saying that loggers could just react to someone coming to kill them. But whats wrong with that? its achieving its goal, keeping them on the server to finish the battle. And if they have to sit while counting then they are at a huge disadvantage when line of sight is achieved as they gotta stand up....unsling wep....then take aim. 


This system is way more harsh on loggers, but in turn way more harsh against legit players, whats wrong with us being able to react to some zombie that managed to see us as we hit logout. Id even say up it to 1min, but a watchable interuptable 1min. IMO at no point in dayz should your toon be ingame but not under your control.


For the login pos, try eating/drinking something when you stop, then wait a few sec, then log. Iv been doing that and never been moved more than a couple of feet on login :)

Edited by Karmaterror

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Well...find a spot...stay in the spot for a minute, logout, login, back in the same place. What you describe happens only if you rush and log off, but seriously whatever...its gonna get fixed today.

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So what happened to you was a bug where you respawn at a different location than where you logged out. It is not intentional and has nothing to do with the 30 second log out mechanic. This is fixed in experimental.

You mean experimental that we'll get to play in a month or so...fck that

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I mean I get it guys...but I think the point he is trying to make is...how the hell did this not get noticed in the experimental? That you...like...don't log back in where you logged out at, even after copious amounts of waiting.


It's quite frustrating when you think about it :/


Perhaps, but that is certainly not the message concieved by the thread title or the screenshot posted about WoW.

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This isn't a bug right?


When you log out you're rolled back 1-2mins and this was to stop people logging into high loot rooms, grabbing stuff quickly and logging out to move to the next server?

The system is sound imo BUT just like every other game, It has ignorant players who don't read or try to get info on what's going on and only venture into forums to whine and moan about things they don't understand.


Message of the day! "Ignorance is not an excuse!"  ^_^

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The server timer is definitely not working as intended. I was trying to see how high I could get my timer while half paying attention on the phone today, and it didn't even kick in until my third hop, at which point it was 270 seconds or something. But that was after two hops, going for my third.


I dunno, I don't really care what they do; I'm just trying to provide some suggestions to get this ball rollin'.


As I said, haven't tested it out myself by now how the server-hop-timer works and how long it actually is. But again: If you can join a server, quit instantly (after 30 minutes the timer is reset afaik) and join another server and get no penalty please file a bug report or upvote it if one already exists...



You mean experimental that we'll get to play in a month or so...fck that


...yeah...impossible to switch to experimental branch...


aside from that:


Edited by LaughingJack

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Could you post a download link for a wife please, btw I'm also annoyed by the new system only because it teleports you away from where you logged out. But I'm sure they'll fix it :)

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It's a bug that's way too common. 

The new logout system is going to be the next death of me when I spawn in front of a Cherno hospital instead of in a nice wooden cabin.



Shhhh...The NSA can't hear you over your freedom.

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When you log out it will rollback ur character 1-2minutes! just make sure you're in your 'SAFE ZONE' 2mins before logging out and when you return you will be right where you left!

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Personally I think the logout timer should be cancellable, but take time to recover from.
"Sleep" lies you down on the ground, disarms you, and things start to fade to black for 30 seconds. You cannot equip anything while going to sleep into your hands. When you stand up, the timer is cancelled.

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Personaly i like the way it is because combat loggers risk being blind for 30sec. I've already killed some while in that 30sec window :P  I didn't attack first and tried to make contact through voice but seeing them sit down makes my insticts kick in and I just go for it and rush them!

Before this feature was added I'd be in combat then things would go calm and i'd not know if they logged or just waiting it out. Now it's more dramatic and you know that 30sec is counting down and they could be sat out of sight and log, so you have to be fast if you want that loot! :beans:


Only downside atm is the bodies dissapear after the 30sec.. I know if you die in the 30sec it does this, but not sure if logging out when already dead has the same effect. Either way it needs fixing imo.

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Cool. Thanks.


I have a Canon 5dM3 to sell you. There's a known problem with it that it doesn't take proper exposure even though you program it correctly. Other than that, it works great.

I guess I wasn't specific enough for you. The logout system is fine, there was a problem with the servers whereby it didn't remember where you logged out. This problem is now fixed. Since you like to talk tuff about how much you love server hopping and how everyone else should dealwithit, I only expected you to cry about this. :D


You mean experimental that we'll get to play in a month or so...fck that

Mid-week next week is not next month.

Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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Mid-week next week is not next month.




Actually experimental is going live on stable today, as in now.



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Actually experimental is going live on stable today, as in now.



Awesome, I can't wait to see what excuse server hoppers come up with next. I'm not calling Rick up there a hopper, but some in this thread.

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