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Grimey Rick

The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

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Was just playing with the wife and a friend. We decided to quit for dinner after making our way from Berezino to the north-eastern airstrip. We ran to some pine trees in the field just south of the airstrip, waited for about a minute in-game, then logged out.


Upon logging in an hour or so later, my character appeared just in front of the prison on the hill in plain view of basically everywhere. The first sounds I hear? The FNX popping off, followed by, "You are dead". Yeah. Fucking awesome.


This isn't the first that this has happened either; it just happens to be the first time that I ended up taking bullets to the face because of this terrible system. I definitely waited long enough. We were there for at least a full minute. Fuck.


I agree that we need a valid logout system to deter combat-loggers, but this is not it. I've seen negative feedback when the World of Warcraft logout system has been mentioned, but... why? Find somewhere safe, click exit, a countdown timer appears, after the [20] second countdown, your character is logged out where you fucking logged out. Not ten feet from where you logged out. Not a mile from where you logged out. But exactly where you logged out. Crazy, right?


I'm posting a screenshot of this system from World of Warcraft that I just took in case there's some confusion:



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I walked all the way to Stary, and looted it up. Then, I decided to quit about a click out. So, I log off. The next day, I find I spawned all the way into Novy Sobor. Not just that, but a team of bandits were headed through, too. Had I had any ammo for my Mosin I might've fought, but I decided to bolt. Wish I could've shanked em in the back with a bayonet...

Edited by The Aquatic Land Walrus

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So what happened to you was a bug where you respawn at a different location than where you logged out. It is not intentional and has nothing to do with the 30 second log out mechanic. This is fixed in experimental.

Edited by solodude23
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Yes I agree, I lost some SKS ammo and food because I guess I logged out too quick after I picked it up.  

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It's just a bug where character locations were not being properly saved so your dude randomly moves some times upon log in.


Its set to be fixed in a few days I believe. 

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The logout system works fine, but there's a known issue whereby it seems to take a while for the server to sync up and remember where exactly you were. I'd strongly recommend hanging about in the spot you plan to log out for a short while before hitting exit otherwise you can spawn anywhere from a few feet to a few hundred feet back the way you came.

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You are the one millionth poster to mention "the way WOW logs out"!!!

Your choice of prizes:

Death be ladder fall


Death by rotating while crawling as if playing 1.6 mod or sooner!!

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I feels you OP but the " I wanna be Rockets left hand" brigade will descend shortly and teach you the error of your ways.


POS fo lyfe....



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You are the one millionth poster to mention "the way WOW logs out"!!!

Your choice of prizes:

Death be ladder fall


Death by rotating while crawling as if playing 1.6 mod or sooner!!


Actually i've been on the forums quite a bit and haven't really seen that mentioned that often.



Death be ladder fall





"GYAR! Death be ladder fall matey!" :D

Edited by DeatHTaX
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You are the one millionth poster to mention "the way WOW logs out"!!!

Your choice of prizes:

Death be ladder fall


Death by rotating while crawling as if playing 1.6 mod or sooner!!


Thank you for the constructive post; I've noticed virtually all of the posts you make are helpful. You're a valuable asset to these forums.

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The jail/detention building beside the air-traffic control tower.

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One cell makes a prison these days, I guess.


Wow, let me edit the fucking post to keep everyone from having a nervous breakdown.

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Was just playing with the wife and a friend. We decided to quit for dinner after making our way from Berezino to the north-eastern airstrip. We ran to some pine trees in the field just south of the airstrip, waited for about a minute in-game, then logged out.


Upon logging in an hour or so later, my character appeared just in front of the prison on the hill in plain view of basically everywhere. The first sounds I hear? The FNX popping off, followed by, "You are dead". Yeah. Fucking awesome.


This isn't the first that this has happened either; it just happens to be the first time that I ended up taking bullets to the face because of this terrible system. I definitely waited long enough. We were there for at least a full minute. Fuck.


I agree that we need a valid logout system to deter combat-loggers, but this is not it. I've seen negative feedback when the World of Warcraft logout system has been mentioned, but... why? Find somewhere safe, click exit, a countdown timer appears, after the [20] second countdown, your character is logged out where you fucking logged out. Not ten feet from where you logged out. Not a mile from where you logged out. But exactly where you logged out. Crazy, right?


I'm posting a screenshot of this system from World of Warcraft that I just took in case there's some confusion:



Happened to me today too. Twice.

But it's all in your head.

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I mean I get it guys...but I think the point he is trying to make is...how the hell did this not get noticed in the experimental? That you...like...don't log back in where you logged out at, even after copious amounts of waiting.


It's quite frustrating when you think about it :/

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The jail/detention building beside the air-traffic control tower.


Gutted, you got my hopes up that they had added the prison already, like a sneaky bastard...

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You're a mage. You deserve it. 














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So what happened to you was a bug where you respawn at a different location than where you logged out. It is not intentional and has nothing to do with the 30 second log out mechanic. This is fixed in experimental.

It's a bug that's way too common. 

The new logout system is going to be the next death of me when I spawn in front of a Cherno hospital instead of in a nice wooden cabin.

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There is a thead about this, perhaps you want to join the discussion as to why they implemented the penalty before stablising the servers.


That thread isn't about the same issue, this thread is about how the server seems to take half a minute or more to "remember" where you last were before logging out. It's a known issue and has been fixed in the experimental build according to the patch notes.

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The jail/detention building beside the air-traffic control tower.

me and my crew call it the MP building.

works pretty well.


easy to remember and easy to report what one while at neaf.

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That thread isn't about the same issue, this thread is about how the server seems to take half a minute or more to "remember" where you last were before logging out. It's a known issue and has been fixed in the experimental build according to the patch notes.

Maybe you misunderstand the issue is the server stability.

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Maybe you misunderstand the issue is the server stability.

We know all the netcode is screwy because of lag and desync, and I don't want to get in to a long back-and-forth with you over this, but it's a separate issue to the one yardpro reported in his thread. Not only is it a separate issue, it is a known issue, and not only known but apparently fixed on experimental.

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