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POLL Should The Timeout Timer be Increased, Untouched, Reduced or Removed?

Timeout Timer  

88 members have voted

  1. 1. Should The Timeout Timer be Increased, Untouched, Reduced or Removed?

    • Keep The Timeout Timer for People Hopping Servers
    • Reduce The Timeout Timer for People Hopping Servers
    • Remove The Timeout Timer for People Hopping Servers
    • Increase The Timeout Timer for People Hopping Servers
    • Give Me Tactical Bacon pic.twitter.com/CqOTmwSnqj

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Keep it.


Personally i think 5 minutes is too low a maximum, it should keep increasing for repeat offenders.


I agree. It should rise drastically for each re-log. However the first relog penalty is adequate (at least it shouldn't be more), because one has to keep in mind that there is a lot of desynching kicks (and stupid admin kicks who wants their server for themselves) which means a lot of people leaves a server involuntarily.

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i miss the option to vote for increasing the timer. <_<

Recast your vote

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Poll is bias, no way to vote for an increased timer.

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I would have no issue with it if the spawn and spawn loot system was better but it currently sucks and i'm fed up running around for 30-45 minutes until my guy is half dead finding nothing , it shouldnt have been implemented until the spawn and spawn loot system had been fixed. The game is at alpa stage why are they changing  gameplay mechanics .

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Its also important to recive information from the testers to better design and craft the product DayZ.


"Remove the system now because I don't like it"

--- contains no important feedback data

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"Remove the system now because I don't like it"

--- contains no important feedback data

So you are judging all the apples on the apple tree are crap because one apple was infected with a worm, that's not very strong evidence you got there.

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Remove it.


With all the bugs that this  ALPHA has the timer was a stupid idea.


It is causing more trouble than good.


And when loot spawns are fixed the timer will no longer be needed anyway.


SO.... make it so that if you are in Combat you CANNOT logout. <------- This would have been a way better way to do things at this point in the games development.

Edited by nvrsbr

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I love the logout timer. I just wish it would countdown before the game exits and not after. I am just used to this from many other MMO's (not sure if DayZ is an MMO, it's just all I have to go by.)


Well the problem with that is, it won't stop people from combat logging. CTRL+ALT+DEL > Task Manager > Kill process Dayz

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I voted increase, but what I think it that the default timer should be fine but switching server's rapidly should cause the timer to increase.

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Hah I love this poll. The people complaining about it are obviously the minority and probably server hoppers anyway. Rest of us either don't mind, think it should be longer, or understand this is a temporary fix to slow down the people exploiting the system. Good times.

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I agree. It should rise drastically for each re-log. However the first relog penalty is adequate (at least it shouldn't be more), because one has to keep in mind that there is a lot of desynching kicks (and stupid admin kicks who wants their server for themselves) which means a lot of people leaves a server involuntarily.

But then it falls to the player to report the server, not a perfect system but if their gear farming end's up costing their server rental (no refunds are given) then I'd lol to that.

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Had to reconnect twice yesterday, first time due to AFK and came back into same server after some 10 minutes. Second time I just jumped into a more populated server and had to wait from 150+ at the first look of the counter and it didn't bother me at all.


The 30 secs is perfectly acceptable. I mean, even on Elektro i did find a safe haven to log out and back in. Same with the roads near the ship wreck.


Actually, if they include the view and timer reset it should be increased to 45 secs

Edited by Hethwill_Khan

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Like I said earlier make it so you cannot log out while in Combat.

Problem Solved.


And once the loot spawns are fixed then server hopping wont be an option anymore anyway.


So really the timer is retarded.

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Like I said earlier make it so you cannot log out while in Combat.


Do you realize whats involved in putting a fail safe system like this in a game like DayZ? How do you tell what is "combat" for instance? Besides, if the player in combat with you manages to hide himself long enough to log off then maybe you ought to change to way you approach combat all together?

Edited by zeroy99
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Like I said earlier make it so you cannot log out while in Combat.

Problem Solved.


And once the loot spawns are fixed then server hopping wont be an option anymore anyway.


So really the timer is retarded.

Alt + F4 and/or task manager end process will bypass your idea. It's been tried on mods already and doesn't work. People will always try to server hop even with fixed loot because loot is still going to be rare. Loot hoppers are only hopping in military spawns typically anyway.

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 Most people don't want to create two accounts, so they can have a farm character and a global bank character, this is not WarZ after all, but while combat logging and server hopping isn't your biggest concern, it sure is for legitimate players.


Yet DayZ is still in Alpha, and your biggest concern is some moron sniping at the NEAF isn't being benefited for being a complete boob?  Of course people don't want to have two accounts, but my whole point was that if I wanted to bypass/exploit the new login-timer then that's the way to do it.  


Like I said, and I will once again, there are bigger concerns at this point such as proper architecture and server formatting.  Get your head out of the sand, bud.

Edited by Lidskjalf

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Timer stays and it should double every time you guys server hop so stop whining.

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Well the problem with that is, it won't stop people from combat logging. CTRL+ALT+DEL > Task Manager > Kill process Dayz

Any major game that uses the live time forces your avatar to stay if the you disconnect, or game "crashes." This isn't much of an argument.

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Yet DayZ is still in Alpha, and your biggest concern is some moron sniping at the NEAF being benefited for being a complete boob?  Of course people don't want to have two accounts, but my whole point was that if I wanted to bypass/exploit the new login-timer then that's the way to do it.  


Like I said, and I will once again, there are bigger concerns at this point such as proper architecture and server formatting.  Get your head out of the sand, bud.

Player interactions is the driving force of DayZ, sure zombies could do with some improvement, but game mechanics will never ever be as complex and interesting as dealing with other players and this being a survival game, it's frustrating the player base, when they witness players escape death, being rewarded by disconnecting from the game. I understand it's not a big deal for you, because you can afford a mule account, to carry your gear or use as a second life, if you lose a firefight, but to the rest of us, it's a pretty big deal.

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There will always be people jumping servers.


These guys will continue to do so, because for them it's not about the game, it's only about the gear. This will not stop them, from farming servers like locust and then switching to another, but it will inconvenience them and that's good enough for me.



 Most people don't want to create two accounts, so they can have a farm character and a global bank character, this is not WarZ after all, but while combat logging and server hopping isn't your biggest concern, it sure is for legitimate players.



I laugh pretty hard every time I hear this "legit player" bullshit.  You're the ass hats camping out the N.E. airfield with a long range scope right?  Seems legit.


The KOS crowd will go to any lengths to promote their vision of what this game should be.


You scrubs have COD and about a thousand clones but that isn't enough?


Legit players. Please.

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I laugh pretty hard every time I hear this "legit player" bullshit.  You're the ass hats camping out the N.E. airfield with a long range scope right?  Seems legit.


The KOS crowd will go to any lengths to promote their vision of what this game should be.


You scrubs have COD and about a thousand clones but that isn't enough?


Legit players. Please.


Yeah that must be it...


Where does it leave you, if you're definitely not a KOS scrub COD deuce, you must think it's okay to disconnect to survive, you think it's a survival feature, to alt-f4 and hide offline if you take fire?

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