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If I can't play I want my money back.

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The anti server-hopping measures that were implemented today are garbage.

I paid for the game. I want to play it.

I don't want to wait to spawn in.

Half the servers are crappy and I get booted every time I log in.

Then I have to wait.

I bought the game early and unfinished and that's fine.

I want to support good developers.

But I want to play the game I paid for. Period.

If this does not change I want my money back.

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Sorry man, DEAN HAZ YOUR MONIES! and he's smoking a huge fat stogie with it RIGHT NOW!




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Yeah, complaining on a forum will get you your cash back.


Read the terms of use on Steam.  You are out of luck son.

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Has the anti-hop started? I played all night and couldn't tell..

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Pick a server you like and stay on this server. Problem solved.


The advantages of the timer are way more important then you whining around that you can't serverhop any logner... ;)

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I'd be upset to if I paid full price for the game i guess, thankfully I got it for like 3.50USD.

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What do you mean by "crappy server", and getting booted? Not sure how long you have played but a suggestion would be to favorite the servers you like and frequent them. I have 10 hardcore and 10 regular servers on favorites I have added over my 300 hours of gameplay, I normally do not deviate from them. Doing this will help alleviate getting kicked by private servers, don't know what your definition of crappy is for a server, but I would bet it would help with this as well!

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What bugs me is that I have to occasionally log out because of glitches, items not showing and so on and it does get kind of annoying having to wait about 300 seconds just to return to my adventures ;_; but hey if its stopping people from being little shits I guess I can live with it...

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5 minutes at the most to join a server. And you only get that penalty if you're swapping servers too often.

Yes it's a pain if your connection drops and you want to get back on the server as your friends...but seriously??? Wait 5 minutes...go make a coffee or a drink.

The benefits of having this timer in far outweigh the inconvenience of maybe having up to a 5 minute penalty.


It's hardly the drama you make it out to be.

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Not only is this contextual for you, but you don't need to wait to spawn in!

Oh wait... you hate LOADING times. Better ditch games and read a book or something...

It takes time to open a book too...

I got nothing.

Edited by The Aquatic Land Walrus

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You did not buy it to play this game
you bought it, to test it
end of story bro 


Edited by dawud
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I have had no problems with this Anti-Hop/Log that they put in, see I join a server and I play on that server, I have a favorited list of servers I enjoy being on.

The only people complaining about this are those who are used to hopping from server to server for loot, or those who like to ghost or log when their losing a fight, and don't want to lose their stuff.

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Sucks to be you. <3

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No, you paid to get the opportunity to test a pre-alpha stage game that, when complete, will cost more than what you paid. Think of it as a discounted pre-order that you can still play if you want before it's complete.

Edited by solodude23

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The anti server-hopping measures that were implemented today are garbage.

I paid for the game. I want to play it.

I don't want to wait to spawn in.

Half the servers are crappy and I get booted every time I log in.

Then I have to wait.

I bought the game early and unfinished and that's fine.

I want to support good developers.

But I want to play the game I paid for. Period.

If this does not change I want my money back.


As I was reading this, I got this glorious smile on my face, and I realized something.

It was at your pain.

Edited by crimsonBZD
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I would suggest you just copy paste this post till 2015, then you would have a point.

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Strangley enough I find it really hard to be sympathetic to OP's post an situation.....


Trying to care......hmmmmm nope........ :P


The Timers are the best thing they brough out in this patch. If you cant handle it go play another game.

Demanding your money back? Really? Do you honestly think thats going to work?


You paid for early access to ...wait for it......"AN ALPHA" I suggest you re-read the disclaimer again.

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Has the anti-hop started? I played all night and couldn't tell..

If you don't logout you'll never know!


The Loggers are Whinging, Long Live the Timers!

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Maybe if you contact DayZ support and explain your problem they might give you a refund.  I think it is better for you to get a refund and then maybe pay full price for the game later...

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Shouldn't the thread title read "If I can't server hop and farm loot, I want my money back."?

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Hmmm, tasty, tasty tears!

Edited by AntonioAJC
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The anti server-hopping measures that were implemented today are garbage.

I paid for the game. I want to play it.

I don't want to wait to spawn in.

Half the servers are crappy and I get booted every time I log in.

Then I have to wait.

I bought the game early and unfinished and that's fine.

I want to support good developers.

But I want to play the game I paid for. Period.

If this does not change I want my money back.


Could you do a video blog of how angry you are maybe smash something up and scream a lot.

I think it would be a hit !

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