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wuffi (DayZ)

Constant PVP ruins the fun of this game

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go back to mine craft if it bothers you...

 I've actually been killed more regularly on minecraft than on dayz. : )

OP, just be very careful and avoid other players, or do what I do:

Wear an ORANGE raincoat, red bike helmet, and ORANGE backpack, while yelling "OH HAI THAR" into text chat.

99% chance you get shot in the head.

1% something else happens.


Profit $$$$

Edited by Geckofrog7

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I feel the reason for pretty much only Kos/pvp atm is because there is no negative to doing so only positive. Plus thats all there is to do atm is pvp. Now if there were zeds in this game that meant something things could be different. Like if you fired a loud gun in a town and 50+ zeds rushed towards you, people make think before shooting and see if its really worth killing a fresh spawn at the chance of dieing fully geared by zeds.


But until consequences are added for kos/pvp, it will remain as it is now.

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I hang around the military bases and basically KOS anyone who spawns in those places. If you are coming from outside the base, I'll probably let you pass unless you have guns drawn.

What I like doing is rushing undergeared people who walk in looking for loot and telling them, "Go on, git!" I then type my name and say "I'm Demoth, as my text reads, and I guard this compound". Why?

Because 9 times out of 10 they leave and go somewhere to get guns and come back to try and murder me so they can loot the place, or try to circle around and stealth loot... or bettrr get, have their friends join the server in an attempt to kill me.

I dread dying, so my heart is always in my ears when I chase someone off the base and then see them plus 3 friends. I then have to throughly check for hilltop snipers so I don't jump the gun, kill one guy and give away my position.

I think my record so far is killing 19 people who were either server hopping or had come back fully geared after I chased them away. I made a lot of people very salty in Balota that day, but eventually three M4 weilding bandits rushed my position and the last Mosin shot I got off hit a tree just inches from my killers head :(

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really wish there was a stickied kos thread and mods would just merge this thread along with the other 100 or so kos threads that pop up each day.

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I was playing BF the other day and there was so much pvp going on it ruined my gaming, please don't let this happen to DayZ

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Live in forest then and stay away from big cities and airfields and military areas OP.

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pvp is the only way to have fun in this game, it always will be.

No you just have no imagination

I'd say yes it ruins the fun of the game but no, nothing can be done about it. You have to play carefully and not run around in the open if you don't want to get shot

Actually it can, myself and some other friendly groups have a server where we invite any friendly players we come across to come and play on it

We constantly hunt bandits there who are welcome to try and kill us

It's a little hidden safe haven for friendly players so if they see any of us online they know they can get help sometimes

It's not any different from normal except for the increase in friendly encounters and it's never boring as bandits can still join

Just gives people a chance to play friendly if they want to

And no you can't have the name or IP address. Only confirmed friendlies from ingame get an invitation

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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Another goddamn KOS thread.



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it ruins the game when literally 99.9 % of all of the community are completely pricks who have no idea how to communicate or have fun. They will shoot you one shot to head from 500mtrs away because they are too scared to even attempt to communicate and are too scared to risk a chance of death. thus they take the easy way out and KOS.


People say KOS and PVP is what makes the game interesting and dangerous they don't realise they are the ones been cowards and killing the game. The more you do it, especially to fresh noobs, the more you will destroy and further make the community hostile. Every fresh spawn you kill is going to probably go and do the same thing. The game gets so frustrating when almost everyone does this. If you cannot understand this , its quite simple, then your just ignorant.

Edited by AgentNe0
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Well i don´t have a problem with getting killed.

I just hope for a "little" cooperation between players (at least sometimes)

But thats just me.

And given all the answers it looks like i´m pretty much alone with this oppinion ;)

there is more than just "little" cooperation

we have medic groups who travel across the map just to give a saline transfusion to a patient

we have trading groups who will set up a guarded perimeter only to make that one trade possible without interruption

we have bookclubs who seek every single house for those gems of literature, only to meet on the cliffs of Guba to have a read while watching the sun set over the ocean

we have so many people trying to help newspawns on the coast that people actually complain about it in threads on this forum

oh, and the killers? for me, those are part of the environment, like zombies, just with working AI. Avoiding or neutralizng them is just part of the PvE game for me.


People say KOS and PVP is what makes the game interesting and dangerous they don't realise they are the ones been cowards and killing the game.

as a carebear medic, who only shoots back when shot at, i say that persistent PvP and KoSing bandits add tension and thus value to the game. Without it, it would be boring. and from what i gathered from my friends who are new to the game, there is a surprisingly high amount of friendy or at least neutral players. I would assume a TMW member would be aware of that ;)

Edited by e47
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there is more than just "little" cooperation

we have medic groups who travel across the map just to give a saline transfusion to a patient

we have trading groups who will set up a guarded perimeter only to make that one trade possible without interruption

we have bookclubs who seek every single house for those gems of literature, only to meet on the cliffs of Guba to have a read while watching the sun set over the ocean

we have so many people trying to help newspawns on the coast that people actually complain about it in threads on this forum

oh, and the killers? for me, those are part of the environment, like zombies, just with working AI. Avoiding or neutralizng them is just part of the PvE game for me.


as a carebear medic, who only shoots back when shot at, i say that persistent PvP and KoSing bandits add tension and thus value to the game. Without it, it would be boring. and from what i gathered from my friends who are new to the game, there is a surprisingly high amount of friendy or at least neutral players. I would assume a TMW member would be aware of that ;)

I think the "problem" we are all talking about here is that DayZ has many, many players who play the game to shoot each other. I don't have anything against PvP or KoS, but if a game is so boring that 90% of the people have the only purpose to go and hunt fresh spawns on the coast, I really doubt the concept of DayZ as it is now. Yes, it's alpha and bla, but the mod has 100 times as much content and resulted in as much PvP as the SA.


It's just that once you are geared up, there is nothing else to do in the game but shooting each other. Ask yourself, what are we even collecting all the gear for? To shoot each other. And why do we do that? Because there is no other point in the game. There is no progress other than gear. Once you have a good weapon you can go and do as much deathmatching as you want. Why would you do something else?

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you be the protagonist  & i'll be the antagonist , you be the hero & i'll be the bandit.. welcome to DayZ enjoy our many fine beaches. We're like the zombies only more dangerous, their A.I. we're I. & you're dead..

Edited by Calibre

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Until there something other than pvp to do in the game people will shoot the hell outta folk for no reason , in fact even when there is more stuff to do its still gona be a lotta KoS

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I think the "problem" we are all talking about here is that DayZ has many, many players who play the game to shoot each other. I don't have anything against PvP or KoS, but if a game is so boring that 90% of the people have the only purpose to go and hunt fresh spawns on the coast, I really doubt the concept of DayZ as it is now. Yes, it's alpha and bla, but the mod has 100 times as much content and resulted in as much PvP as the SA.

There is a difference between PVP and senseless PVP.


The PVP now in the game is mostly senseless because there is so little progression, once you gear up you can either a) start killing newspawns b) hunt people who kill newspawns c) do some sort of roleplay (and that's not for everyone).


There is no bigger goal to work towards, that actually causes players to compete for each and generates PVP with a purpose. The mod had those bigger goals: in vanilla you could hoard equipment in tents for when you inevitably died, or you could repair/capture/defend vehicles. Later versions added base building, which I assume did the same, but I never played those versions.


That sort of PVP is likely the actual endgame as envisioned by rocket. He stated almost two years ago that the biggest risk in DayZ should always be other survivors, not the zombies. So that kind of thing will come to the SA, hopefully it will encourage more permanent grouping, and teams will fight each other over resources. As that more engaging PVP emerges, the new spawns will be relatively safer than they are now.

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There are penalties now for trying to combat log, so holding people up just became a lot more viable.


Additionally since being shot now destroys gear, robbing people became a lot more lucrative than killing them.


I suspect that KoS should become less frequent as proper banditry now makes a lot more sense. :thumbsup:

Edited by FatboyTim

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ah yes the senseless violence, imagine that in a game with an apocalyptic narrative ?  the very idea!

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There are penalties now for trying to combat log, so holding people up just became a lot more viable.


Additionally since being shot now destroys gear, robbing people became a lot more lucrative than killing them.


I suspect that KoS should become less frequent as proper banditry now makes a lot more sense. :thumbsup:


I still think that banditry, proper robbing that is, won't be completely viable until they fix the crazy animation and speed. I've said this multiple times over threads, and I understand it will probably be smoothed out at a later date, but if you aren't holding a weapon and you start to run and zig zag, you're almost impossible to hit. If you or the person you're robbing is having even a smidge of latency difference, or god forbid desync, then you can try spraying with a 60 round M4 and you probably won't hit them as they rapidly twitch around, make 90 degree turns instantly, and teleport in and out of walls.


I think I've been told to "freez" about 4 times in this game so far. 3 of those times the person was actually trying to rob or mess with me, so I just put fists up and start springing and strafing and turning my mouse and suddenly I become an impossible to hit Speedy Gonzalez who can one punch knock someone out. In those three robbery attempts, I managed to escape two of them and knock out the other one and steal all of his stuff.


So if they manage to ever fix that somewhere down the road, you might also see proper banditry really go up because then serpentining will then only be a good tactic for snipers.

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I want to wear your face actually..


its part of the game...deal with it..


go back to mine craft if it bothers you...

I like the PVP, i just wish they would let everyone know how it is up front so that everyone KOSes,


You can keep your face, but i want to shoot if off with some helpful murderer identifying armbands.

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If you are coming from outside the base, I'll probably let you pass unless you have guns drawn.


Good call, because why would any innocent peeps have their guns drawn in a strange land where everyone seems to be killing each other on sight..

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Good call, because why would any innocent peeps have their guns drawn in a strange land where everyone seems to be killing each other on sight..


I don't care why you are in there with your gun drawn. The issue is that if I approach you and your weapon is drawn, you have just as good a chance of raising it and killing me as I do of raising mine and kill you. Sooo, I don't know what your point is, because I'm not going to foolishly approach someone who I know nothing about. This game is all about making things go on your terms.

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Am i the only one who thinks this way?

I mean serious if i want to play a game where i have to kill everyone the moment i see him i would play COD. i mean is it really this hard to at least say "freeze" if you are a bandit instead of shooting everybody the moment you spot him?

I mean shooting people got really out of hand.

Now it looks like everybody is firing first just because he fears that if he doesn´t the other one will kill you.

I mean i know its a survival game but even in a post apocalyptic secaniro most people won´t shoot each other just for fun.

Ok im shure there are some real soziopaths out there but in general its getting really frustrating that everyone shoots bevore opening their mouth.


The problem is if you say freeze, that person knows where you are and can complicate the situation by running away, shooting you etc. 


It's much less complicated for a bandit to take the shot when they have it in their sights. 


Don't get me wrong, it frustrates me a bit when I get killed on sight, but I can understand it.


Also I think you'll find it doesn't happen all the time, I've had way more non-hostile encounters.

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Don't feel like getting int he mix on this one, but people should realize that PvP doesn't always need to be versus.  Interacting with another human player doesn't always need to be confrontational.


Also, the OP says constant PvP (where I think he might mean constant KoS) ruins the fun of the game, and I agree.  Anything that is constantly repeated without variety is boring.  This is the dev's challenge, to give people something other to do than kill all the time and hope they run with it.

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This game is all about making things go on your terms.

Thats every game. But the fact is that 99% of the killing is completely unrealistic and they could give a reason for within a story and some other additions at least. I personally like the KOS, but i do not like the fact that it makes very little sense outside of the surprise encounter. Give us factions or something, maybe 3 of them so 2/3 of the population is against you (more targets/action/reasons to be fearful, etc), rather than having only half with only 2 factions.


Just an opinion.

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