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wuffi (DayZ)

Constant PVP ruins the fun of this game

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  On 2/6/2014 at 12:55 AM, orlok said:

Hello there


Leviski, you know better than that. I am dissapoint. That's point earning material. Buck your ideas/attitude up.






Look here man..or mod...ppl are tired of these threads. How about u mods do ur job and either merge these threads with existing threads or just graveyard the whole thread.


OP obviously did not use search before he posted...there are already dosens of threads on the same exact subject...KOS or PVP. And daily new ones are being made.

Edited by svisketyggeren

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I enjoy the fresh spawn part just as much (maybe even more), so I don't really care if I get killed. 
It's just a game, relax dude. You probably knew the chance of being killed when you bought the game.

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  On 2/6/2014 at 1:33 AM, MoNo-DK said:

I enjoy the fresh spawn part just as much (maybe even more), so I don't really care if I get killed. 

It's just a game, relax dude. You probably knew the chance of being killed when you bought the game.

Well i don´t have a problem with getting killed.

I just hope for a "little" cooperation between players (at least sometimes)

But thats just me.

And given all the answers it looks like i´m pretty much alone with this oppinion ;)

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  On 2/6/2014 at 1:34 AM, Derpy Potato said:

KOS is a part of the game. 


See my sig and all will be known.


....i'm sorry but if that sig is trying to be profound it's kind of nonsensical imo :/ at least as far as this game is concerned lol xD

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why on most of the fourms here if someone trys to put in there input on somthing everyone that does not like it starts bashing them.................realy so you dont like the idea.........ok that fine that is your right but dont call names and try to put him down bc he does not want the samthing out of the game. Realy most of you(ok maybe none) will post on a skill fourm topic and say dont tell me how to play, but than you come onto this guys post and tell him he has to pvp and to get over it.........come on growe up, this is not a game its a alpha so who knows it may go more toward pve than pvp (most likely not) but you dont know. I would think and hope if your going to post on a fourm you would have some respect and not just bash each other, that does not help the game at all that i think all of us love, it makes for a bad community and makes the devs  think we are all littel kids so they should not take anything we say seriously..so stop. Now i do like the pvp side but i my self would like to see a lot more pve in the game witch it is coming. Lat thing and i know all the name callers will just bash my thoughts as well but..... if there is a topic you just can not stand in the fourm, dont read it or just dont comment...........or do it in a way that will not start a little kid fight. Now let the neg post to this post begin......lol

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  On 2/6/2014 at 1:40 AM, wuffi said:

Well i don´t have a problem with getting killed.

I just hope for a "little" cooperation between players (at least sometimes)

But thats just me.

And given all the answers it looks like i´m pretty much alone with this oppinion ;)


Maybe you're just running into the wrong people. I only had to kill two people so far, one in a fist fight and another who thought he could sneak up on me and my shovel. 

But, maybe I'm just lucky. Also, I tend to stay away from high risk areas like the NW Airfield (If I'm alone)

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People who want to constantly interact ruin the game, ARMA's combat engine is fantastic, so engage me in a firefight instead of screaming friendly at me, I'm just going to shoot you anyway.

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I'd say yes it ruins the fun of the game but no, nothing can be done about it.  You have to play carefully and not run around in the open if you don't want to get shot

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  On 2/6/2014 at 12:27 AM, leviski said:

First of all man you have worse spelling than me.


And secondly, Listen here you little shit KOS is a part of the game learn to love it.

I wish they would just announce this is another PVP game so new peeps can send your dumb fuck ass back to the shore just like you send theirs. I also have to LMAO, cause i just wish this forum would take place in person. I'd love to stand directly in your face while you while you attempt to state your intention to brainlessly KOS other poeple who didn't or wouldn't kill you. That would be fucking funny to watch.


-edited out the drunkenness.

Edited by Max Planck
Stop with the insults. Was this post meant as a threat, by the way?
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bandits, yes...KoS no, it ruins the game...I think the players should be more friendly....sadly no ones want to be the one risking their gear.

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Why the core of the game should ruin it ?

It s nonsense lol.

Please, and i m serius, wtf would be the fun/tension/hate/? Into going around an empty map looting and splitting zeds whit a faxe ? Is this resident evil mmo ? I tought this was dayz.

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  On 2/6/2014 at 1:33 AM, MoNo-DK said:

I enjoy KILLING the fresh spawn part just as much (maybe even more), so I don't really care if I get killed TRYING, IT S SO FUN.

It's just a game, relax dude. You probably knew the chance of being killed when you bought the game. SO KNOW GO GET A MOSIN AND SNIPE FROM SAFE SPOTS

Fixed for some lulz

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  On 2/6/2014 at 3:26 AM, KamiOfKOS said:

Fixed for some lulz


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There are lots of ways to avoid the KOS idiots at the coast. Here are a few: join a clan / go inland (seriously, I've haven't seen anyone in almost two weeks where I roam even on full servers) / avoid military bases and known server hopper hangouts (the timer helps with ghosting but these places will always attract both hoppers and non-hoppers) / play on low pop servers. 


There's a lot of freedom in this game and with a little effort you can find a way to play the way you want to. There's even a light role playing server if that's what you like. Finally, no matter what anyone on either side of the KOS / PvP argument says there is no wrong or right way to play this game. Dean has given us a sandbox. Use it as you will.

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  On 2/6/2014 at 3:14 AM, KamiOfKOS said:

Why the core of the game should ruin it ?

It s nonsense lol.

Please, and i m serius, wtf would be the fun/tension/hate/? Into going around an empty map looting and splitting zeds whit a faxe ? Is this resident evil mmo ? I tought this was dayz.

The problem is with players wanting to play realistically, immersed in that experience,  caring about your life just as much as theirs, only to be blinked out of existence by COD type player who wants your pants...

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  On 2/6/2014 at 3:46 AM, worst2first said:

There are lots of ways to avoid the KOS idiots at the coast. Here are a few: join a clan / go inland (seriously, I've haven't seen anyone in almost two weeks where I roam even on full servers) / avoid military bases and known server hopper hangouts (the timer helps with ghosting but these places will always attract both hoppers and non-hoppers) / play on low pop servers. 


There's a lot of freedom in this game and with a little effort you can find a way to play the way you want to. There's even a light role playing server if that's what you like. Finally, no matter what anyone on either side of the KOS / PvP argument says there is no wrong or right way to play this game. Dean has given us a sandbox. Use it as you will.


what this guy said. there are plenty of places to play where PVP is minimal. Player interactions are always risky, but after dying few times, one can learn how to avoid it if you are not PVP type. Dont give up bro there is light in the end of the dayz

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Shoot or be shot. If your're brave enough to risk that, good for you..but dont knock others for not sharing your same enthusiasm for a stranger's good will. 

Edited by KnightFall1856

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People will act like idiots on any game.  Don't worry man, when I first played the mod and got ganked by douche's I thought the same thing but you just need to deal with it.  Not EVERY person you come across is going to be chill as fuck and want to explore with you, nor is EVERY person a KoS retard.  


Get a group of people, whether online buddies or real friends and play together.  Usually if you come across a loner with a group, odds are (if he communicates back) he would join up with you.


Or just take a break from the game, jeesh.

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  On 2/6/2014 at 12:26 AM, wuffi said:

Am i the only one who thinks this way?

I mean serious if i want to play a game where i have to kill everyone the moment i see him i would play COD. i mean is it really this hard to at least say "freeze" if you are a bandit instead of shooting everybody the moment you spot him?

I mean shooting people got really out of hand.

Now it looks like everybody is firing first just because he fears that if he doesn´t the other one will kill you.

I mean i know its a survival game but even in a post apocalyptic secaniro most people won´t shoot each other just for fun.

Ok im shure there are some real soziopaths out there but in general its getting really frustrating that everyone shoots bevore opening their mouth.


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  On 2/6/2014 at 4:55 AM, Thane said:

The problem is with players wanting to play realistically, immersed in that experience,  caring about your life just as much as theirs, only to be blinked out of existence by COD type player who wants your pants...


I want to wear your face actually..


its part of the game...deal with it..


go back to mine craft if it bothers you...

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