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why good samiritans irritate me

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there's absolutetly nothing 'passive' about my feelings towards those imbeciles who blindly assume every fresh spawn is looking for assistance.


As for my faith in humanity have you spent much time in game? do you read the countless repetitive QQ topics that spring up here on an hourly basis decrying the kill on sight mentality of the average player?


This is a game my friend and humanity has absolutely nothing to do with it. No one is actually harming anybody here, the only people who suffer are those who struggle with their own failure to keep their character safe and need to point the finger at others lest their fragile ego be exposed to the uncomfortable truth that they are crap at the game.


I would like to point out that when you play the game there is no quest/mission indicator that says "Survive for 72 days and you win the game."


I do understand your initial point about being bothered by folks that basically force-feed help down a new spawn's throat. I don't care for it either to be honest about it. I've only got about 20 hours in game so far (just started last week) and I much prefer and do survive on my own. But seeing as the game is a true sandbox at the moment my own play style preferences don't invalidate anyone else's preferences at all. If someone wants to spend their time playing role-playing Florence Nightingale or Clara Barton then more power to them.


Nobody here is right or wrong really. It would be better if the "subject spawned piss and vinegar" were to just play itself out inside of the game though as opposed to forums. If you're on a new spawned character and someone is trying to shove crappy beans down your throat and won't take "No" for an answer then just punch them in their damned nose. 


There really is no need for a forum discussion over it. Telling folks they are "playing the wrong way" should be something reserved for seven year olds on the school playground.

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I'm inclined to agree with some of what OP is saying.


The most enjoyable and irritating experience I had was as a fresh spawn trying to get my bearings and figure out what the heck the game was.


i still remember where I first spawned. Right in the middle of the road behind kamyshovo looking up the dirt road towards an abandoned barn. There was no one there to give me food, there was no one there to tell me where to go, it was simply trial by fire, and it was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my gaming life. So I can understand the OP's frustration when people potentially take this from new spawns.


It's really quite an experience unique to any other game i've ever played

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I think a big part of the psychology of not wanting help or interaction is not having much of it in real life and being left to fend for yourself. Not having any intimacy in life, especially when young i think makes it a strange, unnatural feeling thing when it occurs. In my experience things like this can change throughout your life.


Would be nice if we could get a separate forum for kids.

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I'm inclined to agree with some of what OP is saying.


The most enjoyable and irritating experience I had was as a fresh spawn trying to get my bearings and figure out what the heck the game was.


i still remember where I first spawned. Right in the middle of the road behind kamyshovo looking up the dirt road towards an abandoned barn. There was no one there to give me food, there was no one there to tell me where to go, it was simply trial by fire, and it was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my gaming life. So I can understand the OP's frustration when people potentially take this from new spawns.


It's really quite an experience unique to any other game i've ever played

I fully understand you.

But i think, that newspawns (and newbies) also need to have a fairly "good" start in the game. most of them will become angry, when they run around, and every trial is countered with a failure called "U r dead"..

So yes, you take this experience away from them, but give them a kind and fair start, too.

IMO, there are still many many moments with lots of action, tension ;)


but on the other hand, i also understand the players, who want to explore the world by themselves to have something to wonder and discover.






If you don't like players helping spawners, then you should go down to the coast and wait till you see a well-equipped player trying to help a new spawn. Then you should get the drop on that player, hold him up and give HIM a can of beans, see how he likes that!


Then, if the newspawn really is a noob bambi, he would know he is into a REALLY UNUSUAL game. And it would change his life forever.


xx pilgrim



Yeah, man!

go back, and HELP a well geared player.

He will be sooo thankful, that he insta-pays you a ticket to heaven <3


man, this thread.




before going to bed i pop in again, so i can sleep with a constant smile on my face, that is as broad as your momma.

(not my face. my smile is so broad)

Edited by irishroy

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You know, there are not only players who do helpful things to feel appreciated. There are also people who just want to help, and do not care about their ego.

If you dont want anything, just say "No". Dont assault them like a spineless maggot. You risk killing a genuinely nice player.

Making Humanity even more shitty.

Well said. Obviously there's something not right about Macdeth if he can't grasp the idea of offering help to someone without reward.

Yes, there are people out there that do it to make themselves feel better or superior or what have you. But there are also other people out there that like to be nice "just to be nice". No hidden agenda. That's just who they are.

If he can't see that then I genuinely feel sorry for him. :(

Edited by WrecklessMEDIC

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I think Macdeth has daddy issues. Helping is just another pastime, whether coercive or passive.

I got my M4 for hunting wabbits.

Edited by Mr Jizz

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I agree on several points.

Particularly that there is no such thing as true altruism, that every human action is selfishly motivated and your point that bad players don't accept responsibility for their failures and thus throw away all the valuable information and experience received from those failures, in essence refusing to change, adapt, and survive for the petty sake of ego.

And while, yes, gearing up and the sense of progression when you're wandering around gathering loot is the most exciting part of the game, I don't necessarily feel the need for a sense of rage towards the helper-hero types. Depending on the personality I adapt for that particular play through they provide me with a target to stalk, a leg up, an ally, or someone to tag along with and eventually betray. Interaction is the spirit of the game I feel, and even though I might not agree with a certain play-style or philosophy I can still find a way to take advantage of it. 

To be cliche, the journey is the fun part of the game. Every life in the game plays out a little bit differently, I like putting a bit of a light-roleplay spin on how I choose to handle situations. Not actually getting into character or anything, but establishing some parameters on how I interact with people. Keeps things fresh. All to often, my successful runs end with a shoot out . ..I get bored, I get restless, so I go seek a warrior's death in an area with lots of player traffic---To emphasize that there is really little do right now. There is no player vs. environment, there is no game world out to devour you in the sense that the game is very much incomplete. 

I'm sure when we have do deal with more survivalist elements and zombies that are more threatening that the social dynamics will get even more interesting.


Edited by Rudette
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Actually it is your fault. Stop being a scumbag and act like a human being.

Which human beings, from Hitler and Kim Jong Un to Gandhi? Theres a lot to choose from.

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there is no such thing as true altruism,


There are people who act under truly altrusitic motives. But close minded people identify any behavior as selfish


"He committed suicide because he hated himself? What a coward, he took the easy way out. "

"He is eating enough for himself to survive? What a selfish prick! He should give all his food to poor african children! Not just 90 percent!"

"He is giving all his food to african children? He is just doing to feel appreciated! What an asshole! I will shoot him in the face because now I feel worthless!"

"He tells me he feeds African children without the bare intention to feel appreciated? He is just telling me this to feel appreciated! What an asshole!"


This enables them to do bad things while still feeling good about themselves.

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You guys are totally going to break the High Horse's back if you all keep piling up on him...surely a few of you can still fit on the Soapbox, no?.

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when those holding opposing viewpoints feel the need to resort to personal slurs then you know the debate has been won, they just lack the courage to accept that truth.

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Particularly that there is no such thing as true altruism....

There is a lot of debate on that particular issue. It is not an actual fact but one side of a debate.

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when those holding opposing viewpoints feel the need to resort to personal slurs then you know the debate has been won, they just lack the courage to accept that truth.


Pointing out insults mean they ran out of points to debate, then insulting them.

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YEah, I don't know about the insult thing, but what "truth" needs to be realized?

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like someone who would have the right to be entitled "human being"

That was a rhetorical question. Were the 12 year old children who were given rifles and instructed to round up Jews in small villages and kill them not human? This also is rhetorical.


I think you'll find that humans are much simpler than most people think, and not evil, just beings that operate from a set of previous experiences and set limitations, ego and pride and ignornace being the real problem.

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when those holding opposing viewpoints feel the need to resort to personal slurs then you know the debate has been won, they just lack the courage to accept that truth.


When the person youre a having an argument with never once responds to your arguments, but tries to deflect with tiny details, you know you should stop wasting your time in this thread.

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There are people who act under truly altrusitic motives. But close minded people identify any behavior as selfish


"He committed suicide because he hated himself? What a coward, he took the easy way out. "

"He is eating enough for himself to survive? What a selfish prick! He should give all his food to poor african children! Not just 90 percent!"

"He is giving all his food to african children? He is just doing to feel appreciated! What an asshole! I will shoot him in the face because now I feel worthless!"

"He tells me he feeds African children without the bare intention to feel appreciated? He is just telling me this to feel appreciated! What an asshole!"


This enables them to do bad things while still feeling good about themselves.

There is actually a lot of debate surrounding rather or not true altruism is possible and several theories surrounding both sides of the debate. When you help someone, you at the very least, receive an intrinsic reward. You feel good because you did it. Even something as simple as personal gratification, even from a presumably selfless act, is still a reward. Still a motivation. Still something that on some level you, yourself, desired that propelled you towards that act. -puts on Joker make up- Just like when I murder someone for a can of beans.

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you know you should stop wasting your time in this thread.


she said, while wasting time in the thread

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......lol,it's a game guys...psychos!

What is your point?

"lol, it's driving in traffic guys..."

"lol, it's interacting with other human beings guys..."

"lol, it's eating guys..."

All of this is part of life. It's part of the journey. It's fine if we decide to discuss our journey and enjoy the discussion which is also part of the journey. If you don't want to discuss it, don't. ;)

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