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Grimey Rick

Will Preventing Server-Hopping Increase Kos?

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This is a simple matter of supply and demand. Prepatch - supply was high because of server hopping so DayZ was like an utopian wonderland where everyone was happy and fully geared. Postpatch supply will be lower meaning demand will go up and players will have to find different ways to gear up including killing people they would otherwise have left alive.

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Postpatch supply will be lower meaning demand will go up and players will have to find different ways to gear up including killing people they would otherwise have left alive.


I don't love the idea of getting in to a firefight just to walk around covered in ruined gear and try to defend myself with damaged mags and ammo.

I avoided killing people for my loot before, I will still prefer my pristine-worn stuff and looking for it gives me something to do.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn

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I server hop and proud of it.


all these people bad mouthing SH's is bullshit. I bet nearly everyone does it.


same mentality from choosing a low pop server to a nearly full one. which would you choose? if you are a fresh spawn, you'd choose the lower and hop to God it wasn't looted.


when i spawn, i want a weapon. i can have a weapon in 40 minutes (after a 30 min run from kammy)- i dont want to immerse myself in the game of survival and run around weaponless. why? because people are dicks and they will kill you sight. last type of game i want to play in my life is one gathering shit for 3 hours, all to die from someone with a weapon, and then they take the last 3 hours of hard work from me. so yea, i hopped. so f'in what. ill do it as long as im allowed.


i hope weapons spawn:

1.) without time limits- meaning, at random times at random places, otherwise, people are just going to mad rush fresh servers, which is the same thing as SH'ing.

2.) weapons need to respawn in town/cities, etc...so going to the airfield isn't a requirement for a weapon anymore.


but back to the subject at hand- if its hard for me to find a weapon, is that going to increase KOS? for me, 1000%. if i need something and you have it, yes, im going to do whatever i can to get it and if i am weaponless, i have nothing to lose by trying. im not sure the developers think of that side of the equation- "if a player has nothing to lose"- that formula plays a big factor in game play. Who is going to take more risks- a geared player or one with nothing to lose?


On SH'ing- to me, thats the most fun of the game. I usually do it at the NEAF- run from 1 jail, to ATC to hangars to last jail- its probably the most fun you can have- I might have a handgun- see someone, blast them- maybe get their stuff, hear more footsteps, etc...insanely fun. i hope that doesnt go away.


You're abusing the system for no other reason than personal gain. I play med pops servers, because the population peaks and falls. This always a constant tension that I could run into anyone, anywhere, and it's happened many times. I don't hop, never needed to. Mosins are plentiful, weapons are plentiful. Only reason I would venture close to an airfield is to obtain a hunting scope. I wasn't in it to get uber-leet weapons. You don't need to hop to get good gear, you need to know where to look and not be an impatient fuck about it.


The point of the game is unbalance. Because a dude has a gun and fucks up your day is apart of the game. I've never let it get me down, I chalk it up to my own hubris and mistakes. I made a mistake if i'm unarmed and let a bastard shoot me.

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A five minute penalty won't stop serving hopping. If that's what I intend to do, I'll just go grab another beer, check some forums, etc. while I wait. It will help with ghosting though. I could also stand up, stretch and walk around a bit to get some relief from the hours stuck in my chair. Maybe Rocket is concerned about us sitting for too long?

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My response to OP question would be probably not. IMHO KOS is more a players style/mentality than a gear hunting thing, especially since it may ruin the gear that you wanted in the first place.


I think a good/funny way to get someones gear with the new patch would be to stealthily follow them around, then when they log out run up and steal their gear before the character despawns :lol: Would be funny logging in and 1/2 your shit is missing.



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I server hop and proud of it.


all these people bad mouthing SH's is bullshit. I bet nearly everyone does it.


same mentality from choosing a low pop server to a nearly full one. which would you choose? if you are a fresh spawn, you'd choose the lower and hop to God it wasn't looted.


when i spawn, i want a weapon. i can have a weapon in 40 minutes (after a 30 min run from kammy)- i dont want to immerse myself in the game of survival and run around weaponless. why? because people are dicks and they will kill you sight. last type of game i want to play in my life is one gathering shit for 3 hours, all to die from someone with a weapon, and then they take the last 3 hours of hard work from me. so yea, i hopped. so f'in what. ill do it as long as im allowed.


i hope weapons spawn:

1.) without time limits- meaning, at random times at random places, otherwise, people are just going to mad rush fresh servers, which is the same thing as SH'ing.

2.) weapons need to respawn in town/cities, etc...so going to the airfield isn't a requirement for a weapon anymore.


but back to the subject at hand- if its hard for me to find a weapon, is that going to increase KOS? for me, 1000%. if i need something and you have it, yes, im going to do whatever i can to get it and if i am weaponless, i have nothing to lose by trying. im not sure the developers think of that side of the equation- "if a player has nothing to lose"- that formula plays a big factor in game play. Who is going to take more risks- a geared player or one with nothing to lose?


On SH'ing- to me, thats the most fun of the game. I usually do it at the NEAF- run from 1 jail, to ATC to hangars to last jail- its probably the most fun you can have- I might have a handgun- see someone, blast them- maybe get their stuff, hear more footsteps, etc...insanely fun. i hope that doesnt go away.


Translation: I am too much of a coward and too lazy to gear up so I do whatever I can not to actually play the game.


Why not just play something like Call of Duty or Battlefield where you can just pew pew and unlock all the items you want, and start with them at the beginning of the round? Because you sure don't cut it for this game. It's not often I say something like that, but you don't cut it, this game is clearly too hard for you and you're objectively shit at it.

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I server hop and proud of it.

Stopped reading there.  You're scum and contributing to the biggest problem with this game.


But hey, at least you're proud of it.  I'll enjoy killing players like you when they add the timer next week.  Enjoy losing all the gear you obtained before trying to hop.  =)

Edited by Mdogg2005

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Cowardice and laziness aren't the only reasons to server hop. I play with a group of people from all over and it sometimes requires us to hop to five or six different servers to find one we can all play on. 

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Cowardice and laziness aren't the only reasons to server hop. I play with a group of people from all over and it sometimes requires us to hop to five or six different servers to find one we can all play on. 


That's justifiable and isn't what people call server hopping. When someone says server hopper, they're referring to the kind of person who jumps from server to server in a high value area just to farm loot over and over again. These people are lazy and probably shit at the game.

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Cowardice and laziness aren't the only reasons to server hop. I play with a group of people from all over and it sometimes requires us to hop to five or six different servers to find one we can all play on. 

That's not server hopping.  That's choosing a server that you and your friends can all play on before you start playing.

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I figure the only real way to combat server hopping is to enable gear respawn, which I'm pretty sure is supposed to happen sooner or later. Then the hoppers can gear farm the barracks or whatever until someone snipes them :D


Having to wait 5 minutes(or whatever) to log into another server might annoy them, but it isn't going to stop them.



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It'll take longer to gear up after the patch.


Solution: Kill other people on sight and take their stuff.


I don't advocate server-hopping or kill-on-sight behaviour, but if I had to choose, I'd take a server-hopper any day.


KoS is a legitimate gameplay behaviour, server hopping is not.  End of story.

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