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How Many People Were Killed By You?

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Only one kill so far in 120 hours in SA.

Was at the Air Tower at NEAF where I logged out in a hurry about 20 mins before because my wife was yelling at me. Logged in, guns made noise, guy came upstairs and shot me with a shotgun. I survived it and put a magnum round through his skull while he was just standing there while reloading. I felt pretty bad about it as well because I am the hero type.

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  On 1/30/2014 at 3:29 PM, komadose said:

pre-emptive self-defense... suuuuure..... if you say so :D


Stand your ground.  ;)

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180 hours of gaming


murders - 0

self defense - 0

justified panic attacks - 50+

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  On 1/30/2014 at 3:20 PM, ColByKid said:

Hmmm. What about dayz standalone. How many people were killed by you?

none. I don't intend to spontanously start to KoS. I play this game because of the random player interactions and there is little to none interaction when you KoS. Holding someone at gunpoint is a different subject though...
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  On 1/30/2014 at 3:47 PM, Awkward Gamer said:

Only one kill so far in 120 hours in SA.

Was at the Air Tower at NEAF where I logged out in a hurry about 20 mins before because my wife was yelling at me. Logged in, guns made noise, guy came upstairs and shot me with a shotgun. I survived it and put a magnum round through his skull while he was just standing there while reloading. I felt pretty bad about it as well because I am the hero type.

He try to kill you first, right? So you dont need to feel bad about that :p

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At this point I think I'm up around the 20 mark, but I haven't really been keeping tabs on how many people I've killed... Although I did bag 2 more last night in Svetlojarsk... One was camping a rooftop across from the hospital, and one was sniping from the rocks on the hillside overlooking the town.

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I've got a lot of kills, even unarmed players are not spared. The less people alive on the server the safer it is. As I mentioned above some times with the noobs I'll just break their legs and leave. It's more down time for them. I made a nood drink alcohol to make him sick then I left him with cuffs on and a broken legs bleeding on the street. This is dayz. People aren't friendly ingame.

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I tend to remember more the random tins of open beans I leave about Chernarus.. 89 to date..

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I'm not the dense type that plays DayZ like you would a typical shooter. That's a pretty boring waste of time, since there are better shooters out there. After 120 hours I've only killed a couple of people who were trying to sneak up on me (no communication, at night), three armed guys at airfields, and one person who had already hit me once with a fire axe.

Other than that, I either make contact and interact, or avoid people who look like they might be a threat.

Reading some of the posts here though make me think it might be good to go bandit hunting from time to time, though. KoSers and campers are pretty easy to predict and stalk, after all.

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  On 1/30/2014 at 3:29 PM, komadose said:

pre-emptive self-defense... suuuuure..... if you say so :D


50h in, and i guess about 15 too.


  On 1/30/2014 at 3:48 PM, Ulfhedjinn said:

Stand your ground.  ;)


It refers to those situations where the other guy has done you no harm, but you're pretty sure they would if you gave them a chance.


Like the time I spotted a sniper on top of the buildings near Balota taking shots at the airfield. I had to guess I would have bitten a bullet as well if I'd gone there, so I served him some 5.56's.


I do feel sort of bad about the murders though, even though they got me totally geared up after I had my character wiped. In about 20 minutes from east coast to Balota I was totally geared up after killing two guys. The third got killed by his friends weapon in my hands.

I felt like an a**hole.

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Lost count, but 3 bambies. My 3rd just felt too wrong. Normally I help them get geared then kill them once they trust me.

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  On 1/30/2014 at 3:47 PM, Awkward Gamer said:

Only one kill so far in 120 hours in SA.

Was at the Air Tower at NEAF where I logged out in a hurry about 20 mins before because my wife was yelling at me. Logged in, guns made noise, guy came upstairs and shot me with a shotgun. I survived it and put a magnum round through his skull while he was just standing there while reloading. I felt pretty bad about it as well because I am the hero type.


I can relate. My wife and kids always seem to want my attention at the worst possible moments in DayZ. 


I've played about 50 hours and killed one player. She shot my friend with a Mosin, looted his gear including his Magnum and chased me up the stairs in a building in Berezino. When she got to the top of the stairs I axed her for my friend's gear as well as hers.

Edited by worst2first
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In standalone? I'm not counting but i guess its at least 20.  Hell I killed 3 yesterday, but they did attack me first.

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Two. Because they couldn't handle the apocalypse anymore and demanded I release them from the suffering.






Or in other words, they thought the Balota spawn still worked.

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How the hell can you count your victims?


I lost my count after killing like 5 people.


All I can say is..lots?


106 hours played.

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I've only killed three people, as I try to stay friendly. Two attacked me while I was looting a building, the most heartpounding moment I've had in Dayz (SA) so far. The other was a fresh spawn who ran up and started punching me while I was giving so other fresh spawns food and water :(


Then again, only 18 hours played.

Edited by AllenTheGreat

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I lost count of how many. Me and my friends normaly stay in big citys since we are looking for some action.(There is not much else to do...)


I think that it's about 5-7 kills per evening(about 4h). I only shoot geared up guys, not trusting anyone with a weapon who isn't my friend(had to much bad exp.).


So hm.. let's see, about 90h played so far. You can calculate that, right?

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Easily over 100+ kills. 80% KoS, 20% Trick people into thinking I'm friendly then i shoot them in the head and take their gear.



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