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Reduce The Common Lag In Dayz [Tutorial]

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Welcome Ladys and Gentleman, to my Guide to reduce the Lag between Client and Server (That doesn't only affect DayZ, but has an impact on all games & programs, you are running.)



first of all, my english is ok but not perfect so dont go to harm me with this xD


i play DayZ now almost 1 Month.. couple of DayZ after release!


and i noticed that there is a lag that is no serverside, its clientside!


a example:

you want to use one of your weapon on the quickslot bar, or switch the weapon (m4 to axe, axe back to m4) you have to hit the quickslot button maybe 2-3 times to switch or draw it.



so, this is my ultimate guide to reduce your whole client to server lag!


after you change this entry in your registry you will just switch your weapons instant, but thats not all!

your whole inventory and item management will be better, you will instant eat if you click eat, the weapons your drop are almost instant again on the ground and and and!

no lag between client and server anymore


ok i just made a picture guide for you guys hope you able to follow


NOTE: If you changed that i guide to, restart your computer and enjoy the lagless gaming!





Warning: Causes more bandwidth usage :)

Edited by Sanitöter
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try it out, you will earn more gaming fun ;)


and if someone able to verify it, would be great for sticky / pinned

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If you have a dynamic IP you would need to do this every time you played ?

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If you have a dynamic IP you would need to do this every time you played ?


nope. just one time

Edited by Sanitöter
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Interesting, I didn't actually know about this. Will have to give this a go tonight and report back...

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Interesting, I didn't actually know about this. Will have to give this a go tonight and report back...


great, im waiting for :)

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I will test this out tonight, maybe someone can confirm this works in the meantime ;)


Can you explain how this works and why this resolves the issue?



Ok I have looked up some info ;]


The TCP no delay parameter:

The tcp no delay parameter controls TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) packet batching. The default value is 1, which means that TCP packets are not batched.

TCP normally batches small logical packets into single larger physical packets (by briefly delaying packets) fill physical network frames with as much data as possible. This is intended to improve network throughput in terminal emulation environments where there are mostly keystrokes being sent across the network.

However, applications that use small TDS (Tabular Data Stream) packets may benefit from disabling TCP packet batching. To disable TCP packet batching, set tcp no delay to 1.


For the ACK frequency:



So if I understand this correctly it will send smaller packets and with no delay, meaning that less data will be in each packet and thus lowers latency and ping, am I correct?

Edited by extremistcouch

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You do nothing wrong doing this. You should do this anyway at each fresh win installation.

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[Explanation from Ziondizl on battle.net]


What we just done via a handy registry tweak is to disable the delayed ACK. ACK (short for ACKNOWLEDGE) is a confirmation that you have received a network package. While you are playing anything online, you are constantly sending and receiving network packets and each of those packets has to be confirmed from your local machine. To prevent a network flood of ACK messages (sending out a confirmation for EVERY package) Windows has a smart trick! Windows waits some time (up to 200ms) before it sends out the next ACK, so that it can send out multiple ACK’s in one go. The problem is, D3 won’t send you another network package before it has received the ACK.

The solution?

TcpAckFrequency = 1 will disable delayed ACK. Default is 2, so it will wait for 2 packages until sending out ACK.

To disable TCP packet batching, we set TcpNoDelay to 1, so all packets will be send no matter what size they have (normally TCP sends out batched packages).



I actually tried this fix some time ago for an MMORPG, but it didn't work. It seems to work for some people, but not for everyone. My ping in that MMO was ~250, and it actually got worse after that fix. My downloadspeed also got slower by this, which is one of the possible disadvantages.

But yeah, please try it. You won't destroy anything, just follow the guide, and see if it works for you.

Edited by acid574

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If you have a dynamic IP you would need to do this every time you played ?


Seriously?  <_<

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I will test this out tonight, maybe someone can confirm this works in the meantime ;)


Can you explain how this works and why this resolves the issue?



Ok I have looked up some info ;]


The TCP no delay parameter:

The tcp no delay parameter controls TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) packet batching. The default value is 1, which means that TCP packets are not batched.

TCP normally batches small logical packets into single larger physical packets (by briefly delaying packets) fill physical network frames with as much data as possible. This is intended to improve network throughput in terminal emulation environments where there are mostly keystrokes being sent across the network.

However, applications that use small TDS (Tabular Data Stream) packets may benefit from disabling TCP packet batching. To disable TCP packet batching, set tcp no delay to 1.


For the ACK frequency:



So if I understand this correctly it will send smaller packets and with no delay, meaning that less data will be in each packet and thus lowers latency and ping, am I correct?


the best way to explain i think, so yes "smaller" packets. we just turn off the john nagle principle :P


The Nagle algorithm works as follows: 

If a packet is full, it will send. 
Is the packet not full, then it send if no more unacknowledged packets are traveling


Edited by Sanitöter

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I'm using remote desktop from work to get to my PC at home, everything became more fluid!


Placebo or for real? Almost like I'm on my PC physically!

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I'm using remote desktop from work to get to my PC at home, everything became more fluid!


Placebo or for real? Almost like I'm on my PC physically!


you mean because you changed the entry in the registry? its definitely more fluid then :)

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you mean because you changed the entry in the registry? its definitely more fluid then :)



Will report later when I get home how it affects DayZ.

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Will report later when I get home how it affects DayZ.


would be happy

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Yes.. works very well. Thanks.


Does not remove 100% of the toolbar lag.. but removes the vast majority.  A great help and improvement. 


Do It!

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Confirmed, toolbar and inventory seem to be more responsive.

Have some beans!

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