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About convoyduck

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  1. convoyduck

    a good condition

    The car is missing a wheel and has a cracked windshield and missing a drivers seat, has no working seat belts and the check engine light is on - Craiglist add be like "car is in good condition"
  2. convoyduck

    Takes lot of time to randomize the game

    Hit Shift + TAB and use the stem-provided webbrowser
  3. convoyduck

    Reduce The Common Lag In Dayz [Tutorial]

    Can someone verify this?
  4. convoyduck

    Zombie Horde

    Hear hear! why are we not funding this??
  5. convoyduck

    Can we talk about Endgame?

    All great ideas, don't listen to people telling you otherwise
  6. convoyduck


    actually it is
  7. convoyduck

    Small Safe town

    TLDR; it's a suggestion you don't need to agree with it. But it may still be a valid idea. Looking for a safe stance on abortion? me neither
  8. convoyduck

    Combat Loggers

    TLDR; read half of it and let me stop you right there Gooby stahp!!! this is total bullcrap, you are mad because you chase down people expecting to kill them and loot them, but they evade you by logging. I get that this is frustrating for you, but try and keep it in your pants! you can go jizz over a game of minecraft Don't try and sell that "I just want to be friends" bullshit, you are a bandit like the rest of us, admit it!!!
  9. convoyduck


    Great idea, I could think of so many modes that would be awesome. Just take som inspiration from other FPS games. And to the naysayers, please remember that this suggestion will not be forced upon you or change the fundemental game. But as an ADDITIONAL gameplay, this is also well within what Redwolf says about free will 'n such this will add entertainment value to the game when you get tired of wacking newbies in elektra
  10. convoyduck

    idea for new loot - make 'em hunt for it!

    I genuinly think that is a good idea, why are people so hell bent on finding reasons why this could not work? maybe leave the development of the game to the actual game developers? This is a forum for suggestions
  11. convoyduck

    Small Safe town

    Awesome idea, safe zone for trading and chilling/spawning. Meeting new people to go hunting loot with Alot of ney-sayers troll these forums, feels like they are lobbying against all suggestions period. Maybe they are bandits that don't want their prey to have safezones?
  12. convoyduck

    Hordes of zombies

    I think that is a great fucking idea, people would hunt packs of zombies for loot. or even better, get stuck on roof tops untill they managed to clear the horde Why this a fan-fiction discussion about what motivates a zombie? fast or slow we have all different ideas about zombies. Stop finding reasons this couldnt work, let the game developers worry about what is within the realm of possibilites