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Why I Play As A Bandit

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Before you read the post and go OH MY GOD!!!! A BANDIT!!!! DOWNVOTE DOWNVOTE DOWNVOTE!! Please realise I am explaining why I do it so you may want to read it to understand how some bandits play.


With the recent post about psychologist playing DayZ I decided I would explain why I am a bandit so the so called "psychologist" and everyone else can understand how some bandits think.

the TL;DR version is at the bottom of the page


When I first bought DayZ it was back when DayZ was a mod. I purchased the Arma 2 and DLC for the game in 2012. I was on a computer with a Phenom 9550 Quad Core 2.2GHz processor, 8GB DDR2 RAM and a GT 430. The game ran at about 6 - 10 Frames Per Second so I was already put in a severe disadvantage to about 80% of the community who played at a higher framerate than me. With this disadvantage I struggled very much just trying to understand the game. I was run over, robbed and shot time after time after time after time. The difficulty of the game hit me hard and put me in a state of thinking everyone is evil, everyone is out to kill me. I never heard of DazDB and I had no previous Arma experience so I never know where I was I was always lost looking for food and water from villages. Eventually I stumbled across Stary Sobor and found some tents and proceeded to loot them and found my very first M4. I felt secure for I just found my security blanket I found my power. After finding the M4 I was quick to leave the area still wandering the woods until I stumbled across a little place called North West Air Field. I was looting the place when shots rang out over my head I panicked and quickly went into hiding. Of course being so new to the game I was quickly found and killed I lost my security blanket I lost my power. That's when it snapped in my head if I want to survive I have to kill EVERYONE.


Two years after purchasing DayZ Mod I bought DayZ Standalone with a new PC that run at 60fps and plenty of experience. The one thing I kept with me after playing so much of the Mod was the threat that everyone posses to me. I now had the map memorized in and out and DayZDB open on my laptop next to me for easy navigation. I quickly lept into old habits and headed to Balota Airfield only to find there were a s***ton of military spawns there. I found myself and M4 and quickly set out to meet some new players, but unknown to me I wasn't the only person who brought the idea of everyone is a threat to me into DayZ Standalone. After walking for a half hour I stumbled across a fresh spawn who was calling for me. I walked over to him and said “Hello” and he then took out his fist and knocked me out taking my M4 and shooting me in the back calling me a “FAGGOT” in direct coms (Name calling didn't bother me, it just childish). I snapped into worst habits because now EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE is a threat to me including fresh spawns. I was absolutely pissed because I had just lost my security blanket I lost my power again. After heading back to Balota Airfield to get another M4 I saw a person. I had found my M4 and this guy was looting a bunker I wanted to loot taking MY GEAR right in front of me! I couldn't stand for it I had to get my gear back so I aimed and shot him he fell dead never to speak again. I had power I was stronger than that guy he couldn't do anything to me and his life was in my hands I chose whether he lived or died. I felt a rush of adrenaline come over me as I heard more shots ring out from the forest dropping me dead. I wanted my power back, and soon enough I had it.


After understanding the Blood and health system in the game and realising you need pristine gun parts I soon became more and more accurate learning where to hit people and where to go for gear. I started server hopping in hot spots on 40/40 player servers shooting anyone to show my power. I got good at this I began shooting anyone near me with the idea that no one wants to be friendly it's kill or be killed. After a couple of weeks playing I stumbled across some people just chatting talking about what was happening in their life. I took aim but I couldn't shoot them they were socializing and I could hear them. I was tempted to join them but I felt that they would just punch me. I put my finger on the trigger and was about to shoot them when they turned and asked me why I had waited these 5 minutes and not even shot them yet. I put the gun down and walked over to them with my FNX 45 at the ready if they tried to pull a stunt and take my gear. They didn't do anything they just asked me what my name was and where I was from (These guys were british and I am American). I didn't talk much but I did give them my name Kyle, they looked at me and said they were going to go loot the town and asked if I wanted to join them. I hesitated with my answer unsure of what to say until one of them said he had to leave. He left and it was just down to this British guy and I, I declined his offer to join him and he waved goodbye didn't even try to take my gear. That is when I realised not everyone is out to kill me, there are those few who are friendly and just want to enjoy a good game of DayZ.


After that encounter I meet a two brothers named Tyler and Tristan. They were new to the game and they were looking for help and I decided to add them on skype. We talked for a good two hours while they got geared with guns, ammunition and clothing. They even offered me ammo for my M4 and I gave them ammo for their Mosins. Eventually they said they were getting tired and they logged off to go to sleep. I was stunned I just meet two random people and they didn't attempt to kill me, I didn't have to insert myself as the dominate power for we all equally respected eachother. I have since meet some other people and play DayZ with Tyler, Tristan, HaloNerd and his buddies. It was a massive change for me to meet these friendly people who we all equally respected eachother and worked together for lot, guns and killing all those who threatened any of us. We meet other friendly groups and slowly I began to find trust in these strangers where I could rely on them and they could rely on me. I have turned to a new playing style of being friendly before shooting the other player.


I now have a play style where I try to communicate to people before shooting them and in the process of doing just that I have meet many friendly players that have helped me and I have helped in return. I understand many people are bandits because they want to be powerful and protect themselves I was in that very position. I have since moved to a more friendly play style where I have found trust in other people. I am not advocating that everyone stop being a bandit for if they did that the game would lose it's magic. I have written this wall of text so the people who are friendly can understand the mentality behind some bandits and so people can understand what bandits are thinking when they meet someone.


TL;DR When I first bought the game I wa friendly but I got shot so many times I became scared of encountering anyone else it the game. I would shoot anyone who I thought possessed a threat to me in which I thought EVERY IS A THREAT. I then found some friendly players and after playing some DayZ with them I realise everyone isn't a bandit out to kill me and now I play a more friendly playstyle.


To those who have read the text thank you and I hope you enjoyed this post. Please post a comment on your playstyle and why you do what you do.


Thanks again








Edit 1: 

Posted by: Tumbleweed707

So gathering from reading this, when we approach possible bandits, we should say things like 'i'm not going to hurt you' 'lets both leave in opposite directions' etc.

This topic, I find it actually quite useful. It will allows us Heroes to manipulate the primitive bandit psychology, and make an encounter with a minimal body count. What would help though, is if 'Heroes' stop killing fully geared on sight, or even murderers for that matter. It's better to get the story then before on acts.  For, me, I'm going to have one of my guys up in the tree-line with a mosin, while I take the other two as backup towards the scene.


This is why I wrote this very story so people can have a better understanding of how to approach someone that you feel is a possible bandit. This entire story is there so people can read what went through my head as I meet other people and what an encounter to anyone was like when I was a bandit.

Edited by LeeFriendField
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Wholly wall of text batman..


Will not read.   Sorry.


Yeah.. wall of text.. 


Maybe I should pick up the book, "War and Peace".

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Wholly wall of text batman..


Will not read.   Sorry.

It is a pretty damm large amount of text, it took up 3 pages in sized 11 print in Google Docs.

Edited by LeeFriendField

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When I commented on that there were no paragraphs. Thanks for putting them in.. Now I will read :)

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When I commented on that there were no paragraphs. Thanks for putting them in.. Now I will read :)

I was hoping the reddit post I made and coppied to here would keep the paragraphs, but it didnt so I added them

Edited by LeeFriendField
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I had to add that, too many people will just read the text and downvote the post (I posted this on reddit too).

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Well all I'll say is that the game isn't as exciting without people like you. So thank you for that



but still



F*%k you good sir 

Edited by DeatHTaX
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i wont post as long as you have, but play my char/role as a supplier. 


I take from the inner towns to drop at the coastal areas. food/drinks/meds/clothes. it keeps me busy whilst the game is under construction. and each time i try to loot from a different inner town to keep it interesting. i have only played the SA not the arma 2 mod.


Due to the hours i keep, when i wake up a night time server is like an open chocolate box. 4am CET. so ill do my cycle of polana or dubrovka or berezino or krasno/NEAF/ svetlojarsk and then head south on the coast. so after i finish my irl work and house duties i can try and drop my lootings at solnichniy for newspawns to find. 


and im starting to like night servers due to it being the best wake up substitute for coffee.


i dont bandit so to speak, but on weekends when some friends are online we will just group up and go have fun in electro or cherno. helping newspawns on the way through. and if any of us leave alive its a bonus :)

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You earned my beans, good story, despite the length, I read the entire thing, you sir are a writer at heart XD

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Yeah, I understand the mentality.

The thing is, some people kill fresh spawns who can't even hurt them. 

I got killed by a fully-kitted out dude who told me in his reeedy teenager's voice that he is at war with 'my mother'. Guy shot me twice, after he talked to me for a little bit. Next time I see a fully kitted out dude, I'm sprinting out there. 

This game could earn a shitton of dough if people could pay a little money to learn who was that particular asshole.... and  get a message if he was in the vicinity (1 km)... :|

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I play as a bandit because when I kill any threats instead of trying to talk to them... I love longer. 


I've died many times initiating contact through words... I've died far less initiating contact through the barrel of my M4. 

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Nice end of the stick in your case m8.


Some start out without mod experience and act exactly the opposite, then they learn and start to be more... impulsive in their habits.


In the end everything balances alright.


Thanks for sharing man.

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Nice end of the stick in your case m8.


Some start out without mod experience and act exactly the opposite, then they learn and start to be more... impulsive in their habits.


In the end everything balances alright.


Thanks for sharing man.

I can relate easily to anyone starting out with DayZ for it is easy to fall in those habits and I enjoy it. Without those pices of shit (I still love you) this game would be terrible.

Edited by LeeFriendField

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You play as a bandit? Who cares?

This post is more than just "OH I play as a bandit cuz it fun" this post is about what im thinking as a bandit and how other players appeared to me. This is so people can learn to approach bandits correctly instead of just yelling FRIENDLY for that will get you killed.

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The thing is, some people kill fresh spawns who can't even hurt them.



So wrong. They can KILL you even...

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So much thinking to get the job finally done.

The process in my head is quite easier in order to survive.  :P

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Great post, Sounds like my experiences in DayZ


Beans Sir +1

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So gathering from reading this, when we approach possible bandits, we should say things like 'i'm not going to hurt you' 'lets both leave in opposite directions' etc.

This topic, I find it actually quite useful. It will allows us Heroes to manipulate the primitive bandit psychology, and make an encounter with a minimal body count. What would help though, is if 'Heroes' stop killing fully geared on sight, or even murderers for that matter. It's better to get the story then before on acts.  For, me, I'm going to have one of my guys up in the tree-line with a mosin, while I take the other two as backup towards the scene.

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