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Persistent Blood Type?

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hi, I searched but couldn't find any specific reference to my topic. I have been blood type A+ across three characters (died twice since Christmas), which made me wonder, is your ingame blood type persistent, and coupled with your account, or is this a severe coincidence? Does anybody have experience with multiple character respawns and testing blood? 

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Coincidence, every time I've gotten to test my dudes blood it's different on different spawns.

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I started to think this after I always seemed to be O+ but after my last death my new blood type is A+

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I've had multiple blood types too.

They based the blood type chance on real world values and O+ and A+ are by far the most common blood types at around 40% chance for each so i'd say its coincidence that you've had A+ three times in a row.

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I found two kits so far.  First was O+, second was A+.   (Different characters of course)

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Heres a question: Ingame Is blood type completely random between all of the groups, or is there a higher chance of being certain types?


For example, Blood type O+ worldwide is around 36%, A+ is 26% and so on...


So If I didn't have a blood test kit but wanted to take a risk saving someone I could apply an O+ Blood bag and hope for the best.

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  On 4/8/2014 at 5:00 PM, Forrelist said:

Heres a question: Ingame Is blood type completely random between all of the groups, or is there a higher chance of being certain types?


For example, Blood type O+ worldwide is around 36%, A+ is 26% and so on...


So If I didn't have a blood test kit but wanted to take a risk saving someone I could apply an O+ Blood bag and hope for the best.

That is a good question.  Unfortunately at this stage in development the blood types don't do anything and are just aesthetics

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  On 4/8/2014 at 5:36 PM, Caboose187 said:

That is a good question.  Unfortunately at this stage in development the blood types don't do anything and are just aesthetics


But people have said they died/killed with blood transfusion.   

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Blood types are randomized upon spawn of each new character. 


  On 4/9/2014 at 2:34 PM, YoYo-Pete said:

But people have said they died/killed with blood transfusion.   


This is true. You have to perform transfusions of compatible blood types otherwise you will die.

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  On 4/9/2014 at 5:09 PM, Accolyte said:

Blood types are randomized upon spawn of each new character. 



This is true. You have to perform transfusions of compatible blood types otherwise you will die.

Oh?  When did the blood types actually come into effect?

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