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The one and only Anti-PVP/PvP Discussion thread! Whine/discuss here!

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Well from reading this thread all I can say is that a lot of people have missed the point in its entirety. PvP should NEVER be taken away from this game. Its one of the core mechanics. The only problem about PvP is that it has no drawbacks to it. There is no moral system. There is no drawbacks to killing someone who was only trying to help you.

I've killed my fair share of people for no reason other than I wanted to kill them and there lies the problem. I know that killing an unarmed survivor on the beach or a survivor who rushed to th airfields with nothing but a Lee Enfield will have no drawbacks for me except to annoy the guy I killed. I've had it happen to me many a time (been killed on the shore with nothing but a packet of painkillers and a bandage by a guy with an L85 whose only purpose for being on the beach is to be a complete dick and ruin peoples gaming experience).

They need to introduce a risk system for PvP like maybe a morale system (not a bandit skin) which does not reset upon death. Go around killing everyone you see? You get a negative morale which will impact your gaming experience somehow. And by helping people (bandage, grouping togethere for prolonged times etc) will give you a positive morale which would impact your gaming experience somehow (maybe a chance of finding additional ammo in loot piles etc?).

As of right now its just a deathmatch and will continue to be a deathmatch.

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As of right now its just deathmatch and that is fucking amazing.

There is no "system" that is going to make it easier for you fairies to keep your loot. I don't care if they only allow bandits to use axes. I'm coming for you, fucker. And there's nothing you can do about it.

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As mentioned a few times here. PvP is great but needs a system that isn't TDM. Right now it's mostly just, spawn > get gun > kill anyone you see > take their stuff > repeat last 2 steps.

Although I agree, we should come together as humans to make things better. But in game it doesn't matter who lives or dies, and because this game aims for realism it shouldn't let you kill without an affect.

I think we need some sort of "mentality", not morality. Generally putting Motivation, Will, Stress, Happiness, Paranoia & similar emotions into 1 bar of general Mentality. Have killing zombies increase the bar, because it would have the same effect in real life. But killing players, as conscious beings would increase the bar a lot more.

The bar would have an effect on sickness & focus, which would give you slower running speeds, worse aim stability & slower reload / melee swing speed. Or something similar to that.

That will effect gameplay quite a lot. Instead of running up & killing players without thinking, people would be careful of their mentality. Not being able to cope with murder... etc

And the bar will go down very slowly, and an item to find like stress relief pills or something similar to take away some of the insanity.

That's my view on it anyway

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The bar would have an effect on sickness & focus' date=' which would give you slower running speeds, worse aim stability & slower reload / melee swing speed. Or something similar to that.

That will effect gameplay quite a lot. Instead of running up & killing players without thinking, people would be careful of their mentality. Not being able to cope with murder... etc[/quote']

A system like that just discriminates AGAINST PvPers and gives them a major disadvantage and thus caters towards the carebears.

You don't want a system in that causes blatant bias against PvP. A morale system that saves after death would be better. Something that penalises you for murdering but does not alter any of your physical abilities (running speeds / aiming / reload as you suggested). Penalties could include things such as flies constantly bothering you (the sounds from a dead survivor etc) thus alerting survivors what your true intentions are. While a positive morale from helping players, killing zombies etc would provide benefits like finding additional cans of food in loot piles.

The mod needs a system in that will cause a disadvantage for PvPers who simply go out of their way to kill people while in itself not hindering people from doing so.

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I understand what you're saying, but you are suggesting the exact same thing but less realistic.

In a realistic sense, my idea would be better. Because actually killing a human in real life would make you feel bad, sick, nervous, paranoid etc... Hence poorer survival performance.

The idea of constant flies is not realistic at all, if you kill someone in real life you don't have flies following you around hinting you're a murderer. And this discriminates vs pvpers too, because anyone with flies, you will just kill them with no mercy. You will know that if you don't kill them, they will kill you. Which solves nothing at all. Why do you think Bandit skins were removed? And having this happen after you die is even more bizarre.

I do understand having aiming disadvantages etc would be very disadvantageous, it's not discriminating against PvPers, but this is not supposed to be a pvp game, it's a realistic survival game.

If this happened in real life, no way would we all say "lets go hunt people to kill" in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

Obviously not all aspects can be made perfectly to fit real life but right now, the pvp needs a system

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I'm OK with the pvp' date=' the only thing i hate is when people say "This is a PVP game so GTFO" or "Rocket himself said this is a pvp game" NO, this is not a pvp game, nor Rocket said so, this is "DayZ Zombie RPG" -----> RPG, it's not a player versus player game, its a ROLE PLAYING game, your role can be a bandit, but act as a bandit, not as a deathmatch game player, gun and running everywhere, just that.


You seem to fail to understand the meaning behind the term player vs player.

Its not just about combat, its about interaction.

Its player vs player interaction and that basicly can also be that you kill other players but you can also help them.

Thats the roleplaying factor behind it, what role in the game do you want to play.

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...I suppose another consequence of acting "immoral" would be that everyone hates you and doesn't want to help you' date=' which as a bandit is already the case.


I think that if the "person has died" message had a little more information then the other players would be able to make better choices. If I read that "nalta has killed steve" "nalta has killed dave" "nalta has killed aaron" then I sure as hell am not going to trust nalta!

It doesn't need to be some big mechanic chance, although it certainly could be when possible.

On the same note "nalta has killed himself" and "nalta has been killed by zombies" would also be helpful.

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I understand what you're saying' date=' but you are suggesting the exact same thing but less realistic.

In a realistic sense, my idea would be better. Because actually killing a human in real life would make you feel bad, sick, nervous, paranoid etc... Hence poorer survival performance.

The idea of constant flies is not realistic at all, if you kill someone in real life you don't have flies following you around hinting you're a murderer. And this discriminates vs pvpers too, because anyone with flies, you will just kill them with no mercy. You will know that if you don't kill them, they will kill you. Which solves nothing at all. Why do you think Bandit skins were removed? And having this happen after you die is even more bizarre.

I do understand having aiming disadvantages etc would be very disadvantageous, it's not discriminating against PvPers, but this is not supposed to be a pvp game, it's a realistic survival game.

If this happened in real life, no way would we all say "lets go hunt people to kill" in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

Obviously not all aspects can be made perfectly to fit real life but right now, the pvp needs a system


No, I'm simply describing a slight penalty to going round killing everyone you see. The flies was just an example if you had bothered to read my post. What you were suggesting was a completey crippled character for going round killing people.

And how do you know you wouldn't go around killing everyone in a zombie apocolypse? Ever seen Mad Max? What about Resident Evil 3 with the family of psychos in that station luring people in in order to kill them? Ever read "World War Z" by Max Brooks? Some people could simply snap under the pressure of trying to survive in a world gone down the shitter and start thinking they're the saviour of the world by trying to "help" people by killing them. Your going on like you know how the human mind works. Are you a psychologist? Have you ever studied someone under the effects of stress from having to survive in a zombie infested world? You HAVEN'T? Then stop acting like you know how people would react if a zombie apocolypse ever did happen.

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Well from reading this thread all I can say is that a lot of people have missed the point in its entirety. PvP should NEVER be taken away from this game. Its one of the core mechanics. The only problem about PvP is that it has no drawbacks to it. There is no moral system. There is no drawbacks to killing someone who was only trying to help you.

I've killed my fair share of people for no reason other than I wanted to kill them and there lies the problem. I know that killing an unarmed survivor on the beach or a survivor who rushed to th airfields with nothing but a Lee Enfield will have no drawbacks for me except to annoy the guy I killed. I've had it happen to me many a time (been killed on the shore with nothing but a packet of painkillers and a bandage by a guy with an L85 whose only purpose for being on the beach is to be a complete dick and ruin peoples gaming experience).

They need to introduce a risk system for PvP like maybe a morale system (not a bandit skin) which does not reset upon death. Go around killing everyone you see? You get a negative morale which will impact your gaming experience somehow. And by helping people (bandage' date=' grouping togethere for prolonged times etc) will give you a positive morale which would impact your gaming experience somehow (maybe a chance of finding additional ammo in loot piles etc?).

As of right now its just a deathmatch and will continue to be a deathmatch.


What part of killing people in a lawless world would "lower your morale" rofl? So many of these suggestions are just ridiculous. Any phony mechanics that are added that effect gameplay in any way have no place in the pvp system for this game.

And you know what? There's also a 0% chance of anything of the like being implemented. Keep posting your horrible suggestions because you died once and lost your beans and couldn't handle it, they will keep being ignored i'm sure.

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Well from reading this thread all I can say is that a lot of people have missed the point in its entirety. PvP should NEVER be taken away from this game. Its one of the core mechanics. The only problem about PvP is that it has no drawbacks to it. There is no moral system. There is no drawbacks to killing someone who was only trying to help you.

I've killed my fair share of people for no reason other than I wanted to kill them and there lies the problem. I know that killing an unarmed survivor on the beach or a survivor who rushed to th airfields with nothing but a Lee Enfield will have no drawbacks for me except to annoy the guy I killed. I've had it happen to me many a time (been killed on the shore with nothing but a packet of painkillers and a bandage by a guy with an L85 whose only purpose for being on the beach is to be a complete dick and ruin peoples gaming experience).

They need to introduce a risk system for PvP like maybe a morale system (not a bandit skin) which does not reset upon death. Go around killing everyone you see? You get a negative morale which will impact your gaming experience somehow. And by helping people (bandage' date=' grouping togethere for prolonged times etc) will give you a positive morale which would impact your gaming experience somehow (maybe a chance of finding additional ammo in loot piles etc?).

As of right now its just a deathmatch and will continue to be a deathmatch.


What part of killing people in a lawless world would "lower your morale" rofl? So many of these suggestions are just ridiculous. Any phony mechanics that are added that effect gameplay in any way have no place in the pvp system for this game.

And you know what? There's also a 0% chance of anything of the like being implemented. Keep posting your horrible suggestions because you died once and lost your beans and couldn't handle it, they will keep being ignored i'm sure.

You've obviously never read a post by me before have you? I don't mind the PvP system. If I die in the vast empty wilderness of the north then its because I didn't watch my back enough. Its when retards with all the best gear in the game come down to the coast in order to kill unarmed fresh spawns because they got bored of camping the NW airfield that I start to get pissed off. But yes, keep defending your pathetic little kill streak where you come to the coast like a retard and kill fresh spawns. Try and justify your existence by taking out your frustration at life on unarmed survivors. I find it hilarious.

Also if you had bothered to read I said PvP should NEVER be taken away, but you were obviously so annoyed that someone had even DARED to suggest a way to make player killing less viable (and thus removing your only way to justify your poor excuse of a life) that you simply skipped most of the post and went straight into full troll mode.

But hey, I find you humerous. Lets see what other troll like comments you can come out with.

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Congratulations DayZ; you've made me even more of a misogynistic.

Seriously; too many people playing DayZ are complete assholes. Am I complaining? Well, yes and no. Yes, because I honestly didn't believe there were so many people out there who just enjoy being dickish towards others, and take pleasure out of ruining other peoples experiences of the game. No, because...well...it's part of the experience, it's not going to change, so we (inc myself) should just learn to deal with it. Also, it's not really a game anyway.

There's too much PVP going on. I just got killed within 5 minutes of spawning; no way to defend myself and the guy I encountered just put a bullet into my head after walking around him for about a minute. This happens every-day. 'n usually even if I do have a gun I can't fight back because, despite perhaps shooting first, they still find some way to kill me because the game's a buggy mess.

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Well from reading this thread all I can say is that a lot of people have missed the point in its entirety. PvP should NEVER be taken away from this game. Its one of the core mechanics. The only problem about PvP is that it has no drawbacks to it. There is no moral system. There is no drawbacks to killing someone who was only trying to help you.

I've killed my fair share of people for no reason other than I wanted to kill them and there lies the problem. I know that killing an unarmed survivor on the beach or a survivor who rushed to th airfields with nothing but a Lee Enfield will have no drawbacks for me except to annoy the guy I killed. I've had it happen to me many a time (been killed on the shore with nothing but a packet of painkillers and a bandage by a guy with an L85 whose only purpose for being on the beach is to be a complete dick and ruin peoples gaming experience).

They need to introduce a risk system for PvP like maybe a morale system (not a bandit skin) which does not reset upon death. Go around killing everyone you see? You get a negative morale which will impact your gaming experience somehow. And by helping people (bandage' date=' grouping togethere for prolonged times etc) will give you a positive morale which would impact your gaming experience somehow (maybe a chance of finding additional ammo in loot piles etc?).

As of right now its just a deathmatch and will continue to be a deathmatch.


What part of killing people in a lawless world would "lower your morale" rofl? So many of these suggestions are just ridiculous. Any phony mechanics that are added that effect gameplay in any way have no place in the pvp system for this game.

And you know what? There's also a 0% chance of anything of the like being implemented. Keep posting your horrible suggestions because you died once and lost your beans and couldn't handle it, they will keep being ignored i'm sure.

You've obviously never read a post by me before have you? I don't mind the PvP system. If I die in the vast empty wilderness of the north then its because I didn't watch my back enough. Its when retards with all the best gear in the game come down to the coast in order to kill unarmed fresh spawns because they got bored of camping the NW airfield that I start to get pissed off. But yes, keep defending your pathetic little kill streak where you come to the coast like a retard and kill fresh spawns. Try and justify your existence by taking out your frustration at life on unarmed survivors. I find it hilarious.

Also if you had bothered to read I said PvP should NEVER be taken away, but you were obviously so annoyed that someone had even DARED to suggest a way to make player killing less viable (and thus removing your only way to justify your poor excuse of a life) that you simply skipped most of the post and went straight into full troll mode.

But hey, I find you humerous. Lets see what other troll like comments you can come out with.

You're getting really emotional here because your horrible ideas will never be implemented... calm down. Jeeeeeeeez.

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Being friendly and kind to everyone you see sounds like a real shitty way to survive a zombie apocalypse.

better than being filled with guilt for killing someone' date=' who you don't even know.


Who the hell gets filled with guilt over clicking pixels on a screen?

Maybe its cause I'm thinking about the person on the other end of the computer and what they are thinking? maybe I am really RPing?

That sounds like some deep rooted psychological issues, you should get that looked in to.

how am I the one with psychological issues!? T.T

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I'm pretty sure people on the internet aren't qualified to diagnose psychological problems and that even trained professionals in that field would detain from making an analysis based solely on forum posts.

Me and my friend got fired at today in the woods by a bandit in a ghillie suit. He missed his first two shots and immediately ran away when we fired suppressive fire at his general direction, then he disconnected. Typical bandit, amirite guys?

Jokes aside, I think the attitude of players has changed to more PvP oriented in the last few weeks on SE servers. When I started, I met helpful survivors almost with any character I played with and we would sometimes team up for hours. Nowadays most players seem to shoot on sight so we avoid other players, open ground and towns. I would imagine that the US servers are even worse because every game I've played the US servers seem to have more rage/bm/and unsocial behaviour. Maybe most players have become so good at dealing with zeds and looting that the game becomes boring for them without constant PvP?

I never shoot first, which I think will cost me many "You are Dead"'s in the long run. That's ok, cause I want to be a good guy. Just shooting everyone on sight is the easy option, and as we know the easy way is for the weak.

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Wow' date=' your aim must be pretty horrible. A kill normally doesn't take more than two shots for me, and that's only if I miss the first shot.


I'm guessing you're just shooting nubs along the coast that aren't worth looting anyway. It's easy to one shot some retard who doesn't even know you're there. When you get into a protracted fight against an armed group with loot you actually want, you spend quite a bit of ammo.

And often times during the fight, corpses disappear (dead allies as well). You end up losing a lot of loot. Comparing that to just looting STANAG from easy low traffic loot areas is no comparison at all.

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Seriously? I'd say people who want to be taken seriously would not spout that kind of insult. That's a pretty low level.

The parts of the map outside your country are not uninhabited' date=' there are people around the world who don't have english as their native language (like me for example).[/quote']

You seem to find my comment to be xenophobic in some manner, which isn't the case at all. You can be from any country you like, my family has only been in america for 2 generations as it is, but you don't join a debate/conversation without some grasp of the language that is being spoken. How can I converse with someone that makes absolutely no sense?

Yes of course, who doesn't want THAT! This idea sounds as amazing as it must have looked inside your head when you thought of this clever phrase, to make oponents of your viewpoint look silly.

It's about as ridiculous as wanting rewards for essentially doing nothing (i.e. playing the game). I was simply elaborating on that point, it might of gotten lost in translation.

From the way you present yourself here i'd guess friends and family who ask "how are you?" get a kick in the face from you or what? Or wild insults? :rolleyes:

I see it before my eyes: "Aron, how are you man?"

Aron: "FUCK YOU FUCKING CAREBEAR FUCKING *mumble mumble* ASS *mumble*..."

Ah wait, maybe just strangers. Would make more sense, yeah. Because who cares about strangers, am i right Dude? :D

Yeah because my posts have totally shown that I am an extremely aggressive person with no conversation skills who only spouts expletives and resorts to physical violence to get my point across. Right. Whos making the exaggerations now?

My point about caring was that it is weird to harbor some sort of emotional tie to the game and actually care about the persons feelings whom you just shot, we've been killing random strangers online for the better part of what, 15 years now? I never got all teary eyed when I played Quake way back when and shot some random guy with a rocket launcher, why all the sudden would I have a mental breakdown over some guy I shot for their beans? It's not logical, and putting your emotions into a game isn't healthy, it's no different/weird than someone getting so angry that they physically harm things/people around them from a game.

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I hate Bandits with a passion but I feel they are an essential element to this game, it adds to the tension. If you come across someone on your travels will they or won't they attack you? Do you attack them?

At the end of the day if the world went to shit and it was every man for himself like in DayZ. Some people would band together to help each other out but there would be plenty of people running around willing to bury a hatchet into your skull for the tin of beans in your backpack.

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I would imagine that the US servers are even worse because every game I've played the US servers seem to have more rage/bm/and unsocial behaviour.

I never shoot first' date=' which I think will cost me many "You are Dead"'s in the long run. That's ok, cause I want to be a good guy. Just shooting everyone on sight is the easy option, and as we know the easy way is for the weak.


First off, how do you get rage when side chat is turned off? And second, you can call KoS weak, but in the end only one of us is alive and that's what matters the most. Dismissing the victor is the last resort of the truly weak.

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Emergent police forces. I'm sure there's good survivors who want to go all Brotherhood of Steel on this game's ass. Give clan patch functionality on uniforms, so bandits and friendlies know who not to screw with, who they can trust. Bandits can recognize their own. Private militaries can be reputed and feared.

It's just a matter of enabling people to be moral and penalize the immoral. Same as the R L.

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Emergent police forces. I'm sure there's good survivors who want to go all Brotherhood of Steel on this game's ass. Give clan patch functionality on uniforms' date=' so bandits and friendlies know who not to screw with, who they can trust. Bandits can recognize their own. Private militaries can be reputed and feared.

It's just a matter of enabling [i']people to be moral and penalize the immoral. Same as the R L.

So what happens when a few bandits kill some good guys and start wearing the captured outfits? :D

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DayZ mod isn't about surviving anymore. People don't think about having fun while playing , but about getting items , and killing players. It is very rare to find a friendly player in DayZ , that doesn't kills on sight. It is exactly like an infection. Let's say , that when DayZ started , everyone was friendly , and didn't kill on sight. But there's always a guy that kills on sight , that doesn't gives a f*ck for anything and kills everyone. The guy that was killed will at first , keep his atitude , he will keep asking before shooting. Then , the ignorant guy goes there , and kills him again. He will be like ''Fuck this , I keep losing my gear because of these guys , for now on , I don't give a f*ck , I will shoot on sight''. Soon , everyone will be ''infected'' and Dayz will turn into something like Call Of Duty or anything like that. That's my opinion.

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Emergent police forces. I'm sure there's good survivors who want to go all Brotherhood of Steel on this game's ass. Give clan patch functionality on uniforms' date=' so bandits and friendlies know who not to screw with, who they can trust. Bandits can recognize their own. Private militaries can be reputed and feared.

It's just a matter of enabling [i']people to be moral and penalize the immoral. Same as the R L.

So what happens when a few bandits kill some good guys and start wearing the captured outfits? :D

They would never want that ability, its all about gimping one side and giving the power to the other, just like any MMO

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Emergent police forces. I'm sure there's good survivors who want to go all Brotherhood of Steel on this game's ass. Give clan patch functionality on uniforms' date=' so bandits and friendlies know who not to screw with, who they can trust. Bandits can recognize their own. Private militaries can be reputed and feared.

It's just a matter of enabling [i']people to be moral and penalize the immoral. Same as the R L.

So what happens when a few bandits kill some good guys and start wearing the captured outfits? :D

They would never want that ability, its all about gimping one side and giving the power to the other, just like any MMO

How would having clan patches gimp one side?

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Just need severs with the friendly fire off. Arma2 had it and the dreaded bananna phone so why not this?

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