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Post Patch thoughts - i work 9 / 5 shifts.

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The new day/night realtime changes have literally killed off the game for me in its current alpha state.


if you work a 9-5 job you're f*****. Post 5pm there are less daylight servers, as a result the remaining daytime servers are packed with people, which means there's less loot and if your MO is to get a gun, you're highly likely to spend 15 minutes running to an AF and get killed by campers/bandits and then repeat the process until you log out with frustration. At this time there's only 1 other option, join a foreign server and hope your ping is ok, even then there's a slim chance people can understand you due to the difference in language.


so unless you actually enjoy exploring empty houses, and spending 80% of the game with the W key pressed you're up s*** creek without a paddle.


Those who play in pitch black are the benefactors and most of these cheat by cranking up with gamma/brightness so the games essentially from the 50's like a black and white TV. I paid alot of money for my gaming PC for an awesome visual experience during gaming which this game delviers on, if you join during daylight. i will NOT stare at a 5" circle of s*** light using a torch of some kind or cheating changing my video settings.


The 'respawn' button works 1% of the time which means you're likely to lose your slot on a 40/40 server by quitting and re-joining.


my closing message: the team or person who designed and released this patch, kindly pull your finger from your rectum and consider the end user, because quite frankly, no-one gives a f*** about a weapon cleaning kit that doesn't work and is more common than rotten fruit - fix the basics listed above, and get future priorities right please.


i welcome all thoughts except for brown nosing trolls who will point out its an alpha  - there's no brownie points for you here. \o/

Edited by hitt0r
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10% of the servers are daytime and filled with players. The 90% of the rest are night time and have 2-5 players. If they can't see that simple and clear fact then they and this game are fucked.

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the vast majority of players simply don't want to play on nighttime servers


taking a quick look at the server browser verifies this

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Okay...? So the game should be unrealistic to benefit you. Yeha, okay.

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It would be a no brainer to shorten the days so ppl can see more of things as well as speed up weather effects. I think iv only seen the damn rain like.....ONCE the whole time iv been playing >.>

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So, I get that your frustrated but what does your gaming PC have to do with this? LOL Another thing is what is your playing style like? Because it sounds a lot like your not being stealthy enough. :3 

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Okay...? So the game should be unrealistic to benefit you. Yeha, okay.


Not me personally, but the majority and server stats indicate that i am the majority. Sort your times in dayz server list and there's all the evidence you need.

Edited by hitt0r

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i am sure they will allow all day setting again on regular servers, but maybe at this time they want server like they are so more are forced to play on night time, so they can mine some night time data.

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So, I get that your frustrated but what does your gaming PC have to do with this? LOL Another thing is what is your playing style like? Because it sounds a lot like your not being stealthy enough. :3 


i thought i articulated this point clearly, but obviously not. if you have a gaming pc capable of 1920 x 1080 @ ultra settings then having 90% of the screen black and 10% showing a small bit of detail through a torch, then night time servers aint for me.


as for the playing style, it varies i guess.

Edited by hitt0r

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Most people work "9 / 5 shifts". What makes you so special? 


i don't get the point your trying to make here? explain ?..

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If most people work 9/5 shifts that just makes this a bigger problem.

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How many times is this SAME post going to be made?


There are just as many daylight servers as there was before.


Seriously, I don't know what form of high functioning retardation allows people to access and use forums, whilst simultaneously disabling their ability to use the SEARCH.

Furthermore, a cursory glance at the in-game server browser would tell you as much.  More than enough servers with 24/7 day to alleviate the concerns of even the most flabbergasted mouth-breather.



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Shameless plug:


I don't know what time zone you are in, but I too work a 9-5 job. Thankfully, our server has 6 hour restarts at 12a, 6a, 12p, 6p EST. I set it up to start at 3pm and restarts with roughly an hour of night time play before restarts to get a fuller experience in the game. You should look up my server if you're looking to get home and not see a million night time servers. It's called Pinky And The Brain. 


I do feel for you though, I HATED getting off of work only to have to crank up my brightness and gamma and fumble around in the dark the whole time trying to find anything.

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How many times is this SAME post going to be made?


There are just as many daylight servers as there was before.


Seriously, I don't know what form of high functioning retardation allows people to access and use forums, whilst simultaneously disabling their ability to use the SEARCH.

Furthermore, a cursory glance at the in-game server browser would tell you as much.  More than enough servers with 24/7 day to alleviate the concerns of even the most flabbergasted mouth-breather.




i'm just going to throw this out there ;  if there wasn't a problem why are people claiming there is ? do you have actual statistics of the volume of day servers and night servers pre/post patch ?


the search revealed similar posts, and i wanted to express my thoughts on the typical 9-5 shift pattern in conjunction with the uk servers and furthermore E-n-o-u-g-h is spelled incorrectly. :D

Edited by hitt0r

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Shameless plug:


I don't know what time zone you are in, but I too work a 9-5 job. Thankfully, our server has 6 hour restarts at 12a, 6a, 12p, 6p EST. I set it up to start at 3pm and restarts with roughly an hour of night time play before restarts to get a fuller experience in the game. You should look up my server if you're looking to get home and not see a million night time servers. It's called Pinky And The Brain. 


I do feel for you though, I HATED getting off of work only to have to crank up my brightness and gamma and fumble around in the dark the whole time trying to find anything.


GMT here dude. i'll see if i can find your server in the list.

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i agree with you, there's definitely a lot of little annoying things that should be fixed instead of introducing more minor item additions lol

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i'm just going to throw this out there ;  if there wasn't a problem why are people claiming there is ? do you have actual statistics of the volume of day servers and night servers pre/post patch ?


the search revealed similar posts, and i wanted to express my thoughts on the typical 9-5 shift pattern in conjunction with the uk servers and furthermore E-n-o-u-g-h is spelled incorrectly. :D



There is nothing stopping 24/7 day servers.  Your post implies that the patch is FORCING a schedule on servers.  It is not.  Servers can be set to run at whatever time or light level the admin prefers.  If you're encountering a lack of day time servers, that's because those admins are choosing to set their servers to night.  


Try reading those so posts you claim prove there is an issue- read far enough, and you'll get the same answer.  Derp.

Don't like the servers available to you?  Rent your own.  You'll find there is nothing stopping you from setting it to noon for 24/7 daylight.  

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well a couple of things.


First if you find a patch to be unstable or not to your liking then you should pro***ly take a break. For example when bodies dissapeared when the player re spawned I decided it was time to wait for a new patch as I am the kind of player who only makes  a bug report if I find something I seriously think has not been adressed. 


Second, if you set your cloud settings to "Very High" you will likely (but not necessarily) have very bright nights without any gamma adjusting.


And yeah, havent really had a problem playing on day servers in the hardcore hive (which has lower pop) from about 5pm to 5am if Im really no-lifeing it. And btw in Canada and I suspect the UK enough is spelled with a u.



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if your MO is to get a gun, you're highly likely to spend 15 minutes running to an AF and get killed by campers/bandits and then repeat the process until you log out with frustration.



And what will you do once you have the gun? Be that bandit/camper right? :)


my closing message: the team or person who designed and released this patch, kindly pull your finger from your rectum and consider the end user



Why would they? Cant you read the print? Its a pre-release alpha, dev dont have to do jack for the players at this point but follow their own dev schedule. My advice? Leave the game alone til its ready, you visibly dont like it.

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I dont see why they did this, surely they can just give server owners the chance to pick a timezone at some point. Maybe restrict the function to once a week it can be changed or something. Then if they want to tweak the cycle they can, but they wont be able to just set daytime every restart :)

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Nah there's no issue. Easy as heck to find a day server now especially since we can see the time of servers. No issue.

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IF game settings aloud to adjust your settitngs how can this be cheating??


I work also from 9-5 and also must play in the dark have a ips monitor 575 euros 2560 resolution but im not comming CRYING BLEH BLEH BLEH like a little child and demand wtf?.


Why todays generation bloody think game should be involved around there lifes wtf?


So all should come here and demand DayZ must be tailor made to there personal needs and taste or game sucks? or i'll quit?


If you can't handle this you should not have bought the game its as simple as that.

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