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KOS Types

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These are just some thoughts I had about the diffrent KOS types out there, and before anyone says I'm bitter about KOSers, just know I love killin' as much as the next man!



1. The Manhunter : Someone who enjoys the hunting of humans and will try to freak you out and make you run, so that he has sport.


2. The Sniper : Someone who sits on a building or in a boosh in a high trafic area just watching the people scurry around like ants and knows that he can stab out at any time and snuff out your life.


3. The Tinfoil Hatter : Someone who is so paranoid that he thinks everyone is out to get him. He will shoot on sight if he even thinks you're coming his way.


4. The Survivalist : Someone who isn't normally a shoot on sight type of guy, but if he's hard up for food or sees something on you that he likes hell take it from you.


5. The Sadist : Someone who will take you hostage, maybe even with the promise that he will let you go after he has gone through your belongings, but no he feeds you rotten fruit and disinfectent spray trying to rekindle the feeling for torturing small animals in his childhood.


6. The Mad Axeman : My personal favourite, A man so far gone that he mostly runs around in his underware wielding an axe indiscriminately choping noobs and veterans alike.


7. The Hero : My least favourite, A selfproclaimed hero of the wastelands, selfrightously proclaiming himself as a champion of the peoples and protector of noobs. He kills almost anything that he perceives as "Bandit like", profiling people by the style of cloths they choose to wear, making them no better that any old world cop shaking down urban youths that are wearing baggy pants.


8. The False Friendly : Mostly portayed by a bambi acting friendly to actual Friendlies who are geared. They walk around with said geared friendly for protection till they get some supplies together, but unfotunently greed knows no bounds so eventually he gets an axe to the head or a suckerpunch and a few bullets to the head for his trouble.


9. The Spawn Killer : Shortly after acquiring his last piece of so deeply desired gear, he realizes that his life has no purpose, so he goes back to where it all began only to see fresh new faces ready for new adventures. This reminds him of a time when he had goals in life, thus enraging him, and so his killing spree begins.


10. The Master Baiter : See something you like or an unlooted corpse just laying in the middle of the road or in a multistory wearhouse? Well, be weary, for much like The Sniper the Baiter will hide, but much closer to his target because he doesn't just want to kill you, he wants to loot your body. So always look up and into those suspicious booshes!


11. Bipolar Killer : You may meet him on the coast or inland waving at you with a friendly smile calling out "Friendly!". He offers you food and companionship, and you may spend hours roaming the wasteland together chatting, warding off zombies, and hiding from the odd Bandit. But what you don't know though, is that this mans psyshe hanging by a silk thread! It doesn't take much to set him off the snapping of a stick, you chewing to loudly, or a Squirrel fart or any other random event. Next thing you know your being beaten to death with a rusty pipe wrench while you scream "WHY?!" over and over again.


12. The High-strung Novice : Someone who has a heartbeat more akin to a sewing machine than anything else and runs around towns in a crouched manner like a little mouse, scurrying from house to house. Unlike most of our other specimen, he does not activly try to kill anyone but his finger is constently wraped tight around the trigger so if someone cuts a loud fart or walks up behind him, he jumps 10 feet in the air. He is just as likely to hurt himself as kill you.


So, what do you think? Do I have 'em all or am I missing some? Please feel free to share stories if you like!


Idea credit for

9.  africanhungergames 

11. OzzyTheGrouch

12. NoCheats

Edited by fox0rz
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# 9 combat log hater - he kill because he realise long time ago interaction = pussy logging faster than light >:(

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#5 an #8 are not KOS now are they?


An #3, Its only paranoid if everyone is not actually out to get you... In this game they are...

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#5 an #8 are not KOS now are they?


Granted, no, they arn't but the other played was dead as soon as they met. They just didn't know it yet.

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The spawn killer:


Added :D

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Just addded "The Master Baiter"

Edited by fox0rz

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KoS people are assholes making the game ridiculous but at the same time it makes it real, in real life not everyone is going to be nice.  I hate telling someone I'm friendly and just getting shot anyway, I'm the guy that offers to patch you up, give you fluids, food or ammo.

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youre missing guys like me. Possibly the worst of all:


Bipolar Killer: WIll be friendly with almost anyone, give supplies to people, and let people join their group. Only to take their lives in the end for no apparent reason.

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Reflex/panic killer is an important one. Announce yourself before you approach or you will probably get lit up, especially if you approach from behind...


At night...


At the NWAF...


Sorry mystery guy >.>

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Bipolar Killer.


Thanks, I've added it!


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KoS people are assholes making the game ridiculous but at the same time it makes it real, in real life not everyone is going to be nice.  I hate telling someone I'm friendly and just getting shot anyway, I'm the guy that offers to patch you up, give you fluids, food or ammo.


Yeah I understand that it hurts to be shot even though you have good intentions. On the other hand would the game be half as heart poundingly and pants shittingly scary if it wasn't that way? I love the rush I get when I see another player!

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I think when my play style is bandity, I tend to be the Bipolar Killer....  "I'm sorry for feeding you tincture...  here, have this can opener and food, if you head to the tap over the road you can drink until you are sick...  oh and have these charcoal tablets...."  *bang*



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Lol I'm such a weird person when I play. I legitimately want to help people sometimes. I'll let them be on their way. Sometimes I give people weapons and even and let them join my group and then other times I talk to people and shoot them as they walk away....Its like rolling the dice with every encounter

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12.bullet waster


You know what? most of time I kill just because  ,I want to use something correctly


Food  you can eat it


Axe can kill zombie 


everything seems have their function


But  what a bullet can do?  "I cant collect 1000 round bullet for nothing ,It should be used" this question keep bothering my mind


I need to shoot  something to make their existence worthy


that's no.12 type KOS

Edited by jrockman
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The Tinfoil Hatter = Grande Survivalist


if i'm playing to have fun, i try interacting with people.

if i'm trying to survive (to find some specifing item for example), shooting everyone is your best bet. even bambies can surprise you sometimes with fists, so better not take any chances.

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Yep, bambies are a danger!  a certain friend of mine has now been fully geared and taken down by a bambi fist or fire extinguisher attack on, I think, three occasions...  


keep your distance from them guys, they have nothing to lose.

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I'll be honest... 1, 2, 4 & 11 :)


But I've only murdered 1 person in my 80 hours of play, so I guess I'm not that evil.

Edited by Badass Preacher
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The server hopper


You are standing in a military prison you just cleared, you here a ka-klak-klak, you tell your buddies someone logged in close by, they ignore you carrying on eating or looting and then bam-bam-bam, one of your buddies drops and the guy who shot him is already logging into the next server because he has nothing better to do with his life than to look for loot that he doesn't need and probably won't use.


The Airfield Camper


Same as the sniper except he has an M4 and hides in the top story of the military prison shooting you as you run up the stairs.


The glitcher


The most lame piece of shit that roams the lands or floats in the sea.  Usually travels in groups of pimple faced, squeeky voiced virgins.  Will somehow position themselves under the floor of a military prison, under the ground of elektro or on top of a school in the glitch loot spot.  Usually starts singing because he thinks he is freaking you out, mean time you know exactly where he is but you can't do anything about it since you are a fair player and don't want to use glitches just to kill a worthless glitcher because that would make you one those hated breads.


Lastly the biggest killer in dayz:  The server itself


You log in and you are dead, you log back in, but it doesn't help, you restart your pc, you restart steam, you are still dead.  KoS'd by the server...

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The glitcher


The most lame piece of shit that roams the lands or floats in the sea.  Usually travels in groups of pimple faced, squeeky voiced virgins.  Will somehow position themselves under the floor of a military prison, under the ground of elektro or on top of a school in the glitch loot spot.  Usually starts singing because he thinks he is freaking you out, mean time you know exactly where he is but you can't do anything about it since you are a fair player and don't want to use glitches just to kill a worthless glitcher because that would make you one those hated breads.


I hate those but I hate the game for this.


Those buildings should have double or even some triple protection aganist glitching in them.

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Server hoppers i distaste them.


Ghost killers logout go to other server and then suddenly if you saty put they are behind you and kill you(thats why never stay put to long move around)

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