aBBbullet 57 Posted January 25, 2014 perhaps only a certain type of zombie can outrun player thus leading to player having to take out zed , which in turn increases other zombies joining the action Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
medium00rare 3 Posted January 25, 2014 Fast is fine. But as long as they're running through walls and melee is broken/clumsy, they should stay as they are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 14 Posted January 25, 2014 (edited) unless its changed , i do remember Dean saying in a dev blog that zombies will be able to outrun players .you have to acknowledge the fact in regards to game Dean believes in simple complexity & balance . as he has shown us time & time again depicted by his principles .so at the moment we can outrun zombies , but when stamina is implemented we will only be able to outrun them for so far ! making it balanced .no one should get comfortable / upset with the way things are , they are going to change . were not even 2 months in to alpha ! be realistic . i just want to hear the blood curdling screams of zombies echo threw the city streets at night . Edited January 25, 2014 by Mayhem Smash Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TerminusJuNN 5 Posted January 25, 2014 Last night I was looting Berezino with a friend. We separated to get more coverage as we are trying to get more food and canteens etc. I have a Mosin, but limited ammo, so I defaulted to a splitting axe for Zeds. For the 1st time ever, the Zeds became a problem for me. At best, I have had to kill between half-dozen to a dozen zombies in any given area. In this instance, I killed a total of 25 Zeds and had to bandage myself 3 times! Perhaps it was my "bad luck", but I finally got a taste of perhaps 20% of what this game is going to be like. Several of them did their leap attacks and the usual wounding you despite visually not being anywhere near you. I had an awesome time; a prelude of things to come. I trust Rocket and his team to eventually do whatever is right for DayZ. This forum is for us to vocalize our suggestions/concerns and help the developers identify serious bugs. They have their own timetable for what is going to get fixed and when. Zeds are an extremely important aspect of this game and I am certain that they will eventually become very troublesome. As stated in my other threads, they are just placeholders, and thus nothing more than a minor annoyance to armed players. As the devs balance the game, they will address our concerns and Rocket has already proved that he is reading the forums. This alpha community needs to concentrate on testing this game and communicating meaningful feedback to Rocket and his team. We need to become a better asset for them and stop worrying about details which will get corrected in due time. I don't give a crap about KOS, or losing my kit from time to time. What I do care about is finding problems, replicating them, and reading the forums enough to see if what I am experiencing is a new problem. If so, I want to provide meaningful feedback to help the devs make a better DayZ for us. Nothing else matters right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sixfeetgiantbunnyrabbit 40 Posted January 25, 2014 The current Zombie speed is fine once stamina and carrying stuff slows players down is implemented: new spawns with no loot, practically defenseless against zombies, would be fast enough to outrun them for a short period of time until their stamina loss kicks in, but when players start to collect loot their run speed should gradually decrease, becoming slower than the infected. This way the game would maybe even have some sort of difficulty level, being easier at the beginning (if you can avoid hostile players) and becoming more and more challenging in regards to zombies, once you try to kit out to take on other players.pretty sure that's the plan for the devs down the road anyway, because it seems to be the logical thing to do and they already failed to disappoint in that regard time and time again in the past. In the end dayz will be the most common sense based game out there... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sai (DayZ) 137 Posted January 25, 2014 As has been said once stamina is in the game plus added zombies, running thru a town will be dangerous. You will run out of stamina before you run out of zombies. Forcing you to barricade yourself in a house or fight them. Having all zombies run faster than you is retarded. They are corpses, not usain bolt. You brake usain bolts leg, rot his flesh and keep him out of training, he's not going to sprint after you. No matter how much adrenalin he has. This whole rage virus type stuff is bullshit, thats not a zombie. And is an insult to the zombie idea. A zombie Apocalypse is countless dead people after you, not perfectly healthy nutters... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gorillaCHEEZ 19 Posted January 25, 2014 agreed as long as the hit detection/collision is more refined as well as the latency. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irenicus (DayZ) 289 Posted January 25, 2014 No, they shouldn't. End of thread 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bfisher 561 Posted January 25, 2014 I like the idea that they should be slower than a loot-less new spawn player, but a bit faster than a fully armed player with a full pack. That would put players in the awkward position of having to toss their Mountain backpack full of canned fruit so as not to get eaten by zombies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mauii 8 Posted January 25, 2014 (edited) I don't think zombies should be faster then players. The only advantage zombies should have is being numerous. What I love about zombie games/series/movies is how different people react to how the society around them collapses and food /medicine getting scarce. Zombies are there to fuel the constant pressure that applies to the player, and the true most dangerous enemy should be other humans. That's what make it interesting in my book. You can make it more difficult by increasing their numbers tenfold, their AI and how they react to gunshots.If your in elektro and fire your gun. ALL the zombies from the entire town and outskirts should start moving to that location creating chaos. I'd like top see zombies inside houses, walking in packs in woods. I could however agree too rare spawned zombies who have mutated in a different way then the others, making them extremely dangerous and spawning them in rare locations. But increasing the speed of all zombies is not what I think is the answer. Edited January 25, 2014 by Mauii 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted January 25, 2014 No. Players should run slower and getting tired. No infite turbo sprint with sanic speed. Nerf paleyers, don't want mod sprinter zombies. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hogscraper 328 Posted January 25, 2014 No matter what changes or fixes they have in the works for zombie/pathing AI there really isn't any reason, ever, to have zombies running faster than people. Firstly it doesn't make sense. They are dead and presumably got that way being injured in some way. Even ones that were not injured to the lower body have rotting muscles. What I would really like to see is a system where zombies have a max speed that is around 80-90% of player jog speed but players would have an endurance system in place. The endurance system shouldn't be as crazy as Arma 3 but it should make it so that the longer you sprint the faster some invisible gauge fills. Once that fills you can't sprint unless you spend some time moving at normal walk speed or less. If the gauge is empty you can still jog but then another endurance gauge starts filling up. Once that one is full you can't move faster than normal walk speed. That gauge has to fill before the other one fills meaning that it would take a while at walking speed to be able to sprint again if you ran yourself down that much. With a system like that in place, you could easily put distance between yourself and zombies, but if you didn't use your head and find cover they would eventually overtake you. That would also mean never chancing a fight with zombies in the open unless you were certain you could deal with them all. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alleycat 135 Posted January 27, 2014 (edited) Either we get faster zombies or they can catch players by becoming relatively faster (player getting slower after some running), because as I said, in a game where you can run into any direction for kilometers it is not possible to get cornered. So leave the romero fundamentalism and the zombie survival guide fundamentalism out. I dont even care if the zombies are infected or undead. If you can outrun them in an open world game, the game will fail as a zombie survival game. Ever noticed how successful zombie games either have to use fast zombies (l4d2) or huge numbers (rising dead 2) to create interesting gameplay? And why games that keep it real usually fail?We can not have a few thousand on screen like in rising dead 2 in dayz, and even if we had them, the game world is too open.So either zombies get faster by any method (sprinting or stamina outrunning) or they will lose their appeal as a threat and get lowered to a minor annoyance that pushes players out of towns. I want sheer terror when going near a town, not some polite door man gently asking me to leave. Edited January 27, 2014 by alleycat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DMentMan 707 Posted January 27, 2014 YES! good idea, then zombie will be a threat! but then remove the one-hit bleeding thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingOfTime 267 Posted January 27, 2014 Does anyone else remember running down hills to kill zombies in the mod? All you had to do was run down a steep hill and they would run so fast they would actually run into the air and fall to their deaths. Maybe some of them could be a little faster...but not like the mod lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mdogg2005 447 Posted January 27, 2014 Not in the alpha stage they shouldnt. The zombie AI right now is pretty much a placeholder, and the last thing we need is new players getting frustrated because they can't escape a horde of zombies. Zombie tweaks I expect will come later once major glitches and bugs are ironed out. For example, the control UI and player movement is a nice thing to upgrade before you have to fight off a bunch of "faster than you" zombies lol :D This. New players are having a hard enough time, hell I am having a hard enough time when they sprint at me from a mile away, or as I'm being sneaky and hidden I just see one turn and face me and start running at me. Until they start working, they should not be made into more of a threat. But I do agree, once they work correctly, they should absolutely be more dangerous. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhillyT 554 Posted January 27, 2014 They shouldn't be able to ever. 28 Days Later was a cool film, but no zombie should be able to move like a human. Granted, you need to have something to make zombies a threat, but limited ammunition and pure numbers should be enough to do that. The shuffling run they do now is enough to make it an issue. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FatboyTim 27 Posted January 27, 2014 Faster zombies would be fine, if melee combat was more reliable... "Look a zombie!" *Hits 2* *Presses and holds 2* *Taps 2* *Double taps 2* *Presses 2* *Finally gets an axe out* :huh: 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sai (DayZ) 137 Posted January 27, 2014 Ever noticed how successful zombie games either have to use fast zombies (l4d2) or huge numbers (rising dead 2) to create interesting gameplay? And why games that keep it real usually fail? Bullshit. The best zombie games have slow REAL zombies. Left for dead is an arcade fps, and dead rising is a joke. Not bad games, but not survival games. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zardoz75 22 Posted January 27, 2014 No, I like getting a nice following of them behind me and then leave them in a hanger or HQ building and log off. Makes for a nice little gift for the next server hopper that logs in. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
komadose 190 Posted January 27, 2014 No, they shouldn't. They're OP as they are (1 hit bleed), buffing them anymore would be insane. 1 hit bleeding should be changed into a chance, and then maybe buff the zombies in some other's not a certain one-hit-bleed, but it should be. there's shirts everywhere that you can rip to rags. zombies are simply no threat at the moment, since you can run faster than them, and they give up the chase very quickly. too easy to win even with fists. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bummel313 12 Posted January 27, 2014 Well, I would go other way around. Make players slower. Was kind of thinking about a proper stamina system, so you cant run all day from the Zs... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
komadose 190 Posted January 27, 2014 Bullshit. The best zombie games have slow REAL zombies. Left for dead is an arcade fps, and dead rising is a joke. Not bad games, but not survival games. the only reason why slow zombies work is because of confined space and scripted events (Resident Evils). doesn't work so well in DayZ's open world. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhillyT 554 Posted January 27, 2014 Well the zombies in DayZ are sort of slow, but can be marginally fast too. I am not a fan of creating an artificial setting for the sake of "challenge." I think if there are enough zombies in towns and cities, and they are able to go up stairs and not glitch through floors and walls, that will create enough of a challenge to be fun. If you need to be aware of zombies while searching a town, cautious not to get cornered in a house without a weapon, it will add to the tension and the PVP/Player interaction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sai (DayZ) 137 Posted January 27, 2014 the only reason why slow zombies work is because of confined space and scripted events (Resident Evils). doesn't work so well in DayZ's open world.Once stamina is put in the game you won't be able to run from them all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites