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Are you really so naive? You think in a real apocalypse (zombie or not) everyone else will just hold your hand and help you through it? Nobody's going to just fucking kill you for your food and equipment?

Such faith in humanity would be fatally misplaced.





Argument over!

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what is mindboggling is even the entire premise of The Walking Dead series is you fear people more than the zombies. you have weapons, ammo, food, women- that means you have something to lose and people will want to take it. 


i dont kos on site just for anything- i usually track them, hunt them down and when the opportunity strikes, i kill. then i loot the body. got ton of ammo, food, etc that way. is that a bandit? in my eyes no, but whatever. does that make me "douchey or cowardly?" not in my eyes. makes me opportunistic. and my backpack full. 


if its a harmless bambi running from building to building, i let them go. nothing to gain from that kill. 


but i have axed fully geared players and took their items- had a magnum last night and shot a guy who rounded the corner last night- i went from nothing to m4, 300 rounds, food, antibiotics, etc. why did i do that? to survive. 


and last i checked, the m4 was made for killing people, not deer, not bunnies, not antelope- people. so if you want to get technical, and im sure you do, im using the m4 for what it was meant for. same goes for the .357 and other handguns. 


This was not made for hunting deer. It was made for shooting people. 



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To someone above:


No, it depends what is "fun". To some it's KOSing, to others it isn't as fun as some other playstyle or approach to players.


Also, considering the new patch, killing others for their gear won't be a good approach soon or in the future if most of it is ruined. And the patch already tells us that some / many ruined things won't be useable anymore. So pretty much worthless. Also, ruined protective gear is also pretty much worthless.

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To someone above:


No, it depends what is "fun". To some it's KOSing, to others it isn't as fun as some other playstyle or approach to players.


Also, considering the new patch, killing others for their gear won't be a good approach soon or in the future if most of it is ruined. And the patch already tells us that some / many ruined things won't be useable anymore. So pretty much worthless. Also, ruined protective gear is also pretty much worthless.


Well, this may be true, but as long as guns are in the game that were designed to kill people, youre going to have this issue. 

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Hi everybody, just got A LOT OF ITEMS in DayZ, when they suddenly shoot me for nothing

Must be a troll or somethig... Edited by Nienko

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