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Zombie respawn time too fast

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Yeah respawn is too high (not to mention they run too fast).

One time I had a LOT of clips of einfield and 1911 pistol. Stood in a building and just let them walk in the door. My zombie count literally rose 100+ kills due to spawning and running back to me. Bit much don't ya think?

Just a day or 2 ago, I saw a similar even from the outside. Some poor sap was in a big building blasting away at zombies from a higher position. No sooner were they shot than I literally saw them respawn and run in - over and over.

Its way overkill. Makes you not want to bother dealing with zombies.

I think players would be more minded to risk cities and zombies if they didnt have to use up all there ammo fighting for the next 10 minutes. Gun fights are gonna be shorter... but its kinda... meh to deal with zombies like this.

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Now it's ridiclous.

We were 3. Inside a Warehouse. 1 agroed a zed. We waited for him to walk inside. I took the shot with my G17. I knew more would come, but NOT 132.

We had to run away.

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There is something wrong happening, it's not our fault.

I tested it today. I fortified a barn and prepared for a Zombie Horde.

I fired off 7 rounds at 7 Zombies with a Springfield Rifle. Switched to my makarov, killed 10 more. Switched to my axe and killed 7 more, fell off the stairs, broke my legs (Which is also lame) .. killed 3 more with my makerov then 4-5 ate my remains. I held that area for 20-30 minutes before this happened so I knew what I should have expected.

I fired off my Springfield, fine. Used my Makerov for some time, which is not so loud and then used my silent axe for some time too...the horde should have dissipated and stopped coming to my position after I switched to a silent weapon.

So, from this you can see that they lock onto your position after respawning, get stuck in an infinite respawn loop and keep coming.

There should be a range limit to determine how close they can respawn and how many, at least.

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Ye this really is a nightmare. You can have some of the best guns and the best gear, but you're still just as afraid, if not more so of one zombie simply because you know killing it will unleash an endless torrent of zombies which will likely only attract another player and get you killed.

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This problem/bug specifically has made me stop playing since my other post in this thread, it's just too overwhelming.. I mean, when you start with 8 mags and end up fending off 200+ zombies from hitting a small village, it's as other people have said "unplayable"...

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To be honest, I've found the only way to deal with it, as shitty as it is, kill a number of zombies that I find reasonable, 3-4 for small isolated buildings, 4-10 for small towns, 20-30 for large cities, and then just disconnect to get rid of the extras, it's not really fun, but at least I can still play the game.

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To be honest' date=' I've found the only way to deal with it, as shitty as it is, kill a number of zombies that I find reasonable, 3-4 for small isolated buildings, 4-10 for small towns, 20-30 for large cities, and then just disconnect to get rid of the extras, it's not really fun, but at least I can still play the game.


But don't forget that now you are spending 5 min staring at your screen due to the disconnect timer.

I'm all for things like the disconnect timer to stop pvp ghosting and stuff.

But when zombies are still walking through walls/doors/barb wire, hearing you from 10 m away when you are 2 stories above them and add to that the nice respawning mechanic it's just lame.

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guys, zombies spawn because of players, if you raid berenzino with 4 players, every player spawns up to 20 zombies, which means 80 possible zombies around you

and of course, since the engine spawns zombies until every player has 20 zombies in his radius of spawning, its becoming worse when you guys actually start to fire weapons, since then they respawn FOUR TIMES as fast, ending in never-ending waves of zombies

so, when 4 players stick togther, 20 zombies are spawned, 60 places of zombies are "not spawned yet" and instantly spawn when one zombie is killed

Edited by Zombo

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guys, zombies spawn because of players, if you raid berenzino with 4 players, every player spawns up to 20 zombies, which means 80 possible zombies around you

and of course, since the engine spawns zombies until every player has 20 zombies in his radius of spawning, its becoming worse when you guys actually start to fire weapons, since then they respawn FOUR TIMES as fast, ending in never-ending waves of zombies

so, when 4 players stick togther, 20 zombies are spawned, 60 places of zombies are "not spawned yet" and instantly spawn when one zombie is killed

While that may all be nice and true, the fact is when I'm solo and am killing off wave after wave, much more than twenty... there is something clearly messed up.

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guys, zombies spawn because of players, if you raid berenzino with 4 players, every player spawns up to 20 zombies, which means 80 possible zombies around you

and of course, since the engine spawns zombies until every player has 20 zombies in his radius of spawning, its becoming worse when you guys actually start to fire weapons, since then they respawn FOUR TIMES as fast, ending in never-ending waves of zombies

so, when 4 players stick togther, 20 zombies are spawned, 60 places of zombies are "not spawned yet" and instantly spawn when one zombie is killed

If that's correct then woorking as a team is conterproductive...isn't it.?

I will also testify to the overly fast respawning of Z's...Was at a Heli crash site with 6 Z';s around me...popped one which got too close for comfort and then a minute or so later when I went to exfil, I was spotted and chased a few hundred meters by the rest, which I killed...only to look over at the Heli and see more pop into existence.

The respawn rate should be a matter of hours imho (many will disagree), rather than seconds.

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There must be issues with playing in groups. We were playing 6 people yesterday together. I can tell it almost becomes possible to adventure around.

Zombies respawn too fast and I think they also spawn too many. If I would do a guess I would say that the clients are not working together as they should. Player 1's computer is spawning the same zombies as the player next to you. It becomes very apperant that something is not correct when you are like 5-6 together and you can't almost break into a small town due to the amount of zombies and respawns.

On top of that all the snipers that completley kills any fun you try to do in a group. It's just too easy to PVP from distance.

Anyone who has the same experience?

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possibly getting the same bug...

Date/Time: 11th July, 10:30pm AEST

What happened: Deer stands spawning 9-12 zombies in waves of 3 on top of one another. In actual fact it might have been that the stand was spawning zombies when the previous wave were still there, for a total of about 12.

Where you were: Deer stands, and sometimes in towns.

What you were doing: Attempting to loot deer stands.

*Current installed version: 1.7.2 (94700)

*Server(s) you were on: LA11

*Your system specs: 2600K, 8GB RAM @ 2133, GTX 580, Gigabyte UD3 Z68

*Timeline of events before/after error: none to speak of.

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Personally I do not have an issue with quick zombie respawns. It makes the game more interesting because you always have to be on your guard. Although the rare occasion when a zombie spawns in your face or right behind you in a field or building can be rather annoying.

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me and my bro was shoooting inside berenzino hospital after we just saw coming hordes of zombies into that hospital. We killed about 100 zombies without stopping them respawning before we decided to run away because of no ammo.

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wasted 4 stanag mags, and 2 glock mags because zombies (plural... 16+ zombies around the building, it was weird) were randomly aggroing me on the top of an apartment building, despite the fact I was prone and not moving...

If the mechanics were consistent it wouldn't be an issue, but it's like some zombies INSTANTLY make a B-line for you. My partner was checking his inventory (ie crouched, sitting still, and a zombie from at least 30 meters away facing the opposite direction) and it still bolted at him. This repeated at least 3 more times over the course of the night. I feel really bad for new players as there is no avoiding them anymore. I've noticed this has pretty much killed PvP combat too, because no one can risk getting into a firefight and attracting the unwanted attention.

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Looted a deer stand and my teammate alereted those military zombies. No problem dispatched them with the 1911 upon reloading there were 3 more of them on me I was like SUPRISE! All I could figure out was some sort of new respawn because we always scout the area and get a zombie count and its easy around a deer stand. I guess no more barn and chicken house luring lol.

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Agree 100%, zombie respawn is way to high, i don't give a damn about dispatching a zombie anymore if it's just gonna spawn another in half a second.

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Me and my group had the same problem. We went to the airfield and encountered over 100+ zombies. I went in with 4 STANAG mags and 30 ACP rounds and left without any ammo remaining. Me and my teammates each had roughly 50+ zombie kills.

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It's happening all over the place, and the zombies get set off so fast that firing a gun in even a small town means you have to kill about 30-50 infected or run away. It might be part of rocket's design, but it doesn't seem to leave a middle ground. You can't kill a few of them because the new one's are spawning in all over the place, right on top of you sometimes, and possibly while the old ones are still there. Might be becuase the infected are now so easily alerted. you can be 100-150m away, crouching, not moving, and all of a sudden three of them will charge. When they respawn right near you, often they're already going nuts.

It's not bad per se, it's just different. I think i preferred 1.6 zombies, but was ok too. Again, it's not bad, it's a new challenge. It also makes me wonder what dying and starting again would be like now. There'd be a lot more running and hiding, that's for sure.

Edited by buttersoft

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Same thing has happened to me.

Raiding NW airfield with a truckload of guys. We gather a lot of gear and are about to head out, a few Zombies near our truck though. We decide to take them out. We fire a few shots, everything seems fine but it isn't. What was six zombies becomes about fifteen zombies. We begin start to take them out thinking we probably just aggro'd a lot from behind the Hangars and start killing as fast as we can. Thirty zombies down, forty zombies down, fifty-sixty. They just keep coming and there is no end in sight. We're breaking bones, running out of ammo, and it's absolutely hectic. I personally down seventeen Zombies and more are still coming. We had to log out to save ourselves.

I actually don't mind a few Zombies appearing after a commotion (Maybe they were hiding or something, w/e) but when a seemingly infinite wave of Zombies hits you, your only choice is to log out or die.

lol, what gun were you using? o.0 Lee ENDFIELD?

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lol, what gun were you using? o.0 Lee ENDFIELD?

Try reading the thread. It's happening to all of us. Some of us are using silenced weapons and it's still happening :) As i said above, it may not be a bug, it might be intended.

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I died because of that in little village. Killed over 40 zombies, maybe 50, and they were still walking there, when i was crawling to the fores with my leg broken.

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