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Zombie respawn time too fast

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indeed way too fast respawn and way too many of them. i made an experiment and just stayed in an house for a few minutes. even if they didnt get aggro there was so many spawns i didnt have any chance to even look outside without getting aggro on me. really the zed counter went up everey 20 seconds and i ended up with 40+ zeds around me WITHOUT aggroing them. after aggro they where so many i had to log off. (first time i ever logged off because of a fight)

needs a fix fast.

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Yep, cleared a group of six or seven military zombies from a heli crash site, picking up loot, and all of a sudden there are another seven military zombies just walking around the crash site. I was laying down so no agro and was able to leave, but still it was somewhat surprising especially when you think it is safe enough to mark a spot on your map just to come back to seven zombies walking around your spot.

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This also happened to me, me and my friend were playing DayZ for the first time properly today, and we had survived for 4 hours, we got really lucky countless times.

Anyway we came across a downed chopper with some awesome loot so I cleared EVERY zombie with my sniper, we moved in to get the loot and suddenly 6-7 more army zombies spawned, this happened twice and eventually the second time killed us, we lost an M249 with 400+ bullets and a PP-19 silenced sub machine gun I think it's called.

Really disappointing but nonetheless we respawned and still love the mod

Version: 1.7.2

Edited by Fooz

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So Happy to see this tread! When almost 100% of the people in a post are feeling the same its a pretty good sign that some thing is really off and needs to be looked at. Also notice zombies spawning right under deer stands and then being stuck under there.

Edited by shadowzaku
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It's gotten to the point I carry 8 AKM mags and 6 m1911 mags where ever I go looting. Standing toggled lean mode in 3rd person, full auto - obliterate everything in your path as quick as possible, get in, get out. Any atempt to sneak ends in me losing 1500 blood switching stances and run speed.

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Also zeds sometimes spawn within the agro radius for me when I am running towards what looks to be an empty loot spawn.

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I have noticed after the update that more zombies spawn and less items are around for pickup. An example for me is, before the update a remote barn (just one building) in the middle of the map would have about 4-5 zombies around the area, now, last I played, I counted 15 zombies around one barn. It also seems that they register at a greater distance now. Another instance is going into a store and there is nothing, no useful items, not even empty cans. It is getting incredibly frustrating.

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I think the zombie respawn time in small villages should be way slower but however in large cities like Chern & Elektro the respawn time should be faster.

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yeep, this happens for all places where you kill zombies at a distance with like a sniper rifle taking them out at a deer stand

sad face on wasting so many clips

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I was at Green Moutain (037 093) with 2 other players, we all had automatic weapons (AK and M16), and the zombies respawn was INSANE. At first there were 10 of them, we killed them quickly, and instantly 5 others respawned. We killed them, advanced carefully toward the building, and after a few steps 10 other zombies spawned!

3 men armed with automatic weapons, and we had to run away!

15 minutes later, we found a barn, and again, we had to kill about 20 zombies around the barn, even though there were only 5 at first, but they just kept respawning.

Edited by Kiro

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I encountered this bug last night, it seems there are certain spawn spots in barns and other places and this was constantly spawning a Z on the same spot, fortunately only 2 aggro'd which I escaped from and then turned around and saw like 4 Z's all occupying the same spawn spot.

This was in a barn NW of the radio tower above Cherno.

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Same thing happened to me yesterday, at every encounter

Zombies spawning 10m behind me after crossing streets, zeds respawning immediatly in plain sight when killed.

Infinite respawn and zed spawning too close were bugs which supposedly got fixed few patches ago.

I dont know anymore...

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I agree. Zombie spawning is out of control.

Kill one, aggro 5 more, kill them.. respawn 6 more.. rinse and repeat.

Once the zombies are gone they need to stay gone for quite a while, not respawn almost instantly. The magical-zombie-spawn-from-nowhere just has to go.

Last night i actually had 47 zombies at my location on Airfield, seriously 47! I was the only one at that server at that time (the 7.2.3. and 94945 bug i guess) so i could see the exact number that spawned just because of me. It was a bloody zombie-pride parade on that airfield. And the fact that some of them got aggro from ridiculous distances while i was crawling wearing a ghilliesuit didn´t exactly make it better. A ghilliesuit and crawling should make one virtually invisible... well it doesn´t.

If you happen to make the mistake of loading you weapon at that time.... instant full visibility and you are the main attraction at Zombie Stomp-Fest 2012.

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Agree 100%. 5 min for a zed to respawn would be my vote. The one and only heli wreck I've found was impossible to loot b/c of zeds respawning as soon as I downed one of them. Please fix!

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I agree, the zombie spawns are ridiculous. Not only that but even after you kill the zombies and walk into the place you intended on going to, there is NO loot spawns. I just sat under fire in the firehouse southern most of chernogorsk for a half hour or longer waiting for my loot to spawn. Only to finally decide to leave and die shortly after to the sniper that I could have found a weapon and easily killed. This is a recent bug because when I started a little over a month ago, You walked into a place and there was loot. Simple as that, and that's how it should be.

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I agree with most of the posts here and with the OP. I love this game, but I really think Rocket and the devs should stop adding new items and gadgets and start to iron out the existing problems. It would be a huge boost alone to gameplay if there was a cap to how many zombies can quickly spawn in rapid succession depeding on how many buildings there are in the town (town size). After that zombie cap has been reached allow for a cool down of 3 minutes at least, enough time to loot safely and then leave. I think that's fair, but the endless zombie spawning hordes suck the fun out of looting and killing zombies.

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Same thing with my group last night. Sometimes the re-spawns were fine, other times it was crazy fast almost immediately upon killing 1 another would pop up and takes it's place.

Also had the issue with a Barn spawning around 15-20 Zombies... I stopped trying to count the "herd" walking around outside in the field.

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you are totally correct sir. Zombs keep spawning like 3 seconds after they die in the same spot. Maybe in a large town that would make sense, but at a small barn or house in the middle of nowhere it's completely ridiculous.

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Problem is they literally spawn on top of you.

Yesterday I got my legs broken even before beong attacked because a zed spawnd inside me and we collided

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I was going to start a new topic but it got rejected... probably because of this thread, so i'll just put in my two cents here:

Date/Time: Anytime

What happened: Zombies respawn way to fast and too close. When shooting with a not silenced weapon this may lead to an infinite stream of zombies coming at you.

Where you were: Mostly in bigger towns but it may happen at single buildings as well

What you were doing: Shooting / trying to clear the area to loot

Current installed version: but i think this happened since i started playing (1.6.x)

Sometimes i would just like to be able to "clear" an area so i can safely go around and loot. But the way it is right now usually new zombies spawn after i killed the first couple of Zs at the same spawn the killed ones came from. This just turns killing zombies into a big waste of bullets and makes you sneak the whole time. If you have a loud weapon you may be confronted with an infinite stream of Zombies coming at you until you flee or run out of ammo and die.

I'm not even sure if it is a bug at all because this problem persists over many releases. But if it really is intended this way i would really like to know what the idea behind this is. It is no way realistic and just annoying.

My suggestion would be to wait about 10 minutes until a dead zombie respawns. This time could vary when more Players are around so places with a lot players don't die out completely.

I hope this get fixed, because apart from this DayZ really is one of the best games i have seen :)

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I like the current zombie AI save for the respawn rate - they're pretty easy to lose if you get aggro. The problem I have is going ranged on Z's to clear out a loot point. By the time I've poppped the last z and made my way in there's a new wave of them right next to me. Not really a problem when you have a new character as you tend to have to sneak in and take them on at a closer range - but when you've played for a bit and have some ranged weps it becomes a bit of a problem. I think my point is that its fun shooting z's right (rather than sneaking in and looting), so if the respawn was a bit longer that'd make me think shooting them is both fun and worth the rounds.

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Me my buddies have the same problem, we cant even defend one guy with out being spawn with 20 other zombies near us, and an other thing is that too many zombies in one place and in a small town, my buddies and i cant even loot with out being spotted by 3-6 zombies and then have to run around hoping the best...

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Had an interesting encounter in a city. There were five of us, and we decided to go scrounging for tents and tools in a large-ish city. Made it to the supermarket without incident, but it was totally empty, no loot, not even empty cans, totally barren. This is something we have experienced in the latest hotfixes, if you are first to a loot site it WILL be empty. You will have to leave the premise and stay, I don't know, 30-40 meters away for anything from five to fifteen minutes for loot to spawn in.

So if we were first to a site we went through the desired loot spots, exfil and wait a while, and then back track the same route to loot the stuff that spawned in. So, leaving the supermarket heading for a large, red brick building to trigger the spawn there we accidentally drew aggro. We quickly took refuge in the large brick building and insanity ensued. The gun fire drew a constant stream of infected, they spawned UNDER the building shambling towards us with just the torso sticking up from the floor, I don't know but I looked like some phased through walls but that might have been as a result of the lag the amount of infected caused etc.

Facing a seemingly endless stream of infected we decided to try to break out. Having two exits from the building we concentrated our effort on the side of the building that seemed to have less infected and shot a hole through the hoard and made a break for nearby buildings. It seemed like we managed to ditch most of the infected, but then suddenly a new group of infected spawned practically right on top of us. The ensuing gun fire generated even more, and we ended taking up refuge in the supermarket. Rinse and repeat of the brick building stand-off, getting hit through walls, infected phasing through walls etc, but again that might just be due to lag but unpredictable and annoying nonetheless.

Again, facing a seemingly endless onslaught and running low on ammo we eventually made a break for the hills and killed off the infected we did not manage to ditch faaar out in the wilderness to avoid spawning in more infected. Net result, burned through a large chuck of our ammo supply, a stack of bandages, pain pills, morphine injectors, epi pens, and blood bags, for absolutely sod all. No loot spawned anywhere, not in the brick building, not in the supermarket, not in a small house we passed on the way to the brick building from the supermarket, no nothing. At the end of it all we all had between 30-60 fresh zed kills.

Now, the point of this long diatribe (gratz btw if you've read this far) is not the spawn rate itself. What bugs us is that if you are first on a location you will have to pass through it twice in order to get something to loot, which increases the risk of drawing aggro from both infected and other players. Also if you are mobile when you draw aggro the infected might spawn practically right on top of you which kind of negates the whole breaking LOS to lose aggro idea. But what is most annoying ties into this;

...this has pretty much killed PvP combat too, because no one can risk getting into a firefight and attracting the unwanted attention...

It has not killed PvP combat, PvP combat has evolved. For a while it was great, you bump into another player you will have to make a quick decision, do I take the shot or not, if I take the shot can I deal the infected that will come to investigate? I've had lovely nerve-wracking encounter with other players in cities where none of us wanted to take the first shot... :P It added another layer to the decision process which I personally loved. As a new spawn hot off the beach I have managed unarmed save for a few empty tin cans drive away potentially hostile players by chucking cans and whiskey bottles towards their location, prompting the infected to investigate.

However, lately I have encountered a different tactic, the hostile player will take the shot regardless, immediately d/c and leave me to deal with the aggro. Then spawn in a minute or so later presumably hopeful to loot the remains. In closing, the spawn rate is not the real problem, it only exacerbates other problems, like increasing the risk when you are forced to go over loot spots several times to spawn in loot, or abused by d/c'er to proxy kill other players, either to get their gear or just to grief, etc. All the other issues regarding spawn rates can be worked around with a bit of planning and forethought, it also makes the suppressed weapons even more desirable and we always make runs to equip atleast the point man with a suppressed weapon to clear the way for the others.

TL;DR; spawn rate is ok as it adds another dimension both to scavenging and PvP, spawning infected on top of you is not ok, d/c'er using current spawn rate to proxy kill others is not ok.

/// Bulletsponge

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I'd say you are right, if only zeds wouldn't spawn on top of you, aggroing just because of visibility, making sd weapons useless unless shot from afar.

This happened many times to me already

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