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Vehicles: For or against them?

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Yes to vehicles. no to ridiculous vehicles. no damn shiny beautiful cars driving around everything should look pretty close to the current "dead" vehicles in the game. rusty and a bit roughed up.


And I dont care what anyone says, there better be air vehicles too... not a lot of them obviously but its unrealistic to not have a single helicopter or plane in the game considering there are what? 3 Air feilds on the map... but like Rocket has already stated the Planes and Choppers should be a lot more difficult to pilot... that way it balances out...


as for the cars, trucks, and bikes of the game... they should definetly be more of them in the map than how they were in the stock DayZ mod... BUT be harder to fix up... parts in the mod were way too easy to find...


I Think a lot of people are scared vehicles will ruin the game... but I think its just highly unrealistic that just because there is a zombie apocalypse that sudden all vehicles just became exploded wrecked corpses of cars... I think there should easily be enough vehicles throughout the map for everyone as well... Im not trying to say the game should be like GTA and just have a spam of drivers doing stupid shit everywhere there should definetly be a sense of "this is my vehicle I need to take care of it" not a "LOLZ I RAMMED YOUR SHIT WITH MY BIGGER SHIT!"


the end.

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no carrying engine parts alone, needs 2-3 guys, no helicopters, no tires etc. in backpack, make ppl work together to fix vehicle, or rly hard by yourself, let the hoarding begin...


i don't like vehicles too much, crossing the map in 5 min is not good for me. could be different with 150 ppl on the server though.


Yeah, like getting shot at by 50 different people on the way and probably not making it to your destination lol. on high pop servers, driving a vehicle, many times, would get your car and all your friends in it blown up/killed. At least those were my experiences in the mod. Vehicles are just plain fun anyway. I remember fixing up cars just to take them out and get into trouble. It never took long because they are loud as hell.

Edited by Gekkonidae

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Yes I'd like something bigger to work towards with my friends. I want to build a truck where every panel is a different colour.

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man are you kidding me? can't wait for vehicles.. really looking forward to seeing scramblers again!




Epic. Loved the motorcycles. Get on, go 110, turn slightly the wrong way, crash and die instantly. xD


I had some pretty awesome escapes in my mod career on those things, being chased by killers in other cars.

Edited by Gekkonidae

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No, vehicles are a deal breaker.

you can just go play on non-vehicular servers if you want to. i think it should be an option for all the crazy people who enjoy running so much.

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i would love to see dirt bikes and only as a Means of transportation, you should not be able to shot from them and they should only carry one person, spare parts and fuel very rare.

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Of course they should be in, and they will in good time. It is just a case of rarity, difficulty and complexity.

I also don't want bicycles to be everywhere. Chernarus is cold, bicycles would not be the primary method of transportation. Many people would have used their bikes to escape during the zombie apocalypse, so the bikes that were left around should be bike-locked to posts and bike stands or have a bent wheel or a punctured tire.

I don't think cars should all be in an inoperable state, but we need more range and interest to the damage states. No car would spawn completely pristine, and damage states would cause things like unresponsive braking, frequent stalling, extra noise and smoke, a shattered windscreen that is hard to see through and makes your character get very cold while driving (Chernarus wind-chill. Ouch)

So a lot of cars would work with minimal fixing, but they wouldn't work well. Other modifications like saddle-bags for your dirt-bike or an improvised steel front bumper would be great things to work towards.

The main concern is how much power will the server admins have to spawn vehicles and control their conditions.

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Since the last thread where I made this comment got its discussion derailed by a troll, Ill leave this here in the hopes of further intelligent debate:

Personally, I think vehicles should either be non existent, extremely rare, or so complex as to require a large amount of team effort (several people working together, not just 2 or three). I think they just make the game too easy. You don't have to "travel" anymore. No need to plan your route, worry about food or water for the trip (currently not a huge concern, but "alpha"),infiltrate, observe, loot, then leave, retreat to the tree line, and wipe the sweat off your brow.

Now, we can just hop in the sedan and drive real fast down the road. Stop at the first town we happen to see. All the doors closed? Good. Loot loot loot. Drop everything into the trunk. Now on to the next...Which leads to the problem that entire servers will end up looted dry in a matter of an hour or two by 2 guys and a truck.

Honestly, I would rather there not be any vehicles.

Bicycles, I think, would not be too bad. But that's where I draw the line.


did u actually play the mod?

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did u actually play the mod?

I don't know if OP did or did not play the mod, but vehicles in my opinion are more dangerous then roaming around on foot

 could ever be.


The only thing that becomes easy is the fact that you can explore or get to point A from point B faster then walking or sprinting.


Yes, you can stash loot and supplies in them which is great. But vehicles are very delicate, a few shots and they are disabled. if you don't have parts or tires, vehicle is now useless and then it's Black Hawk Down time.


As far as not planning your route whilst in a vehicle, not true. You have to plan extensively of where to go and the threat levels. Speaking of threat levels, you are now public enemy #1 when you have a vehicle. Vehicles are loud, every Bandit, Survivor, and Hero will come out of their holes or stop what they are doing when they hear the distant hum of an approaching vehicle.


If you have ever been in a vehicle in DayZ mod, you know that some are faster than others. You know that stopping in a town to loot is not jump out, grab, and go. It is a risk that more times then not ends up with a gunfight. You get killed if you're lucky. You get all your loot and vehicle stolen, blown up, or damaged if you're unlucky.


Risk vs. Reward.



The paranoia that follows jumping out of a vehicle to loot a hospital, knowing damn well everybody in and outside of the town you're in heard you or saw you and are either watching you through a scope or are hauling ass to your location is what made vehicles in the mod. If you are rolling with others, you pray to God that they are watching your back or grabbing shit quickly and are ready to go.


It's like robbing a bank, you got about 3 minutes before an inevitable shitstorm rolls in...


I used to pride myself on waiting for a vehicle to stop to loot and creeping up and stealing it...honking the horn as I drove off with my new loot while taking shots from the previous owners.


Vehicle ARE a must in my humble opinion.

Edited by knoCC
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vehicles  yes if he makes the map MUCH MUCH bigger, I'm talking 2x size here.


If not, no. The map is way to small, even on foot.

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Vehicles I would like to see in the game (but make them rare and hard to repair),


In a descending order of least rare to rarest








Vehicles I would NOT like to see in the game and reasons why, 


-Planes, because realistically it isn't considered 'easy' to fly a plane hence not everyone should be able to do it + i feel like they would be too overpowered and make the map feel smaller

-Tanks, way too op

So wait you think planes are harder to fly than helicopters?

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In a world that has a shit-ton of cars you want vehicles to be rare? I say make the little Sedans spawn en-masse, every family in the world has access to a vehicle whether its a family car or a neighbor giving them a ride, EVERYONE (ok maybe not EVERYONE) but MOST have access to vehicles, so what is the reasoning behind making them rare?

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Since the last thread where I made this comment got its discussion derailed by a troll, Ill leave this here in the hopes of further intelligent debate:

Personally, I think vehicles should either be non existent, ... I think they just make the game too easy.

You have no clue what you are talking about.

A "normal" dude die faster in a car. It´s not easy. You get attention like no one else in a car.

Ill leave this here in the hopes of further intelligent debate. lol

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I want vehicles.  The ambushes alone will be worth the price of admission.  

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I'd like to have vehicles in game but it has to be very rare and difficult to have one, so few vehicles in the map and hard to have and to manage. 

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Never played the mod, but not too keen on vehicles either unless they require enormous maintenance, and a great deal of spare parts. The world seems pretty rusty and miserable, I can't see internal combustion engines fitting in.


Muscle power is ok.

A mountain bike, hunt for spares, ride it, carry it wherever you wish. Even attach your backpack(s) to racks but if you ride too hard it may fail or you may even hurt yourself bad.


I quite fancy the animal power direction. A horse for speed, or a mule for carrying more loot. Keep them in tip-top shape or they will bugger off or die on you  :)

Poor things



I would like horses as well, Need to find a saddle and bridle have to feed them, water them, protect them from zombies. get two horses and two sets of harness and you could potentialy convert one of the blue trailers into a wagon. Burlap sacks full of oats and corn could be used to feed the horses as well as the players. There are plenty of round bales of hay in the fields those would be low quality food for a horse that takes a lot of time to be eaten, all the while your horse is out there exposed for anyone to find, kill you and steal. Shooting a gun from a horse or getting your horse to near a zombie should have a chance to get thrown off, potentialy resulting in damage or death same for running over a rabbit (tho much lower chance). Running your horse until it runs out of energy kills it etc.


Could be a fun and complex system.


Just one small point my horse can carry more loot than any mule in the world. I hate games that make mules better for loot than horses.


On  vehicles I've thought about it and finding fuel should be nearly impossible, even at gas stations your typical gas station gets fuel at least once a week, many get it every few days chances are at the end the diliveries were not being made and by the time the world looked like it does now, people fleeing have used pumps to pump the tanks dry, so the only way to get fuel should be at remote towns and on ocasion a jerry can in a barn or construction site etc, also you have to ask yourself whats more valuable the ability to use a car or the potential ability to use a generator.

Edited by Franchi

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I do want vehicles in this game. But at a very, very difficult rate to aquire them.


All vehicles in the game SHOULD be disabled. Require parts to repair and above all NO FUEL. people need to haul ass to the nearest gas station with a jerrycan and run back to their vehicle. No matter the distance. Vehicles should be an achievement and a MAYOR risk to have. since other people will want it too.


Also, I think Bicycles should be implemented aswel. they should be more common to find.

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It could be like ARMA.  Get a car, run over someone.  Walk around, get run over.  Rinse and repeat.

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