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Vehicles: For or against them?

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Since the last thread where I made this comment got its discussion derailed by a troll, Ill leave this here in the hopes of further intelligent debate:

Personally, I think vehicles should either be non existent, extremely rare, or so complex as to require a large amount of team effort (several people working together, not just 2 or three). I think they just make the game too easy. You don't have to "travel" anymore. No need to plan your route, worry about food or water for the trip (currently not a huge concern, but "alpha"),infiltrate, observe, loot, then leave, retreat to the tree line, and wipe the sweat off your brow.

Now, we can just hop in the sedan and drive real fast down the road. Stop at the first town we happen to see. All the doors closed? Good. Loot loot loot. Drop everything into the trunk. Now on to the next...Which leads to the problem that entire servers will end up looted dry in a matter of an hour or two by 2 guys and a truck.

Honestly, I would rather there not be any vehicles.

Bicycles, I think, would not be too bad. But that's where I draw the line.


Edited by Crazykage
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I would say YES to vehicles, but on this stage of the game i will have to say no.

My interest lays more into the camping tents which have to be back and the other mainfixes.

Even tho vehicles wouldn't be that bad, aslong as they will be rare (maybe 30-50 per hive/server) and that the fuel will have to be hard to get (not just drive to a gasstation and there you go).

But oh well, as i mentioned earlier.. it's too early to even think about vehicles, let's first cross our fingers for more weapons, More glitch/bug fixes and maybe the camping tents? x)

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We dont know enough about on how vehicles whould differ from the mod. But id say they add another "mission" or "Goal" in as what could be archived in the game.


Fuel and Parts should be scarce.


Sidenote...i think it should be possible to refuel those Little Gastanks on the bigger White ones that are behind some residential buildings.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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Vehicles are a must.  But im almost positive they wont be as simple as they were in the MOD.  People are crying for vehicles but the thing is you wont be able to just get in them and drive on into the sunset.  Its going to require some work and effort to get the thing running.

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I'd like to see them just because I'd expect to see vehicles, they wouldn't disappear and they wouldn't all be destroyed either.

I never use them much though, they're only good for ferrying people and hoarding gear, IMO, two things I never did.

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HEY, EVER PLAYED CARMAGEDDON?! Jesus, some people...

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Vehicles I would like to see in the game (but make them rare and hard to repair),


In a descending order of least rare to rarest








Vehicles I would NOT like to see in the game and reasons why, 


-Planes, i feel like they would be too overpowered and make the map feel smaller

-Tanks, way too op




I was not trying to say that planes are harder to fly than helicopters I was just saying the reasons why I feel like planes shouldn't be added into the game, the biggest one would be that they would be too overpowered.

Edited by Timecharge
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Not a fan of vehicles. Im a if I cant carry it I don't need it kind of guy. Im not gonna rain on other folks parade and say leave em out. 


 What I don't wanna see is the ability to toss a main rotor in a backpack and walk off like your the Incredible Hulk. Fuel should be scarce. Gathering parts and making repairs should require a group effort and take time.


I don't mind coming across a working condition ride now and then. Long as it is pointed in my direction i'll take it for a one way spin.

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Vehicles I would like to see in the game (but make them rare and hard to repair),


In a descending order of least rare to rarest








Vehicles I would NOT like to see in the game and reasons why, 


-Planes, because realistically it isn't considered 'easy' to fly a plane hence not everyone should be able to do it + i feel like they would be too overpowered and make the map feel smaller

-Tanks, way too op

from my understanding, helicopters make planes look easy to pilot by comparison.

But it seems most would agree that whatever the vehicle, they should require a hefty amount of effort to get operational, at the very least not being as simple as they were in the mod.

I may not like them myself, but I can understand that it is one more thing to work towards, besides looting houses, killing zombies, and outfitting yourself with all the special forces gear you can find.

I guess I wouldn't mind so much if they required a lot of team work and effort, gather fuel, tools, and parts.

WHICH just gave me an idea:


Like storage boxes or ammo cans or medkits. Can only hold tools, but only takes up 4 inventory slots (lateraly), and has enough room inside to hold one of every tool in the game.

Put together a complete tool kit (hammer, pliers, screwdriver, adjustable wrench, duct tape, maybe a few more new additions), and you have every thing you need to repair a vehicle, minus the parts!

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Yes yes yes yes. It would only help the game. A zombie apocalypse doesn't involved zombies chewing out your alternator. Cars should work like they did in the mod. Some damaged, some ok, but out of gas, etc. 

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I am fine with vehicles as long as they keep it realistic.  Like a damaged car needs to be fixed, you would need a pump to scavenge for fuel and maybe a battery to get it started.


Also, for this to happen, other parts should be fixable, for example the gas stations, some generators and what not. This would open up new ways of how the game is played and in a more cooperative role. This would elliminate some banditry and KOS as people try to coordinate more.


Say for example, a group decides to get a town running. Clear it and get some vehicles, get some power on and the gas station running to get some fuel... with all this invested, you would need to protect it.

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Mhhh a Toolbox like the yellow case and ammo boxes ? Very good idea !


I wonder how People whould react to cars. I mean. What holds someone back to just headshot the Driver from 500 meters away or ambush the car-Party at a gasstation ? kekekekeke.


Oh and something like this should be possible :too:  volkswagen-camper-01.jpg?i

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Vehicles are an absolutely integral part of the game. Yes, they make it easier. That's the point. This makes them an incredibly valuable asset, and something not only to be sought after but to be fought over, which enhances the drama of player interaction.


The first time you heard your engine start up had to be one of the single most exciting and gratifying moments the mod had to offer, and I personally cannot wait for that moment in the Standalone.

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I definately want vehicles. I would prefer a dirtbike myself. Easy to hide (you should be able to hide it so well, people will only find it by tripping over it)

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I definately want vehicles. I would prefer a dirtbike myself. Easy to hide (you should be able to hide it so well, people will only find it by tripping over it)


Yeah Dirtbikes would be good they could also add a feature like they do with backpacks, an orange/purple motorcycle would most likely be easier to find in a forest than a green motorcycle

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no carrying engine parts alone, needs 2-3 guys, no helicopters, no tires etc. in backpack, make ppl work together to fix vehicle, or rly hard by yourself, let the hoarding begin...


i don't like vehicles too much, crossing the map in 5 min is not good for me. could be different with 150 ppl on the server though.

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Vehicles definitely belong to the DayZ, no questions about it !


Also I believe the situation will be different then in mod. Parts more scarce and limited fuel in those gas containers.

Plus lets not forget that cars draw attention as they are loud, they have limited trunk space and are hard to hide & keep.


Cars might be also sorts of "end game" for some folks, or just generally goal to aim for.

Without cars game would be less fun.

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Since the last thread where I made this comment got its discussion derailed by a troll, Ill leave this here in the hopes of further intelligent debate:

Personally, I think vehicles should either be non existent, extremely rare, or so complex as to require a large amount of team effort (several people working together, not just 2 or three). I think they just make the game too easy. You don't have to "travel" anymore. No need to plan your route, worry about food or water for the trip (currently not a huge concern, but "alpha"),infiltrate, observe, loot, then leave, retreat to the tree line, and wipe the sweat off your brow.

Now, we can just hop in the sedan and drive real fast down the road. Stop at the first town we happen to see. All the doors closed? Good. Loot loot loot. Drop everything into the trunk. Now on to the next...Which leads to the problem that entire servers will end up looted dry in a matter of an hour or two by 2 guys and a truck.

Honestly, I would rather there not be any vehicles.

Bicycles, I think, would not be too bad. But that's where I draw the line.


How about interaction? It could take up to 30 minutes to fix a car.

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Never played the mod, but not too keen on vehicles either unless they require enormous maintenance, and a great deal of spare parts. The world seems pretty rusty and miserable, I can't see internal combustion engines fitting in.


Muscle power is ok.

A mountain bike, hunt for spares, ride it, carry it wherever you wish. Even attach your backpack(s) to racks but if you ride too hard it may fail or you may even hurt yourself bad.


I quite fancy the animal power direction. A horse for speed, or a mule for carrying more loot. Keep them in tip-top shape or they will bugger off or die on you  :)

Poor things



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Since the last thread where I made this comment got its discussion derailed by a troll, Ill leave this here in the hopes of further intelligent debate:

Personally, I think vehicles should either be non existent, extremely rare, or so complex as to require a large amount of team effort (several people working together, not just 2 or three). I think they just make the game too easy. You don't have to "travel" anymore. No need to plan your route, worry about food or water for the trip (currently not a huge concern, but "alpha"),infiltrate, observe, loot, then leave, retreat to the tree line, and wipe the sweat off your brow.

Now, we can just hop in the sedan and drive real fast down the road. Stop at the first town we happen to see. All the doors closed? Good. Loot loot loot. Drop everything into the trunk. Now on to the next...Which leads to the problem that entire servers will end up looted dry in a matter of an hour or two by 2 guys and a truck.

Honestly, I would rather there not be any vehicles.

Bicycles, I think, would not be too bad. But that's where I draw the line.



Lets see where to start.


1. Too early to discuss vehicles as the core game hasn't even been worked out yet. We don't even have the planned amount of zombies.


2. I don't know what mod of the Dayz mod you may or may not have played but in the original Dayz mod 99% of the vehicles where broken when spawned and needed fixing. And even with a group it could take hours to get the required parts.


3. a. You can be easily shot out of vehicles. b. Loot will be respawning eventually (way before vehicles are in game) so that is not even an issue.


4. I'd like to see Bicycles in the game as well but yea there are way more important things on the list than vehicles at the moment.

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Vehicles arw a definite must. If you a group of people is a MUST for building and maintaining a vehicle, thrn teamwork becomes OP in a way it shouldn't be, as teamwork is never OP.

The toolbox is a good idea. But every part on the car needs a different combo of tools; i.e. fueltank needs a shifter, pliers and screwdriver. Don't have one of those

tools then you should be unable to attach or fix the fueltank.

Parts should require minor parts as well, like nuts, bolts, metal screws and washers etc. For attaching tyres you will need all 5-6 wheelnuts before being able to attach the tyre. All the wheelnuts have to be removed to change a damaged tyre, and damaged tyres shouldnt just disappear, the rim should still be attached and bent out of shape and stuff, but just have the rubber torn off.

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