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Is this OK for young teens?

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I have two questions.  My son is going to be 14 in a couple of months.


1.  Is this game OK for a 14 year old?


2. If it is can he play it without going on multi-player?  That would be a requirement for us to allow it either way.



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This game cannot be played without going online.  He could play in an empty server but that would not stop other players from joining the game.

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The game is suitable if you're talking about the level of violence, etc. If you don't want him interacting with other players then I'm afraid you must wait for a singleplayer mode

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I'm 14 and I  play the mod daily, I would admit that I am more mature and such for it but yeah it's fine.

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If you have a mature mind like some of us young'uns then you probably won't turn into a murder :)

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Its a fine game for a 14 year old but there is no offline mode available yet, you could use an empty server though.

There is blood n the game but it is not gorey and looks like a little waterfall.

Players can use the rude finger but if he doesnt play with anyone this wouldnt be a problem

I suggest letting your son play with other people because it is a core aspect of the game and if you dont the game gets very boring after you are geared.

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1. this game is very fun if played with friends, but can be tough on new comers. I think 14 is perfect age to start playing a game like this.

if ure worried about the attitude of other players towards your son (swearing, mature content etc), u can expect everything from good to ugly. there is no escaping the internet trolls.

2. dayz is multiplayer only and will most likely remain so.

Edited by h3retic

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Depends on your stance on verbal abuse. I have been called everything under the sun by other players...

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My opinion only:

I strongly suggest you watch some videos of DayZ gameplay, both the mod and the standalone, so you can get a sense of the kind of behavior to which your son will be exposed. Youtube has hundreds. Know what the environment is like beforehand.

The standalone has no mechanism for global communication at the moment, and I hope it stays that way. The Mod, on the other hand, was a cacophony of idiocy, at best, on the majority of servers. Only you can decide if what you see there is acceptable. If the standalone doesn't add in such a mechanism, it does ease things a bit, from a parenting standing, IMO.

I have a son who is still a few years away from that decision, but I'd say no. There are plenty of kids younger than that playing this game, and I probably would have been one of them. That said, for me, it's probably a no.

Edit: as others have said: this game is multi-player only. Though there are ways to set up your own server with the Mod, so far there is no such plan for the standalone, as far as I am aware.

Edited by Zhrike
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So! The game doesn't support single player so, you won't buy it for him! Now your son's mind can be safe from the minds of all those horrible "people" out there in the world! Praise Jesus!

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the level insane stuff players can do to other plays makes me say no.


i mean you can litterally cuff someone and torture them if you wanted to in a sense.

I would also recommend you watch some of the youtube stuff.

make sure you watch the grittier stuff just so you understand how messed up people can behave against other people in this game.


the zombies and nighttime brings a scary factor that is fun but the problem with having younger kids playing this game isent the game it self but what other players can do towards you. or you towards them

i know you can log out if it gets really bad...but still


Dont get me wrong tho the game is lovley and im having a blast in it, but as for having young kids playing this? if i was a parent and i had a child around that age it would be a no.

they the violence in this game can be very difrrent from what other games have. not due to the zombies or blood or such but simply due to the nature of what other plays and what you as player can do towards other players.

Edited by Happy-
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eh... most 14 year olds , if you can recall your former 14 yr old self, know and have experienced more than parents want to believe.  Its a game.  I would be more concerned if you were thinking of introducing this game to an 8 year old, but 14... that's pretty much a high schooler :)

I don't think dayz is going to prevent him from going to college ;)

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I have two questions.  My son is going to be 14 in a couple of months.


1.  Is this game OK for a 14 year old?


2. If it is can he play it without going on multi-player?  That would be a requirement for us to allow it either way.



The game as of right now would be fine for him but you can only play online

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Can't wait till I meet your son in game.

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Most EULA's for online games cut off at 13.  So legally?  Sure! 


But being an online game, a player can rapidly ratchet up the experience to something a worldly 50 year old wouldn't want to cope with.  So, if you have to ask, the answer is probably no.

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I would strongly recommend that an avarage 14 year old not to play it. The reason is that the immaturity of some players in this game, as well this is an alpha. It is suposed to be players who want to test the game, report bugs and glitches. 


Maybe with release, but now? Not really no. There are lots of other mmorpgs that would be more suitable. 

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There are tons of better single player games for a 14 year old IMO. Mass Effect. Stalker. Metro 2033....

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This is the frist thing you see in the trailer for DayZ



So i would say no, its not suited for a 14 year old tbh.
And its online ONLY, so he has to interact with other people throughout the game.

This is exactly why its 18+


the level insane stuff players can do to other plays makes me say no.


i mean you can litterally cuff someone and torture them if you wanted to in a sense.

I would also recommend you watch some of the youtube stuff.

make sure you watch the grittier stuff just so you understand how messed up people can behave against other people in this game.


the zombies and nighttime brings a scary factor that is fun but the problem with having younger kids playing this game isent the game it self but what other players can do towards you. or you towards them

i know you can log out if it gets really bad...but still


Dont get me wrong tho the game is lovley and im having a blast in it, but as for having young kids playing this? if i was a parent and i had a child around that age it would be a no.

they the violence in this game can be very difrrent from what other games have. not due to the zombies or blood or such but simply due to the nature of what other plays and what you as player can do towards other players.

Edited by Byrgesen
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I think that restricting your son to singleplayer games or multiplayer games where verbal abuse is non-existent is a good idea.


Dayz is full of idiots and people whose only goal is to annoy others. DayZ is a big no for a 14 yr-old imo. Maybe at 15 or 16 you could introduce him to games where verbal abuse exists like CS, Dota, DayZ,... because he will inevitably have to come in contact with it.


Multiplayer games that seem ok for me are games like Battlefield. You can turn the chat off and there's no voice chat so I see no problem for your son to play that multiplayer game. Other games like this that I play are War Thunder(it's a warplanes video games) and Starcraft II(you can turn the profanity filter on, recommended!)




PS: Don't rely on the PEGI/ESRB ratings because they are completely outdated and do not work at all. Violence in video games is usually completely okay as long as your child realizes it's a GAME. Most teens realize that. I've played violent games(like Call of Duty 2) since I was 12 and I have never punched somebody in real life, I'm a real pacifist :D.

A game where I'd rely on the ratings is definitely GTA(17+).


PS2: An amazing site that I'd recommend to all parents is this one: http://www.commonsensemedia.org/

Just type in the name of the video game in the search bar and and it'll tell you all you need to know about the game and whether it's appropriate for kids. The site is however quite strict so be sure to also read the parent's reviews(which tend to be too soft).

Edited by Matman

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I have two questions.  My son is going to be 14 in a couple of months.


1.  Is this game OK for a 14 year old?


2. If it is can he play it without going on multi-player?  That would be a requirement for us to allow it either way.





Its a fine game for a 14 year old but there is no offline mode available yet, you could use an empty server though.

There is blood n the game but it is not gorey and looks like a little waterfall.

Players can use the rude finger but if he doesnt play with anyone this wouldnt be a problem

I suggest letting your son play with other people because it is a core aspect of the game and if you dont the game gets very boring after you are geared.


From the point of view of violence, blood, gore, it's not heavy on it at all.  The zombies in DayZ are probably about the least terrifying zombies you'll ever see in a zombie themed video game.


The main selling point of DayZ is actually the interactions between players, both good and bad.


The game features both chat and voice, so if you're not into that well...I dunno what to tell ya.  It's online only as well.  That said, it's not a particularly bad game for a 14 year old, as long as you make sure he plays responsibly when it comes to interacting and talking with other players online.


This is about as bloody as DayZ gets.  As you can see in the pic below, the air appears to be bleeding.  It's a somewhat comical bug that has yet to be fixed.



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I have two questions.  My son is going to be 14 in a couple of months.


1.  Is this game OK for a 14 year old?


2. If it is can he play it without going on multi-player?  That would be a requirement for us to allow it either way.



Unless your son has some serious psychical issues, i can't see how playing this game could do any harm to him.

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as other ppl said, watch the vids and decide yourself. there are "people" murdering other people in the game - whole game is built around it ;)

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I play games like this and worse since I was 8. Now I'm 20, 21 this year.

I am not a serial killer, I am not mentally scarred and I am exactly the opposite of violent.

The game contains a little blood, a rude gesture and little more.

Trust me, your son is more "endangered" by the common TV show.

About the player interaction, remember he is behind a monitor and so is the other player. No harm can be done. At all. Unless your son has serious mental issues, but I'm sure it's not the case.

Edited by iRazgriz

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