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Liquid Man

Why some people even do play DayZ ?

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I actually read your entire post


It`s amazing how many posts can be answered with "It`s an alpha"


I never even knew you could play GTA: SA as a MMO, i played it with my friend in coop mode sometimes, but i was 12 back then


Anyways, there`s nothing to do in the game ATM besides shoot people, or group up and shoot people. 

There are several times i`ve interacted with other players, but since there`s little content and no danger from the environment there`s nothing to do

like in classical MMOs where you can make friends by killing monsters and doing quests in the same area.

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"nothing to do" is only limited by the player imagination and interest. Of course firefights are great part of the fun :)


Example of what to do to break the continuous firefights - Red Cross - work as medic along the coast and provide aid to spawns. And I don't mean your usual buddies, I mean really the unknown survivors arriving.

Another example is to just travel the deep countryside and find interesting spots. I found a stone circle deep in some woods. I reckon if I stayed in the towns i'd never see it. 

In the future, as more activities ( cooking, hunting, etc ) get accessible we will see a more diverse time wasting and organization. Doesn't mean anything. We need chaos and danger from zombies and humans alike. But also the humanitarian kind :)


Oh cooking... spending a weekend providing hot meals just for a change, how cool would that be. 

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This is a great sandbox game where everything is possible. I just wish people would stop building their sand castle the wrong way : (.




seems a little nuts to me.


edit: was a little assholy to not give tips so here is some things I have learnt in the 30 or so hours thus far.


If you’re worried about losing gear you’re going to have a bad time.


If you hate kosers you’re going to have a bad time.


If you think you can stroll down the street and should not be killed you’re going to have a bad time.


If you think food is going to come easy you’re going to have a bad time.


Sort of suits the game being a survival post apoc setting don’t you think? After all if that really happened you're going to have a bad time.

Edited by Jimbo_au

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Some questions, first of all if you don't mind, where are you from, what is your native language. Some-one said you sound young but to me it sounds more like English just isn't your first language.

Second, are you aware of the gestures? Go into the key-mapping and set the key for "taunt" to f4. As it currently is:


F2-Surrender/hands up (Crouch to put your hands on the back of your head)

F3-Sit down and relax

F4-Flip some-one off

Might help a little with the roleplay. And if someone tells you to freeze, you can surrender and they might not shoot you. Some of them will be pretty nasty. Sometimes you might be killed. But sometimes they might just take your gear or handcuff you to make sure you're not a threat. It is a gamble, but I haven't killed, poisoned or humiliated anybody I've captured, and I've never done it in a way that made them shoot me out of spite.

I already know all this stuff but thank you for your advice anyway :) Well, I am sorry if my English makes it harder to read for some of you but I really did my best to write as good as I possibly can. Yes, english isn't my first language but I hope you understood most of my writing.


PS. I'm from Poland and as a result of being from Poland, I'm Polish ^^

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I read your thread.  You're claiming that people are ruining the game because they "just play to get their ''Mosins'' and houndreds of ammunition to it, then they hide and shoot random people for no reason" and "don't have even any idea of Role Playing."


So, you hate people who "ruin" your game by playing the way they want to play...so you want to dictate the way they play.


So, my point still stands.  Why do some people even play this game?  Because they paid 30 bucks to play it.


There is no black and white in DayZ and there is no bottom-powdering.  If you're getting killed repeatedly then try a lower pop server, avoid the coast, approach high profile coastal towns and military bases with caution, avoid open roads and highly visible travel routes and if someone is shooting at you head for cover and...SERPENTINE!


And never forget the two fundamental rules of DayZ:


1. Don't get too attached to your gear.


2. Deal with it.

You just simply don't understand my point of view. I do not complain about getting killed or loseing my gear. I do not want to force people to play the way I like it. I just want to give an idea to people who play like that, to be a bit more clever and think of something more.. interesting insted of just shooting to everyone they meet.


Let me try to explain my thought here.


Imagine situation where you play your character about 6 hours and you are still alive. You have the best gear, weapons and tons of ammunition. You try to be a clever guy and you roll on the ground between trees to minimize the possibility of being detected. Then from nowhere you get shooted from behind without a single word.


Now, imagine the way I would like to see people to play. They can do whatever they want. I DO NOT FORCE to play my style to be the friendy guy to everyone as I am even not but it seems you see me this way. You have the best gear, weapons and tons of ammunition. You try to be a clever guy and you roll on the ground between trees to minimize the possibility of being detected. Then from nowhere someone got behind you and ask you to don't move and don't shout or you will get killed. You fallow the instructions, then the guy handcuffs you and says to go forward. He walks just right behind you with aim at your back, then you get nearby a cliff. He says to take off your gear and the backpack including weapons. Every piece of your gear is on the ground and you are almost naked. Then the guy says ''jump off the rock to the water or I will shoot you in your back'' then you jump off and you survive. Then you come back to the cliff after some time to look, if he left something of your gear. You take what you can have good use of, and then you look for some gear to wear etc...


It's just some words written on a froum but in reality, I mean in the actual gameplay, it could be really exciting experience insted of getting a bullet in the back of your head.


That's why I would love to see. I don't want to see all the bandits becoming friendly and to play as I WANT TO. I don't. I hope you understand me now.

Edited by Liquid Man
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You obviously don't, though. The things you are complaining about are an integral part of the game's core principals. If you really liked DayZ, this thread wouldn't exist.


What you like is some fanciful preconception of what you want DayZ to be.

Once again. I am not complaing about style of playing of other people. I just would like the people to be more creative and think of something cool, exciting for both players insted of sending bullets with high priority. I got an example to some other user in a respond. Read that and maybe you will understand me.

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DayZ can be frustrating. You can roleplay, to an extent. Just remember that you are roleplaying in an apocalypse. People kill eachother because they think if they shoot first then they survive, they kill for food, ammo and other supplies. Some kill because in game terms, they are psychopaths. Mad, violent people turned savage by the apocalypse. Some of them are actually just shitty people who want to see you suffer, in game and in real life. That is a part of the atmosphere too.

You want the roleplaying to be civil, but civilization is over.

I assure you, that if you keep playing you will learn how to die less often. You will start to learn who is trying to trick you. You will learn to stay hidden and avoid people you don't know you can trust. And sometimes you really will get the experience you want. I have helped people out with gear and weapons and I have handcuffed them at gunpoint and taken their can-openers for myself. I have seen people like you running out in the open from the forest, and chosen not to shoot because I don't want or need to ruin that guy's day.

Those guys who asked you about a soccer team. You wanted to know why they had to ask you at gunpoint. They might have been "bullying" you, but they also were protecting themselves. You could have had a hidden gun and shot one of them before they killed you. Everyone is paranoid... or crazy. It's all a part of the experience.

But here, watch this video. It might make you feel a bit better.


Awesome video, have beans for linking.


It sucks that there are so many SOS assholes in this game, but on the other hand, they give heroes something to do. So in a weird way, I am glad for them. They make the game more interesting by acting as living objectives.

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I did read I wish I didn't bother :|

OP is carebear and question he don't ask is always same question butthurt carebears never ask

why I always dying? :huh:

for him is other guys the problem :D

but other guys only kill him because he make nice easy target

I can see from way he write about GTA experience he don't play with brain

he don't use maximum patience and stealth to move around

he skipping down centre of road talk to every guy he see 'hallo we can be friends?' :thumbsup:  :rolleyes:

he say he get it :D

he don't get nothing :lol:


Well, your post is just annoying and useless. If you don't have anything to add, why do you even write such crap ? ...

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Hello everyone,


To make things as simple as possible. I do not expect that those kind of people I am writing about is you - people on the forums who care a bit more about DayZ Standalone game, than other average player.


I was waiting for this Standalone version for quite a while and I bought it just after the release. I love the concept of DayZ and when I was younger, I played some other Role Playing games where you weren't able to talk by pushing the button like you do in DayZ. Let me just tell you this short story till I get to my point of ''why I even created this thread''.


I played Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on multiplayer mode, where this such special game in my life had it's own, serious Role Playing server with 300+ slots, while in DayZ at this moment you have servers up to 64 players. There were fractions like police, medics, firemen, army, gangs, mafias or just normal companies driven by people, such simple but necessary Gas Station. To have your own business, first you had to make your business plan on a special website of the server and tell the admins, why it's you who should get it. When you wanted to be a policeman, then you had to send a real but of your in game character CV + cover letter, then successfully pass your police training in game. There was so high level of role playing. It was really serious and big community. Most of the time the server was full and it was beautiful time in my life as far as I can remember.


DayZ remainds me of everything I just told you and it isn't even 0.5% of what you could do there. Everything you wanted to say with your in game character, you had to type in chat by using some special comands.


As I said before, I love the idea of DayZ and I do get it, that it is early alpha. However, the number of people who is playing this game even at this early alpha stage is incredible. Now is the point of the thread which are basically the poeple playing this game. I'm always trying to play some role playing, I take my character like it would be me in the time of zombie apocalypse. A lot of times, I've been attacked by some mad people with axes on the very beginning for some reason.


When I get a bit more into the game and finally, I manage to get some equipment like backpack or some weapon and ammunition, everyone who sees me is shooting to me without any warning. People just play to get their ''Mosins'' and houndreds of ammunition to it, then they hide and shoot random people for no reason. My quesion is: Why do they even buy this game ? This isn't even funny. I got really disappointed to see such big number of people doing this. Such nonsense it is to shoot everyone you see without playing any roleplaying.


What is wrong with all the people ? They just ruin everything in this game. They don't have even any idea of Role Playing. Role Playing is what this game is made for. You are the writer of the story. I havn't really seen much normal people with some brain. I know they exist, I know they are somewhere but even they are too scared to play something because they know, that most of the retards will just shoot them on the first contact.


I have played 67 hours of DayZ. Do you know my best actions which I can share with you ?


1. I just got started a new character. I was walking nearby buildings to find some food and water. There was three russian guys with everything they could possibly have. One of them aimed at me, said ''hands up'' and then asked me about my favourite football club, then I answered that I am not really interested in football and they let me go.


(It's a zombie apocalypse, they meet a random person then they scare him to death by aiming a sniper rifle to his head, then ask him about the favourite football club ? Wasn't possible to just ask such a stupid question while during the zombie apocalypse without aiming the ''Mosin'' into my head...)


2. I was playing with a friend and somehow, we managed to get to the airport. We found some good, useful stuff, then we went on the tower to see what is there. We found the biggest backpacks and was kind of happy about that. Then two douchebags got us from behind. One of them could be about 15 years old and started to shout ''Don't even fucking move!'' after those words, I didn't even moved my mouse and after 2.57 sec I got a bullet into my head. Then the other guy who didn't even got his voice mutation said something and I didn't even understand as he was talking by some kind of a rock.


3. I was playing with my friend again. We were in Electro searching some buildings. Then from nowhere, we got under heavy fire. We ran into a building and hide. We closed all the door possible, I took our first aid kid and started to bandage my friend as he got shooted. Then I did him saline transfusion to get some of his health back to be able to see better. Then three of the ''bandits'' got into our house. I had mosin with me with ammunition and I was protecting the door. Then one of them said: Put your guns down, while I was aiming at the door. Then after not even 3 seconds, he ran into the room and started to shoot to us with his M4A1. My friend killed him with his axe but then the other two got inside and killed him as well.


And... that's it. This is the role playing people are able to play nowadays ? Where are the old, good players who can think of something more than shooting everyone who get on his line of sight ? Why this kid of people even play this game ? They don't have any idea of the concept of this game. It's not a damn shooter. It's about role playing with other players. Who are they with their full bags of ammunition and with ten guns in one hand without other players to play with ? They are just a damn piece of texture which can't do shit without other people.


I do not understand why most of people play this game in this way. Try to group up with someone. Ask if he needs something, maybe you can share some food, some water. Try to interact with people, don't try to be the ''bad ass'' all the time. If you want to be the bad guy, play it in the proper way with some kind of role playing. If you have to kill someone, do it for a purpose. Think of some good action you can play with this guy. Don't just randomly shoot people, because of this, you ruin the whole idea of DayZ and it will end with private servers, where people will have to register first. It worked in the past, so it will now but really.. People, you have brain, you have only to use it sometimes.


Tell me what do you think ? Aren't you annoyed because of this kind of people ? Wouldn't you want to have some good memories with this game ?



This game was not made specifically for "Role Playing" It was made for people to play it the way THEY want to, hence "Sandbox" You dont like it? Tough shit to be frank. People always have, are and will play this way, get used to it. 

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Hi liquid man, ya know your just gona get tones of abuse on this forum over the subject mate. I totally agree with you so if you want you should head the the celts website and join up with us. We look out for our own and anyone who wants to come join in. It will give you the chance to explore more and hide less. I alway flee or avoid combat even though I'm well armed. Instead I and others explore and have fun. Of course now we do run into hot zones were you are forced to engage with others but we work as a single unit.

We have our own servers through many games and our own tea speak so feel free to look mate

Cheers, V

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I see what you mean dude, and i agree that people who just want to play a shooter should go play an actual shooter.


But there's nothing you can do about it. Just hope they get bored soon and move on to another game. Hopefully, in the end, most of them will be filtered out.


In the meantime, roleplay a bit different. You know now that no-one is to be trusted, so act like that. Hold them up at gunpoint, and be ready to react at the first sign of danger. Some people will go along with what you say, and those moments are awesome. If not, let them go, or shoot them, as inhumane as it is. This is ultimately about survival, after all. It's harsh, but that's the game.

I am happy, that there is at least someone who understands me. So far, most of the people here are hating me as they think, I want to force them to play DayZ my own way. I didn't want to have this thread turned like this, however.. I am tryign to explain my thoughts as good as I can. I am glad that there are people like you in the game :)

Edited by Liquid Man

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Because we don't like to roleplay?

You are everyone ? Good to know :)


Maybe you just don't know how ? Maybe it's worth a try ? Maybe you will like it ? :)


Never say never.

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Some like to pick berries in the woods, some like to shoot. I dunno lol.

I personally think, that most of the people just shoot as they are not able to think of something else. They don't even try to role play some, they don't even try and that's the main problem.

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You are everyone ? Good to know :)


Maybe you just don't know how ? Maybe it's worth a try ? Maybe you will like it ? :)


Never say never.


Are you everyone?

Obviously I mean myself and those I know who play the same way I do.


And no, I have no interest in roleplaying. I play this game for the thrill and to shoot people.

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I actually read your entire post


It`s amazing how many posts can be answered with "It`s an alpha"


I never even knew you could play GTA: SA as a MMO, i played it with my friend in coop mode sometimes, but i was 12 back then


Anyways, there`s nothing to do in the game ATM besides shoot people, or group up and shoot people. 

There are several times i`ve interacted with other players, but since there`s little content and no danger from the environment there`s nothing to do

like in classical MMOs where you can make friends by killing monsters and doing quests in the same area.

I hope it's because of the lack of content. I can't wait till some new features will be added and who knows.. maybe I will finally meet someone who won't kill me on sight :)

Edited by Liquid Man

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"nothing to do" is only limited by the player imagination and interest. Of course firefights are great part of the fun :)


Example of what to do to break the continuous firefights - Red Cross - work as medic along the coast and provide aid to spawns. And I don't mean your usual buddies, I mean really the unknown survivors arriving.

Another example is to just travel the deep countryside and find interesting spots. I found a stone circle deep in some woods. I reckon if I stayed in the towns i'd never see it. 

In the future, as more activities ( cooking, hunting, etc ) get accessible we will see a more diverse time wasting and organization. Doesn't mean anything. We need chaos and danger from zombies and humans alike. But also the humanitarian kind :)


Oh cooking... spending a weekend providing hot meals just for a change, how cool would that be. 

Exactly :)

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Hi liquid man, ya know your just gona get tones of abuse on this forum over the subject mate. I totally agree with you so if you want you should head the the celts website and join up with us. We look out for our own and anyone who wants to come join in. It will give you the chance to explore more and hide less. I alway flee or avoid combat even though I'm well armed. Instead I and others explore and have fun. Of course now we do run into hot zones were you are forced to engage with others but we work as a single unit.

We have our own servers through many games and our own tea speak so feel free to look mate

Cheers, V

Yes, some people I think hates me here but ^^ I can resist them!


Well, let's be a bit more serious. It's great there are more people who feels like me. Some of the people think, that I am running on the middle of a road and jumping like a bunny with hope of not getting killed. They are extremely wrong about me but what can I say... I gave them a few examples of my deaths and I gave the arguments of why I don't like it. If they don't understand, then I can't help them to achive this.


Thank You for your invite and I will consider it! Much appreciated!

Edited by Liquid Man

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On our last expedition we forms a massive statue of maybe Stalin? In the woods AND there was a radio/CB behind it. It didn't work or anything but I'm guessing this will be an important part of the game. Anyone else find this yet? Or any other interesting hidden things?

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Are you everyone?

Obviously I mean myself and those I know who play the same way I do.


And no, I have no interest in roleplaying. I play this game for the thrill and to shoot people.

Well, I hope that we will never meet in game :)

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@OP. Just wait for private hives, then there will be servers with rp that hopefully holds higher quality than "I have to defend myself" (although horrificly misspelled and 300 lulz in a sentence consisting of five words).

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Just saying


The shooter experience of CS, BF, CoD, TF2, DoD etc..


Are VERY different from the one in DayZ




The world is bigger, you seldom meet people, you have to go from place to place and gather gear, you die from a few shots. You can stalk someone for a long time them being unaware of you, you can use camouflage and the night to be harder to see. The guns act more realistically, gunfights are usually short and brutal. 


Also, it`s an alpha, the content is kind of skewed against banditry and killing ATM (handcuffs, forcefeeding, only military high-end gear, few survival mechanics)

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TL: did read.

Conclusion: Fedora and neckbeard.

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@OP. Just wait for private hives, then there will be servers with rp that hopefully holds higher quality than "I have to defend myself" (although horrificly misspelled and 300 lulz in a sentence consisting of five words).

Yeah. That's what I will probably do in the future.


And agreed. ''I have to defend myself'' which couses to kill everyone on my sight is just... :huh:

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