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M4 in your hands and Mosin on your back, or visa versa?

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I'd like some pros and cons.  Sacriel said something about it the other day, but I wasn't really paying attention.  



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Doe it before. Provides too much of an advantage. Have you ever held a mosin? that shit is heavy, combine with M4 and uber srs shitblitz

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Doe it before. Provides too much of an advantage. Have you ever held a mosin? that shit is heavy, combine with M4 and uber srs shitblitz

Its like Battlelog in here.

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M4 in hands. Cause if you need an M4 then you don't want to drop a mosin to grab your M4. Then you lose a fight and/or a mosin when you start running because to me the M4 is a run and gun weapon. If you are using the mosin then you should be far enough for you to see the need for an M4 before it happens.


Personally I just carry a magnum and an axe when i can. No major choices needed, axe for zeds, magnum for people.



EDIT: Bean king is a title you get either after you get X amount of beans or X amount of posts, not quite sure which. It usually isn't something people choose but something they get without asking.

Edited by Dchil

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Excuse me for trying to have a discussion on a "forum" Bean King.

He asked a valid question why not try it yourself?

Neither of the weapons are hard to find, nor is ammo for either of them.

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Excuse me for trying to have a discussion on a "forum" Bean King.


The only con is that you have to put one of them down to change weapons. It's not a very rich discussion topic.

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can you climb ladders with both?  I haven't tried it but I don't imagine you could.

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can you climb ladders with both?  I haven't tried it but I don't imagine you could.

Yes you can.


The only disadvantage is you have to put down the one you are using to change weapons, or eat, or drink, or bandage.

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M4. Always M4 in hands because the most unforgiving fights is if you don't have a fast reaction is close quarters. Mid to long range fights are a little more forgiving, because it's easy to run to cover as you have more time to react due to the general inaccuracy of weapons in Dayz + harder to aim from that far. Once in cover you can drop the M4 and get your mosin out.


But if the entire thing was up to me...Mosin on back and .357 in hands

Edited by doomdesire86

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Yes you can.


How would you climb ladder with both M4 + Mosin? Afaik you cannot go up/down ladder with anything in hand.

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another disadvantage is that you cannot sprint as soon as you have a weapon in your hands..

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I would say it's not worth carrying two rifles at all.  Better off with the Mosin and a handgun.  I am pretty sure I wouldn't have died earlier, if I wasn't carrying both.  Some dude/dudes with really bad aim got the drop on me, and if I could have run at full speed, I probably would have made it to cover before they finally finished the job. 


You can't really just drop the gun real quick either, climb ladders, or do much of anything, quickly.

Edited by AlfalphaCat
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M4 roughly 4kg with rounds

Mosin roughly 4kg


Thats 8kg + some crap in backpack ( usually a lot ) - seems like a huge weight to carry around.



But yeah - if your into pvp m4/mosin - huge benefits. 

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M4 in hands around buildings or anywhere that another player may appear at close range.


Mosin for out in the countryside and there's a high chance you will detect other players first when they are some distance away from you.

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The only con is that you have to put one of them down to change weapons. It's not a very rich discussion topic.

Or climb a ladder or eat, etc.

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Be stealthy. That's the only real advantage you can have in this game.

btw the idea in your sig for hackers will not work. Nothing deters hackers.

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I'll just wait for the sawn off ... Mosin on back and sawn off in hands for when I hit buildings. (I am taking a presumption that is it a side arm though, anyone know?).

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It would not be "unrealistic" to carry two weapons, it should however slow you down and reduce your mobility abit.
It should not be "pure pwnage" and a must, it should be a choice to do it, based on the consequenses of doing it :)

Say, running around with a handgun and a rifle, gives you more mobility and you can change weapons faster, running with two riffles should slow you down (more weight, big unhandy weapons) and make changing weapons alot slower, because its not as easy as putting away a handgun.

Im just trying to say, it should have some kind of consequense to do this, compared to running around with 1 rifle or a rifle+handgun or rifle+melee or handgun+melee  :)

Edited by Byrgesen
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I would say it depends on the type of area you are in, if you are in the city you can expect close combat encounters making the m4 the best choice.

if you are closing in on a city or are out there in the open then mosin is generally the better choice.

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I would say it depends on the type of area you are in, if you are in the city you can expect close combat encounters making the m4 the best choice.

if you are closing in on a city or are out there in the open then mosin is generally the better choice.

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I would say it depends on the type of area you are in, if you are in the city you can expect close combat encounters making the m4 the best choice.

if you are closing in on a city or are out there in the open then mosin is generally the better choice.

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