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About Scootch

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Scootch

    This guy was pretty smart in Elecktro

    Your post makes 0 sense. ld-airgrafix's post at least made sense. Try harder to be a smartass.
  2. Scootch

    Post your Preferred Loadout

    Mosin Magnum Black shirt Blue jeans Hunter pack Camo cap or olive cowboy hat and that niosh mask or whatever. keepin' it simple.
  3. Scootch

    3 New pistols in DayZ Standalone Experimental

    me thinks they need to hurry up and add a hip/belt holster.
  4. hmmm. You yourself admittedly suicide off buildings to get a better spawn. I can only imagine how much suiciding you and others would be doing if Balota was back adding to the clusterfuck of dead bodies slowing down servers. Not to mention you'd probably server hop there too as you seem to like to do in Berezino.
  5. Me thinks spawn points should be in random houses throughout the map. I never understood why we spawned on the beach. Were we out for a day in the sun frolicking in the surf in our pants when the world went to shit?
  6. Scootch

    Cheater, Cheater everywhere (IMHO)

    I haven't seen the rain in my bunches of hours. Doesn't mean it's not there. Or is it? Wait, Did they stop the rain?
  7. Scootch

    Suggestion: Rain Ponchos

    I have yet to see the damn rain in this game. :|
  8. Scootch

    A little bit of customisation please.

    You could customize your player in the arma ii engine if i'm not mistaken. I know you could replace face textures n stuff. Don't see why they wouldn't do it with this.
  9. Scootch

    Best Fight You've Ever Had In DayZ

    I like winning gun fights that other people start. Especially if they're fully geared..
  10. Scootch

    just drank alcohol

    Induce vomiting? I honestly am not sure myself have yet to drink from the alcohol tincture in game.
  11. Scootch

    CPU usage after 2 min is 90%

    what cpu do you have?
  12. Scootch

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Pretty much everyone I run into KOS's anyway. So that would boil down to how good you can actually play and stay concealed in your environment. Get the drop on someone and they surrender & they'll see you for who you are & either know they are going to be robbed/killed. Also, maybe not base banditry so much off of killing but off of what you loot from a live/cuffed player. I'm just throwing ideas around. Meant to stimulate thinking. Not create an argument for or against. After all it's not my decision. Just trying to find a different way to look at the issue. It could be an added goal for someone if they wanted to pursue it. Another end-game.
  13. Scootch

    Crosshair in 3pp 1 cm too high?

    maybe it's intended to be "off" 3rd person already has the see around corners and over walls thing going for it. Want to get a good, accurate shot go into 1st person kinda thing.
  14. Scootch

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    You kinda missed what I was getting at. I'll try to spell it out. Say you have negative humanity and you want to show it off. You can grab a hoodie and wear it IF YOU WANT and you can put the hood up IF YOU WANT. You don't have to. It would be your CHOICE! but a bandit couldn't roll up sleeves just like a hero couldn't put up a hood. Get it? you would not be forced to do anything you don't want to. It would just be an extra thing you could do based upon your humanity. So long as you wanted to do it. People who act like this is a true to life simulation are ridiculous. It's a fucking game. You get shot and wrap torn up shirts around you and you're good to go. You can run infinitely yet step of a 3 foot high rock the wrong way and you're dead. Peer over and around corners in 3rd person. Yea, realism