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Does anyone play with shadows off to see people better?

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Not only does is save a ton of FPS but also it is easier to see people trying to hide in shadows. I understand they want more people to be able to play the game but I think shadows should not have the ability to be fully turned off.

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I usually do for the sake of better performance and shadows are also used at night(even without the moon) which I think is odd.

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They dont lock graphical settings for just that to allow as many people to be able to play the game at semi ok FPS as possible but yes lower things or turn them off and it does become easier. the less details your eyes/brain have to filter through the easier it becomes to see other players.


Lower terrain and objects detail and you get less grass and people stand out more it is a sad fact of life.


I play as close to max graphics as i can while maintaining 40 plus fps i want the game to look good but yeah its easier the lower you set you graphics lol

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Not only does is save a ton of FPS but also it is easier to see people trying to hide in shadows. I understand they want more people to be able to play the game but I think shadows should not have the ability to be fully turned off.

My tests showed that turning shadows off gives worse performance in many cases. Oddly enough.

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My tests showed that turning shadows off gives worse performance in many cases. Oddly enough.

Rv engines have always been a what the in regards to performance what works on one rig does  not on someone elses lol im sure some one far smarter than me could probably explain why but thats what happens lol ...

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I could play Arma 2 on high but have to keep everything on low in DayZ including custom config and cutting down on view distance. :(

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My tests showed that turning shadows off gives worse performance in many cases. Oddly enough.


That might be because instead of stressing both the CPU and GPU, you throw everything at your CPU only when choosing low settings.


Poor lil' CPU :(

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I could play Arma 2 on high but have to keep everything on low in DayZ including custom config and cutting down on view distance. :(

I think the game just needs to be optimized. wait until closer to release.

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I think the game just needs to be optimized. wait until closer to release.


Agreed. Awhile I suffer from freezes which last for several seconds in DayZ retail, I do not have this problem in the mod. The only thing I'm really looking forward to is optimizations.

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I play with them off now. They play a nice role if you are not facing a player and he is on a building ledge, stalking you from behind. You will see his silhouette on the ground and you can turn around to shoot him if he's hostile, or die trying. It proved useful in other shooters.

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I play with shadows off because I need every frame I can get...

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I think you should have to keep things like that on.  It adds more to the immersion factor and it helps conceal your position.  Which should be a viable option.  But if you're having problems running dayz with shadows you might just need an upgrade.

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Not only does is save a ton of FPS but also it is easier to see people trying to hide in shadows. I understand they want more people to be able to play the game but I think shadows should not have the ability to be fully turned off.


Never going to happen, unless they pull a miracle out of their ass and do proper optimization that has never been seen in Arma before, shadows are staying turned off.

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I play with everything on, and everything maxed. Don't even have a high end PC (although it's not bad)

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No shadows?

I might as well play with the gamma all the way up at night too? Lol!

I think it looks horrible without shadows, but thats just me.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83
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I play with the highest settings possible while maintaining good fps.  I don't only want the game to look good but I like the immersion with shadows and lighting to add to the challenge of surviving

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No shadows for me, unless I know I'm just going to trek through woods. Shadows in cities and the like are a no go for me, unfortunately.

Then again, I need to upgrade my CPU and GPU I guess... but I will wait with that until the game hits beta I think, whenever that is.

This is the only game I play that is heavy on the CPU so I don't feel the need to do so in the current state of the game.

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No shadows for me, unless I know I'm just going to trek through woods. Shadows in cities and the like are a no go for me, unfortunately.

Then again, I need to upgrade my CPU and GPU I guess... but I will wait with that until the game hits beta I think, whenever that is.

This is the only game I play that is heavy on the CPU so I don't feel the need to do so in the current state of the game.


By the time it hits Beta (probably end 2014, according to the devs) things will probably be optimised a lot more, so your system won't have as much trouble with the game, hopefully.

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I'm vain and i play vain as well, i have basically everything as close to max as possible to keep the game looking aesthetic, even if i'm at a slight disadvantage to someone playing with everything on low i don't care and honestly in 170 hours i haven't been in a situation that i felt i lost purely for my graphical settings choice.

Shadows 'Very High' all day!

​Edit: 9 times out of 10 i do not lose so i don't really see myself at a disadvantage it's more of a game balance or handicap for my pure skillz haha :P.

Edited by twingunz
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I'm vain and i play vain as well, i have basically everything as close to max as possible to keep the game looking aesthetic, even if i'm at a slight disadvantage to someone playing with everything on low i don't care and honestly in 170 hours i haven't been in a situation that i felt i lost purely for my graphical settings choice.

Shadows 'Very High' all day!

​Edit: 9 times out of 10 i do not lose so i don't really see myself at a disadvantage it's more of a game balance or handicap for my pure skillz haha :P.

Indeed any advantage you get from this is indeed small in the over all scale of the game. I wouldnt compare it in any way to the advantage turning gama up at night gives you in relation to seeing people lol not even in the same ball park, state hell country .....

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Indeed any advantage you get from this is indeed small in the over all scale of the game. I wouldnt compare it in any way to the advantage turning gama up at night gives you in relation to seeing people lol not even in the same ball park, state hell country .....

100% agree, don't even start me on gamma exploit i'll be raging all night!! *snip* i started to rage ok,calm breath... yes gamma sucks! lol

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