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Are we futuristic robot soldiers?

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As far as I know we're meant to be playing average civilians that have been caught in the middle of some massive infection and are trying to survive.

How many people do you know that can run 225km+ (maybe even the whole map in one big circuit for infinity, I don't really wanna test this.) pretty much non-stop?

Add to this the fact they're carrying guns, food, water, axes, tool boxes, ammo... and then it takes about 20-30 seconds to get their breath back and take a perfectly aimed shot?

Surely our athletic ability in this game is a bit over the top?

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You can't thats why we have the food/water feature.

Pointless thread is pointless.

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You can't thats why we have the food/water feature.

Pointless thread is pointless.

So you stop and eat / drink every 30 minutes?

Wow, so that's how you can run for infinity? I think I'll go tell all the long distance runners in the world that all they need is a little food and drink and they can run forever!

Pointless post is pointless.

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You can't thats why we have the food/water feature.

Pointless thread is pointless.

So you stop and eat / drink every 30 minutes?

Wow' date=' so that's how you can run for infinity? I think I'll go tell all the long distance runners in the world that all they need is a little food and drink and they can run forever!

Pointless post is pointless.


i'll say once more rule #1 CARDIO

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You can't thats why we have the food/water feature.

Pointless thread is pointless.

So you stop and eat / drink every 30 minutes?

Wow' date=' so that's how you can run for infinity? I think I'll go tell all the long distance runners in the world that all they need is a little food and drink and they can run forever!

Pointless post is pointless.


Lol, you seem to be the kind of player that is ruining the prosperity of this mod. How realistic do you want it? I bet 99% of the players couldn't sprint a mile IRL without needing a break, hell I bet 99% of the world couldn't sprint for a mile or two.

Hmmmm running a mile in-game and then having to stop for five minutes for a break, yes that sounds extremely fun and enjoyable.

If you want ultra-realism, you probably shouldn't be playing a ZOMBIE game.

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do you even lift?

also:in before "we need to assign 2 keys for manual breathing"

Now you breathe manualy

Now you feel your shirt against your skin

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And I suppose you guys want rid of hunger, thirst, temperature, weather, cooking, hunting, using meds and gathering materials / fuel for vehicles too? Since these things aren't exactly amazingly fun and maybe too "realistic" for your zombie game.

Realism and survival simulation are a huge part of this mod. Even the description on the dev heaven site (which I assume rocket wrote) says:

"The first and thus best, free-roaming, SURVIVAL MOD for Arma 2. Comes with a free side order of Zombies"

So yes, zombies aside, I'd like some consistent realism with the survival mod.

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You can't thats why we have the food/water feature.

Pointless thread is pointless.

So you stop and eat / drink every 30 minutes?

Wow' date=' so that's how you can run for infinity? I think I'll go tell all the long distance runners in the world that all they need is a little food and drink and they can run forever!

Pointless post is pointless.


Lol, you seem to be the kind of player that is ruining the prosperity of this mod. How realistic do you want it? I bet 99% of the players couldn't sprint a mile IRL without needing a break, hell I bet 99% of the world couldn't sprint for a mile or two.

Hmmmm running a mile in-game and then having to stop for five minutes for a break, yes that sounds extremely fun and enjoyable.

If you want ultra-realism, you probably shouldn't be playing a ZOMBIE game.

THIS need to be QFT.

I found funny how people ask for realism all the time here. A game needs to be fun FIRST. We like to feel realism as long as it is FUN. If we start to add things just for the sake of "realism", then the game is gonna feel boring really quick

I'm glad rocket does not follow that pointless philosophy of ultrarealism

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And I suppose you guys want rid of hunger' date=' thirst, temperature, weather, cooking, hunting, using meds and gathering materials / fuel for vehicles too? Since these things aren't exactly amazingly fun and maybe too "realistic" for your zombie game.

Realism and survival simulation are a huge part of this mod. Even the description on the dev heaven site (which I assume rocket wrote) says:

"The first and thus best, free-roaming, SURVIVAL MOD for Arma 2. Comes with a free side order of Zombies"

So yes, zombies aside, I'd like some consistent realism with the survival mod.



Please use your brain.

No explaination needed.

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Uh... every survivor I've woken up as has been a marathon running military expert with an appetite for beans and sardines... so I roleplay him as one.


Also, it's built on a mil-sim. People have also suggested nerfing aiming because "survivors" would be average joes who have no training.

Bullshit. All the dead people and zombies are the average joes who had no survival training. The rest of us waking up on the beach probably did so because we jumped from an infected ship and swam like badasses as long as we could in the endless ocean-- succumbed, then washed ashore with a bent on pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps and taking the world back.

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I see the point of the OP, but he didn't really outline any specific suggestions for fixing this, so I'm just going to say...this statement belongs in the "DayZ General Discussion" section.

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With the amount of running I've done in this game, I should be physically fit enough by now to run 7 marathons in a day.

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There's a balance between realism and being realistic. I believe it was Alone in the Dark a few years ago where you had to blink. That's what Square did; it made your character blink. That's an entirely unrealistic game mechanic and stupid to the point of ridiculousness.

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I see the point of the OP' date=' but he didn't really outline any specific suggestions for fixing this, so I'm just going to say...this statement belongs in the "DayZ General Discussion" section.


Well my suggestion for "fixing" this would be to extend the time it takes to get ones breath / aiming ability back depending on how long you ran.

Maybe even having to stop and take a break or just walk for 5 minutes before you collapse.

One situation I can think of is someone has just ran half a mile, killed and looted your friend for his NVG's, you were sitting around nearby and haven't ran in a while, you come out and see the guy running off and give chase. As the game is now, this chase could last until you both die of hunger and thirst. With my proposed change, because the killer has just ran half a mile, you've got the advantage if this turns into a long distance chase, he'll have to stop before you do and when he does he's going to be too exhausted to aim at you properly.

It's not even a massively game changing suggestion, it's quite subtle and balancing and unless you're running the entirety of the map all day long you're not going to notice it much.

There's a balance between realism and being realistic. I believe it was Alone in the Dark a few years ago where you had to blink. That's what Square did; it made your character blink. That's an entirely unrealistic game mechanic and stupid to the point of ridiculousness.

This is hardly the same as having to control every body function.

I think some of you are exaggerating the detrimental effect this would have on the "fun" factor.

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Yeah I got ya, I think if this were to be implemented the "out of breath" state would need to be tweaked a bit first. Simply zooming in(or focusing) on something makes him out of breath.

But, I would rather make it more severe and force walk once you're fatigued. Of course make it much longer than it is now, but once you've sprinted for a while you have to walk to regain stamina. Stopping and sitting/laying down would speed up recovery time.

It would also benefit those people being attacked. If your assailant has just run across a field to get to you, he wouldn't be able to keep up to you when you ran away.(assuming you were full stamina)

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Realism has to have boundaries, and whilst i'm all for realism, adding increased recovery time as a mechanic doesn't really add anything (In the current state of the game).

The hunger/thirst/temperature mechanics add something to the game because they force the player to make important choices based on realism that have effect the player differently depending upon their choices.

Increasing recovery time doesn't do much other than increase the time it takes to travel from A to B. The chase situation is the only thing I can really think of that would be affected by this, but it seems kinda minor to me. Either you lose sight of the guy you are chasing and thus he gets to hide and ambush you, or you don't lose sight of him and you should probably be able to just shoot him anyway. It's just not really a mechanic that fits well into DayZ, imo.

Something along the lines of max top speed/max time sprinting based upon carry weight would be a better mechanic, as it forces the player to make choices about how prepared they want to be for every situation vs their ability to respond/remove themselves from situations. The choice of not running too far in case you get chased, but not shot, and can't get into a position to return fire seems kinda thin to me.

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It's called survival of the fittest.

It's obvious that the game takes place after the infection has been rampant for a while. The people who can't run from the zed have died. The people who were strong enough and know how to manage their breath and run for great distances have survived.

It's basic biology. Pointless thread is pointless.

What you really need to be asking is are the zombies futuristic robot soldiers. You can hear that they breath, you can hear they have obvious lung issues, and they limp. They should not be able to run forever. Once a zombie starts chasing you and you have no ammo, you might as well call it quits and start a new game because you will not survive.

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The map is 15km from one side to the other. It is by no means super human to jog (yes jog, the default fast movement isn't running, double tapping forward does that) for 15km without stopping. People do it all the time.

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I didn't think of this before, but if you reduced people to walking when out of breath, we couldn't just run from zombies forever. Eventually you would have to turn around and deal with them.

Also, you'd have to stop and catch your breath more often, which means it's easier to stalk other people since you might have time to catch up while they're resting. Not to mention resting before crossing a large opening because who'd want to end up in the middle of a field and be forced to walk.

And then we could maybe add in some energy drinks to give you a boost of stamina over a short period of time.

I do like this idea of expanding on the stamina system. There are plenty of things rocket could do with it.

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Something along the lines of max top speed/max time sprinting based upon carry weight would be a better mechanic' date=' as it forces the player to make choices about how prepared they want to be for every situation vs their ability to respond/remove themselves from situations.[/quote']

I like this idea. Someone carrying car parts in an ALICE pack whilst wielding a light machine gun shouldn't be able to outrun someone carrying a pistol an assault pack and a few tins.

Something like this would turn the simple decision of picking up a jerry can into something with far more depth.

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I run 11-13 miles a day (depending on the weather, sprint about 1.25-1.5 mile and then jog for about 2 miles, then sprint again, but I'm a Marine so I've had time to train up I suppose, and who says these are just civilians? See how they shoot and and carry their weapon as if they were trained troopers? I do agree though 225km of sustained running for just a small break to eat and drink is a little over the top especially with gear on. Maybe have a stamina gauge? Sprint depletes it faster than run, and walking regenerates it a little slower than stopping all together.

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