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About Sinaz20

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Sinaz20

    Suggestion: gun shots spawn a zombie

    Suggest snipers are usually one hit kill-- wha?:huh:
  2. I was just thinking that it would be cool if firing any non-suppressed weapon would basically have a chance of spawning a zombie local to you at the cusp of the gunshot agro range. Limited to whether or not you have already spawned a zombie. I imagine this befuddling the serial sniper, but also making hunting a risk, and large firefights ensuring a zombie presence no matter where they occur. [edit] I might mention that I envisioned this per chance zombie to spawn in an non-agro'd state. So the shot that summons the zombie would not also agro it. [/edit]
  3. Sinaz20

    I challenge you to survive !!!

    It said "I died." But I didn't die... the asshole delivering the pizza died... because he was smoking? Which wasn't a decision that I made. Well, that's about all I care to watch. I like how the zombies sort of baby-step everywhere, but somehow it's impossible to just walk around them.
  4. Sinaz20

    Legs are Broke

    You should request help in side ch-- I mean, you must crawl your sorry ass to the nearest hospital. Good luck.
  5. Sinaz20

    Looting barns and cities pointless?

    Why not start hunting bandits?
  6. Sinaz20

    Are we futuristic robot soldiers?

    Uh... every survivor I've woken up as has been a marathon running military expert with an appetite for beans and sardines... so I roleplay him as one. :D Also, it's built on a mil-sim. People have also suggested nerfing aiming because "survivors" would be average joes who have no training. Bullshit. All the dead people and zombies are the average joes who had no survival training. The rest of us waking up on the beach probably did so because we jumped from an infected ship and swam like badasses as long as we could in the endless ocean-- succumbed, then washed ashore with a bent on pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps and taking the world back.
  7. Sinaz20


  8. Sinaz20

    Tips for sneaking past zeds?

    Also, throwing objects has been working a lot better-- Last night, I was using thrown objects a lot to get familiar with the effects-- Tossed a can- observed a zombie turn 180 degrees towards the impact point. Tossed a smoke grenade- three zombies "agro'd" directly to the smoke grenade and stood there picking their noses. Tossed a glass bottle- diverted 3 zombies from an entrance to a barn. Tossed another glass bottle- it did not go as far as I expected (read: landed about 10m away), and the zombies went to it, then spotted me. Tossed a flare into an open field- drew a good deal of zombies to it, cleared the treeline around a deer stand for me. Tossed a flare out of a stable- drew all the nearby zombies away. So it works-- results may vary. (these were all done at night.)
  9. Sinaz20


    Ok, maybe this is a terrible idea: Maps are replaced with a sort of hand drawn treatment. They are revealed via fog-of-war. As you encounter other maps, they contribute to your map's fog of war reveal. Any loot point that is inspected is annotated onto the map. They can be inspected in-map for their current spawn condition and inventory from that point on. It's not "realistic" but it gives a reward for exploring the world with a map in tow, as well as pillaging new maps from other players. It gives the illusion that the map is annotated with enticing loot findings, even though it would actually be updated based on the current spawn condition (simply because it would be silly and pointless to annotate old spawn states since they change regularly as people approach them.) ...eh??
  10. Sinaz20

    over the shoulder firing

    While walking' date=' the crosshair deviates within about 2-3 inch square region on a 24 inch monitor. So, for it to move all over the screen would require about 10 times the deviation. Not even comparable to normal movement. It wouldn't have to be made that difficult, but anything easier would feel very video gamey and action-movie-ey but not very real. [/quote'] I was actually thinking about the way the crosshair whips around during animations like posture changes and such, especially if you watch it in 3rd person-- All I was really getting at is that yes it should whip around-- requiring incredible timing and/or luck, which could be mitigated by a higher volume of bullets (aka spray and pray.) the OP seems to be suggesting this, too. If it could be implemented, I am all for it.
  11. Sinaz20

    Flashlight (and guns?) follows freelook

    Resurrecting, because I tried adjusting aiming deadzone, and it didn't do what I expected it to do (based on my initial suggestion and otherwise helpful feedback.)