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All guns one shot kill = more authentic

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Dean says he wants the game to be "authentic" rather than strictly realistic. What does that mean? I think it means provoking certain emotions in players. One of those is fear.


Guns are serious shit. Having a muzzle pointed in your direction is not a pleasant experience. Fortunately this is a game, but that also means players don't take things as seriously. Roll off a roof? Laugh about it. Knocked out by a fresh spawn? Laugh about it. Get shot...?


Getting shot at is serious business, getting hit even more so, and in the zombie apocalypse without adequate medical care it's only going to that much worse.







Imagine if every single gun was an instant kill anywhere on the body.









Seeing someone with a gun would be a  hell of a lot more nerve wracking, and nerve wracking it should always be. Suddenly it's not a wee M4 peashooter anymore, in your mind it transforms into a full-auto M107. A Makarov would be damn serious business.





The emotions that end up being created are suddenly a lot more "authentic" eh?







This is certainly NOT a suggestion, just some musing on weapon damage and the meaning of "authenticity".


Fun fact: in ARMA 2, even the 5.56mm is a one-shot-kill anywhere on the body out to at least 800 meters on civilian characters.

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Dean says he wants the game to be "authentic" rather than strictly realistic. What does that mean? I think it means provoking certain emotions in players. One of those is fear.


Guns are serious shit. Having a muzzle pointed in your direction is not a pleasant experience. Fortunately this is a game, but that also means players don't take things as seriously. Roll off a roof? Laugh about it. Knocked out by a fresh spawn? Laugh about it. Get shot...?


Getting shot at is serious business, getting hit even more so, and in the zombie apocalypse without adequate medical care it's only going to that much worse.







Imagine if every single gun was an instant kill anywhere on the body.









Seeing someone with a gun would be a  hell of a lot more nerve wracking, and nerve wracking it should always be. Suddenly it's not a wee M4 peashooter anymore, in your mind it transforms into a full-auto M107. A Makarov would be damn serious business.





The emotions that end up being created are suddenly a lot more "authentic" eh?







This is certainly NOT a suggestion, just some musing on weapon damage and the meaning of "authenticity".


Fun fact: in ARMA 2, even the 5.56mm is a one-shot-kill anywhere on the body out to at least 800 meters on civilian characters.

how is being shot in the toenail and instantly dying authentic? and it's already nerve-racking enough seeing someone with a gun because as soon as they see you they're gonna shoot. 1 hit kill would make it bloody ridiculous.

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I still want a stick with a sharp bit of flint on the end, think spear but without the throwing (because we all know how bad the ARMA engine is for throwing objects).


if you want to screw with emotions Dean should add traps, Treading carefully can get the hairs on your back up even more than a firefight. Go watch Platoon and you will see how nasty traps can be.

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how is being shot in the toenail and instantly dying authentic? and it's already nerve-racking enough seeing someone with a gun because as soon as they see you they're gonna shoot. 1 hit kill would make it bloody ridiculous.


The effects aren't authentic, the emotions created are. Running up against an AS50 or DMR was always quite a lot scarier than running up against an AK-74.



I did say this is NOT a suggestion because I have the same opinion, in terms of realism it would be stupid.

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There would be other ways to get an authentic emotion from having a gun pointed at you some of them not practical (like no respawn 1 life 1 game ya dead ya dead buy it again lol not very practical though is it)


other ways are more practical but less popular for what some people believe as gamey mechanics such as the use of passive abilities and there gains as you do them (imagine the fear of dying when you have spent x amount of hours got your guy nice and fit can live of less food repair more things etc etc i wouldnt want to die lol


The whole question is rather a complex one how do you make it authentic??? No answer will make everyone happy as the 2 examples above i know id be happy with the second example i gave ( seems realistic and authentic to me LOL ) but no one wants that but hey you cant make everyone happy all the time.......


I hope Rocket has a better answer to this and only time will tell....

Edited by SoulFirez

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Although I agree with nearly everything you say and I am all for more realism in Dayz.


I am all for realistic weapon ballistics, accuracy, elevation scope adjustments etc.


The one area that I feel is far better being unrealistic is the damage model.


Nothing is more satisfying in the dayz mod than shooting a person with the m24 from 600 meters seeing that player scramble bleeding only to pass out and then finishing the player off while he is in the ground.


I sort of wish the game stuck to this pseudo realism damage model but instead of adding the complete randomness of passing out it added knockdown mechanics, if a high caliber round such as a .308 hit you from long range while it would not immediately kill you it would knock you down where you would not be able to move for a short time.

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Simply making it a 1 shot kill anywhere would make weapons like the nugget worthless.

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Retarded idea.


How so?

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How so?

Easy, because getting shot in the foot or the leg and dying is just laughably bad. And banditry would be just be unbearable. Nobody would do anything but KoS with no consequences. Hell if a bandit 1 shot shoots you in the foot and you die none of your gear ends up ruined. Bandits would never have to work for their loot and they'd never need to shake someone down. Leaving the community a terrible mess.

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Easy, because getting shot in the foot or the leg and dying is just laughably bad. And banditry would be just be unbearable. Nobody would do anything but KoS with no consequences. Hell if a bandit 1 shot shoots you in the foot and you die none of your gear ends up ruined. Bandits would never have to work for their loot and they'd never need to shake someone down. Leaving the community a terrible mess.


That doesn't address my point: guns would be more threatening if they were all one shot kills, guns and gunshot wounds being more threatening that they are currently would be more "authentic", in that way one shot kill = authentic.


Like I said this wasn't an actual suggestion.

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That doesn't address my point: guns would be more threatening if they were all one shot kills, guns and gunshot wounds being more threatening that they are currently would be more "authentic", in that way one shot kill = authentic.

Like I said this wasn't an actual suggestion.

I understand that It wasn't an actual suggestion. However there would be nothing to be scared about with a one shot gun because by the time someone fires a gun at you, you hear nothing and see nothing but a black screen. And that doesn't account for guns like the m4 it's stupidly easy to stack a TON of ammo with, so you can just spray at somebody and the probability of getting a kill is awfully high unless you just can't aim. At least now if I get sprayed at by a baddie with an m4 and he doesn't have a coupled mag my chances of gunning him down in counterattack are high. With 1 shot one kill guns that'd be impossible.

And one more thing. Why add new guns if all of them do the same thing and kill in 1 shot.

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Its never going to be authentic if the killing (world war 2 reenactment) isn't explained through story and murderers aren't made to be military or something. The zombies in 99% of zombie movies are a pushover to kill and in DayZ food in plentiful. The killing isn't justified, its just a unique FPS shooter thus far.

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No need to be jerks, guys. Keep it civil.


I wonder what Dean actually meant when he said "authentic." It doesn't really seem to have a clear definition.

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No need to be jerks, guys. Keep it civil.


I wonder what Dean actually meant when he said "authentic." It doesn't really seem to have a clear definition.

Equally a good question i would guess at autnhentic he actually means realistic without the ability to complain about it not being realistic in as far as games portray.


Say something is realistic then out come the examples of where the game doesnt hold to realisim such as an ill use an example eating and drinking. Is it realistic in the game no its not but its used in this way i am again guessing to balance the game mechanics in a way to make it interesting. One could though from his point having to eat or drink makes it AUTHENTIC.


These are all guess work, speculation and mere general discussion not saying i am right your wrong etc etc (which i thought genrally discussing something was again just an opinion lol.

Edited by SoulFirez

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I've seen people get one shot with a mosin all the time, whether they are completely dead or just knocked unconscious until they bleed out or another roung goes in them they are pretty much done. Also 5.56 has killed people I think with two rounds center mass. Guns are scary, period.


My Idea:  Instead of unrealistic damage, how about more realistic medical treatment. If you get shot with a bullet you should need more than just one bandage to stop the bleeding, or need to apply bandages several times over a course of 10-20 minutes (not too realistic now it is a game) because you'll bleed through those bandages. Additionally morphine or some other drug to reduce blood pressure would greatly help reduce your blood loss and stop your bleeding sooner. After all of that you'd need antibiotics for sometime to prevent infection...maybe 3 treatments, once ever hour (again it is a game). Once you've finished your antibiotic treatment, or maybe halfway through it you start to regenerate health, of course transfusions can be done at any time. Additionally doing it yourself would be a complete mess and you  have a high percentage chance of dropping the bandage and ruining it, so you would need someone else to help you. All of this would be on a sliding scale based on the type of round, distance, and body armor. Zombie wounds would be much less, and most of them could be handled by yourself.  

Another idea: The concept of having your character specialize in a type of skill (This has been a topic of many posts) would play into this well. A better medic would be able to stop the bleeding sooner, use less bandages, and treat the infection better.

Edited by Lorax
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Cool ideas. I think being able to raise skills RPG style would be cool and give more stuff to do.

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Dean says he wants the game to be "authentic" rather than strictly realistic. What does that mean? I think it means provoking certain emotions in players. One of those is fear.


Guns are serious shit. Having a muzzle pointed in your direction is not a pleasant experience. Fortunately this is a game, but that also means players don't take things as seriously. Roll off a roof? Laugh about it. Knocked out by a fresh spawn? Laugh about it. Get shot...?


Getting shot at is serious business, getting hit even more so, and in the zombie apocalypse without adequate medical care it's only going to that much worse.







Imagine if every single gun was an instant kill anywhere on the body.









Seeing someone with a gun would be a  hell of a lot more nerve wracking, and nerve wracking it should always be. Suddenly it's not a wee M4 peashooter anymore, in your mind it transforms into a full-auto M107. A Makarov would be damn serious business.





The emotions that end up being created are suddenly a lot more "authentic" eh?







This is certainly NOT a suggestion, just some musing on weapon damage and the meaning of "authenticity".


Fun fact: in ARMA 2, even the 5.56mm is a one-shot-kill anywhere on the body out to at least 800 meters on civilian characters.



LMAO this coming from the guy who said one hit knockouts were unrealistic???! Are you serious kid? 


I wager you've never been in a fight, trained in MMA, shot a weapon or seen a man shot! While yes, weapons are "serious shit" the caliber, and more importantly location of the damage determines whether it is a "one shot kill". 


You lose the internet. Get some life experience and than tell me what reality/authenticity is. 

Edited by VictorM

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making guns  and ammo rarer would make things more interesting in my opinion especially millitary grade weapons.

you can find old shotguns or hunting rifles in farmhouses and such sometimes and weapons like m4 would be much rarer in hard to get places.

Edited by bandit_king

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LMAO this coming from the guy who said one hit knockouts were unrealistic???! Are you serious kid?

That's why I specifically said it's not a suggestion.

I wager you've never been in a fight, trained in MMA, shot a weapon or seen a man shot! While yes, weapons are "serious shit" the caliber, and more importantly location of the damage determines whether it is a "one shot kill". 


You lose the internet. Get some life experience and than tell me what reality/authenticity is.


Try improving your reading comprehension.

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No need to be jerks, guys. Keep it civil.




No need to get personal, guys.

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I understand the concepts where you're coming from and I thought the medical system would be quite drastic in comparison to the mod so getting shot in certain areas would be most likely fatal depending on the ballistics and firearms.


At this stage, All the weapons are quite imbalanced, even melee weapons but I believe there are more bigger things to worry about at this point. (I.E; Hackers)

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Your idea of "authenticity" seems to fall under the same category as a lot of gamers file their idea of "realism", where instead of actually making things realistic and/or authentic they simply try to make things artificially harder. No one shot kills anywhere on a human is not authentic, we'd have a lot less people on this planet if it was.


The human body doesn't exactly like having a small chunk of lead blow a hole in its cleverly constructed self, but its not an automatic kill switch. Organs can rupture from shockwave or impact, arteries can be severed and blood can be lost, but bullets can also pass through with relatively minor (all things considered) damage. Blood clots, tissue heals, and we are incredibly resilient piles of organic matter. Hell people survive being shot in the head.


However calculating and efficiently modelling all of that is incredibly costly and time consuming, so for now games resort to standard "hit here, do this much damage" models; the more "advanced" ones even going into "hit here, exit here, with this from this distance and do this much damage". Expanding on this and simulating virtual organs (not rendered, but calculated in the hit detection) is probably the most authentic we're going to get in video games for a little while. And even what we have now is certainly more elegant and makes MUCH more sense than this one hit kill everywhere nonsense.

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People don't die from one bullet, 5.56 is a pussy round, I've seen men filled with them and still be alive, 7.62 I've seen a man take one to the chest and still keep fighting with a collapsed lung. to say 1 shot one kill and it not be a head shot it childish and naive. I've played this game since the beginning because it has been realistic.  It is sad that it takes a full mag from an M4 to take a man down in this game and that the rifle is retardedly inaccurate. I've shot a man standing up and 700m and in this game I can't hit someone at 300 with an ACOG and Bipods while in the prone when I know that with this rifle any monkey can hit a target at 550m in the prone.  The Mosin was an amazing sniper rifle in its day and the long rang scope should fit anything with a rail including the M4.


You want realism you make weapons, ballistics, recoil and bullet path real, you make damage in the hit areas real, you aren't getting up from an abdomen wound and running away after wrapping your waist with a bandage, men with their guts hanging out can't move around and have to be carried away in stretchers, I say if you get shot in the arm or leg, you're not using it anymore and there is a good chance it fractured a bone that isn't going to heal just by shooting yourself with morphine and wrapping some bandage on it.

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