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Beards confirmed in Dayz SA

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These are possibilities and not guarantees. But I love the idea.

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Aww yisss!!!!






All this appears to be is a survey where you have checked things you want in DayZ.

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The title is misleading. It's a poll one of the Reddit mods has created containing every suggestion he has come across. In fact anything that is confirmed/loosely confirmed has been removed from the poll so it should only include unconfirmed ideas/suggestions. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1uynbo/what_do_you_want_to_see_most_in_sa/

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I want to see female models with hairy arm pits.  It IS russia, after all.

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As a personal fan of beards I think this would be awesome haha, especially if done in the one idea where your start clean and it grows over time, it should be then once it's long enough that people could customize their beard once they had a razor. Plus it'd be an awesome merit badge to be sporting a duck dynasty beard, then people know you're a survivor, and a leprechaun for avoiding a glitchy and or messy death for so long haha. 

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You do realize that having a long beard, like long hair, is a serious liability in CQC, right? It gives the enemy something to grab on to. So, when fighting those zeds with your "Duck Dynasty" beard and long hair, just expect them to randomly grab you, pull you to the ground, and tear your throat out.


Or, when fighting with other players, don't get all pissy if they grab your hair, yank your head back, and stab you through the throat. INSTAKILLED


Not even touching the issue of hygiene. Personal cleanliness is a big deal in a survival situation. Where are you getting soap and shampoo for your luscious locks? 

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Never understood the beard love.


They get itchy, and I would imagine sucks when eating anything.

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Never understood the beard love.


They get itchy, and I would imagine sucks when eating anything.


Yeah, but chicks like em.  ;)

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Chernarus is not Russia. Chernarus seceded from the Soviet Union and now stands along the lines of Ukraine and Russia.


now that that's out of the way..



In Chernarus, you don't shave your head. your head shaves YOU.




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Yeah, but chicks like em.  ;)


Do they though ?


I thought most of the polls showed girls preferred either stubble or a clean shaven face.


Girls liking beards I thought was one of those misconceptions people have just like how muscle heads think that girls are into gigantic roid heads but studies show the opposite.

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You do realize that having a long beard, like long hair, is a serious liability in CQC, right? It gives the enemy something to grab on to. So, when fighting those zeds with your "Duck Dynasty" beard and long hair, just expect them to randomly grab you, pull you to the ground, and tear your throat out.


Or, when fighting with other players, don't get all pissy if they grab your hair, yank your head back, and stab you through the throat. INSTAKILLED


Not even touching the issue of hygiene. Personal cleanliness is a big deal in a survival situation. Where are you getting soap and shampoo for your luscious locks? 


If they're close enough to grab you at all, you've already screwed up.


As for hygiene, it's really not that much of an issue. The oils in your hair, if left for a few months, balance out pretty well to keep it comfortable as well as (reasonably) hygenic. Especially if you run some water through it every not and then.


It also serves a purpose to protect you from the cold and rain.

Edited by Beizs

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You do realize that having a long beard, like long hair, is a serious liability in CQC, right? It gives the enemy something to grab on to. So, when fighting those zeds with your "Duck Dynasty" beard and long hair, just expect them to randomly grab you, pull you to the ground, and tear your throat out.


Or, when fighting with other players, don't get all pissy if they grab your hair, yank your head back, and stab you through the throat. INSTAKILLED


Not even touching the issue of hygiene. Personal cleanliness is a big deal in a survival situation. Where are you getting soap and shampoo for your luscious locks? 



...please tell me you're being facetious.

Edited by DeatHTaX

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...please tell me you're being facetious.

Nope. Of all the things that could be implemented in future builds, people are going apeshit over beards.


Fucking. Beards.


And, with regards to actual combat, pretty much every warrior society throughout history that expected to engage in hand to hand also pretty much never had long, grabbable hair or beards. The Roman Legionaries were required to be clean shaven. Even the quintessential "barbarian braids and long beards " culture, the Scandanavian Vikings, tended to have short hair and goatees, instead of foot-long braids and beards.

Edited by Whyherro123

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If they're close enough to grab you at all, you've already screwed up.


As for hygiene, it's really not that much of an issue. The oils in your hair, if left for a few months, balance out pretty well to keep it comfortable as well as (reasonably) hygenic. Especially if you run some water through it every not and then.


It also serves a purpose to protect you from the cold and rain.

Tell me, how does a head of hair and a beard protect you from cold and the rain? Yeah yeah, your face is warm. That won't stop hypothermia.


I just don't understand the mania about beards and facial hair. They aren't "SUPPER AWESOME FUKKEN YAEH GUY".  They are....just facial hair. Nothing special. Some people like it, some people don't.


Yet the above players portray the coming of beards like it is the second coming of Jesus Christ.

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Do they though ?


I thought most of the polls showed girls preferred either stubble or a clean shaven face.


Girls liking beards I thought was one of those misconceptions people have just like how muscle heads think that girls are into gigantic roid heads but studies show the opposite.


Studies also show that women are subconsciously attracted to body hair because it signifies masculinity. The same can be said about muscles.


On the flip side, you can over do anything. Or have "too much" of something such as muscles or facial hair.


You can drink too much water & die as well.


Life's alllll about balance.

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Nope. Of all the things that could be implemented in future builds, people are going apeshit over beards.


Fucking. Beards.


And, with regards to actual combat, pretty much every warrior society throughout history that expected to engage in hand to hand also pretty much never had long, grabbable hair or beards. The Roman Legionaries were required to be clean shaven. Even the quintessential "barbarian braids and long beards " culture, the Scandanavian Vikings, tended to have short hair and goatees, instead of foot-long braids and beards.



Yeah...we;re excited about the idea of beards because hey, beards are cool. Why not?




You do realize that having a long beard, like long hair, is a serious liability in CQC, right? It gives the enemy something to grab on to. So, when fighting those zeds with your "Duck Dynasty" beard and long hair, just expect them to randomly grab you, pull you to the ground, and tear your throat out.


Or, when fighting with other players, don't get all pissy if they grab your hair, yank your head back, and stab you through the throat. INSTAKILLED



Another perfect example of how IRRELEVANT for most things in this game to be equated with "Omg IN REAL LIFE...."


Seriously. When...the F*@#....am I going to have to worry about another player GRABBING MY BEARD and killing me? Please tell me what patch after beards are implemented that the scroll wheel option to sneak up on someone and "Grab beard". Please. Tell me. I'm sorry, but this is literally the most insane argument against beards I've ever heard


Like do you READ the things you're saying? lol. God please just let us have our fun and grow our beards. Beards would be cool and something awesome to grow for your character, sort of like a "badge of honor". When I kill someone with a huge, long beard, I can say to myself "wow that's awesome, he was alive for a long time!"


Honestly...It's a game! LET US BE EXCITED ABOUT BEARDS. Stop trying to equate EVERY SINGLE THING that we want in this game with some counter argument how it should be in real life. It's a game. A GAME. This is not "Real Life Simulator 4000". Yes, it's cool to make a game realistic, but sometimes it's just not worth the time or the effort, or even physically possible based on limitations of the engine to do some things "for real".


Good LORD man.

Edited by DeatHTaX
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Nope. Of all the things that could be implemented in future builds, people are going apeshit over beards.


Fucking. Beards.


And, with regards to actual combat, pretty much every warrior society throughout history that expected to engage in hand to hand also pretty much never had long, grabbable hair or beards. The Roman Legionaries were required to be clean shaven. Even the quintessential "barbarian braids and long beards " culture, the Scandanavian Vikings, tended to have short hair and goatees, instead of foot-long braids and beards.


What kind of man doesn't like beards?  You're an odd one.

Edited by Draemos

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What kind of man doesn't like beards?  You're an odd one.



I dislike how they feel. I dislike how itchy they are. I dislike how they look. Plus, my facial hair grows in two colors (Irish), so it looks like my face is dirty until it gets long enough, which, coupled with the above, leads me to shave pretty much every other day.


Problem? I am no less a man than you are because I dislike something you like.

Edited by Whyherro123

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What kind of man doesn't like beards?  You're an odd one.

What do you call a man without a beard?

A woman ;)

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