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Fireflight (DayZ)

Bandits are BORING!

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Me, and many with me has been killed for no reason a thousand times. and EVERY time it sucks bigtime and you lose all your gear and spawns 10000miles from your friends. I am not saying that you should not be able to kill others, but the reason people does it now is 1, it's totaly free of consequens. and 2, it's right now, the best way to survive... you often get free gear. The solution should be, if you ask me, to start with making the zombies much more dangerous, the weapons more loud so they attract zombies and maybe destroy things in peoples packpacks or similar... but not to much though, cause you want to be able to retrieve your stuff yourself ofcource. people should make a lot of noise when they die so that zombies attract also. this way it will be expensive for the killers to kill, but still possible... just that it will not be a very good way, or atleast not the best way to play the game. cause right now me and my friend almost always shoot on sight cause we dont want to risk being killed, even though we dont want to kill, but instead make friends and give away loot... but now we almost never can talk to people cause we are to carefull and kill more than we want to do... so just.... make it cost to kill... that's all

Edited by Fireflight
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Why dont you be a bandit if you think thats the "best way" to survive stop making these pointless ass posts its not our problem that your terrible at the game and dont know how to hide from players or if your not aware of your surroundings ive lived for a very long time being neutral

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Why dont you be a bandit if you think thats the "best way" to survive stop making these pointless ass posts its not our problem that your terrible at the game and dont know how to hide from players or if your not aware of your surroundings ive lived for a very long time being neutral

your personality is matched very well with your name

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it's right now, the best way to survive... you often get free gear.


Its not free if it costs a bullet to kill you. 

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So many threads of 'I have many friends but we always die to bandits'. You do realize you could kill them first, right? Players with guns DO NOT approach other groups of players unless they intend on a gun fight breaking out. Shoot the first one you see then tell the others to get on the ground and they might live. Shoot another just for the hell of it then shoot the rest if they aren't already running or face down in the dirt. Guess what those corpses aren't going to do. Kill you and your friends. I don't pick fights but I always try to end them in my favor and a guy with a gun even walking towards my character is asking for a fight.


So many threads of 'I lost my precious loot'. You do realize at this point in the mod finding gear and killing people are the only two options, right? And one always leads to the other. Actually I forgot the time tested hide in the woods until you need food or water approach. You could try that. My current character hasn't died in two weeks. Been roaming the map, scavenging for supplies, killing zombies, killing asshats that fire their guns at me and the second I die, I will keep on trucking. Couldn't care less. 


Now that I'm thinking about it, I would like to talk about something meaningful; How awesome scars would be on our characters. I have been shot by over a dozen people, hit with an axe, punched by twenty+ zombies and three players, faced starvation twice, fell out of a window and broke my leg, tripped on a tree trunk and broke my leg, got hit with an axe and slid down a mountain side, broke my leg and was as close to death as you can get and old girl is still alive. I would love to see how jacked up my character is. I bet her face would look like Rocky Marciano. 

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2, it's right now, the best way to survive


This is not now, nor has it ever been the case. Everyone always made this claim during the mod days, and then finally one day rocket came in and set the record straight by crunching the numbers and showing that bandits die way more often than the average player, have shorter life spans, etc.


It makes sense, when you're constantly putting yourself in harm's way, eventually you're going to take a bullet.


Sneaking around quietly collecting food and water is a far safer and more reliable way to stay alive than constantly shooting at people.


I'm sorry you're annoyed at getting killed and that it "totally sucks," and stuff. Best advice if you don't want to be killed is to not be seen. 

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If you get killed a thousand times, I would start stop trusting people and up your recon.

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It's survival of the fittest, Kill or be killed, Every second you can make a right decision and a wrong decision, :) 

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Trial and error.


If you get killed for a thousand times and still getting killed, then you must be doing something wrong.

Understandably everybody dies, but your life span depends on your wits, skill and ability to learn

what you may have done wrong during the events that led to trouble.

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next time you post search first:


zombies ; on the way servers need to be steady to add more zombies and respawning zombies (if you play on a server that has just rebooted there are quite a few zombies)


Gear damage; ALSO on the way, that is why things can get ruined, they are implementing those features in the future

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This is not now, nor has it ever been the case. Everyone always made this claim during the mod days, and then finally one day rocket came in and set the record straight by crunching the numbers and showing that bandits die way more often than the average player, have shorter life spans, etc.


It makes sense, when you're constantly putting yourself in harm's way, eventually you're going to take a bullet.


Sneaking around quietly collecting food and water is a far safer and more reliable way to stay alive than constantly shooting at people.


I'm sorry you're annoyed at getting killed and that it "totally sucks," and stuff. Best advice if you don't want to be killed is to not be seen. 


This is very true, in the mod days I'd be able to survive for hours on end solo by simply avoiding people, I'd see people just running to Cherno or Elecktro and be raging minutes later because a sniper on a hill or building shot at and killed them.


I'd do the occassional loot run through a big city or town, grab a bunch of the neccessties (Knife, Matches, Compass, Water, Food etc) and then just camp out in the woods and kill any animals for food, boiling water and attempting to make my way either up north or far east. I very rarely engaged people outright and if I did, it was because they put me in a situation I couldn't escape from. I don't look at DayZ as a combat first-person shooter deathmatch, I look at it as a survival experience and base my decisions on how I'd use them in real life using the "Zombies" as it were as a metaphor for a natural disater or complete collapse of a society of individuals.

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I don't look at DayZ as a combat first-person shooter deathmatch, I look at it as a survival experience and base my decisions on how I'd use them in real life using the "Zombies" as it were as a metaphor for a natural disater or complete collapse of a society of individuals.

This is what DayZ is in a nutshell! The whole point of DayZ is to survive, yes that means along the line you will be involved in a gun fight or even an axe fight, but surviving isn't just about finding food or water and avoiding sickness, its surviving other player encounters. I'm a huge fan of The Walking Dead and I think they hit the nail on the head when it comes to surviving a world wide disaster of epic proportions such as a zombie apocalypse. If you have seen the show, then you would know that the main characters have their group that they want to keep safe and out of harms way so they avoid other people but sometimes it can't be helped, not one of them would have survived if they wanted to be friendly to everyone. They have all killed others even if those people seemed like they were in need and they did this for many reasons, such as a shortage of food or supplies and they couldn't afford to share so they put those people out of their misery. Another reason is plainly because they didn't trust them. It's a dog eat dog world and DayZ has done this well.


If you cant avoid bandits in the main cities then scavenge else where. There are plenty of other places to find good gear and I mean plenty... there are military outposts all over the map, there are smaller towns that have schools and stores to find food and equipment. Plenty of places out there that bandits don't go near. Most bandits will stay close to the coast to hunt bambies, so go inland, once your inland you can sneak up on the bandit snipers hiding in the hills at electro and cherno even balota.

Edited by TheCarn

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Cry me a river then build a bridge to get over it! 


Have good day sir! c:

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Bandits aren't boring. Random psychopats who kill for no reason, however, are boring. And since the game is mainly populated by 11-year olds at the moment, that's 80% of the population. 

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Stay strong, and maybe one day you will be fit to survive.


If you cannot handle the harsh conditions of the world, you are lucky

this is not real life, you can turn off your computer, and now you are again sheltered.


You can go to the tivoli, see the happy faces of the children, bring flowers to your neighbour.


As for me, i thrive in this tough environment where i constantly have to push myself

sometimes it gets hard, i admit, i sweat in front of the computer screen.


"what will happen next?"


Noone knows...

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I've heard/seen alot of peeps moaning about the banditing, I think it'll occur less as the zeds numbers and AI improve.

However tbh, I've come across far less banditing or shoot on sight policies than I did on the mod.

Hooked up with plenty of friendly players on the coast and even at the airfields. From my experience so far just seems like the coastal cities are where most of the PvP is happening.

The only peeps I shoot on sight are server jumpers, they always seem trigger happy but I reckon that's due to anxiety/nerves/fear more than genuine immoral banditing.

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People kill other people on sight and put them in the risk because they have nothing to lose, - I die, I can get the best gear again in 20 minutes, make this game much harder FFS

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Me, and many with me has been killed for no reason a thousand times. and EVERY time it sucks bigtime and you lose all your gear and spawns 10000miles from your friends. I am not saying that you should not be able to kill others, but the reason people does it now is 1, it's totaly free of consequens. and 2, it's right now, the best way to survive... you often get free gear. The solution should be, if you ask me, to start with making the zombies much more dangerous, the weapons more loud so they attract zombies and maybe destroy things in peoples packpacks or similar... but not to much though, cause you want to be able to retrieve your stuff yourself ofcource. people should make a lot of noise when they die so that zombies attract also. this way it will be expensive for the killers to kill, but still possible... just that it will not be a very good way, or atleast not the best way to play the game. cause right now me and my friend almost always shoot on sight cause we dont want to risk being killed, even though we dont want to kill, but instead make friends and give away loot... but now we almost never can talk to people cause we are to carefull and kill more than we want to do... so just.... make it cost to kill... that's all

It only look like "for no reason" to you.


Subjectivity, that sort of things.

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i dont see the fuss every bandit i meet can't shoot straight at ten meters away and doesn't know how to use axes they hide in obvious places to snipe and they all seem to love their carnival masks so its easy to tell them apart if your having problems with them then i strongly suggest waiting till the game is more suitable for people such as your self or perhaps just try to limit your contact with people as every innocent guy you kill will no doubt end up turning bandit them self's which is a major problem in this game. Best you can do right now as well is get your friends find a small server to get gear then go get some pay back and help people like me save those less fortunate from the clutches of filthy bandits. 

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i dont see the fuss every bandit i meet can't shoot straight at ten meters away and doesn't know how to use axes they hide in obvious places to snipe and they all seem to love their carnival masks so its easy to tell them apart if your having problems with them then i strongly suggest waiting till the game is more suitable for people such as your self or perhaps just try to limit your contact with people as every innocent guy you kill will no doubt end up turning bandit them self's which is a major problem in this game. Best you can do right now as well is get your friends find a small server to get gear then go get some pay back and help people like me save those less fortunate from the clutches of filthy bandits. 

please use punctuation, in that whole mass of text i only saw 2  full stops. it makes it difficult to read, thanks. :)

Edited by jasher

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Guys these people that KoS, they are not bandits. They are murdering scum. Banditry is holding someone up, taking everything then leaving them with a soda, can of tuna and no pants. that is what i believe banditry actually means.


http://www.thefreedictionary.com/banditry  '' A robber, especially one who robs at gunpoint.'' 


from what i remember killing isnt robbing so yeah. you guys decide

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I personally don't think the advice "SHOOT SHIT BEFORE IT SHOOTS YOU" (generalized) is really good. Ironically it would make the problem worse. Btw, I do consider "Bandits" to be people with some honor left, also being a bit creative at times. I don't really consider people sniping coastal people - not even bothering to eventually loot the bodies - being bandits.


I'd rather say: "Shoot confirmed threats before they shoot you or don't get spotted." Remember, there are also neutral or friendlier people running around, some in groups. Even if many apparently just shoot at everything else.

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I see there are many who've read this post and does not get the point of it. I am not saying that I complain about my ability to survive, don't know that zombies are few cause of serverstability and work in progress and I am not saying that I can't live my own real life and therefore are having problems to coope with the survivalistic nature of the game:P It's quite funny how people are drawing these conclusions xD I put this post in the "suggestions" part of the forum for a reason you see. I am saying that the game should not be only about playing in one way (Kill on sight) but be more faceted so people can chose other ways to survive. different ways, all good in different ways... like living in the woods from nature, picking muchs and berries and shopping wood to build something to live in. or maybe travel as traders. I agree that it's a survival game... but as it is now it's almost always about fighting people and the one who find the best gun first wins and everyone else loses. that... if that was the game I wanted to play I would turn to Conter Strike. I don't know about some of you guys, but I am not here to tell people to "stop crying" or bash others ideas... I am here to help Rocket and the rest of the developmentteam with ideas to make a good game even better... me and my friends already love it and has loved it since it was a mod. plese try to maintain a mature and construcive attitude here. that's what I am doing...

PS. sorry for using the word "bandits" if it's not a word taht suits you. I ment KoS, and sometimes bandits... if you think bandits is something else then we just are using different words for similar things. don't pick straws, instead try to get my point and be constructive. DS

Edited by Fireflight

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I personally don't think the advice "SHOOT SHIT BEFORE IT SHOOTS YOU" (generalized) is really good. Ironically it would make the problem worse. Btw, I do consider "Bandits" to be people with some honor left, also being a bit creative at times. I don't really consider people sniping coastal people - not even bothering to eventually loot the bodies - being bandits.


I'd rather say: "Shoot confirmed threats before they shoot you or don't get spotted." Remember, there are also neutral or friendlier people running around, some in groups. Even if many apparently just shoot at everything else.

I agree, I don't like to "Shoot shit before it shoots you". that IS my point xD I often talk to people I meet and talk with them about their travels and they often mention similar things, and they hate it. they've been split from their friends and spawn faaar away from them... there is no fun in that... and why play a game if it is not fun xD

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guys who play stupid and make for us easy kills ARE BORING!!!

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