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Fireflight (DayZ)

Bandits are BORING!

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You shouldn't be approaching armed players anyway, at least not head on. If they are armed but have their weapon on their back they're generally (but not always) friendly. Stick to the treeline, if you're going into a town and you see open doors, exercise extreme caution, it means the place has been looted. In fact, you should be exercising extreme caution all the time. Chernarus is a hostile land, there could be anyone anywhere and you would have no way of knowing, in the mod Zeds only spawned on players, not anymore.

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You shouldn't be approaching armed players anyway, at least not head on. If they are armed but have their weapon on their back they're generally (but not always) friendly. Stick to the treeline, if you're going into a town and you see open doors, exercise extreme caution, it means the place has been looted. In fact, you should be exercising extreme caution all the time. Chernarus is a hostile land, there could be anyone anywhere and you would have no way of knowing, in the mod Zeds only spawned on players, not anymore.

I know.... that has nothing to do with this post:P

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Learn to spot a bandit, learn to kill a bandit, learn to not be threatning. Not that hard, you guys just do stupid stuff that puts you in bad positions to get robbed/killed by bandits.

Plus most bandits are pretty stupid and think rather one mindedly as they tend to camp obvious spots, the most scary bandits are the ones that don't sit on elektro hill or in Balota somewhere, they're the ones that you'd never know that they're bandits that hide among survivors.

Edited by Immersive

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Learn to spot a bandit, learn to kill a bandit, learn to not be threatning. Not that hard, you guys just don stupid stuff that puts you in bad positions to get robbed/killed by bandits.

Plus most bandits are pretty stupid and think rather one mindedly as they tend to camp obvious spots, the most scary bandits are the ones that don't sit on elektro hill or in Balota somewhere, they're the ones that you'd never know that they're bandots that hide among survivors.

You can't really spot a bandit they look just like everybody else 90% of the time, what you're saying is hide/ shoot people everytime, which is not the point at which DayZ sets out to do.

It is about having fun and crazy player interactions with me, getting progressively better at the game and trying to help people at which you are creating more fun player interactions, some may shoot, but that's all part of the fun.

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I told myself so often "next time you just shoot them instead of trying to be nice" and once more i get killed...

I mean, it´s just plain unlogical. Whenever i am fully equipped with camo stuff, M4 with tons of bullets, backpack full of food and drinks and whatsoever and i encounter another person which is also fully or almost fully equipped i think by myself "why should we even risk losing all that? It took us lots of time to get there, let´s just walk our way and have a nice day". But noooo! Every single encounter i have, people start eather shooting right away, logging out or whatever other crap they love to do.

When i tell them to keep calm and just keep doing what they are doing, they try to freaking attack me. Always! Haven´t one single encounter that didn´t try it. Well, except for the guy that just spawned 2m in front of me and ran away in panic. For what? If i wanted to kill him, he´d be dead before he even logged in decently...


But to be honest: staying alive is easy, at least for now. Wait till bullets are actually worth something and fighting off zombies will require teamwork. One day you wont be able to keep 600 bullets and drink from every pond without any fear. Those days will come. And survival will be written in big letters!

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Learn to spot a bandit, learn to kill a bandit, learn to not be threatning. Not that hard, you guys just do stupid stuff that puts you in bad positions to get robbed/killed by bandits.

Plus most bandits are pretty stupid and think rather one mindedly as they tend to camp obvious spots, the most scary bandits are the ones that don't sit on elektro hill or in Balota somewhere, they're the ones that you'd never know that they're bandits that hide among survivors.

"you guys just do stupid stuff that puts you in bad positions"? what do you know about what me and my friends do in-game? xD still, has nothing to do with this post... I am not trying to ask you guys how to survive or help me in any way and I dont want your opinion on how I play. you really dont know how I play:P I say again: what I am talking about is doing the game better and to give the game more ways to be played. try to be constructive guys.

Edited by Fireflight

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"you guys just do stupid stuff that puts you in bad positions"? what do you know about what me and my friends do in-game? xD still, has nothing to do with this post... I am not trying to ask you guys how to survive or help me in any way and I dont want your opinion on how I play. you really dont know how I play:P I say again: what I am talking about is doing the game better and to give the game more ways to be played. try to be constructive guys.

All that is going to happen. Zombies are going to become a much bigger threat eventually. And you will have to work together for multiple reasons.
Also Gear already gets destroyed when you get shot. Way to much if you ask me. (One Bullet can not destroy all equipment I have on me, as it does right now, but thats another issue). But none of that is going to stop people from being bandits.
The only thing that's going to stop them is YOU! 
YOU need to learn to avoid them.
YOU need to learn to spot them early.
YOU need to attack them first.
YOU need to learn to defend yourself against them.
No we don't know how you play, but you come onto the forums and tell us about how often you get killed by bandits and that the game needs to put an end to this. That tells us, that you're doing something wrong. Because the DayZ veterans here don't have the same problem as you. Because they learned to adapt. They learned how to avoid or fight the bandits. 
KoS bothers me as well, because it takes so much away from the game. And I'm not talking about bandits killing or hunting me for my gear. I'm talking about almost everybody killing every other player they see. It sets a precedent, which will carry on for a very long time, that leaves so much of the game unexplored. The human interaction being one thing. If you want to play a well geared bandit who hunts other players thats fine by me, I do that too. But running around and killing every single person you see is not only ruining the game, its very very unrealistic (which everyone here seems to use as a reason for everything). In real life you feel compassion and empathy for other people. So what this reflects to the real world is, that 95% of the world is filled with mindless sociopaths. Because you don't kill them for their gear (which would be fine, because in real life a catastrophic event like this would bring that out in people), but you kill them for ... I don't know, fun. And that just wouldn't happen this much in real life. You would defend yourself, or maybe kill the occasional fellow survivor if you need food or medicine they have, but not for fun. Not in that magnitude.  Sure there would be some people killing others for the fun of it, but not 95% of the population. I'm sorry, its just not realistic. 
Not saying movies or tv shows are realistic, but look at the apocalypse movies/tv shows out there. I can't remember seeing a single one where people would run around killing every other person just for fun. There is "The Road" where the only real option against starvation is cannibalism, and if that where the case in DayZ I'd say "OK, you can only survive by eating other players, so you HAVE to kill them", but that is not the case. So give me the real world equivalent of why people in DayZ kill others.
Banditry definitely is realistic and I have nothing against it!
Edited by phoboss

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All that is going to happen. Zombies are going to become a much bigger threat eventually. And you will have to work together for multiple reasons.
Also Gear already gets destroyed when you get shot. Way to much if you ask me. (One Bullet can not destroy all equipment I have on me, as it does right now, but thats another issue). But none of that is going to stop people from being bandits.
The only thing that's going to stop them is YOU! 
YOU need to learn to avoid them.
YOU need to learn to spot them early.
YOU need to attack them first.
YOU need to learn to defend yourself against them.
No we don't know how you play, but you come onto the forums and tell us about how often you get killed by bandits and that the game needs to put an end to this. That tells us, that you're doing something wrong. Because the DayZ veterans here don't have the same problem as you. Because they learned to adapt. They learned how to avoid or fight the bandits. 
KoS bothers me as well, because it takes so much away from the game. And I'm not talking about bandits killing or hunting me for my gear. I'm talking about almost everybody killing every other player they see. It sets a precedent, which will carry on for a very long time, that leaves so much of the game unexplored. The human interaction being one thing. If you want to play a well geared bandit who hunts other players thats fine by me, I do that too. But running around and killing every single person you see is not only ruining the game, its very very unrealistic (which everyone here seems to use as a reason for everything). In real life you feel compassion and empathy for other people. So what this reflects to the real world is, that 95% of the world is filled with mindless sociopaths. Because you don't kill them for their gear (which would be fine, because in real life a catastrophic event like this would bring that out in people), but you kill them for ... I don't know, fun. And that just wouldn't happen this much in real life. You would defend yourself, or maybe kill the occasional fellow survivor if you need food or medicine they have, but not for fun. Not in that magnitude.  Sure there would be some people killing others for the fun of it, but not 95% of the population. I'm sorry, its just not realistic. 
Not saying movies or tv shows are realistic, but look at the apocalypse movies/tv shows out there. I can't remember seeing a single one where people would run around killing every other person just for fun. There is "The Road" where the only real option against starvation is cannibalism, and if that where the case in DayZ I'd say "OK, you can only survive by eating other players, so you HAVE to kill them", but that is not the case. So give me the real world equivalent of why people in DayZ kill others.
Banditry definitely is realistic and I have nothing against it!


sure, you dont have anything against it I get that, but many others really do. so this thread is obviously not for you. and still, this thread is made in the "suggestions" part of the forum to be a set of ideas to make the game better. I started with the "I get killed a lot and it is boring" part to make my point, not to tell you guys that I don't know how to survive or for you guys to tell me what I am doing wrong. people here seem to take this thread as some kind of plea to others to stop killing me or for me to get help and tips not to be killed. if that is what you think I will now tell you (Again): it is NOT! I am trying to talk about what could make the game better, deeper and more faceted. I'm mainly talking to the devteam and others who like to think about what can be done in the game to make it better. If you are not gona say anything constructive, this is not your thread. then go somewhere else.


last but not least: I really agree and like your point about "the real world equivalent of why people in DayZ kill others", there I REALLY agree. people in the realworld often dont kill eashother for fun, or to be a douch... or just cause "ey, maybe this guys pants would look better on me". if they're not mentaly ill ofcource xD I would like to think that people would try to talk to eashother, rather group and try to help eachother than kill eashother on sight. cause people need company to stay sane and to feel good inside. I think DayZ should have a "mental" aspect... just like you need to eat and frink you also need to tend to you mental health. so if you shoot people just like that, your "mentals" go down and you may start to feel effects from it. you treat it by maybe reading books and play chess/cards with others. this way also the books (the once Chernarus got a LOT of xD) would be usefull to:P

Edited by Fireflight

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Ok understood, but what is it exactly what you would like to "fix"? Banditry will always be a big part of DayZ, that will never change. KoS is somewhat of a problem, like I said before, I see that as well. But there is no easy fix for that. Any kind of mechanic to punish or reward a certain kind of gameplay will also never be implemented. It's just not going to happen. You have to accept that. Rocket said many times. This is his vision and he will make the game he wants. And in his vision there is no place for a sanity/conscience system. And most people who've been playing DayZ for a while agree with that. 

The only thing you can hope for is that the game will get so ridiculously hard, that you HAVE to play together in order to have a fighting chance of survival. Super strong zombies who will jump on you from hundreds of meters away as soon as you fire a shot and stuff like that. 

But a gameplay mechanic like it is suggested here on the forums daily will never happen. 

Edited by phoboss

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Ok understood, but what is it exactly what you would like to "fix"? Banditry will always be a big part of DayZ, that will never change. KoS is somewhat of a problem, like I said before, I see that as well. But there is no easy fix for that. Any kind of mechanic to punish or reward a certain kind of gameplay will also never be implemented. It's just not going to happen. You have to accept that. Rocket said many times. This is his vision and he will make the game he wants. And in his vision there is no place for a sanity/conscience system. And most people who've been playing DayZ for a while agree with that. 

The only thing you can hope for is that the game will get so ridiculously hard, that you HAVE to play together in order to have a fighting chance of survival. Super strong zombies who will jump on you from hundreds of meters away as soon as you fire a shot and stuff like that. 

But a gameplay mechanic like it is suggested here on the forums daily will never happen. 

if you have read my previous posts, you probably would see that the point I try to get across is not "fixing" anything, but to make the game deeper and more faceted... give it more ways to play... damn it people! read what I am trying to say! I am suggesting some ideas to the dev team and you just say "that will never happen"? that's.... "constrictive"?

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This game I've learned isn't fair just like life. We unfortunately have to play its twisted game cuz dayzs realistic and I'm honestly glad for it , when Im not mad about all my loot from days of searching is lost to a twelve year old , I'm having a ton of fun because of how real the danger of exploring is ... Trust me if the game had weird balances like less accuracy and less health for iilling others ,people would really start to complain ( although i do like the idea of bandits going more and more insane with every kill and eventually seeing ghosts which block your vision).

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This game I've learned isn't fair just like life. We unfortunately have to play its twisted game cuz dayzs realistic and I'm honestly glad for it , when Im not mad about all my loot from days of searching is lost to a twelve year old , I'm having a ton of fun because of how real the danger of exploring is ... Trust me if the game had weird balances like less accuracy and less health for iilling others ,people would really start to complain ( although i do like the idea of bandits going more and more insane with every kill and eventually seeing ghosts which block your vision).

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This game I've learned isn't fair just like life. We unfortunately have to play its twisted game cuz dayzs realistic and I'm honestly glad for it , when Im not mad about all my loot from days of searching is lost to a twelve year old , I'm having a ton of fun because of how real the danger of exploring is ... Trust me if the game had weird balances like less accuracy and less health for iilling others ,people would really start to complain ( although i do like the idea of bandits going more and more insane with every kill and eventually seeing ghosts which block your vision).

I agree, and I never said that I want the game less dangerous or less realistic. rather the opposite...more ways to play = more realistic xD I REALLY like the danger and the "not knowing" nature of the game... not knowing where to go and if you're gona live another hour. but I do not like the fact that IF I die, it is 99% of the time from people shooting you just from seeing you:P I would like it to be from 10000 different reasons, not only one or two reasons:P

Edited by Fireflight

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